Military Heavy

Chapter 50 Boldly adopting new steel grades

Chapter 50 Boldly adopting new steel grades

Pan Jinfu and others from the East China Sea Institute arrived in the capital as early as yesterday, entered the command building of the 052 ship on time this morning, arrived at the conference room ahead of time, and sat down in their own seats.

Today's meeting is undoubtedly very important, and it will be an extremely important meeting in the development process of the 052 ship.

There were also a lot of people attending the meeting, not only comrades from the main design unit Donghai Research Institute, but also comrades from the 052 Ship General Command, in addition, comrades from the military, related scientific research units and colleges, relevant ministries and commissions, and shipyards, etc.

More than a hundred people gathered together, lively and very formal.

The meeting was presided over by Huang Keping, the commander-in-chief of the 052 ship. He looked around the entire meeting room, and then said loudly into the microphone: "Comrades, today is a happy day. Our comprehensive design demonstration of the 052 ship has been successfully completed. , and then the comrades from the Donghai Institute will report to everyone.”

He not only announced the start of the meeting, but also talked about the main arrangements for the three-day meeting, the meeting agenda, etc. Of course, he also strictly announced the meeting discipline.

After Huang Keping finished speaking, there was warm applause in the meeting room.

The new guided missile destroyer is a system project that integrates a number of high-tech technologies. Everyone who sits here is very clear about the degree of difficulty and the manpower and financial resources that will be consumed.

The comprehensive design demonstration was successfully completed, and a solid and powerful first step was taken. Everyone understood the great meaning of it. No wonder many people present showed joy on their faces and clapped vigorously.

After a long time, the applause gradually died down.

As the chief designer of the 052 ship, Pan Jinfu is undoubtedly the absolute protagonist. In the eyes of everyone, he walked vigorously to the speaking seat.

Facing the microphone, he said loudly: "Comrades, after everyone's efforts, we have finally completed the comprehensive design demonstration of the 052 ship."

He gave a general introduction to the design and demonstration work of the 052 ship. Then, several deputy chief designers of the 052 ship spoke one after another.

For example, Tang Jianming, the deputy chief designer, gave a very detailed introduction to the design demonstration of the 052 ship's power system, communication system design and ship electrical system design and so on.

On the first day, the meeting went very smoothly. Comrades from the East China Sea Institute mainly introduced the design and demonstration work of the 052 ship. On the second day, some disputes gradually arose.

When Pan Jinfu proposed that our 052 ship would use a new type of steel, different opinions arose.

This is a brand-new steel type, which has never been used by any ship in China.

Generally speaking, ships do not use new types of steel, but use mature steel types. If a new type of steel is really to be used, a series of application studies will be conducted early in order to determine that this type of steel can be used .

"Master Pan, I don't recommend using this type of steel. As far as I know, no applied research has even been carried out on this type of steel. It would be too risky to use such a type of steel."

"Comrades, I also have objections. Before a new steel type is used in shipbuilding, at least five to ten years of applied research must be carried out, and we simply don't have so much time to do it. doing applied research like this."


There were many voices of opposition, and several comrades raised their opinions. Seeing the strong reaction from everyone, several big leaders who participated in the meeting showed serious expressions.

In fact, Pan Jinfu had no choice but to adopt this new steel grade.

After years of wind, rain and seawater corrosion, the steel used by our 051 ship has serious quality problems.

The 052 ship is a warship that is going to be dark blue, and the steel type must withstand severe tests.

Type 052 can no longer use the type 051 steel, but the export of military steel is restricted in various countries. Under the urgency, Pan Jinfu chose this new steel that is still in the research stage.

The risks during this period are of course very huge, but Pan Jinfu is optimistic about this steel type, and he also knows that it is absolutely impossible to continue to use the steel type of the 051 ship.

Pan Jinfu stood up and said loudly: "Comrades, I am fully aware of the risks involved, but if our 052 ship is to go to Deep Blue, we must adopt this more advanced and better-performing steel type."

His words were resounding, not only showed his resolute attitude, but also cited his reasons for adopting this new steel grade. In the end, he succeeded in persuading everyone. At the meeting, almost everyone agreed to adopt this new steel grade on the 051 ship. .

In the follow-up, there were some different opinions on some design arguments, but the disputes were not big, and the opinions were quickly unified smoothly.

At the meeting in the afternoon, Pan Jinfu proposed that a new test link should be added to the 052 development process. This link has never existed in the past warship construction process in our country, called land joint commissioning test.

This proposal was opposed by many comrades.

The so-called on-land joint debugging means that the equipment is tested on land before it is put on the ship.

Many people can't understand this. It seems not only redundant, but also labor-intensive and expensive to test warship equipment on land.

"President Pan, I don't think this is necessary at all. We only need to pass the factory's equipment for boarding the ship, and then performing performance tests will consume too much manpower and material resources."

"As far as I know, we don't have a laboratory for onshore joint testing at all. Not to mention such a specialized laboratory, we don't even have relevant test equipment. Even if we want to do onshore joint testing, it's hard for a smart woman to cook without rice."


Several comrades expressed their opinions, and some comrades who participated in the meeting nodded in agreement. These people think that it is completely unnecessary to conduct land-based joint debugging experiments.

Pan Jinfu had no choice but to stand up again and began to persuade everyone.

"Comrades, it is very necessary to be a land-based joint debugging laboratory. We have learned a profound lesson. When the Type 051 destroyer was built, all equipment was directly installed on the ship without being debugged on land. As a result, it was discovered after use that Lots of questions."

"There is no way. We did two years of extended tests and tested almost all the equipment on this ship. From this, we also found that it is very difficult to debug and correct errors after the equipment is installed on the ship. And 051 Compared with the Type 052, the shipboard equipment of the [-] is more complicated, and many of them are newly developed. Once a problem occurs after boarding the ship, the consequences are unpredictable."

With Pan Jinfu's repeated insistence, everyone was finally persuaded and decided to join the onshore joint commissioning test.

The previous design demonstration report and summary acceptance meeting of the 052 ship, the use of new steel types, and the joint commissioning experiment on land were the most controversial. After everyone agreed on these two issues, the agenda behind the meeting went very smoothly.

For a total of three days, the meeting of the 052 ship was successfully concluded in the general command building.

Pan Jinfu did not stop, and took the train back to Donghai City overnight.After completing the comprehensive design demonstration of the 052 ship, there will be more important work waiting for everyone, that is, to quickly launch the comprehensive design of the 052 ship!

Send it at the third watch, ask for all kinds of support, recommendation tickets, collections, etc., please brothers and sisters.

(End of this chapter)

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