Military Heavy

Chapter 432 Failure is the mother of success

Chapter 432 Failure is the mother of success

Yang Fan was really a little surprised.

Two days ago, he brought welding consumables and workers to Dongjiang Shipyard. He was full of hope, but he failed. The quality of the welded cable joints was not good.

Yang Fan thought that this matter had come to an end, and it could be regarded as a full stop.

But in just two days, Liu Chuandong actually took the initiative to call.

As soon as the call was made, Liu Chuandong's voice came over, very politely, "Mr. Yang, excuse me, I am Liu Chuandong from xxx Material Technology Co., Ltd. We tried our welding materials at Dongjiang Shipyard two days ago."

In fact, there is no need to introduce it in such detail, Yang Fan knew it was him as soon as he heard the voice, because the impression of the previous two days was too deep.

Yang Fan said: "Mr. Liu, you have something to do with me, right?"

Liu Chuandong said: "Yes, that's right. The day before yesterday was unsuccessful. After we went back, we conducted a serious analysis and worked in the laboratory for two days and two nights. Finally, we improved this welding consumable. I think it is basically It can be compared with imported welding consumables, even if there is a gap, it is very limited.”

He said these things.

Liu Chuandong absolutely does not want to give up the military market so easily. In fact, this welding consumable is not only used on the Type 054 guided missile frigate, but also in other military fields, and has a very broad market prospect.

Their company is engaged in high-end welding consumables, and they will definitely not retreat in spite of difficulties.

After listening to Liu Chuandong's speech, Yang Fan couldn't help admiring it a little more, thinking in his heart, this is a person with a spirit of research, and he didn't give up so easily.

What will happen to the improved welding consumables?

Yang Fan also became interested, and wanted to go to Dongjiang Shipyard to try again. If it succeeds, wouldn't it solve the big problem.

At this time, the top management of Dongjiang Shipyard were all overwhelmed. I heard that Commander Luo had come to Dongjiang Shipyard for investigation today.

Most of the outfitting work for the first ship has come to a standstill, and Commander Luo can't sit still. If this problem is not resolved, it is estimated that the military high-level will also pay attention to this problem.

At that point, things get serious.

It is estimated that some people will bear the responsibility after the board is laid down. Feng Wangdong and Sun Baoguo may be the first to bear the brunt. Yang Fan does not want to see this happen.

Before Yang Fan proposed to go to Dongjiang Shipyard to try again, Liu Chuandong proposed, "Master Yang, we have improved this batch of welding consumables, can you let us try again."

Yang Fan felt relieved for a while.

This speaks to my heart.

Without hesitation, Yang Fan said straightforwardly: "No problem. When are you free? Let's make an appointment to meet at the gate of Dongjiang Shipyard. How about it?"

Liu Chuandong was overjoyed, "I'm free now, and we'll meet there in an hour, is that okay?"

Yang Fan raised his hand to look at the time, and thought for a while. Today is still plenty of time, and there is no major business, so he agreed: "Okay, then we will meet in an hour and talk about it in detail."

After hanging up the phone, Yang Fan's hope rose
Luo Jianguo arrived at Dongjiang Shipyard.

He really can't sit still. If the delivery of the first ship really needs to be postponed, he, as the commander-in-chief of Project 054, is also responsible.

At the moment, accompanied by several leaders of the Dongjiang Shipyard, he is boarding the ship for investigation, mainly to understand the progress of the outfitting, and also asked about other difficulties and problems that he needs to coordinate and solve besides imported welding consumables.

On the first ship, I saw the outfitting situation.

There should have been many workers busy on the ship, but in fact there were not many, less than half of the normal situation.

Luo Jianguo said very worriedly: "Most of the outfitting work has stopped, so it's not an option to continue like this."

Sun Baoguo said bitterly: "There is no clue about the imported welding consumables. Many cable joints cannot be welded, and many equipment cannot be outfitted, so we have to stop."

The atmosphere at the scene was a little heavy.

No one spoke for several minutes, just looking on the ship to see which things have been outfitted, which ones are being fitted out, which ones have stagnated, and so on.

After looking at it for a while, Feng Wangdong finally couldn't bear it any longer, and asked, "Commander Luo, with the help of the General Command, is there any clue about the import of welding consumables?"

Luo Jianguo said: "If you don't ask, I will also talk to you, so that you have a certain amount of mental preparation, and there are some things that you can prepare for."

Having said that, the hearts of the people in Dongjiang Shipyard sank, and their hearts almost sank to the bottom of the valley.

Sure enough, Luo Jianguo said solemnly: "We have used a lot of resources and channels, and things are finally on the horizon, but optimistically, it will take at least half a month before this batch of imported welding consumables can be purchased by your factory."

It will take about half a month for the headquarters to come forward.

Sun Baoguo was heartbroken. He was the chief builder in charge of the construction of the first ship, and he most hoped that the imported welding consumables would be in place as soon as possible.

It's just that the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment!
The gate of Dongjiang Shipyard.

Yang Fan had already arrived there by car, lowered the window, did not get out of the car, and shouted loudly: "Mr. Liu, follow my car, it's still the same place."

Liu Chuandong made a gesture, meaning, no problem, he will follow.

The doorman of Dongjiang Shipyard saw that it was Yang Fan's car, and hurriedly let it pass, and the whole journey was unimpeded. Instead of going to the office building, he went directly to the gate of their welding test center.

After parking the car, Yang Fan had time to dial the button for Sun Baoguo. At this time, they were accompanying Luo Jianguo off the boat, and they were going to sit in the office.

Sun Baoguo accompanied Luo Jianguo. Suddenly, he heard the beeping sound of the pager on his waist, and he quickly picked it up to have a look.

There was only a line of words displayed on it, "Speed ​​to Welding Test Center", and Yang Fan's mobile phone number was left. Sun Baoguo was very familiar with this number.

It's Master Yang!

For some reason, seeing this line of words, Sun Baoguo felt inexplicably relieved, and hurriedly said: "Commander Luo, Commander Feng, and Commander Yang have arrived at the gate of our welding test center and are waiting for us to pass."


Luo Jianguo seemed to realize something, suddenly became interested, waved his hand and said, "Let's go, let's all go there, Master Yang must have something to do."

Feng Wangdong thought in his heart, two days ago, Master Yang specially brought welding consumables and people to try to weld with this kind of domestic welding consumables, but it failed. This time, is it possible that he is going to try welding again.

Well, [-]% of it is the same thing.

After he was basically determined, Feng Wangdong said: "Commander Luo, Commander Yang made an attempt two days ago."

He briefly explained the matter, and immediately, Luo Jianguo had a strong hope in his heart, "Every time it comes to a critical moment, Comrade Yang Fan always has a way. I have a hunch that this time he will be able to successfully solve the welding material The problem."

It would be great if that was the case.

Others also rose in the afternoon, and everyone's pace accelerated imperceptibly, and not long after, everyone arrived at the gate of the welding test center.

Luo Jianguo said heartily: "Comrade Yang Fan, is there any solution to the problem?"

Yang Fan quickly introduced Liu Chuandong and the master Sun he brought, and then said: "The welding material has been improved, and I think it is necessary to try again."

Luo Jianguo almost raised his hands in agreement, "Yes, we really should give it a try. If it succeeds, it will solve the big problem."

A group of us walked into the welding test center.

Welding will start soon, and it is still Master Sun led by Liu Chuandong. In fact, Yang Fan really wants to suggest whether to change to Zhong Lihong who is more proficient in this kind of cable joint welding.

Seeing that Master Sun had already sat in front of the soldering station, holding an electric soldering iron, he was already starting to solder the first pin, so the suggestion that came to his lips was temporarily withdrawn.

Let Master Sun try welding first, the welding consumables have been improved and should be qualified.Yang Fan thought so in his heart.

The whole scene fell silent. Everyone stood by and watched the welding seriously. Master Sun was still very cautious as before. It could be seen that he seemed to be more proficient than last time.

After about [-] minutes, all the pins of this connector were soldered. He checked it himself and said with confidence: "It should be fine."

Hearing this, everyone's faces showed a relaxed look, and they all let out a long sigh of relief.

Sun Baoguo even waved his hands and said loudly: "Check it immediately to see if it is qualified and meets our technical requirements."

A technician in charge and a quality inspector in charge inspect the welded cable joint together.

First is the visual inspection.

Turn on the light to shine on this joint, and looked carefully under the light. The two nodded at the same time, approving.

The technician in charge said: "From the appearance, the welding quality is qualified, and the power-on test will be carried out next. If the requirements are also met, it is truly qualified."

Appearance is only one of them. The most important thing is that the power must be qualified. After all, this is a cable connector. After connecting the cables, the current must meet the technical requirements.

Sun Baoguo said: "Perform the electrification test immediately."

There are professional instruments and meters here, and the power-on test will start immediately, but soon, the two shook their heads almost at the same time.

"Leaders, the electrification test failed and the technical requirements were not met."

It's still unqualified!
The hope that everyone had raised in their hearts was shattered again.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became heavy.

Yang Fan's heart sank all of a sudden. He walked over, picked up the soldered cable plug and looked at it again and again. After looking at it for a full minute or two, he made a preliminary judgment: "I don't think the problem is the problem. On the welding consumables, it is a question of the welding method."

The eyes of the technician in charge next to him lit up slightly. He also deduced the same, but he didn't say it boldly.

Seeing Mr. Yang's words, he agreed: "I think so too. There should be no problem with the welding material. We have seen that it is very compatible with the material of the pin."

Yang Fan said: "I have a suggestion, try welding another one with another person. I think Master Zhong Lihong is good, so ask her to come over and have a try."

After watching her welding last time, Yang Fan was very impressed. Since the welding consumables have been improved, there is no problem, maybe she can succeed after giving it a try.

The leader, Feng Wangdong, said: "According to Chief Master Yang's suggestion, go, call Master Zhong over and let her have a try."

Immediately someone trotted out of the welding test center.

(End of this chapter)

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