Military Heavy

Chapter 447 Brand New Ship 054

Chapter 447 Brand New Ship 054

After answering the call and putting down the mobile phone in his hand, Yang Fan thought with ease.

There will be no major problems in the foundation construction of Hongtai Building. The depth of the ground piles is 90 meters, and the reinforced concrete layer on more than 400 ground piles is several meters thick. Even if a major earthquake occurs, the building will still stand It doesn't fall, very safe.

The construction of Hongtai Building has solved such a big problem, and the subsequent construction is going smoothly, so there is no need for Yang Fan and his brother to worry about it. What they need to do is to ensure sufficient supply of funds.

The entire construction site is very lively and busy no matter it is day or night.

A large number of workers are busy and working hard, and a large number of construction machinery are working non-stop.


Dongjiang Shipyard.

The first ship of the Type 054 guided missile frigate, the painting work is basically completed.

All the tooling racks that were originally around the warship have been removed.From a distance, this warship is no different from the color effect drawing drawn by Yang Fan.

Its super-high appearance and beautiful figure have attracted the attention of almost all employees of Dongjiang Shipyard.It is as beautiful as the color effect picture drawn by Yang Fan, the only difference is that it is more intuitive and vividly displayed in front of everyone's eyes.

With the removal of all the surrounding tooling racks and the unreserved display of this warship in front of everyone, the employees of Dongjiang Shipyard always like to come and have a look and appreciate the figure of the 054 ship.

A group of people came from a distance, the leading three were Luo Jianguo, Yang Fan and Sun Baoguo.

Behind the three, more than ten people followed, all of them were middle and high-level people from Dongjiang Shipyard.

From a distance, everyone saw this beautiful warship.

Luo Jianguo first said with great joy: "I really didn't expect that our ship has basically been built and will be launched soon."

The paint job is done, just some finishing touches, and some necessary trial work, and then it's ready to go in the water.

After the ship is built on the berth to a certain stage, the process of making it float in the water by some method is called ship launching.

Different methods can be used for launching a ship, and the commonly used ones are gravity launching, floating launching and mechanical launching.

The first ship of the 054 ship uses an inclined construction berth, and its launching method must be gravity launching.

With the help of the inclination angle of the berth and the gravity of the ship itself, it was launched.

Speaking of the launch of the first ship, Sun Baoguo said with a strong sense of accomplishment in his heart.

"Everyone, the launch date of the first ship can basically be set. If there are no accidents, it should be launched at the beginning of next month."

It is now November of 1996, and there are still more than ten days left in this month, and the water will be launched at the beginning of next month, that is, at the beginning of December.

Dongjiang Shipyard has also successfully achieved their goal of launching the first ship before the end of this year.

When it comes to the launch of the first ship, both Yang Fan and Luo Jianguo feel happy in their hearts. This is exactly what everyone hopes for, and it is also something that everyone is looking forward to day and night.

Launching is a milestone node in the construction of ships, and it is also very exciting news for the military.

It is estimated that the leaders of the military are the same. They are all looking forward to the early launching of this ship, and even looking forward to its early delivery.

Gradually, everyone came to the front of the ship, and they all stopped at the same time, their eyes were deeply attracted by the ship.

Everyone looked at this Type 054 guided missile frigate with admiration, and they all liked it more and more, especially Luo Jianguo.

He has already fallen in love with the Type 054 guided missile frigate. Seeing its mighty main gun, geometrically sectioned appearance, huge phased array control radar, and neat vertical missile launch system, he even has a little bit in his heart. excitement.

This is exactly what the military needs, and it is also the type of ship that is looking forward to day and night.

After looking at it for a while, Sun Baoguo suggested: "The construction work is basically completed, how about we go on board and have a look?"

This speaks to everyone's heart, even if he doesn't propose it, whether it is Luo Jianguo or Yang Fan, everyone wants to go up and take a good look at this Type 054 guided missile frigate.

Under the leadership of Sun Baoguo, a group of people boarded the ship with great interest and began to visit everywhere.

Not long ago, Yang Fan had boarded this warship, and now he boarded it again. Upon closer inspection, he found many obvious changes. Some unfinished projects have now been fully completed.

On the warship, the number of workers is relatively small, and only occasionally two or three workers are seen doing some finishing work.

Everyone stayed on this ship for at least an hour, visited it in all directions, and was reluctant to leave for a long time.

In the end, due to time constraints, Sun Baoguo reminded everyone that it was time for lunch.

In this way, everyone got off the boat reluctantly, especially after Luo Jianguo got off the boat, he turned his head and looked at it several times, his eyes were full of reluctance.

Sun Baoguo said: "Let's go, before going to eat, I'll take you to have a look at our new level construction berth."

"Oh." Luo Jianguo was immediately interested.

He is no layman, and he knows that for warships like the Type 054 guided missile frigate, which require very high construction precision, the best construction berth is a horizontal berth.

So he waved his hand and said, "Go, let's go there now."

Of course, Yang Fan also wanted to go and have a look. He knew more about the construction progress of the berth in Dongjiang Shipyard, and he went to visit it a few days ago, but it had not yet been fully completed.

Under the leadership of Sun Baoguo, a group of people walked to the side, where the huge horizontal construction slipway was newly built by Dongjiang Shipyard.

Beside this slipway, Luo Jianguo sighed, "Our slipway is really not small!"

Sun Baoguo replied: "It is indeed not small. It was built according to General Master Yang's suggestion. It is not only the 3000 ship with more than 054 tons, but also the Type 052 guided missile destroyer with [-] to [-] tons, or even larger ships. No problem at all."

Luo Jianguo said jokingly: "Old Sun, could it be that you are still eyeing the construction of the 052 ship, and you have a lot of appetite."

Of course, this is purely a joke.

Luo Jianguo knows that the third ship of the Type 054 guided missile frigate will be built at Dongjiang Shipyard, and it will be built on this brand new berth.

The Dongjiang Shipyard has plenty of tasks and will start building the third ship of 054, while the Type 053 guided missile frigate has not stopped and is still under construction. Every year, the Type 053 guided missile frigate is launched.

There are so many tasks, so it is impossible for Dongjiang Shipyard to grab the jobs of Donghai Shipyard, and it is impossible for them to focus on the Type 052 guided missile destroyer.

Sure enough, Sun Baoguo laughed loudly, "Commander Luo, we don't dare to attack the Type 052 guided missile destroyer as the main force. We are satisfied with the Type 054 destroyer."

"For many years to come, our focus will always be on the 054 ship, and we will strive to build dozens of them."

There was an air of ambition all over him.

Luo Jianguo nodded approvingly. He also thought so. The Type 054 guided missile frigate is so outstanding that its construction price is not too expensive.

Sun Baoguo changed the subject, and said loudly: "We spent such a large cost to build such a large horizontal berth under the suggestion of General Master Yang, not all for the Type 054 missile frigate."

For the 3000 ship with more than 054 tons, this berth is a bit bigger.

Luo Jianguo said: "Do you have other goals, why don't I know?"

Sun Baoguo said: "It's just that General Master Yang didn't tell you."


Luo Jianguo looked at Yang Fan with a questioning meaning.

Yang Fan smiled slightly, and didn't think about it. He just mentioned it to Sun Baoguo inadvertently, and said it casually, but he actually took it to heart and kept it in his heart.

Sun Baoguo rushed to answer: "Commander Luo, Commander Yang said that with the improvement of our overall national strength, the future navy may need more powerful warships."

More powerful battleships!

Is it more powerful than the current 052 ship or 054 ship?

A battleship that is more powerful than them, what is that, is it an aircraft carrier?

Luo Jianguo looked at this horizontal berth, and after looking it over, he thought to himself, this can't build a big guy with tens of thousands of tons!
Aircraft carriers are at least tens of thousands of tons.

Not an aircraft carrier, but more powerful than the current 052 and 054 ships, what kind of warship is that?


That's all for today's update. People are outside, so they can only use their mobile phones to code a few words. The update in the next few days may be unstable. Please forgive me. I will try my best to update after I go home.

(End of this chapter)

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