Military Heavy

Chapter 443 General Manager Candidates

Chapter 443 General Manager Candidates

in the lounge.

Lin Jianwei, He Yongsheng, Liu Jie, Wu Tongshun, and a foreigner with blond hair and blue eyes, a total of five people were there.

It is very obvious that this is not a whole. Lin Jianwei and Liu Jie had a good chat, and Wu Tongshun sat there alone, appearing to have few words.

As for He Yongsheng, he seems to maintain a trace of arrogance, giving people a sense of superiority.As for the foreigner, he obviously wanted to participate in the chat between Lin Jianwei and Liu Jie, but he seemed to feel that it was not easy to intervene. He wanted to chat with He Yongsheng, but seeing the other party's haughty look, he dismissed the idea.

After a while, someone came in to inform that the interview had begun. The first person to go for the interview was Liu Jie, who walked out with the staff of the Human Resources Department of Hongtai Group.

After Liu Jie left, the atmosphere in the lounge changed slightly and gradually became quiet. Some people may guess in their hearts what Liu Jie's first interview will be like.

Can he succeed?
About ten minutes later, Liu Jie walked in with a happy face.

The first thing I did when I walked into the lounge was to announce: "Haha, I passed the interview and I will officially start work next Monday."

So smooth!

Everyone else showed envy, and Lin Jianwei stood up and said happily: "Liu Jie, congratulations, you have become a member of Hongtai Group."

It is probably the dream of many people to join the Hongtai Group.

In Donghai City, the reputation of Hongtai Group is growing, especially with the start of construction of Hongtai Building, it has become a unit that many people yearn for.

In 1996, most people believed that the state unit was the iron rice bowl. In this era, so many people hope to work in Hongtai Group, which is impossible for many private companies.

Liu Jie's interview was successful, and the originally quiet rest was full of excitement.

Nice atmosphere.

Even Wu Tongshun, who had a relatively introverted personality and few words, said: "Liu Jie, congratulations, I hope we can become colleagues in the future."

Liu Jie quickly said: "Angkor, I believe you have no problem, you will definitely pass the interview."

He Yongsheng didn't say anything, and still kept a certain distance, as if he was not on the same level as everyone else, and he had a natural sense of superiority all over his body.

He even thought in his heart, I will definitely pass the interview, everyone will work together in the future, I should be their boss, but I can't laugh and laugh with them, I have to put on airs, otherwise, I might not be able to control them in the future.

The second interviewee was Wu Tongsheng.

About ten minutes later, he walked into the lounge, and everyone noticed that there seemed to be a little joy on his face.

Liu Jie immediately said: "Angkor, did you pass it?"

Wu Tongshun said: "Well, we will be colleagues working together in the future."

Liu Jie said: "Congratulations, Angkor, in the future work, you have to cover me a little bit."

"Where, where, let's help each other." Wu Tongshun was humble for a while.

Lin Jianwei also shook hands with Wu Tongshun and expressed his congratulations.

The third person who went to the interview was the foreigner. About ten minutes later, he also came back, but it could be seen that he was downcast.

He spread his hands, and said helplessly: "Tell me to go back and wait for the notice. I know, this is just polite talk, and there is probably no hope."

Liu Jie and Wu Tongshun looked at each other quietly, and nodded slightly. They both knew that there was really no hope, and he was eliminated.

The two of them had a successful interview, and Hongtai Group directly told them that they had passed the interview and that they would come to work in the company next Monday instead of going home and waiting for an announcement.

Lin Jianwei was the fourth to be notified to go for an interview.

He gently opened the door, walked into the room, saw a few people sitting inside, knew that this was the interviewer, greeted everyone calmly, and then introduced himself.

Yang Fan sat there.

Because I just sat in on the sidelines of the interview, the real interviewers were the people from the human resources department.

There was a set of procedures for the interview. The interviewer asked Lin Jianwei some questions, mainly about some professional knowledge in the investment field.

Lin Jianwei was calm and calm, without any nervousness, his thinking was very clear, and he answered every question very professionally and beautifully.

Yang Fan has been watching.

To be honest, after the previous test, knowing that Lin Jianwei is a good character, Yang Fan loves talents in his heart, and intends to recruit him under his command.

Hongtai Investment Company has been established, but it still lacks a general manager. The position of general manager is still vacant for the time being. Is Lin Jianwei a suitable candidate?

With this in mind, Yang Fan kept observing and listening carefully, and after a few minutes, he couldn't help secretly admiring.

This Lin Jianwei is really good.

The interviewer asked a few more questions, and Lin Jianwei answered them one by one. He was still thinking clearly, organized and answered very beautifully.

Yang Fan nodded secretly again.

Couldn't bear it any longer, Yang Fan simply opened his mouth and asked: "If, I mean, if there is a financial crisis in Southeast Asia, the currencies of Southeast Asian countries depreciate sharply, and international hot money floods in, if I give you 1 million yuan, What will you do."

Lin Jianwei didn't answer right away, but looked at Yang Fan, probably because he was slightly startled, and he might not be sure about Yang Fan's identity.

He still had good eyesight, and he could tell at a glance that the other people were interviewers from the human resources department of Hongtai Group, and the person in front of him was also wearing a suit and tie, but he didn't think he was working in human resources .

After being slightly startled, Lin Jianwei answered patiently, still in an orderly manner, and the answer satisfied Yang Fan very much.

As expected of a professional.

How to operate, clearly.

After answering, Lin Jianwei concluded: "If such a thing really happens and the currencies of Southeast Asian countries depreciate sharply, I think the above-mentioned operations can maximize our profits and make more money."

Yang Fan nodded in satisfaction.

Although he is not a professional in the investment field, after hearing such an answer, Yang Fan felt that such an operation is the best and completely feasible.

It's a talent.

Yang Fan said: "You are very good. Our Hongtai Investment Company needs excellent talents like you. If you are willing, you can come to work in the company next Monday and temporarily serve as the general manager of Hongtai Investment Company. The annual salary is 100 million guaranteed. One percent of the proceeds will be at your disposal as a benefit to you and your employees."

All of a sudden, Lin Jianwei was really stunned.

On the one hand, he was surprised that Yang Fan made the decision directly, and he was even more unclear about Yang Fan's identity.

Lin Jianwei knew that for the position of the general manager of Hongtai Investment Company, such a decision must be made by the boss of Hongtai Group, so why did he just make the decision directly.

What's even more strange is that the other interviewers didn't say anything, as if they thought it was very normal.

On the other hand, Lin Jianwei was surprised by his treatment, with an annual salary of one million, my God!

Looking at the entire Donghai City, there are probably only a handful of people who can get such an annual salary.

He has worked hard on Wall Street for so many years, and his entire net worth is estimated to be less than 100 million. Now, his annual salary can reach 100 million, which is worth his hard work in the past few years.

There is also one percent of the company's earnings, which can be used as a benefit.

Regardless of the fact that it is only one percent, if the company makes a profit of 1 million, he can only allocate 100 million, and if it is 10 billion, then he can control 1000 million.

Even though Lin Jianwei has a strong mentality and has seen big storms, he still lost his composure slightly, and the color of astonishment suddenly showed on his face.

Fortunately, the reaction speed was also very fast, and he did not lose his composure completely. After recovering, he smiled apologetically, and then said gratefully: "Thank you for the company's recognition of me. I will definitely work hard as the general manager of Hongtai Investment Company." .”

Yang Fan nodded, indicating that Lin Jianwei could leave.

Now is not the time to have a detailed talk with Lin Jianwei, wait a minute, find a separate time, and definitely have a good chat with him.

In addition to being talented and moral, there is actually another very important requirement, that is, loyalty, absolute loyalty and reliability.

Yang Fan is a born-again person. Although he is not good at specific operations in the stock market and futures market, he has a clear idea of ​​the general trend of the future and some major events that will happen in the future. He only needs a little guidance, and professionals like Lin Jianwei can operate.

The loyalty of this group of people is very important. They must unconditionally and [-]% follow Yang Fan's requirements, and their mouths must be very firm, and things that should not be said cannot be said to the outside world.

Lin Jianwei walked out of this room. Although he couldn't see anything on his face, his heart was already slightly agitated and he was very happy.

If the interview is successful, I will be the general manager of Hongtai Investment Company.

(End of this chapter)

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