Military Heavy

Chapter 433 Sure enough, there are 2 brushes

Chapter 433 Sure enough, there are two brushes

At this time, Zhong Lihong was frowning and thinking hard.

In the past few days, other female workers have nothing to do, or they are chatting, knitting sweaters, or simply taking leave to rest at home, while she has been trying various welding.

Using scrapped various joints, tried several welding materials, and also tried several welding methods, but without exception, all failed.

Another failure!
She frowned and thought for a long time, what caused another failure, and sat there quietly, thinking about the welding process.

Soldering method should be no problem
Welding level should also be no problem.
After thinking hard for a long time, Zhong Lihong came to a conclusion that the problem still lies in the welding material. There is no imported welding material, and it cannot be replaced by other brands of welding material, and it cannot be replaced at all.

This is the conclusion she came to after working so hard for several days.

Very frustrating.

Originally, I hoped to find alternative materials through trial and error, but I never expected such a result. The welding materials are like an insurmountable gap.

Frustrated, she didn't want to do anything anymore, and was in a daze alone.

After an unknown amount of time, an eager voice rang in her ears, "Master Zhong, Master Zhong, Squad Leader Zhong."

Hearing this urgent cry, she recovered from the deep depression, looked back, and saw an acquaintance.

It was the technician in charge of cable joint welding. Zhong Lihong replied, "Mr. Chen, I'm here. What can I do for you?"

Seeing Zhong Lihong, Chen Gong finally breathed a sigh of relief. Just now he searched a lot and asked several people before finally finding this place.

There was no time to ask Zhong Lihong why she was here instead of on the boat or chatting with other female workers in the lounge. He said eagerly, "Hurry up, come with me, the leaders are waiting."

Zhong Lihong was confused and thought, what are the leaders waiting for me? Could it be the leader of the workshop or the responsible leader of the slipway.

As Chen Gong walked, he said, "President Feng, President Sun, and Chief Designer Yang and Commander Luo Jianguo, they are all waiting for you to come over in the welding laboratory."

It's them!
This is much higher than the level of workshop leaders.

Zhong Lihong asked a little worriedly: "Mr. Chen, why are so many leaders looking for me? It's not because I made some mistakes."

Mr. Chen quickly interrupted, "Where did you go? I told you to try soldering the cable joints. Chief Designer Yang recommended you and said that your technique is the best."

It turned out to be soldered cable connectors.

Zhong Lihong breathed a sigh of relief, but soon thought of another problem, that is, there is no welding material, and it must be imported welding material, which she has tried repeatedly in the past few days.

Without this kind of welding material, it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice, but she is not sure!

"Chen Gong, are you going to use other brands of welding materials instead? This is absolutely impossible. I have tried many times."

Chen Gongdao: "It is a kind of domestic welding material, which is the same material as the imported welding material. The only difference is that one is imported and the other is domestic."

So that's the case.

That's okay, maybe give it a try.

With this in mind, Zhong Lihong followed Chen Gong and finally arrived at the welding laboratory in a hurry. When she entered, she was startled.

so many people!

such a big scene
In addition to all the leaders mentioned by Mr. Chen, there were also quite a few technical personnel, quality personnel, and the heads of the technical and quality departments, etc., at least two to thirty people were here.

"Master Zhong is here."

"Squad leader Zhong is here, maybe she can succeed."


Seeing Zhong Lihong walking in, many technicians and quality personnel said this, quietly relieved, as if they saw hope.

Feng Wangdong even said loudly: "Master Zhong, should you know the situation? Chief Master Yang recommended you. Let you try it. I hope you will succeed."

At first she was a little nervous, but now she is much better, all she has left is to be calm, especially when sitting in front of the welding workbench, Zhong Lihong calmed down completely.

She replied: "President Feng, then I will try my best."

Zhong Lihong started to weld, and the surrounding people almost stood in a circle, and the scene was completely quiet. At this moment, everyone's mentality is different.

Someone is full of hope, someone is full of worry, someone is a little nervous, and so on.

Yang Fan stood quietly by the side, carefully watching Zhong Lihong welding, and from time to time compared with Master Sun just now.

The two are also the pins of the solder joints, which are completely different, and the difference is obvious.

Especially in terms of proficiency, Zhong Lihong appeared to be very skilled, and the welding was also very beautiful, and the pins were welded by her one by one.

After ten minutes.

The cable joint was soldered. Zhong Lihong put down the electric soldering iron in her hand, first checked it by herself, and then said, "It should be ok."

Feng Wangdong seemed to have been waiting for this sentence for a long time, and immediately waved his hand: "Arrange the inspection immediately, we must know the result as soon as possible."

The technicians and quality personnel immediately inspected, first of all, the visual inspection, and agreed that it was impeccable, and the welding was indeed beautiful.

Then there is performance testing.

After some testing, the technician in charge shouted loudly and a little excitedly, "All the performance data are completely qualified, and there is no problem at all."

Really qualified!

This is what everyone dreams of.

Immediately, the quiet scene became commotion, and joy appeared on everyone's face. Several leaders of Dongjiang Shipyard let out a long sigh of relief, and the stone in their hearts fell to the ground.

The leader, Feng Wangdong, held Yang Fan's hand tightly, looking a little excited, "Master Yang, thank you, thank you so much, you helped us solve another big problem."

Yang Fan smiled and said: "President Feng is polite, this is what I should do. Seeing the outfitting work of the first ship gradually stop, I am also very anxious."

There was a burst of happy laughter all around.

Now don't worry, you can relax.

Luo Jianguo said: "Comrade Yang Fan, every time it comes to a critical moment, you always have a way. It's true, there is no exception."

Yang Fan smiled proudly.

The problem is solved, everyone is relaxed and happy.

In addition to being happy, Yang Fan also made a suggestion. All other workers engaged in cable joint welding must pass the training of Zhong Lihong, and they can only work after they pass the welding.

This suggestion was unanimously approved by Luo Jianguo, Feng Wangdong, and Sun Baoguo.

Next, Donghai Institute issued a formal technical notice, clarifying that the subsequent cable joints can use this kind of domestic welding consumables.

Liu Chuandong was also happy that their welding consumables had finally entered the military market and began to be used on Type 054 guided missile frigates.

A few days later.

It was rare for Sun Baoguo to have time, so he took the initiative to invite Yang Fan to drink tea, expressing his gratitude to Yang Fan on behalf of Dongjiang Shipyard.

The two sat down in a teahouse near the East China Sea, drinking tea and chatting. Of course, the content was about the relationship with the construction of the first ship.

Sun Baoguo said gratefully: "Master Yang, our first ship has started to be fully outfitted again, and there will be no longer any risk of delay in delivery."

Yang Fan said: "This is a good thing. I have worked so hard and paid so much before. If there is a delay in the delivery of the ship, it is really not reconciled and it is difficult to accept."

After chatting for a while, Sun Baoguo said: "Our supplier sent a letter, telling us that the imported welding consumables can arrive at our factory within a month."

Yang Fan smiled and said, "How did you reply?"

Sun Baoguo said: "We officially told the other party that we don't want this kind of welding consumables, not now, nor in the future!"


I don't want it anymore!
When we needed it urgently, we intentionally jammed our necks. Obviously, it could be shipped immediately and then shipped by air, but it has been procrastinating.

Now it is estimated that we will start to use domestic welding consumables instead, and some actively say that the goods will arrive in about a month, and it will be a ghost to ask for your welding consumables!
Enough to relieve my anger!

Yang Fan praised: "Yes, just do it, you guys did a great job."

Sun Baoguo laughed happily.

As soon as the emergency of welding consumables was over, the Dongjiang Shipyard started working hard again, and the outfitting of the first ship began to go on intensely again.

The time has entered June.

Donghai City, like other cities, is getting hotter and hotter gradually, but the workers of Dongjiang Shipyard seem to be full of energy and are not affected by the hotter weather at all.

The outfitting work is more than halfway through, a lot of equipment and equipment have been outfitted, some cabins have been decorated internally, and many pipelines have been outfitted in place.

The outfitting of the weapon system has also begun. On the bow deck, workers are busy, and a crane is hoisting the vertical launch system of the missile.

Accompanied by Sun Baoguo, Yang Fan stood not far away, watched the installation of the missile vertical launch system with his own eyes, and watched the first missile vertical launch unit slowly fall in line with the reserved installation shaft.

Sun Baoguo was full of joy and felt a sense of accomplishment in his heart, "Master Yang, our weapon system has already started outfitting, and the radars will also start outfitting. In a few months, all outfitting should be completed. Going left and right into the water, there is no problem at all.”

Yang Fan nodded lightly, of course he also hoped to see the first ship launch earlier.

In my mind, the scenes during the construction of the first ship emerged.

Yang Fan was very touched.

After feeling a lot of emotion, he turned his attention to the missile vertical launch unit being hoisted again, hoping that it would be successfully hoisted.

In everyone's eyes, the crane hoisted the missile vertical launch unit slowly down, and suddenly, it stopped.


That's all for today's update, thank you all.

(End of this chapter)

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