Military Heavy

Chapter 440 Entering the Painting

Chapter 440 Entering the Painting
Sun Baoguo is destined to be unable to calm down.

He very much hoped that the hoisting of the main gun would be successful. At this moment, he looked at the technical and quality personnel who were inspecting from time to time, thinking in his heart, it must be successful, we must succeed this time!
Obviously only a few minutes.

It seems as long as a century has passed.

The whole scene was quiet, no one spoke, just to do something, and try to keep the voice as low as possible, there was no one alive for the time being, and they all looked in the direction of the main gun.

On the bow deck, the main gun was there, and someone was measuring it next to it, and everyone's hearts were hanging.

Suddenly, there was a slight commotion in the originally quiet scene.

Someone said softly: "Boss Feng is here."

The leader, Feng Wangdong, was walking towards this side with several people behind him.After coming over, he first shook hands with Yang Fan enthusiastically, and then asked: "Old Sun, how is the hoisting of our main gun?"

It seems that he has been paying attention to this matter as well.

Sun Baoguo said: "Under the guidance of Chief Designer Yang, the main gun has been hoisted and is now undergoing inspection. I don't know if it is qualified."

Feng Wangdong said in a bright voice: "Since Chief Master Yang guided the hoisting, then I am completely relieved, this time it will definitely be a success."

Yang Fan smiled and said, "President Feng, you have so much confidence in me."

Feng Wangdong said: "If it were someone else, I might not have such confidence, but if it were you, my confidence would be unprecedented."

After finishing speaking, he himself laughed happily, without any pressure, as if the hoisting would be successful this time, and there would be no problems.

Yang Fan himself laughed, thinking in his heart, will the hoisting be successful this time?

After another two or three minutes, Wu Honghai trotted over excitedly, and reported loudly excitedly: "Leaders, after careful inspection by our technical and quality personnel, the installation dimensions of the main gun are not bad, and all pass!"

All qualified!

The installation was successful!
Although I generally knew that this would be the result, after listening to Wu Honghai's report, the whole scene burst into cheers, and then the applause broke out.

It worked!
The main gun installation is successful!
Feng Wangdong felt relieved, and happily shook hands with Yang Fan, "I'll just say it, it will definitely succeed, Mr. Yang, you really have the level, I really admire you."

Sun Baoguo was a little excited, and he held Yang Fan's hand tightly and said, "General Master Yang, thanks to your guidance, otherwise, we don't know that it will take a few days to install the main gun."

Yang Fan is still very humble.

"You are too polite, I just came up with a little idea."

The whole scene was full of enthusiasm. The main gun of the Type 054 guided missile frigate was successfully hoisted, and the weapon outfitting work made a big step forward. The other weapons outfitting basically did not have such a big difficulty.

It is almost foreseeable that there will be basically no technical problems in the outfitting of the weapons of the first ship. Maybe in one or two months, all the weapons will be in place.

Both Feng Wangdong and Sun Baoguo were very happy, and of course, very enthusiastic, insisting on inviting Yang Fan to dinner.

Good intentions are hard to come by.

At noon, there was a large table full, and because of happiness, everyone made an exception to drink, and the atmosphere was very hot.

Time to enter October.

On the berth of the Dongjiang Shipyard, the first ship of the 054 ship has been outfitted and has entered the stage of painting the whole ship.

Ships are built on land and sail at sea.As the main material of the hull, the steel plate and section steel will be corroded by the industrial atmosphere and the marine environment successively.In order to prevent steel corrosion and prolong the service life of ships, it is necessary to derust and paint steel distribution.

This kind of engineering operation of derusting, cleaning and painting the steel and hull is called ship painting.In addition to anti-corrosion of the hull, ship painting also has the functions of exterior decoration and anti-pollution of the bottom of the ship.

Yang Fan went to Dongjiang Shipyard again.

Besides Sun Baoguo and other people from Dongjiang Shipyard who accompanied him, there were more than a dozen people. They were all from Donghai Ship Design Institute.

Looking at my own design drawings and finally becoming the ship in front of me, I couldn't help but feel agitated, and everyone's heart could not be calm.


it's beautiful!
Looking at the first ship in front of me, which has been painted for the most part, and its appearance has basically come out, everyone couldn't help admiring secretly while they were agitated.

Sun Baoguo even said: "Did you see how beautiful our 054 ship is? This is the most beautiful warship I have ever seen in my life."

Everyone agrees with this statement.

"Leaving aside other aspects of our 054 ship, at least in terms of aesthetics, it has been several blocks ahead of other warships."

"In addition to the beautiful appearance, the performance of our 054 ship is not bad in other aspects, it is very good."

"Yes, yes, very good!"


Everyone was talking so happily, these words floated into Yang Fan's ears, and he was in a very good mood.

Since the start of construction on December 1994, 12, in less than two years, our first ship is finally about to be launched.

After the painting is finished, the first ship is about to usher in an exciting moment, which is launching.

Yang Fan was in a good mood. After visiting the first ship in the livery, he waved and said, "Come on, let's all board the ship and have a look."

Boarding, of course, was no problem at all.

The construction of the first ship has been basically completed, and all the things that need to be outfitted have also been outfitted. When I boarded this ship, I found that everything looks good, especially the cabins. They have basically been completed and have reached the state of delivery.

Standing in the command room, looking out through the glass, Yang Fan was in a moody mood, and asked, "Old Sun, do you have a sense of accomplishment?"

"Yes, of course there is!"

Sun Baoguo said without hesitation: "Two years ago, I dreamed of building the 054 ship. Now, my dream has come true, and the first ship is about to be built."

"I, now I come to take a look every day. If I don't take a look, I always feel that something is missing. Once I went out for a few days and couldn't see our ship again. My heart was always empty."

Sun Baoguo stood next to Yang Fan, looked out through the glass, and talked eloquently. These words resonated with everyone. Many people are the same. They have to visit this ship every day to feel at ease.

A few months ago, Yang Fan chatted with Yang Fang, looking for a few professionals in the investment field, and registered and established an investment company.

Yang Fang took this matter to heart, and had already found several candidates through headhunting companies, but she did not directly make a decision, but handed it over to Yang Fan to make the decision.

The materials have already been sent over. When he was in the unit, Yang Fan was usually busy with matters related to the 054 ship, and rarely did his own "private work", so he had not had time to read these materials.

After get off work, when I get home, I can finally take a good look at these things.

"I don't know what kind of talents my sister is looking for. In the middle and late 90s, what kind of talents will there be in the investment field?"

With this in mind, Yang Fan sat in his study, opened the information bag, and gently pulled out the contents.

Alone, quietly, watching seriously.

Time 1 minute, 1 minute elapsed.
Yang Fan, who was very focused, didn't notice that the door of the study room was gently pushed open. Jiang Yan brewed a cup of hot tea and brought it over, and gently placed it on the big desk.
She was probably worried about affecting Yang Fan, and was about to quit lightly.

Yang Fan recovered from his concentration, saw Jiang Yan was about to go out gently, smiled warmly, and said softly: "Honey, thank you for the hot tea."

Jiang Yan stopped in his tracks, and said a little embarrassedly, "Brother Fan, it didn't affect you."

"No." Yang Fan said: "I was just fascinated by watching it all at once. Not to mention, the people my sister picked are all good. You see, especially this Lin Jianwei, a master in the field of securities investment. In addition, This He Yongsheng seems to be not bad, he is also a returnee with a high degree of education."

Jiang Yan didn't know what "Great God" meant, but he knew that it should be a very good and high-level person, so he said happily: "This is a good thing, don't you need such a person."

"Yes, it's a good thing."

Yang Fan nodded and said, "I see that their profiles are pretty good. They are all gorgeous and full of content. You may need to meet them and talk to them about the details."

Obviously, Yang Fan would not make a decision so easily.

After thinking for a while, Yang Fan picked up his mobile phone and called, agreed with Yang Fang, and informed these people to have an interview at Hongtai Group at [-] am the day after tomorrow.

The day after tomorrow is Saturday, and Yang Fan is going to have an interview in person.

If history does not change on this point, an unprecedented financial crisis will break out in Southeast Asia starting in July next year. Such a good opportunity must be seized.

It's just that Yang Fan is not very good at stocks, futures and other operations. He doesn't know how to maximize his profits and use limited funds to earn more money. In this respect, professionals are needed.

The few people Yang Fang is looking for are all professionals in this field. If possible, form an investment team and do a good job at that time.

Rather than letting so much money be made by foreign speculators, it is better to make a fortune yourself. With enough funds, it will be much easier. The development of Hongtai Group will undoubtedly be faster, and the development speed of chips will also be faster. will be faster.

He picked up the phone and told Yang Fang about the interview.

Yang Fang's voice came from the phone, "No problem, I will inform them to come to Hongtai Group to stand by before nine o'clock the day after tomorrow, and then conduct an interview."

So it's settled.

Do the interview first.

Yesterday I had no choice but to ask for a day off. Today is the third update, and the first update will be delivered. Friends who have votes, please help us vote for this book, recommendation tickets, and monthly tickets.

(End of this chapter)

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