Military Heavy

Chapter 442 Capable and Virtuous

Chapter 442 Capable and Virtuous

Regardless of 21, relying on his stature, He Yongsheng got out of the car smoothly at once, looked at the zebra crossing not far away, and then looked at the wide road in front of him.

Seeing the traffic coming and going on the road, it was a little unsafe to cross directly, so he walked a short distance to the zebra crossing.

After waiting for a few seconds, feeling that there were fewer cars, he was the first to take the lead and cross the road along the zebra crossing. Although it was a red light for pedestrians, He Yongsheng didn't seem to see the red light.

He raised his legs and walked forward. He Yongsheng walked in the front. There were some people watching. When they saw someone taking the lead, several people followed behind.

A small car drove over, but fortunately, it was not fast, an emergency brake, and finally stopped steadily, only two or three meters away from He Yongsheng.

The driver was probably taken aback. The car was driving normally when the light was green, but there was a pedestrian running through the red light. If he reacted a little slower, he might have hit him.

The driver breathed a sigh of relief quietly. He thought there was nothing wrong at first, and planned to continue driving after the pedestrians left.

Unexpectedly, an unbelievable scene happened.

He Yongsheng looked angry, took two steps forward, pointed at the driver, and cursed, as if blaming the driver for driving too fast and not giving way to pedestrians at the zebra crossing, which frightened him.

Cursing and still not relieved, He Yongsheng even kicked towards the front of the car, which was regarded as letting go, and walked forward while cursing, and continued to cross the road.

The driver had a bitter look on his face. He knew that he was unlucky today when he met such an unreasonable person.

He Yongsheng ran the red light and finally crossed the road.

He probably never expected that this scene was quietly filmed. Not far away, someone took a camera and snapped several photos in succession.

YouQi took pictures of him angrily pointing at the driver, kicking the front of the car, etc., clearly.But he himself didn't know this at all, and he didn't notice it. After crossing the road, he looked at the headquarters of Hongtai Group and walked over there
Lin Jianwei walked into the headquarters of Hongtai Group. He was obviously earlier than He Yongsheng. He entered from the lobby on the first floor of the building. The logo of Hongtai Group was very eye-catching, and the floor he was on was also clear.

After looking at the floor where the human resources department was located, he entered the elevator and pressed the number 19, which was exactly where he was going.

When I reached the 19th floor, I took a general look around, and I basically knew it, and walked in, and was immediately greeted warmly.

It was a young man who asked proactively, "Sir, are you here for an interview?"

Lin Jianwei said: "Yes, I am Lin Jianwei, and I have an interview at 9 o'clock this morning."

The young man said: "I'll take you there, first go to the lounge and wait, someone will come and notify you when it's your turn."

This is a separate interview, one by one.

Lin Jianwei nodded and followed the young man to the lounge.

The young man was very enthusiastic and introduced their situation from time to time. Unintentionally, when he took something out of his pocket, he brought out a few hundred-yuan bills and dropped them on the ground.

He didn't seem to notice it, and he was still leading the way. Lin Jianwei, who was following behind, immediately picked up the several hundred dollars, followed up two steps, and reminded: "Your money fell on the ground."

The young man stopped in his tracks, took out his pocket, and immediately said thankfully, "Oh, thanks to you, thank you, thank you."

He thanked you again and again.

Lin Jianwei quickly said, "It's nothing, you don't need to thank me, you can see if the number is right."

The young man didn't look at it, put the money in his pocket, walked two to 30 meters forward, came to the lounge, opened the door and went in, "Just wait here for a while."

"Okay, thank you."

After Lin Jianwei thanked the young man who led the way, he walked into the lounge, and there were already two people in it, both in their 40s and [-]s, basically similar to him.

The environment in the lounge was a bit messy, some things were obviously not cleaned up, the broom was also dumped on the ground, and there were a few disposable paper cups after drinking water on the table, scattered there.

Lin Jianwei first helped up the broom that fell on the ground and put it away, and then prepared to throw the water glasses on the table into the trash can.

The two people who came here first noticed Lin Jianwei, and one of them took the initiative to say: "Hello, you are also here for the interview."

"Yes." Lin Jianwei nodded, and put these paper cups into the trash can. Seeing the water stains on the table, he was going to find a rag to wipe it off.

The man just now had sharp eyesight and quick hands, and immediately took out a tissue from his pocket, wiped the water stains, and said: "It's a bit messy here, I really need to clean it up."

The two of them worked together, tidying up the table, and tidying up the scattered chairs. The other person who hadn't moved much, he finally got up, and the three of them started together.

Soon, the lounge that was a bit messy was tidied up, and it looked much tidier and more comfortable.

Before the interview started, the three chatted a few words from time to time, and learned through the chat that the names of the two were Liu Jie and Wu Tongshun.

Liu Jie looked younger, in his early thirties, outgoing and talkative. He was also the first person to greet Lin Jianwei, and then took out a tissue to wipe the water stains on the table.

Wu Tongshun looked about 40 years old, with a slightly introverted personality and didn't talk much, but he also participated in the end and cleaned up the lounge together.

The three of them got to know each other through chatting, and they also passed the time, waiting for the start of the interview.

He Yongsheng also walked into this building, looked at the lobby on the first floor, nodded slightly, and thought in his heart, Hongtai Group looks good, and he can work here.

Well, I decided to work here.He thought so.

As for whether he could pass the next interview, he basically didn't think about it, thinking that it was a sure thing, and thought proudly, even in Donghai City, in the field of investment, there are not many highly educated returnees like him.

After looking at the floor introduction, he entered the elevator and soon arrived at the 19th floor where the Human Resources Department of Hongtai Group was located.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up, thinking he had misread.

That's right!

That's right, there was a wallet on the ground.

And it's a bulging wallet!

My heart beat a little faster, and I quickly looked around again. Although there were a few people, none of them noticed this side. This is a good opportunity.

He Yongsheng quickly picked up the wallet, took a look at it quickly, and quickly put it into his bag, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

He knew that from now on, this wallet belonged to him.

Taking a quick glance just now, there was a stack of thick hundred-yuan bills, at least three or four thousand. He thought to himself, this is a small fortune.

I felt much better all of a sudden, and while walking inside, I thought in my heart, after the interview is successful, should I call three or five people who have a good time, find a better restaurant, and celebrate.

Well, I'm in for a treat!
He Yongsheng thought so in his heart, and felt comfortable for a while. After walking a few steps, a young man walked over in a panic, looking for something as he walked.

Seeing He Yongsheng, he hurriedly asked hopefully: "Sir, have you seen a wallet? It's black, and there are 4000 yuan in it."

He Yongsheng looked calm, and replied: "No, I didn't see any wallet, did you lose your wallet?"

"That's right, the sum of money just withdrawn has been lost within half an hour. I'm really anxious. This is my wife's medical treatment money."

He Yongsheng said: "I didn't see it, I just came here for an interview, why don't you look for it again, or remember it carefully, roughly where it fell."

The young man was very anxious, he stopped talking nonsense with He Yongsheng, and hurriedly looked for his wallet.

What about He Yongsheng?

He looked calm and unhurried, but he was already happy in his heart. He finally knew the exact number of the stack of banknotes in his wallet, which was unexpectedly 4000 yuan.

In 1996, this was not considered a small amount of money. In Donghai City, it was enough to cover the wages of many people for several months, or even more than half a year.

The young man left in a hurry and continued to look for his wallet, and soon another young man came to receive He Yongsheng and took him to the lounge.

As for Yang Fan, in fact, he has already arrived at the headquarters of Hongtai Group.

The general manager of the human resources department knew that Yang Fan was Yang Fang's younger brother, but he couldn't understand why Yang Fan participated in this interview.

Although he had doubts in his heart, he knew that Yang Fang had arranged and greeted him, so he hid this doubt in his heart and was introducing the situation to Yang Fan.

"Mr. Yang, according to the chairman's request, we have made thorough preparations. On the surface, it seems that the interview has not started yet. In fact, it has already been going on. Here are some photos we took."

He introduced the situation.

I also know that this is mainly to test the moral character of those candidates, and I also know that it is actually Yang Fan who conducts such a secret test.

After listening to the introduction, he said: "Morality is very important. I even think that a person's character must be placed above ability. Of course, if he has both ability and character, it is perfect. Such talents are also what we need. .”

"Yes, for a talent, character is indeed very important." The general manager of the human resources department nodded quickly in agreement.

Yang Fan said: "I think the test of their moral character is basically enough, and the next step is the interview at a professional level."

The general manager of the human resources department said: "Mr. Yang, do you want to interview them in person?"

Yang Fan smiled, "I'll sit by and listen, and you don't want to reveal my identity for the time being. As for the interview, I think you have experts in this field, let them do it."

The next interview will focus on professional level interviews in the investment field, such as understanding of the stock market and futures, professional operating techniques, views and insights on the capital market, and so on.

Yang Fan is not good at these professional things, so of course he is not going to interview them in person, but will be interviewed by a knowledgeable person.

What Yang Fan said, of course the general manager of the human resources department would do.

It won't be long before the interview will start.

Today is the third update, and the third update is sent, thank you everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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