Military Heavy

Chapter 444 Are you convinced?

Chapter 444 Are you convinced?
Lin Jianwei walked into the rest room.

After their interviews are completed, they cannot go back for the time being. There will be a conversation later. People like Lin Jianwei will be the general manager of Hongtai Investment Company, and Yang Fan will talk to him alone.

Everyone looked at Lin Jianwei.

Especially He Yongsheng, he had already realized that Lin Jianwei would be his biggest competitor, so he couldn't help but take a second look, with a trace of vigilance in his eyes.

Did he fail the interview?
Hope it didn't work out.

Seeing Lin Jianwei's calm face and seeing some joy, He Yongsheng was filled with malice and hoped that the other party would not pass the interview.

Liu Jie was not like this, and immediately asked with concern: "Brother Lin, how was the interview, did you succeed?"

Feeling concerned, Lin Jianwei smiled slightly, and said in a calm tone: "Liu Jie, thank you, I passed the interview, and I will come to work next Monday."

The interview passed.

He Yongsheng and Liu Jie had different reactions and attitudes.

A heart full of joy, I feel sincerely happy for Lin Jianwei.The other one was a little disappointed. It turned out that Lin Jianwei passed the interview. It would be great if he didn't pass.

He Yongsheng glanced at Lin Jianwei vigilantly, and thought in his heart, I have to pass the interview. After entering the Hongtai Group, I must have a higher position than these people, including Lin Jianwei, all under my control.

Just thinking about this, the staff of the Human Resources Department of Hongtai Group came over, not one person, but three people in total.

One of them said loudly: "The interview is over, Liu Jie and Wu Tongshun will follow me, and Lin Jianwei will go directly to the chairman's office."

Liu Jie and Wu Tongshun were very happy for a while.

Lin Jianwei sorted out his suit and tie for a while, and it was the chairman of Hongtai Group who was going to meet him later.

What about He Yongsheng?

I was dazed, and it took me a long time to react, and I said eagerly, "Are you making a mistake, I haven't had an interview yet."

The staff member said: "You don't need to interview, you have already been eliminated."

has been eliminated.

He Yongsheng quit, and shouted loudly: "I don't accept it, you operate in secret, the candidate is determined by default, I don't accept it, I strongly disagree."

The staff of the Human Resources Department of Hongtai Group gave him a cold look, and one of them said: "Before the interview started, the test has already begun. You crossed the road ignoring the red lights, ignored the traffic rules, and quietly picked up your wallet. Put it in your bag and keep it for yourself."

"I didn't, you guys are framing!"

He Yongsheng yelled, obviously not acknowledging these things.

Fortunately, Hongtai Group was well prepared. The staff threw out a stack of photos and said coldly: "Is it a frame-up? You should take a look at these photos first."

A large stack of color photos was thrown on the table in the lounge. Liu Jie and the others looked over together and saw these photos.

He Yongsheng ran a red light and crossed the road, pointed angrily at the normal driving driver, bent down to pick up the wallet on the ground, and put it in his own bag
All this is clear!

The proof is like a mountain!

Lin Jianwei, Liu Jie and Wu Tongshun glanced at He Yongsheng with contempt and disdain in their eyes, knowing in their hearts that He Yongsheng was such a person.

The three of them backed up two steps in unison, distanced themselves from He Yongsheng, which seemed to mean that we didn't know him, and we weren't with him.

What about He Yongsheng?

Hot face.

At this moment, I fully understand that, in fact, the test has already begun, Hongtai Group has already arranged all this, and sent people to watch their every move in secret.

The staff member said: "He Yongsheng, you are convinced now."

He Yongsheng's face became even more angry, ashamed.

He didn't want to stay here for a moment, he took the bag and wanted to leave here immediately, but he didn't know that the staff member stopped him.

He stretched out his hand and said, "He Yongsheng, before you leave, please give us that wallet."

He Yongsheng was in great pain. This was a total of 4000 yuan, but the photo was here, and he knew that he would not be able to do it if he didn't hand it over.

So, I can only hand over my wallet, and then leave in despair
Lin Jianwei arrived at the door of the chairman's office of Hongtai Group, took a deep breath, tried to calm down, and then raised his hand and began to knock on the door.

A middle-of-the-road voice came from inside, "Come in!"

Lin Jianwei pushed the door open and went in, slightly taken aback!
The person sitting on the boss chair was actually the person who participated in the interview just now.

How he does it here!

Lin Jianwei had worked hard and learned about this company before coming to Hongtai Group for an interview. He knew that the chairman's name was Yang Fang, and she was a woman.

The one in front of him is obviously not Yang Fang.

This is Yang Fan.

Yang Fan saw Lin Jianwei's reaction and thought it was normal, and it might be the same reaction as other people.

So, Yang Fan smiled slightly, and said warmly: "Please sit down, I am Yang Fan, Yang Fang is my sister, how about we sit down and chat casually?"

That's it!

Lin Jianwei finally understood that this is the younger brother of Chairman Yang Fang, so of course he is qualified to sit here.

Yang Fan is not in a hurry to reveal his true identity. Perhaps, when he feels that Lin Jianwei is loyal enough, he may tell him that he is actually the real boss of Hongtai Group.

After calling Lin Jianwei to sit down, Yang Fan chatted with him.

Mainly to get to know Lin Jianwei further, such as asking about his work experience in detail, and also chatting about the current domestic and foreign capital markets, stock market conditions, etc.

Lin Jianwei found that Yang Fan did not know everything, and seemed to have some unique insights in the capital market.

After chatting a lot, Yang Fan said: "Hongtai Investment Company has been established, and you are now the general manager. The next task is to form a professional team. The number of people does not need to be too many, but all of them must be elites. .”

Lin Jianwei nodded and asked for instructions: "Mr. Yang, what is our next task and what is the company's operating capital?"

Yang Fan smiled, "You basically have no tasks for the next stage, and the company's capital is temporarily gone."

Isn't this a shell company?

Seeing Lin Jianwei's surprise, Yang Fan explained: "Raising soldiers for a thousand days and using them for a short time, your task is to form an elite team for me. When the time is right, I will give you the task, and you will also be under my direct command."

Lin Jianwei still didn't understand a little bit.

According to this meaning, the company has nothing to do for the time being. If there is any task, it is to form an elite team.

Don't you need to buy and sell stocks, don't you operate in the domestic stock market, pay attention to the situation of the stock market every day, and specifically which stock to buy and which stock to sell?

Yang Fan said: "In the future, we will mainly do long-term investment. By the way, some stocks will be handed over to Hongtai Investment Company for you to manage. But remember, the sale and purchase of these stocks must be approved by me."

Which stocks are they?

Yang Fan mentioned the names of these stocks, such as Microsoft, Intel, Apple, etc., all of which are well-known large companies in the United States, and the total value of the stocks is as high as hundreds of millions of dollars.

Oh my God!

Lin Jianwei was shocked!

Yang Fan looked at his expression with satisfaction, and thought in his heart, if he was told that some of these stocks were bought more than ten years ago, and they have risen hundreds of times by now, what kind of reaction would he have?

Chatted for at least an hour.

It was near noon when Yang Fan signaled to Lin Jianwei that he could go back, remember to come and report for work next Monday.

Originally, I wanted to have lunch with Lin Jianwei and the others, but after thinking about it, I finally gave up the idea. We are not familiar with each other now, and there will be plenty of opportunities in the future.

At noon, Yang Fan and Yang Fang had dinner together.

While eating, Yang Fang asked: "Brother, how is the interview going? Has the general manager of Hongtai Investment Company been chosen?"

Yang Fan said: "It's been decided, Lin Jianwei will be the general manager."

Yang Fang nodded. Of course, she was no stranger to Lin Jianwei. After reading his profile, she knew that he was a returnee with a high degree of education and had rich work experience in the capital investment market. He was a rare talent.

After eating, the two chatted for a while, and then prepared to take a look at the Hongtai Building under construction.

That's all for today's update, thank you all.

(End of this chapter)

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