Military Heavy

Chapter 437 Plan ahead

Chapter 437 Plan ahead
Chen Shaohua is very polite.

After all, it is a brother unit, and it is very necessary to build a good relationship with each other. Maybe one day we will need the help of the other party.

In a restaurant not far from the gate of Donghai Shipyard, Chen Shaohua asked for a private room with two tables full, and warmly invited Sun Baoguo and the others to have lunch.

After returning from the Donghai Shipyard, Sun Baoguo took the lead, and the technicians of the Dongjiang Shipyard worked out a detailed installation process for the main gun.

The first step is to measure the temperature change of the main gun installation interface. The main gun installation, which was originally scheduled for next Monday, may be postponed to Wednesday or Thursday.

However, a delay of two or three days will have little effect. It is very necessary to measure the size first.

Referring to the experience of Donghai Shipyard, Dongjiang Shipyard measures the size of the installation interface of the main gun every hour to find out the change rule, especially find out which time period the size change is the smallest.

This takes three days.

Today is the weekend.

Yang Fan rested, didn't go anywhere, stayed at home, after breakfast, sat on the sofa in the living room and read the newspaper.

Jiang Yan was packing up the things in the living room, washed some fresh fruits and put them on plates, and washed the teacups again.

Originally, Yang Fan wanted to hire a nanny or something, but Jiang Yan said that there is no need for young people, as long as there are a few things they can do by themselves.

"Brother Fan, what time did you make an appointment with Sister Fang, she should be here soon."

Yang Fan raised his hand to check the time, nodded, "Well, it should be here soon, my sister is very punctual, and she is usually not late."

The siblings made an appointment to sit and chat together this morning at Yang Fan's home at nine o'clock in the morning.

Sure enough, there was movement outside within a few minutes, Yang Fan got up and walked to the door, and saw Yang Fan who had already got off the car.

She said very happily: "Sister, you are really on time. It is 3 minutes to nine o'clock, and the error is within 3 minutes."

The siblings met, talking and laughing.

The two sat down on the sofa in the living room. Jiang Yan brought over the prepared fruit and hot tea, and then sat quietly beside Yang Fan. She knew that her man and Sister Fang must be very important. things to talk about.

The importance of the matter discussed may be beyond imagination, so that the venue is not placed in the Hongtai Group, nor does it go to a teahouse or coffee shop outside, but at home.

Yang Fan and Yang Fang first chatted a little about the current situation of Hongtai Group, and then gradually got to the point, which is the most important thing this morning.

"Sister, what do you think of the current economy in Southeast Asia?"

Yang Fang was a little surprised at first, why her younger brother suddenly asked such a question, and soon seemed to realize something.

She asked back: "Brother, will there be any big changes in the economy of Southeast Asia?"

Yang Fan said: "This is just my speculation. I think that some countries in Southeast Asia have developed too fast and have some structural problems, which may cause some western capital to peep."

He said some of his "inferences" and "opinions".

Of course, this is only on the surface, it looks like some inferences of Yang Fan, but in fact, it is based on the understanding of the future.

If history does not deviate on this point, in another year, that is, by July next year, the Thai baht will depreciate sharply. This is a strong signal that the financial crisis in Southeast Asia has begun. As a reborn person, such a great opportunity , Yang Fan definitely didn't want to let it go.

The point is that the current Hongtai Group is also short of money.

The industry prospect of real estate and retail industry is good, and the profit is even better. Hongtai Group is almost making money every day, but the expenses are also high, especially the investment in the construction of Hongtai Building and the investment in Huaqiang Technology Company. In "billion" as the unit.

During the chat just now, Yang Fan asked about the situation of Hongtai Group, especially about the financial pressure.

Yang Fang looked relaxed and told Yang Fan that there was no problem with Hongtai Group's capital chain, and she was not under any pressure.

But Yang Fan knew that there must be some pressure, and he had to make a fortune to relieve the pressure on Hongtai Group.

As for whether to go public, a large sum of money is used for the development of Hongtai Group in the capital market circle. Yang Fan's opinion is that it is impossible to go public, and it will never go public.

If it is not listed, it can only take this opportunity to raise a sum of funds for Hongtai Group to ease the pressure on funds.

After hearing Yang Fan's "inference", Yang Fang did not have the slightest doubt. She believed in Yang Fan's vision. Since Yang Fan said that the economy in Southeast Asia has problems and there may be big movements in the future, there must be big movements .

"Brother, you mean"

Yang Fan said affirmatively: "Yes, that's what I mean. Since there may be big changes in the economy in Southeast Asia, we should make preparations early. First, we will find a few professionals and set up a capital operation company. The market works."

Yang Fang immediately said that there is no problem.

Yang Fan confessed that after the establishment of the company, it temporarily stood still and everything was controlled by Yang Fan's remote control. As soon as it was needed, he would act immediately and start some operations.

The financial crisis in Southeast Asia is still a year away, so why start making a series of preparations now?

Yang Fan is mainly uncertain about whether history will deviate on this point, such as whether the outbreak of the financial crisis will be brought forward.

If it's ahead of time, and you haven't prepared well, it will be a tragedy. You can't just watch such a good opportunity slip away.

Plan ahead and prepare early.

The siblings talked for a long time. In fact, it was mainly Yang Fan who was talking about how to do it, and Yang Fang was mainly listening carefully.

Dongjiang Shipyard.

They arranged some people to monitor the relationship between the size of the main gun interface and the temperature change. Judging from the measurement results, the size did change with the temperature change.

in the conference room.

Sun Baoguo presided over the meeting, and in addition to the construction and management personnel of the first ship, more technical and quality personnel participated.

The slide projector projects the measured dimensions on the screen, displaying them clearly. These data are sorted out by technicians, even if they are not technical, such as these construction managers, everyone can understand and know what happened thing.

Sun Baoguo said: "It is already obvious that the installation size of the main gun base will change with the temperature. What about the technical department?"

Faced with the inquiry, the person in charge of the technical department stood up and said with a serious face: "After careful analysis of the measured size data, we agreed that nine to ten in the morning is the best time. If you miss this time, Then the hoisting of the main gun can only be carried out tomorrow.”

Just an hour.

The time requirement is too tight, too harsh!

Some people thought in their hearts that within an hour, it is estimated that they will be hoisted about two or three times, at most three times, or they can only be hoisted twice.

Are you sure that the hoisting will be successful after two or three times?
Someone went to the Donghai Shipyard with Sun Baoguo a few days ago, watched the hoisting of the main gun of the Type 052 guided missile destroyer, and that scene came to mind.

I thought in my heart, Donghai Shipyard completed the hoisting very smoothly, and installed the main gun soon, can we do the same?
Judging from the hoisting situation of Donghai Shipyard, it seems that the difficulty is not great. I hope we can also go smoothly, and we can succeed once or twice.

Sun Baoguo didn't care what everyone thought, he said loudly: "The window period has been set, every morning from [-]:[-] am to [-]:[-] am. Tomorrow we will start hoisting the main gun. The relevant work arrangements are as follows."

As the chief builder, he started a series of work arrangements.

While listening, many people recorded in their notebooks and wrote down these work arrangements. After the meeting, they will definitely make preparations according to these.

The next day.

The construction of the berth became lively, and many workers continued to carry out the outfitting work. Beside the berth, near the bow, many people were preparing.

Not far away, a brand new main gun is already in place.

This is a domestically produced 100mm main gun.

Of course, Yang Fan knows that in history, the main gun of the 054A is the Russian 76mm AK-176M naval gun, but now we have not obtained the license to produce this Russian naval gun.

On the current 054 ship, there are many such situations.

Because it came out about ten years earlier than in history, some things are different from the 054A in history, and there are no ones for the time being. Yang Fan temporarily replaced them with existing weapons or equipment when designing. When there are more advanced ones in the future, you can use them. Make a replacement or upgrade.

For example, the main gun of the 054 ship is currently using a domestically produced 100mm naval gun instead of the Russian 76mm AK-176M naval gun.

Yang Fan will definitely switch to this type of naval gun after we obtain the license to produce this Russian naval gun in the future and make self-improvement.

Compared with our current domestic 100mm naval gun, this Russian naval gun still has many advantages. For example, the turret is more invisible, which is more in line with the stealth design of the 054 ship.

In addition, the rate of fire is higher. The rate of fire of this naval gun is 60-120 rounds per minute. With such a rate of fire, a new anti-cruise missile interception system can be formed.

Now it is a 100mm domestic main gun for the time being.

It is ready, and several workers are hooking the hook of the wire rope to the lifting ring of the main gun, making preparations before lifting.

Before nine o'clock in the morning, all the preparatory work has been done, and the hoisting can be carried out as soon as the window period arrives.

Sun Baoguo came, and there were several people behind him. Everyone looked at the main cannon, full of hope in their hearts, and it must be hoisted successfully today.

Sun Baoguo looked at the time, and then said loudly: "Start hoisting, carry out the hoisting of the main gun of the Type 054 guided missile frigate, and try to install it successfully today."

As soon as the sound fell, the lifting equipment began to slowly lift the main cannon, and in the eyes of everyone, it slowly rose to a higher and higher height

That's all for today's update, thank you all!

(End of this chapter)

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