Military Heavy

Chapter 439 Lifting Success

Chapter 439 Lifting Success
Yang Fan felt a little surprised.

"President Sun, why did you think of asking me to guide you, you are experts in ship construction."

Sun Baoguo sighed and said, "Oh, don't mention it, you warned us about the main gun adjustment, but it still failed. According to Mr. Chen from Donghai Shipyard, you were the one who adjusted the main gun of the first ship of the 052 ship. Guided."

Yang Fan smiled and said, "Old Chen, I just made some suggestions at the beginning, and the successful adjustment in the end is the result of their own hard work."

No matter what Yang Fan said, Sun Baoguo insisted that Yang Fan must go to guide the adjustment of the main gun tomorrow.

"I really can't do anything about you, well, I'll come and have a look tomorrow morning."

Yang Fan just said to go and have a look, but did not say to give hoisting instructions.

Even so, upon hearing this, Sun Baoguo was overjoyed, and hurriedly said: "Just come here before nine o'clock tomorrow morning."

The window period for the main gun adjustment is from [-]:[-] am to [-]:[-] am.

The next day.

Yang Fan didn't even go to Donghai Shipyard, but drove out of the house and went directly to Dongjiang Shipyard.

It was less than 08:30 am when we got there.

Sun Baoguo and the others had long been waiting for Yang Fan to pass with high hopes.

As soon as they met, Sun Baoguo enthusiastically shook hands with Yang Fan: "Master Yang, we have confidence in you when you come."

Yang Fan smiled: "You, you, I said, just come and have a look, you are experts in ship construction."

"Master Yang, you are too modest. We all know that you are not only highly accomplished in ship design, but also an expert in ship construction."

"That's right, that's right, Commander Yang is still No. 1 in the modular construction method of the general ship section."

"Yes, yes, in our country, General Master Yang was the first to propose this construction method, and guided Donghai Shipyard to practice it for the first time."

The other leaders of Dongjiang Shipyard said so, they all think that Yang Fan is a real expert in ship construction.

Everyone said that, Yang Fan could only smile, what else could he say.


You say that I am an expert in ship construction, so be it, Yang Fan thought in his heart.

Sun Baoguo said: "General Master Yang, let's go to the ship to take a look, and I will introduce to you the preparations for today's hoisting."

Yang Fan could only smile again.

This posture is obvious, they really regard Yang Fan as a big expert, and they obviously want Yang Fan to guide this hoisting.

I thought again in my heart, I am really not an expert, but you are.

I really just came here to take a look, alas, count the birds, count the birds, first take a look at your preparations before hoisting.

Thinking so in his heart, accompanied by Sun Baoguo, there were several people behind him, such as the person in charge of the berth, the command of hoisting, the technical person in charge of the installation of the main gun, and so on.

Everyone boarded the ship, came to the bow deck, and stood next to the main gun installation base.

Sun Baoguo first briefly introduced yesterday's hoisting situation, and then introduced today's preparations, especially after yesterday's failure, they summed up the experience, what needs attention today, and so on.

learn from mistakes.

It seems not bad, Yang Fan said in his heart after summing up a lot of experience from yesterday's failure.

He looked at the installation base of the main gun, at the main gun not far away, and at the workers getting ready.

Suddenly, Yang Fan felt something was wrong!
So he asked, "Mr. Sun, where is your laser theodolite?"

Sun Baoguo was taken aback, not understanding what Yang Fan meant by asking about the laser theodolite at this time.

However, some technicians seem to understand a little bit, but they are not quite sure.

Could it be that the laser theodolite is also used in the hoisting process of the main gun?

Yang Fan gave the answer and reminded: "Mr. Sun, you should use a laser theodolite during the hoisting of the main gun."

All of a sudden, those technicians suddenly realized that they can use laser theodolite!

If it is a horizontal slipway, of course it can be used.Because the ship is horizontal, the mounting base of the main gun is also horizontal, there is no angle, and the main gun can be hoisted relatively easily.

This is an inclined construction berth with an angle, which brings difficulties to certain installations that require precision.

Sun Baoguo finally seemed to understand something, and said with a look of surprise: "Master Yang, you really have a way. I thought of using a laser theodolite."

Yang Fan smiled, time is running out, it will be [-]:[-] in the morning, if you miss today's window, it will be a pity, another day will be wasted, and you will have to wait for tomorrow.

Yang Fan said loudly: "Hurry up and get a laser theodolite!"

As soon as the voice fell, there was no need for Sun Baoguo to order, someone immediately rushed to get the laser theodolite.

Yang Fan said loudly again: "Bring paper and pens, and besides, everyone, I will teach you how to use the laser theodolite to assist the hoisting of the main gun."

Pen and paper will be here soon!

Everyone gathered around one after another, with Yang Fan as the center, and Sun Baoguo stood beside Yang Fan.

The posture came out all at once!

Some people thought in their hearts, as expected of Master Yang, how imposing he is!

Some people thought in their hearts, indeed, the reputation is well-deserved, Chief Master Yang is really an expert in ship construction.

Yang Fan didn't care about what everyone was thinking, time was urgent, so he spread out the white paper without saying a word, picked up a pen to draw a schematic diagram on the paper, and explained to everyone how to use the laser theodolite to assist the hoisting of the main gun.

Yang Fan could tell at a glance that the key to the successful hoisting of the main gun is the angle. As long as there is no error in the angle, the main gun can be hoisted in very smoothly, and the installation size can also be guaranteed.

Yesterday, how did Dongjiang Shipyard carry out hoisting?
Sun Baoguo has already introduced the whole process, and Yang Fan has also seen the situation here, and he basically knows it well.

They did not use the laser theodolite, and the angle control of hoisting mainly depends on experience and observation by eyes.

How can this work?
No matter how good the eyes are, no matter how rich the experience is, they are definitely not as good as the instruments.

As soon as the schematic diagram was drawn, Yang Fan only talked a little bit, and everyone basically understood. After all, they are experts, and they hoisted the main gun yesterday.

After finishing speaking, Yang Fan said, "Do you all understand?"

"Understood!" The answering voice was very loud and uniform.

Yang Fan said: "You know how to lift it, right?"


Everyone's answer is still very loud.

Yang Fan nodded reassuringly, knowing that they had fully understood.

The laser theodolite was quickly brought over, and Yang Fan chose a location for it.

Everything is almost there.

Sun Baoguo said even more excitedly: "General Master Yang, the time has come."

Yang Fan looked at his watch, it was more than a minute past nine o'clock in the morning, and it was time to start.

So, Lang Sheng said: "Start lifting the main gun!"

Wu Honghai, chief of the armament department, immediately began to give specific instructions. In everyone's eyes, the main gun of the Type 054 guided missile frigate was slowly hoisted.

At this moment, the scene was quiet.

No one spoke aloud, everyone thought in their hearts, hope this time it will work.

The main gun was hoisted to a suitable height, and a technician used a laser theodolite to measure the tilt angle of the main gun.

The angle is a little wrong, and fine-tuning is carried out immediately. After some adjustments, the angle is exactly the same.

Yang Fan said: "There is no problem with the angle, let's fall slowly."

Wu Honghai nodded, and commanded the main gun to start falling at a moderate speed. When it was approaching the main gun mount, the main gun was slightly adjusted again, and then slowly landed on the base.

At this time, the scene was still very quiet, and many people dared not show their atmosphere, because they did not know whether the hoisting was qualified.

"Hopefully qualified!"

"It was hoisted according to the method Mr. Yang just said. What will happen?"


Everyone didn't speak out, but each had their own thoughts in their hearts.Some are full of hope, some are nervous, and so on.

Yang Fan didn't ask Yang Fan to say anything more, Sun Baoguo waved his hand, and immediately technical and quality personnel began to check the relevant dimensions.

If there is no problem with the relevant dimensions and the process requirements are met, it means that the hoisting is qualified.

Almost everyone did not dare to vent their anger, waiting nervously and worriedly for the results of the examination.

Sun Baoguo looked at Yang Fan, and was surprised to find that Yang Fan's face was very calm, and there seemed to be a sense of confidence in his whole body.

Is it...

Could the hoisting be successful this time, Sun Baoguo thought in his mind.


That's all for today's update, thank you all!

Also, I will take a day off tomorrow, because I was out all day, and the plane came back after [-] o'clock in the evening, and the update will resume the day after tomorrow, I am really sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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