Military Heavy

Chapter 441 A Different Interview

Chapter 441 A Different Interview
Of course, you need to make some preparations before the interview. Yang Fan talked about it on the phone, and Yang Fang said: "No problem, I will arrange it according to your wishes. Don't worry."

The siblings chatted on the phone for more than ten minutes.

After putting down the phone, Yang Fan let out a long sigh of relief, and thought in his heart, according to this arrangement, there should be no problem in conducting an interview.

Jiang Yan has been by the side, and has been very quiet. At this moment, she said with concern: "Brother Fan, everything has been arranged."

Yang Fan nodded, "Well, I don't need to worry about everything, my sister will prepare everything."

Jiang Yan was slightly curious in his heart, so he couldn't help picking up the stack of materials on the big desk, flipping through them roughly, secretly dumbfounded, "These are all amazing people, how did Sister Fang collect them, she is really amazing."

Yang Fan smiled.

These few people are really good, they should be very capable people in this field, proficient in securities operations, familiar with the stock market and futures market, of course Yang Fan likes such talents very much.

If you like it, you like it. Yang Fan believes that an excellent talent must not only have ability, but also have good moral character and good professional ethics.

The interview the day after tomorrow is more of a test of their morality.

Yang Fan will hire them only after passing this test.

Two days later.

Today is Saturday, Yang Fan is off, and the entire Donghai Institute is also on vacation. Since March last year, the country has implemented a 3-hour work system, working from Monday to Friday, and resting on Saturday and Sunday.

Early in the morning, Yang Fan got up, specially put on a formal suit, a white shirt, a tie, and a suit, and his leather shoes were polished so that he could almost make out the figure.

Jiang Yan said: "Brother Fan, you really wear this suit, not the one you bought in the first half of this year."

She was holding an almost new suit, and suggested a more decent one.Yang Fan only wore it once or twice, mainly because he didn't have much chance to wear it. He usually wears work clothes when he goes to work.

Yang Fan said: "Just wear this outfit, I think it's pretty good."

This is the cheapest suit among Yang Fan's suits. I bought it a few years ago and wore it a few times, so it looks relatively new.

Jiang Yan looked left and right, and said with a smile: "You look like a white-collar worker in this outfit, not a boss at all."

Yang Fan said: "I just want this effect. If others see me as a big boss, that's not what I want."

Yang Fan did not participate in today's interview, but just witnessed the whole process from the sidelines.

The outfit she was wearing was relatively ordinary. Whether it was clothes or shoes, they were not of that kind of luxury brand, at most they could only be regarded as a well-known brand.

"Help me take a look, how about it?"

Jiang Yan looked left and right, nodded and said, "Basically there is no problem, but you seem more like a white-collar elite than a rich boss."

With Yang Fan's net worth, he should be a luxury, wearing a suit worth tens of thousands of dollars, leather shoes worth a few thousand dollars, etc., but the suit on Yang Fan's body is only more than a thousand dollars, and those whose income is slightly higher White-collar workers basically wear suits of this grade.

Looking in the mirror, Yang Fan felt that there was nothing wrong, so he put his big brother into the bag and was ready to go out.

Jiang Yan reminded: "Brother Fan, I heard that there is a mobile phone called 'Palm Treasure'. I have seen it and it is really good. You should change your mobile phone."

Yang Fan looked at the big phone in his hand, and said with a smile: "You are right, you can indeed change to a smaller one."

Of course, Yang Fan knew about the "Palm Treasure" launched by xxx Company. It is much smaller than the current mobile phone, only 88 grams, very delicate and small, the key is that some functions are not bad.

For this classic mobile phone, Yang Fan certainly knows it.

Putting the mobile phone in his hand into the bag, Yang Fan, dressed in a suit and leather shoes, drove out to the headquarters of Hongtai Group.

In the capital market, Lin Jianwei should be regarded as an expert.

In the past few years, he has developed on Wall Street, achieved certain results, and gained a small reputation.He returned to China three months ago because he was more optimistic about the development opportunities in China.

The domestic economy is developing rapidly, and it is thriving. He thinks that this will be a stage for him to show his strength, so he returns to the country with hope, and even his lover and son return to Shenhai City.

In the past two to three months, while paying attention to and researching the domestic stock market, he was looking for a new job. He had been to several powerful securities companies for interviews.

To be honest, he didn't really want to work in a securities company. He felt that there were too many rules and the system was too rigid, which was not conducive to his professional level.

His ideal job position is to go to a private company, preferably a private fund company or an investment company, but he also found that there are few such companies in China at present.

I even thought about working for some domestic stock market tycoons, or serving as their consultants to provide them with professional services.

He was looking for an ideal job, and was pleasantly surprised to find that a headhunting company actively found him and recommended Hongtai Group to him.

In the past few days, he has also been learning about and paying attention to Hongtai Group. After some understanding, he is very satisfied with this company, but he also has a little doubt. This company seems to have never dabbled in the capital market. How could they need it? What about a talent like him.

Doubts are all doubts, after receiving the interview notice, he made special preparations, dressed in formal attire, and went out confidently.

He has just returned to China for a few months, and he has not bought a car for the time being. Although he can afford a car, he has spent a few years on Wall Street and has little savings. It is not a big problem to buy a house and a car when he returns to China. He can even register a family with his financial strength. Small investment company.

The house is basically optimistic. He thinks a certain real estate in Donghai City by Hongtai Real Estate is very good. He has taken a fancy to a four-bedroom apartment with an area of ​​more than 150 square meters. He plans to pay the money in a few days and buy the house.

As for whether to open a small investment company, he thinks this is the last option. If there is really no ideal job, then open a small investment company and work hard slowly, maybe you can make some money.

If you don't have a car, you can only squeeze the bus.

It was the rush hour for commuting, and there were so many people on the bus that it was almost crowded, a bit like canned sardines. Lin Jianwei, like others, was crowded on this bus.

His luck was not bad, he sat in a position after only two stops, but he just sat down and stood up immediately.

"Ma'am, sit here."

The young lady's belly was slightly bulging, and Lin Jianwei saw that she was a pregnant woman who was several months pregnant, so he offered to give up his seat.

The young woman thanked her, "Brother, sit down, I'll be fine if I stand for a while."

Lin Jianwei said enthusiastically: "I'm young, it's okay to stand for a while, but you are different, you should sit here."

The young woman thanked him repeatedly, and after sitting in this seat, she quietly glanced at Lin Jianwei several times, thinking in her heart, this big brother is really a good person, and offered to give up his seat to me.

Lin Jianwei squeezed into the crowd. Although he stood all the way to the station where Hongtai Group was, he was still in a good mood, especially when he got off the bus and saw the young woman still sitting there. He thought in his heart, what if No one gave up her seat. It must have been very hard for her to stand all the way for so long.

After getting off the car, he saw the building across the road and knew that it was the headquarters of Hongtai Group. He crossed the road and walked a few steps to the gate of Hongtai Group.

He looked around, saw the zebra crossing and walked towards it, instead of crossing the road directly like some people did.

Standing at one end of the zebra crossing, Lin Jianwei patiently waited for the green light for pedestrians to turn on, even though a few people crossed the road taking advantage of the lack of cars running through the red light.

In the mid-to-late 90s, there were not many people with good traffic awareness, and more people followed the crowd. When they saw someone running a red light, they would often follow along.

Lin Jianwei did not.

Not only did he not run the red light with the crowd, but he also saw an old man.

The old man was dressed in shabby clothes and carried a woven bag. He was clearly from the countryside. He was obviously very unfamiliar with this city, and he was also very in awe. Dare to cross the road.

The pedestrian green light came on.

Many people waiting to cross the road began to cross the road along the zebra crossing, but no one helped the old man, except Lin Jianwei.

He took two steps forward, and said in a pleasant manner, "Master, will you cross the road with me?"

After finishing speaking, he enthusiastically supported the uncle with one hand, and helped him carry the woven bag with the other hand. At the beginning, he felt that it was relatively heavy. It was estimated to weigh twenty to thirty kilograms, and it might contain some souvenirs and the like.

With a grateful expression on his face, he followed Lin Jianwei carefully and finally crossed the road.

Lin Jianwei may not have noticed that in the distance, someone was quietly taking pictures with a camera, recording this scene
on a certain bus.

He Yongsheng was dressed in a suit and leather shoes, and his hair was combed meticulously. He was sitting in a seat in a serious manner, thinking about waiting for a possible interview.

"Well, the interview is a piece of cake for me." He thought so in his heart, completely oblivious to the fact that an aunt next to him was saying, young man, my legs and feet are inconvenient, can you let me sit for a while.

As if this has nothing to do with him, why should I give you the seat I grabbed with my strength? Is it because I am troubled standing up.

He Yongsheng glanced at the aunt lightly, and didn't bother to pay attention anymore, so he simply turned his head to the side and looked out the window.

A middle-aged man standing next to him couldn't help it anymore, and reminded: "Comrade, this is a seat for the elderly, the sick, and the disabled. Please make way."

He Yongsheng didn't seem to hear it, and kept looking out the window.

It can be seen that he is full of confidence in the next interview and believes that it will be successful, and he does not think it is a big problem to work in Hongtai Group.

"Even in Donghai City, there are not many highly educated returnees like me. If they don't choose me, it's simply unreasonable."

He Yongsheng thought so in his heart, and he didn't know how long it took, the driver's voice to announce the station interrupted his thoughts, and he quickly saw that he had arrived at the destination.

Today is the third update, and the second update will be delivered.

(End of this chapter)

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