Military Heavy

Chapter 445 The foundation is not strong, the ground is shaking

Chapter 445 The foundation is not strong, the ground is shaking

The siblings chatted for a long time while eating.

Yang Fang is very clear about the matter of Hongtai Investment Company. She is usually in charge of it, and she really has to listen to Yang Fan at critical moments.

She knew that Yang Fan's vision was far stronger than hers, especially when it came to some major events.As Yang Fan said, a financial crisis may occur next year.Yang Fang firmly believed in this.

If someone said that such a thing would happen, she would just smile and not take it to heart, which shows her trust in Yang Fan.

Of course, if it were someone else, they might not believe Yang Fan’s statement that there will be a financial crisis in Southeast Asia next year and that the currencies of many countries in Southeast Asia will depreciate sharply.

The trust between the siblings is mutual.Yang Fan believes in his elder sister, and his elder sister also believes in his younger brother.

Regarding the appointment of the top management of Hongtai Investment Company, Yang Fang has no opinion at all, and supports Yang Fan's decision to appoint Lin Jianwei as the general manager of Hongtai Investment Company.

After lunch, they took a break, and the two of them went out together to the construction site of Hongtai Building.

This building has been under construction for several months. A skyscraper like this is as high as 86 floors, and the most important part of the project is the construction of the foundation.

Riding in the car, Yang Fan asked again: "Sister, I mentioned to you that we need to prepare several high-power water pumps, are you ready?"

Yang Fang immediately replied: "Thanks to your proposal, we prepared a total of more than a dozen high-power water pumps early, which solved a big problem, otherwise, we may have a lot of trouble during the construction process."

so, what happened?
Did it really happen that groundwater surged up?

Yang Fan pointed out early that the preparation of a high-power water pump was not a prophet, but a reborn memory, and told him that JM Building had encountered such a problem during the construction.

When the excavation of the ground foundation was only more than ten meters long, there was a large amount of groundwater upwelling, and the entire huge foundation pit was filled with ocean.

Ang Mao Building is not far from JM Building, and the two should be within the same geological conditions.Since such problems were encountered during the historical construction of JM Building, Hongtai Building may not be spared.

Such a thing actually happened.

Yang Fang talked about the construction of the foundation of the building last month.

The foundation construction of a skyscraper is a big project.For the foundation of the Hongtai Building, planning requires digging 20 meters deep.

A huge foundation pit of 150 meters by 150 meters was dug out, covering an area of ​​more than 2 square meters.

When this huge foundation pit was only dug to a depth of five or six meters, a large amount of groundwater burst out.

To make matters worse, there were several heavy rainstorms in a row last month, and something big happened.

Due to the decrease in the pressure of the upper soil, the groundwater spouts on the surface are getting bigger and bigger, and there is a vast ocean in all directions. In addition, the weather is not beautiful, and it has been pouring down for many days, with downward spraying and upward irrigation. The entire foundation pit is full of deep water, which is in danger of collapse.At that time, many people's tensed legs were weak.

Fortunately, the high-power water pumps were prepared early. Without these pumps pumping water out day and night, the entire foundation pit would definitely be a vast ocean and would become a huge pond.

After listening to Yang Fang's talk about the situation, Yang Fan felt secretly lucky.

Thanks to the preparation in advance, otherwise, it would be very passive.

The two chatted in the car, talking about the construction of Hongtai Building.Before he knew it, the car arrived at the construction site of the Hong Mao Building.

After Yang Fan got off the car, he saw a very spectacular scene.

In front of me was a huge foundation pit, the depth of which had reached about ten meters by visual inspection. There were a lot of construction machinery, a lot of building materials, and a lot of construction workers. The whole scene was lively.

Yang Fan couldn't help but said: "Sister, such a construction scene is really shocking."

Yang Fang smiled proudly: "Our funds are in place and the situation is good. The whole construction is non-stop. If you come here at night, you will find that the whole construction site is brightly lit and very busy."

Under the leadership of Yang Fang, followed by several middle and high-level personnel of Hongtai Group, everyone wore hard hats and walked into the construction site.

Look here, look there.Professionals accompanied Yang Fan and introduced the progress of the construction here.

Yang Fan saw at least a dozen pile drivers standing here, some of which were driving piles.

The diameter of each ground pile is more than one meter, but it is not yet clear how deep the ground pile has reached.

Not long after, a middle-aged man wearing a hard hat hurried over, and it could be seen that his face was full of anxiety.

Noticing this situation, Yang Fan thought to himself, could something have happened.

Sure enough, after he walked over, he would immediately report: "Chairman, judging from the current piling situation, we may have encountered a little trouble."

Yang Fang immediately asked, "What's going on? Just tell us straight to the point."

He is the chief engineer of the construction of Hongtai Building, and he has the best knowledge of the construction of the foundation, but he is currently encountering difficulties.

Seeing what Yang Fang said, he stopped beating around the bush and said directly: "Before the construction, we analyzed the geological conditions here, but now it seems that the actual situation is more serious than we imagined..."

He talked about the situation here, and everyone gradually fell silent.

Even laymen know that the construction of Hongtai Building has encountered an unprecedented serious situation.

Most of Donghai City is an alluvial plain, and 40 meters below the surface is covered with silt.

Considering this situation, it is very clear in the construction plan of this skyscraper that in addition to digging a huge foundation pit 20 meters deep, hundreds of ground piles need to be laid.

These ground piles must pass directly through the soft silt layer and reach the hard sand layer firmly.

It was originally estimated that the silt layer was about 50 meters long, and there should be a hard sandy soil layer below.

The design depth of the ground piles is also 60 meters. Now the deepest floor tiles have been drilled to a depth of 60 meters, but there is no shadow of the sand layer, and it is still a soft silt layer.

How could this be the case?

Everyone's expressions became serious one by one.Such a skyscraper, if the foundation is not solid, it will simply shake the ground, and it will be very dangerous.

Yang Fang waved and said, "Go, take us to see the specific situation."

Under the leadership of the chief engineer, our group went to one of the pile drivers.

A ground pile with a diameter of more than one meter and a depth of 60 meters has basically been laid.

Next to it is piled up the soil dug out of this pile.

Pointing to the soil, the chief engineer said, "Look, it's all silt, and there's no sand layer."

"Many of our engineering staff are very concerned right now, and some even wonder if we're going to give up on this issue."

The meaning of disarming and surrendering is very clear, that is, this project can no longer continue and can only be abandoned.

Worry hangs over everyone's heart.Everyone didn't say a word, and looked at the soil excavated from the ground with solemn expressions.

Someone even walked over, squatted down and grabbed a handful of such soil, looked and looked in the palm of his hand, looked at it for a long time, and didn't say a word.

Yang Fang also knew that the matter was serious, and after thinking about it, she said, "Let's have a meeting to discuss it, and hold an on-site meeting here immediately."

Collective wisdom is far more powerful than individual wisdom, and it may be possible to find a solution to a problem by brainstorming.Everyone agreed with Yang Fang's decision.

After a few phone calls, some people came over one after another, including engineering and technical personnel, as well as construction management personnel here.

After everyone arrived, Yang Fang personally presided over the on-site office meeting.First of all, let the chief engineer give a general overview of the situation, and then said.

"We have encountered such a problem. Everyone should mention their own opinions and speak freely without any scruples."

Everyone's speeches were also very enthusiastic. Some people advocated changing the design and increasing the number of ground piles from the current 400 to more than 600, or more than 800.

It is also suggested that the depth of the deep excavation of the foundation pit should be increased by a few meters from the original design depth, and it can even reach a depth of 25 meters.

However, this proposal has been opposed by many people.On the surface, the depth of the foundation pit is only increased by a few meters, but the resulting cost is very huge.

The area of ​​this foundation pit is so huge, reaching a scale of more than 2 square meters, and increasing the depth by a few meters indicates that the concrete layer will also increase by a few meters accordingly. How much does so much reinforced concrete cost?
When everyone's opinions could not be unified for a long time, Yang Fan still stood up.

He clearly remembered that the depth of the ground piles reached more than 80 meters during the construction of the JM Building.

Continue to increase the depth of ground piles, the cost is the lowest, take advantage of the current 60 meters to increase to 80 meters or even 90 meters, until the hard sand layer is drilled.

So, Yang Fan said loudly: "I have a suggestion for your reference."

Everyone quickly quieted down, and those who were arguing looked at Yang Fan one by one, they were slightly shocked.

Everyone knows that this is the chairman's younger brother, and because of this, they know that Yang Fan is not a professional in construction engineering.

Such a non-professional, what good advice can he have?

So many people, all looked at Yang Fan.In everyone's eyes, Yangfan appeared very calm, and his voice was very loud.

"Everyone has discussed for so long just now and expressed various opinions. I think that the most effective way in the current situation is to increase the depth of the ground piles. On the basis of the design depth of 60 meters, continue to dig deeper. How about 80 meters or even 90 meters?"

As soon as the voice fell, someone immediately said: "This is definitely not possible, how can things be so simple."

Yang Fan followed the voice and looked over. It was a middle-aged man with a hard hat and a slightly fat figure. He should be a construction engineer of Hongtai Building.

(End of this chapter)

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