Military Heavy

Chapter 49 Completing the Comprehensive Design Argument

Chapter 49 Completing the Comprehensive Design Argument
Go back to dorms.

Yang Fan opened the things that Yang Fang specially sent over. Except for a pair of brand new cotton shoes, everything else was food, including boiled eggs, some glutinous rice cakes, and a can of sweet wine, etc.

Seeing these things, Yang Fan felt warm again.

Picking up the brand new pair of cotton shoes and looking at them, it was obvious that Yang Fang had made them stitch by stitch. The soles of the shoes were laminated, stitched one stitch at a time. The uppers were black, thick and soft, and the insides were definitely It's a new layer of cotton.

Such handmade cotton shoes are difficult to buy even if you have money now, and all the shoes sold in the shops are from the assembly line.

Yang Fan is very satisfied and likes it very much.

He simply took off his leather shoes and put on these new cotton shoes, specially walking two steps in the dormitory room, the size is very suitable and does not rub the feet at all.

Apparently Yang Fang was very clear about the size of the shoes her younger brother was wearing, and she didn't need Yang Fan to try on the cotton shoes after sending them over, because she knew they would definitely fit.

"Well, not bad, very warm and comfortable." Yang Fan said to himself, raised his hand to check the time, then locked the door of his room, and walked towards his work place.

Time passes day by day.

After the list of going abroad was reported, everyone including Shi Wei was waiting for the specific time to go abroad. By the end of December, all the relevant procedures for going abroad had been completed.

Yang Fan went to Pan Jinfu's place to report on his going abroad, and suggested that he book the ticket in early January, that is, after New Year's Day.

Pan Jinfu nodded unanimously and felt that there was no problem.

The matter of going to country F for study and inspection has been decided in this way. It is about the date of January, and the specific date depends on the time of booking the ticket.

Yang Fan didn't have to worry about booking the air ticket, he just filled out a form and signed it by Pan Jinfu and handed it over to the responsible comrade.

After Pan Jinfu signed the form, he reminded: "Before you go abroad, do you still want me to sign? I will go to Beijing to participate in the 052 Ship Design Demonstration Conference the day after tomorrow."

Hearing this, Yang Fan revealed a look of surprise, and said loudly: "Mr. Pan, the comprehensive demonstration design of our 051 ship has been successfully completed."

Pan Jinfu said proudly: "As of now, the overall design demonstration of the 052 ship has basically been completed, and a meeting will be held in the command building of the 052 ship in Beijing. The relevant comrades will discuss and accept the design demonstration work."

Yang Fan became even more happy in his heart, "President Pan, congratulations, this is a great event accomplished."

After completing the comprehensive design demonstration of the 052 ship, Pan Jinfu felt a lot more relaxed, but he also knew that there were more difficult tasks ahead, "It is indeed a major event, but this is only the first step. We still have a long way to go for the comprehensive design work of the 052 ship and the construction of the first ship of the 052 ship in the future."

Yang Fan tapped lightly, knowing this very well in his heart. Completing the comprehensive design demonstration of the 052 ship is only the first step in the Long March.

Historically, the design demonstration of the 052 ship took one year, starting in April 1983 and ending in April 4.

Minor changes have taken place now, about 4 months shorter than the original one year. In 1983, the comprehensive design demonstration was completed in 12 copies. I don’t know if it has something to do with Yang Fan, a little butterfly.

At least at the beginning of the design demonstration, Yang Fan clearly put forward the suggestion of "independent research and development, partial introduction". Finally, the relevant departments adopted this suggestion and clarified the guiding ideology of the new generation of warships. It is the eight words "independent research and development, Partial import".

In any case, as a shipman, Yang Fan was very happy to see that the 052 ship successfully completed the comprehensive design and demonstration work.

After thinking about it, I still need to communicate with Mario once before going abroad, mainly to tell the other party the specific time when my group arrives in country F, so that the other party can arrange reception and itinerary.

"Mr. Pan, after booking the air ticket, I still need to make an international long-distance call with Mario, and I need you to sign for me."

"Then hurry up, book the ticket as soon as possible, and try to find me to sign this letter before I go to the capital." Pan Jinfu waved.

"Okay, I will as soon as possible." Yang Fan agreed.

The huge Donghai Ship Design Institute only has one international long-distance telephone. In the mid-to-early 80s, there were not many units with international long-distance telephones.

If your unit does not have an international long-distance call, you need your unit to issue a letter of introduction and supporting materials. It must be very troublesome to make this call at the Donghai Post Office.

Yang Fan was very fast, and took the things signed by General Master Pan to find Xiao Zhang, the director of the office of Donghai Ship Design Office, and gave him the passports of the four together, and told him: "Director Zhang, our business It’s rather urgent, Master Pan is also paying attention and waiting for my reply, you must try to book the tickets for the four of us as soon as possible.”

"Okay, I'll help you book your tickets as soon as possible."

"Then thank you, Officer Zhang."

In the morning of the next day, Yang Fan received the notification, and soon went to Director Zhang, asking, "Is the ticket already booked?"

Director Zhang nodded, took out a brown paper file bag from the drawer of his desk, and took out a lot of things from the bag.

Not only the passports and other documents of the four people, but also the booked air tickets.After handing these things over to Yang Fan, Officer Zhang said seriously: "The air tickets are all booked, take a look, the time is to depart from Donghai Airport at 1 am on January 6, because there is no direct flight, you need to go to Hong Kong Island is making a transfer, and the ultimate destination is the capital of country F."

He knew that Yang Fan and his party were going to study and study at the shipyard on the west coast of country F, and their final destination was the famous port city of Saint-Nancy in country F, but there was no direct flight to that city at all.

Yang Fan nodded in satisfaction, took a quick look at the ticket, thanked Director Zhang, and happily went back to the combat system design room with his things.

Probably heard the news of Yang Fan returning to the office, Shi Wei quickly opened the door and came in, "Director Yang, the ticket has been booked?"

Yang Fan said: "Yes, it's booked. We will depart from Donghai Airport on the morning of January 1, and we will make a transfer on Hong Kong Island. Take a look."

After taking a look at these air tickets, Shi Wei said with confidence, "The date of going abroad for study and inspection is finally set, that's great."

Yang Fan said: "I'll go and communicate with Mario first, tell him when we arrive in country F, and then we will have a short meeting with some of our overseas personnel in the afternoon, see if it's ok."

"Okay, thank you for your hard work." Shi Wei fully agreed with this.

Yang Fan got up and soon arrived at Pan Jinfu's place. He will leave for the capital tomorrow to participate in the comprehensive design verification report and summary acceptance meeting of the 052 ship. He is still in the office today.

"Xiao Yang, the ticket is booked."

Yang Fan replied: "It's already booked. I will depart from Donghai Airport on the morning of January 1. I need to make an international long-distance call now, so I can communicate with Mario about some things."

"Okay, I'll sign for you." Pan Jinfu readily agreed.

Holding Master Pan's signature, Yang Fan quickly dialed Mario's phone, and chatted with Mario for a few minutes on the phone, mainly to inform himself of the specific time when the four of them arrived at the capital airport of country F.

Mario was very enthusiastic. He told Yang Fan that he would meet him at the Capital Airport in advance, and then we all went to Saint-Nasi.

For this, Yang Fan politely expressed his thanks.


Today, Pan Jinfu and several deputy chief designers of Donghai Institute will be the absolute protagonists!
(End of this chapter)

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