Military Heavy

Chapter 438 It Looks Easy, But It's Hard To Do

Chapter 438 It Looks Easy, But It's Hard To Do
Then, the main gun began to move down towards the installation position. At this moment, the whole scene suddenly became quiet, and everyone's eyes were attracted by it.

Some people are nervous, others are praying in their hearts, God bless you, you must succeed, you must succeed!
Finally arrived at the top of the base of the main gun, Wu Honghai, chief of the Armament Section of Dongjiang Shipyard, was personally directing the hoisting, gesturing from time to time to signal the crane workers to operate according to his requirements.

Feeling that the position is almost there, Wu Honghai gestured, and the main gun began to fall, falling towards the main gun installation port, and when it was approaching the installation port, the falling position slowed down.

Very cautiously, slowly.

While falling slowly, fine-tune the position while trying to align.

falling slowly, moving little by little
Wu Honghai felt that it was almost done, and immediately directed several workers to fine-tune the position, and then slowly fell down. The few people who were close to him saw that the main gun installation port and the main gun base were finally aligned, and slowly began to enter. Everyone Almost all breathed a sigh of relief quietly.

It's not difficult.

It worked once.

When almost all the fronts entered, the people standing on the deck almost cheered, and some even said: "Section Chief Wu, you really have two hands. Under your command, the installation was successful in one go."

Wu Honghai smiled slightly, but he didn't dare to relax completely. He knew that the main cannon hadn't fully entered yet and would continue to fall.

Sun Baoguo and the others stood relatively far away, so they couldn't hear what the people on the deck were saying, but they saw that the main cannon was basically going in, and the people on the deck seemed to be talking and laughing, and someone cheered up: "Mr. Sun, it seems that everything is going well." , almost almost."

Sun Baoguo's expression didn't change much. Years of experience told him that this was not considered a success at all, and the main gun still hadn't entered yet.

Sure enough, within 2 minutes, everyone saw that there seemed to be something wrong with the situation on the deck, and Sun Baoguo asked in a deep voice, "What's going on?"

Immediately someone came over to report, "Mr. Sun, there is a problem, because the angle of inclination of the main gun is a little bit wrong, the rear part is stuck, and it can no longer go in."

There was such a problem!
got stuck.

This is also what Sun Baoguo is most worried about. Earlier, Yang Fan also specifically reminded that when the main gun is hoisted, the inclination angle must be consistent with the inclination angle of the construction berth. Otherwise, it will be stuck. Can't get in.

Because the angle is wrong.

The horizontal construction of the slipway will not have such a problem, but the inclined construction of the slipway needs to pay attention to this problem, because the slipway is inclined, and the whole ship will also tilt accordingly, and the original horizontal installation surface or vertical installation hole will also tilt accordingly.

The lifting is vertical, straight up and down, if it enters the installation hole with a certain inclined angle vertically, there will be a problem of being stuck.

Sure enough, it was still stuck.

Sun Baoguo looked at the time. Nearly 10 minutes had passed. The time was wasted. The main gun had to be hoisted and the angle adjusted again.

Fortunately, a special sling was designed in advance, and the inclination angle of the main gun could be adjusted by adjusting the sling. Sun Baoguo did not need to order it. Under Wu Honghai's command, the main gun was hoisted again and placed back in its original position.

Under the command of the technicians, the workers began to adjust the adjusting screws on the spreader, adjust the length of the wire rope, and so on.

After some adjustments, the hook was used to hook the ring on the main gun again, and the hoist was lifted again. In everyone's eyes, the main gun was hoisted again, and then it reached the top of the installation base.

Wu Honghai commanded the whereabouts of the main gun, having experienced the first failure. Obviously, this time he was much more cautious, and the speed was much slower, and he focused on stability.

After two or three minutes, the main gun finally approached the installation base, and Wu Honghai ordered it to stop temporarily, and then checked again, such as whether the position and angle were correct, and made some fine-tuning.

It felt almost done, and then slowly came down again.

"Go in, go in!"

Seeing that the installation part of the main gun smoothly entered the installation hole on the installation base, someone shouted excitedly, looking very excited.

"All in!"

Seeing the main gun landed steadily on the installation base, more people couldn't help shouting. This feeling can only be experienced by being there.

Sun Baoguo saw the movement on the deck, and also saw that the main gun had landed firmly on the pedestal, his expression softened immediately, and he asked softly: "It seems that the hoisting has been completed."

Soon someone trotted over and reported loudly: "Report to Comrade Chief Builder, the hoisting of the main gun of the lead ship of the 054 ship has been completed."

"it is good!"

Sun Baoguo yelled "Hello" loudly, his face finally softened a little, and he waved his hand and said, "Check the size and see if the installation size is up to standard."

After finishing speaking, he raised his hand to check the time. It was only ten minutes before ten o'clock in the morning. Most of the window period had passed, and it was too late for the third hoisting today.

He thought in his heart, hoping that today's hoisting can pass.

If it is qualified after two hoistings on the first day, it will be considered smooth, and the outfitting of an important weapon and equipment has also been completed.

Several technicians and several quality inspectors began to carry out inspections of various installation dimensions of the main guns, including some technical conditions.

Soon, they found that several main data were unqualified, and the main gun had to be fine-tuned, that is, the main gun had to be hoisted up a little bit, and then lowered after fine-tuning.

Wu Honghai, who was in charge of the hoisting command, seemed to realize something, and asked a little nervously, "Gong Liu, how is the situation?"

Liu Gong is one of the technicians in charge of outfitting the weapon system. He sighed softly, "Several main data are unqualified, and the main gun must be fine-tuned. Section Chief Wu, you are still in charge. The cannon is hoisted again."

Several data are qualified!

Many workers realized for the first time that it is not enough to hoist the main gun and put it in, but also to ensure that all installation dimensions are qualified.

The atmosphere suddenly became a little heavy.

Wu Honghai was also a little frustrated, and sighed softly, and began to direct the main gun to be hoisted slowly. Under the guidance of several technicians, he began to fine-tune the position of the main gun.

The time is 1 minute, and 1 minute has passed.

Wu Honghai anxiously reminded: "Gong Liu, it's only 5 minutes before ten o'clock in the morning, so you have to go down. Otherwise, even if you adjust your position, you won't have enough time."

Liu Gong looked bitter, shook his head and said: "The position has not been adjusted properly, and it is useless for you to fall now, and you are also unqualified."

The 5 minutes passed quickly, and the fine-tuning of the position was still not satisfactory. Liu Gong said helplessly: "The window period has passed, let's hang the main gun down, and we can only come back tomorrow."

Many people looked frustrated.

Disappointment was written all over his face.

Sun Baoguo looked at the time, and saw that the main gun was hoisted high and was about to fall to its original position, so he could only shake his head.

Even if no one reported it, he knew that today's hoisting failed.

I thought in my heart, sure enough, as General Master Yang said, hoisting the main gun is really difficult, a typical technical job, our previous understanding is far from enough.

Especially when I went to the Donghai Shipyard a few days ago and saw that it was successfully hoisted at one time, I thought that the difficulty was not as great as imagined, and we underestimated the enemy a little bit.

It looks easy, but it is actually difficult to do!
Alas, wasted a day.

Thinking this way, Sun Baoguo was in a bad mood. He waved his hands and said in a deep voice, "I'm here today for the hoisting of the main gun. Immediately hold a technical analysis and summary meeting to learn from failures and strive for a successful hoisting tomorrow."

If there is no success, there must be a meeting to analyze and summarize.

Soon after, Sun Baoguo presided over the meeting himself
Donghai Ship Design Institute.

Yang Fan finished reading a design drawing.

The construction of the 054 ship is proceeding quickly, and the technical team led by Yang Fan has not been idle, and has begun to carry out a series of design improvements and improvements, including increasing the localization rate.

Compared with the 054A in history, what are the differences and gaps between the current 054 ship and the historical [-]A, Yang Fan knows clearly.

If there are some weapons and equipment, because they are not available for the time being, alternatives were considered during the design, and now localization can be considered, so that domestic military enterprises can manufacture them so that they can be equipped on the 054 ship in the future.

The most typical example is the main gun of the 054 ship. It was supposed to use a Russian-style naval gun, but we have not yet obtained authorization to produce it, so we can only replace it with a domestically produced 100mm naval gun.

Yang Fan has already made suggestions to the above, and now, the relevant departments have begun to negotiate with the Russian side on the introduction of the technology of this Russian naval gun, and it will definitely be installed on the 054 ship in the future.

After reading this design drawing, I thought that Dongjiang Shipyard would start hoisting the main gun today, and checked the time, it was already 10:30 in the morning.

Yang Fan thought in his heart, today's hoisting probably failed, otherwise, Sun Baoguo probably would have called long ago.

There is still no movement, it is estimated that the hoisting failed.

The hoisting of the main gun failed, and Yang Fan was not affected at all, and felt that this was very normal.Dongjiang Shipyard has never hoisted this type of main gun. If it is successful on the first day, it will be a little abnormal.

I thought to myself, at this time, Dongjiang Shipyard is probably having a meeting to analyze and summarize.

At about 11:30 in the morning, Sun Baoguo finally called, his tone was very low, "Master Yang, our main gun hoisting failed today."

Yang Fan comforted: "I have already guessed it, it doesn't matter, you can continue to hoist tomorrow, if it fails tomorrow, it will be the day after tomorrow. I believe you will definitely succeed in hoisting."

Sun Baoguo said: "That's true. I made this call. Apart from telling you that the hoisting failed, I also want you to come over tomorrow and give us hoisting guidance."

Yang Fan was slightly different.

May I give you hoisting instructions? ? ?

(End of this chapter)

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