Military Heavy

Chapter 446 The easiest way is also the most effective

Chapter 446 The easiest way is also the most effective

Why not?

Yang Fan was very curious and wanted to know the reason why this method didn't work.

His rebirth memory clearly remembers that during the construction of the JM Building in history, when he encountered the same problem, he adopted this method and finally solved the problem perfectly.

Yang Fang is very protective of this younger brother. Seeing that someone clearly said that the method proposed by Yang Fan is not good, she felt slightly dissatisfied in her heart, looked over and asked in a deep voice.

"Why not? Please tell me your opinion."

The engineer didn't seem to be too scared, maybe because he felt that his point of view was correct and he was fully sure.

He replied: "It is very obvious that Donghai City is an alluvial plain formed by the accumulation of silt. The silt layer is tens of meters below the surface. Our ground piles must be driven on a hard sand layer."

"How deep is this silt layer? We don't know yet. It may be seven to eighty meters, and it may be more than 80 meters. That is to say, it may take more than 100 meters to have the hard sand layer we need..."

Yang Fan smiled, and interrupted him with a wave before he finished speaking.

The IQ of this engineer is really a bit speechless, if it works, you will know if you try it.

Yang Fan said: "How thick is the silt layer? We can try it with a piling machine. We will continue to go down at the current depth of 60 meters and see how deep we need to meet the hard sand we need."

The solution is that simple.

Many people were even shocked for a while, and they didn't recover for a long time.

They may be a little scared when they encounter such a serious situation at first, and often complicate simple problems.

But Yang Fan, a bystander, knows very well that the problem is not so complicated.With such a simple method, it should be able to solve this very difficult problem currently encountered.

The chief engineer of the construction of Hongtai Building, he immediately agreed with Yang Fan's proposal, and even patted his head lightly, laughing at himself for a while.

She thought to herself, why didn't I think of such a simple solution?
Ok.Don't you know if you continue to drive piles down? 60 meters of vinegar is 70 meters long, and 70 meters of vinegar is 80 meters long. I don't believe that this silt layer has a depth of 200 meters.

Of course, if there is really a depth of 200-200 meters, then the Hongtai Building project must be stopped.At present, there is no such tall skyscraper built on a [-]-meter-thick silt layer in the world.

The matter was quickly decided in this way, and the piles were continued to be driven down according to Yang Fan's suggestion.

For the sake of safety, a total of three pile drivers were selected, and three different locations were selected to drive piles, and each pile driver kept a certain distance.

The loading machines that had stopped working began to roar again, and continued to drive piles down.

The Yang Fang siblings checked the piling situation and left temporarily.Because it is impossible to know the result all at once, it may take three to five days before news comes out.

When leaving, Yang Fang prayed in her heart, God bless her, if she hits another 20 meters down, she will encounter hard sand.

Yang Fan did not pray. He knew very well that at a depth of about 80 meters, he would find that there was a hard sandy soil layer underneath. depth.


Today is Monday.

Lin Jianwei came to the headquarters of Hongtai Group with great ambitions. He knew that such a good platform would allow him to flex his muscles and display his talents.

When he got there, he quickly saw Liu Jie and Wu Tongshun.

Liu Jie is very happy now, and immediately came over to shake hands with Lin Jianwei happily: "Brother Lin, we are colleagues from today, so happy."

He still doesn't know that Lin Jianwei is the general manager of Hongtai Investment Company, because the appointment has not been officially announced to the outside world.

Lin Jianwei was also full of joy, he was very satisfied with this future subordinate.

He shook hands with Liu Jie tightly, and said very happily: "Yes, we will be colleagues in the future and belong to the same team. We will work hard here and achieve a great cause."

Wu Tongshun was a little introverted, so he also came over and shook hands with Lin Jianwei proactively.

The three of them exchanged polite greetings, and after chatting for a few words, someone came over to inform them that the chairman personally talked to them.

The three of them didn't dare to be negligent, and immediately tidied up their shirts and ties, and followed the staff member to a reception room.

Soon after, Yang Fang came over, and the three of them had a very formal conversation.And announced that Lin Jianwei will serve as the general manager of the newly established Hongtai Investment Company.

When the appointment was announced, both Liu Jie and Wu Tongshun were surprised, especially Liu Jie's reaction was very big, the boss opened his mouth, maybe this news was far beyond his expectation.

He has never been showing off, and without showing off at all, Lin Jianwei actually became the top leader of Hongtai Investment Company just like this.

After being stunned, Liu Jie, who came back to his senses, immediately congratulated Lin Jianwei, with a slightly different expression, which was completely a way of greeting a subordinate and a superior.

So far, Hongtai Investment Company has been formally established. Currently, there are only three people, with Lin Jianwei as the general manager.

Although there are only three people in this company, its capital strength is very strong. Yang Fang temporarily entrusted the stocks worth hundreds of millions of dollars in her hands to Hongtai Investment Company for management.

After learning that these stocks are worth hundreds of millions of dollars, and they are the stocks of some big American companies, such as Microsoft, Intel, Apple and other companies, one can imagine the shock in Liu Jie and Wu Tongshun's hearts.

After the establishment of Hongtai Investment Company, their first task was to form an elite single team.Directly under Yang Fan's remote command.

Their future work location will not be in Donghai City, but in Hong Kong Island.

It is there that you can better use your hands and feet, and you can do a big job.


Hongtai Building, construction site.

Since Yang Fan proposed to continue driving piles a few days ago, the three pile drivers have been working day and night.

At present, the depth of these three places has reached more than 70 meters, and engineers and technicians come to analyze the excavated soil layer every once in a while.

The purpose of course is to analyze through these soil layers, how far is the hard sand layer that everyone hopes for.

Next to a certain pile driver, there are not only a few workers who operate it, but also several engineers and technicians.

These engineers and technicians squatted on the ground and carefully looked at the freshly dug soil.

After looking at it, one of the technicians was slightly excited: "Look, according to my years of experience, maybe a few meters down is the hard sand layer we need."

Other technicians agreed with this point one after another, and some even thought to themselves: "Yang Fan is really good, and his proposal is really useful."

"Yeah, this should be the simplest, but also the most effective method. If we really increase the depth of the pit and increase the thickness of the foundation concrete layer, the cost is estimated to be in units of billions."

Several engineers and technicians saw that the hard sand map soil layer was about to appear, and they were also very emotional when they were happy.

I feel admiration for Yang Fan in my heart.

One by one thought in their hearts, he is really amazing!

Thanks to Yang Fan's suggestion at the beginning, when the ground piles were driven down to more than 70 meters, there were signs of hard sandy soil.

These engineers and technicians are still very good. Sure enough, after drilling down a few meters, the real hard sand layer appeared.

The workers who first discovered this cheered and were all excited.

"Look, this is a layer of sand."

"Really, the sand layer has actually appeared, which is very pleasing."

"I'll inform Mr. Liu and the others to come and take a look."

Soon, more and more people gathered beside the pile driver. In addition to engineering and technical personnel, many managers and even a large number of workers ran over.

Seeing the sand layer that was punched out, everyone was very happy, and the atmosphere of the whole scene was very warm.

The chief engineer of the construction of Hongtai Building also rushed over upon hearing the news.

He excitedly grabbed a handful of sand, put it in his hand, and looked at it again and again, as if he would never get tired of seeing it, as if this was not cheap sand, but a treasure.

He was also completely relieved, knowing that the depth of each pile foundation did not need to be more than 100 meters, maybe 90 to [-] meters would be enough.

Within a day, all three pile drivers hit the sandy soil layer one after another, and the depths were basically uniform, about 70 meters.

The construction party held a meeting soon, and all engineering and technical personnel unanimously decided to modify the design and change the originally designed 60-meter-deep foundation pile to 90 meters.

In other words, the depth of more than 400 foundation piles of Hongtai Building has been increased to 90 meters. They will be deeply embedded in the hard sand layer and will be as stable as a rock in the future.

Those installed machines that had been stagnant for a few days began to work happily again, and continued to drive piles downward. The depth gradually increased from 60 meters to 90 meters.

After receiving the notice, Yang Fang was so determined that she went to the construction site to inspect the excavated sand and soil, and learned about the specific situation from the engineering technicians.

Back at the headquarters of Hongtai Group, as soon as she entered her own office, the first thing she did was to pick up the phone and call Yang Fan.

Donghai Ship Design Institute.

Yang Fan just chaired a meeting, and everyone discussed some improvements to the Type 054 guided missile frigate.

Not long after he entered the office, his mobile phone on the desk rang cheerfully.

Picking up the phone, Yang Fang's familiar and joyful voice came from inside.

"Brother, let me tell you a piece of great news. At a depth of more than 70 meters, our three pile drivers have driven to the hard sand layer..."

After listening to Yang Fang's general situation, Yang Fan let out a long sigh of relief, completely relieved.

Thinking in my heart, it really hit the sand layer.


That's all for today's update, thank you all.

(End of this chapter)

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