Chapter 48
It was much warmer in the cafeteria.

It was the peak time for lunch and there were a lot of people.But it was not difficult for Yang Fan, who was familiar with the road, to find a place to settle down for his sister, and then went to order two meals.

The food is very rich.

Luckily, there were tamales and braised grass carp cubes. Without further ado, Yang Fan bought these two meat dishes first, and then brought over a vegetable and a soup.

"This is too much, we can't finish it."

"Eat it, finish it." Yang Fan said, and gestured, "Eat it while it's hot, it won't taste good when it gets cold."

Yang Fang smiled happily, picked up the chopsticks and ate a few words of praise. While eating, she chatted with Yang Fan about some things, mainly about her recent situation.

"Your brother-in-law and I both have the same idea. We plan to try to be an individual, but we are afraid that others will look down on us. We still can't make up our minds. Do you think we can be an individual? Give us an idea."

In the early 80s, there were relatively few self-employed individuals, but gradually increased in the mid-80s. In addition to the relaxation of policies by the state, another important reason is that basically all individuals who worked as individuals made money, and some of them were not bad. Got rich.

Of course, at the beginning of the reform and opening up, self-employment was not a high-end existence. What people paid attention to was entering a state unit and eating state food.

Yang Fan smiled.

In Yang Fan's view, this is not a problem at all. Being an individual has no status now, and many people may look down on him, but this will not be the case in two or three years.

"Sister, it's great that you guys have this idea. I support you [-]%." ​​Yang Fan raised his hands to support him vigorously, and didn't even ask what kind of business Yang Fang planned to do.

"You really support us, don't you object?"

Yang Fang was a little surprised. She originally thought that the younger brother who was eating the state food might object, and even tried her best to persuade her to give up this idea.

"No objection, I strongly support it." Yang Fan replied affirmatively, and then asked: "Sister, what kind of business are you and brother-in-law going to do?"

Yang Fang said: "We are going to open a vegetable shop in the city and sell vegetables."

Strictly speaking, she is a vegetable farmer, and her main source of income is selling vegetables. Every morning, she picks the vegetables she grows from the ground, washes and selects them, and then sells them in the city. It is very hard work. Together, the couple, It's better to rent a shop in the city to sell vegetables.

Yang Fan thought about the word "fresh supermarket", and thought in his heart, if I really set up a shop to sell vegetables, I can give her a lot of ideas.

No one knows supermarkets better than Yang Fan. In the 80s, many people did not have the concept of supermarkets. They only thought of supply and marketing cooperatives and state-owned department stores.

The two chatted while eating, and the topic was not finished after the meal, and the conversation was very interesting.It was cold outside, and there was still some time before going to work in the afternoon. At Yang Fan's request, Yang Fang walked into the dormitory together.

After opening the door and asking Yang Fang to sit down, Yang Fan picked up the thermos and poured two cups of boiling water and two cups of hot tea, and suggested: "Sister, if you want to do it, make it bigger. We are a supermarket, oh, and department stores. Something like a building."

Yang Fan simply popularized what is called a "supermarket". Of course, he only talked about some superficial and basic things about supermarkets, but Yang Fang's eyes lit up and her blood boiled. She didn't expect such a thing to exist. , which is much more high-end than her vegetable shop.

But she was also very worried, "However, your brother-in-law and I don't have that much money in our hands. All our belongings are only more than 100 yuan. Even if we borrow a little bit from relatives and friends, it's only two or three hundred yuan at most." .”

Speaking of which, she took out her wallet and took out the more than 100 yuan that she had prepared a long time ago, "Brother, why did you leave so much money quietly when you came to my house last time? I brought it here specially today. Put it away, there will be many places where you will use your money in the future."

She came here today mainly for three things. One is that the weather is cold, so she specially sent over the cotton shoes she made by herself; Come here and prepare to return it to Yang Fan.

"Sister, what are you doing?" Yang Fan quickly pressed Yang Fang's hand, "I gave it to you, I don't need such a little money at all, besides, don't you want to be an individual, the money is just right on."

Yang Fang was indeed in need of money, and after hesitating for a long time, she said, "Well, this money is considered to be my loan to you, and I will return it to you when I make money."

Yang Fan said: "No need to pay it back, really no need to pay it back, I'm not short of money at all."

Seeing that his sister didn't seem to believe it, Yang Fan smiled proudly, opened his drawer, first took out the basic book, and then there was a stack of green bills underneath, all of which were hundred-dollar bills.

From the nearly four thousand dollars, he took one thousand dollars and handed them over to Yang Fang, and kept the rest for himself temporarily without letting Yang Fang see them.

Why only give 3000 US dollars and quietly leave more than [-] dollars?The main reason is that this "huge sum" will scare Yang Fang.

"Sister, this is US dollars, all of which are one hundred dollar bills. According to the current exchange rate, one hundred dollars can be exchanged for about two hundred yuan in the bank. It is a total of one thousand dollars. You take it well and use the money to open a room for me. And what you call a big supermarket."

Yang Fang was dumbfounded.

She never thought that Yang Fan would have so much money, a thousand dollars, that is, about 2000 yuan. In this era when everyone's salary was generally tens of dollars, she was really a little scared.

"Brother, you... where did you get so much money, no... didn't do anything illegal, let's return the money, and we'll go to the police station now."

Yang Fan knew that there was a lot of money, and his original intention was not to scare Yang Fang, but really just gave her the money to start a business.

So, he calmly comforted: "Sister, where do you want to go, your brother, am I a person who will do illegal things? I earned all this money through legitimate means. Didn't I go to the United States last time?" Well, it’s earned from the Americans, there’s more than that, it’s just part of it, you can use it with confidence.”

earned from the US.

Yang Fang asked, "It's really not that I did something illegal. The money came from a legitimate source."

"It couldn't be more legitimate." Yang Fan said with a smile, "Just rest assured, the money is fine."

Seeing that Yang Fan didn't seem to be telling a lie, Yang Fang who came back to her senses was a little excited besides being happy. She had never seen so much money in her life.

Yang Fan said: "You keep the money well and use it with confidence, but you still have to keep a low profile and don't show off your wealth, you know."

"I know this." Yang Fang said, "Your sister and I are not a fool, I still know this point of propriety, this money is considered to be lent to you, but I will pay you back."

Yang Fan said generously: "You don't need to pay it back, just take it and use it, and it doesn't matter if you lose money."

"How can I not pay it back, my brother is still clear about it."

"You really don't have to pay it back." Yang Fan insisted.

Seeing this, Yang Fang took a step back and said, "It's okay if you don't pay it back, but the newly opened small supermarket is counted as your share, and the money is considered as a share."

"Your brother-in-law and I don't have much money to spend. We split the bill for the newly opened small supermarket. How about you taking [-]% of the shares?"

Originally, she wanted to say that Yang Fan accounted for [-]% of the shares, but she thought that Yang Fan would definitely not want such a high share, so she said [-]% of the shares.

Yang Fan said: "I just paid the money, and I will definitely not actually participate in the business process in the future. It is you and brother-in-law who have worked hard. I don't need [-]% of the shares. If you really want to give me the shares, we will each have half and I will have [-]% Shares will do.”

"You paid so much money, how can [-]% do it?" Yang Fang resolutely objected.

In the end, Yang Fan was really helpless, as long as he accepted [-]% of the shares, if it was lower, Yang Fang became a little angry, and bluntly said that he didn't want the money and wanted to return it to Yang Fan now.

Panax notoginseng shareholding ratio.

After Yang Fan accepted the shareholding ratio, he also gave some instructions, such as Yang Fang and Xie Guoqing's names should be written on the business license of the newly opened supermarket, Yang Fan's name should not appear, and other people should not be allowed to know about the shareholding.

The main reason for doing this is not to affect his current career. Yang Fan's focus is definitely not on business, but on the ship business.

Yang Fang agreed to these requests.

Next, Yang Fan talked to Yang Fang about some business matters, such as finding a good location, as close to the urban area as possible, going through all the formalities, not letting anyone get caught, and renting a slightly bigger place .

At the beginning stage, the starting point can be slightly lower, mainly fresh food and fruits, and sell some other things together.

After the scale is up, it will increase slowly. Customers can go in directly to buy goods, and they can check out at the cash register at the exit.
It is now in the mid-to-early 80s, and the market economy is underdeveloped. Yang Fan did not hope to eat a fat man with one bite. It is definitely unrealistic to position himself as a real supermarket from the beginning. The initial stage should be a slightly larger scale. It's just a big store with more varieties than ordinary supply and marketing cooperatives, and it must be far away from a real supermarket.

Take your time, develop step by step from small to large.

Yang Fan talked a lot, but in fact, if he wanted to elaborate, he would probably not be able to finish it in a few hours. The time is limited, so he can only talk about it roughly.

In addition, this is a new thing, worried about Yang Fang's ability to accept and understand, and only talked about the most basic things.

Even so, the impact on Yang Fang was still very strong, she felt like a brand new door was slowly opening in front of her.

Because there was still work in the afternoon, Yang Fan sent Yang Fang to the gate of the dormitory, watched her get on the bus, and then turned and walked towards the East China Sea Ship Design Institute.

When Yang Fang started her own business, Yang Fan definitely didn't have the time and energy to teach her personally. She could only grasp the general direction and instill some methods, business ideas, and models into her. The specific business needs her to learn.

 There will be three more today. Comrades who have recommendation tickets in their hands will vote for this book.


(End of this chapter)

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