Military Heavy

Chapter 448 Chen Shaohua is Here

Chapter 448 Chen Shaohua is Here

Luo Jianguo was puzzled.

He doesn't understand!
So, looking at Yang Fan again, I couldn't help it, and asked actively: "Comrade Yang Fan, what is it, is it stronger than our current Type 052 guided missile destroyer and Type 054 guided missile frigate?"

Yang Fan smiled slightly, looked at the berth with satisfaction, and said, "I'm imagining, it's just my personal idea."

"Well, you said."

Luo Jianguo nodded and signaled Yang Fan to continue, and he wanted to listen carefully.

Yang Fan continued: "This is what I think. With the increase of our national strength, the existing 052 and 054 ships may not be able to meet the requirements. The navy should need more powerful warships."

"I think that in the future, maybe ten years, maybe 20 years, we should be able to design and build a [-]-ton large guided missile destroyer..."

[-]-ton class large drive!
Luo Jianguo's originally calm heart suddenly became eager and said immediately.

"Comrade Yang Fan, tell me quickly what the future [-]-ton large destroyer will look like."

Of course Yang Fan knows what it looks like, and he is very familiar with the [-]-ton large drive.

At that time, Yang Fan was an outstanding ship design expert and participated in the design of this destroyer.

Therefore, we began to introduce the future [-]-ton large drive in more detail.

The scene became quiet, not only Luo Jianguo, but even Sun Baoguo listened seriously.

He once heard Yang Fan mention the [-]-ton large-scale drive, but what Yang Fan described was far from being so detailed and comprehensive.

This time is different!
Very detailed!
After listening to Yang Fan's words, everyone felt that a powerful [-]-ton large destroyer seemed to emerge in their minds.

The people in the Dongjiang Shipyard were all stunned and said in their hearts, will we really have such a powerful warship in the future?

Luo Jianguo also looked at Yang Fan more than once. He had a strange feeling that as long as he gave enough support and resources, Yang Fan could lead a team to design such a powerful warship.

"It would be great if we really have such a warship." Wu Jianguo thought in his heart.

He knew that this might really be just Yang Fan's personal idea, and it was definitely not an easy task to build such a powerful warship.

Yangfan has a blueprint in his heart, and talked about it for several minutes in combination with the future [-]-ton large-scale drive.

After the speech, the scene was still silent, and everyone was far from recovering from the extreme shock.

After several seconds, someone finally applauded uncontrollably.

After someone took the lead, there was warm applause soon, and everyone admired Yang Fan.

Luo Jianguo was also in a good mood, holding Yang Fan's hand tightly, and said hopefully.

"I really hope that this dream will come true. If I can see such a warship built and launched in my lifetime, I will have no regrets in this life."

Yang Fan hurriedly said: "It will definitely, maybe in ten years or so, we will have such an excellent warship."

So far, Yang Fan only talked about the 1996-ton large drive, but did not talk about the design and construction of the aircraft carrier.It's only [-] now, and what I'm talking about is too advanced, so it's not good to scare everyone.

Next, under the leadership of Sun Baoguo, everyone visited the slipway of Dongjiang Shipyard.

After looking at it for a while, Luo Jianguo said, "Comrade Yang Fan, you really have foresight, and you can see things from a long distance. With such a berth, even if you build a [-]-ton large drive, there will be no problem."

Of course, there is no problem. After the berth is built, its service life can last for decades.

The length and width of this berth are relatively large, and there are hundreds of tons of gantry cranes. Even if it is a large destroyer of the [-]-ton class, there will be no difficulty in building it here.

Sun Baoguo said happily: "I hope it's true what General Master Yang said, the future [-]-ton class large drive will be built on this berth."

Yang Fan said confidently: "I personally don't think this is a dream, as long as you give it a certain amount of time, it will definitely come true."

Everyone visited the slipway and talked about the future [-]-ton large drive. Sun Baoguo looked at the time and reminded.

"Oh, it's past meal time, let's go there now, otherwise, the food will be cold."

Sizhu burst into a good-natured laugh.

Our group did not take a car, just walked like this, chatting while walking.

Either talking about the current Type 054 guided missile frigate, or talking about the future [-]-ton large drive, unknowingly left the factory area of ​​​​Dongjiang Shipyard.

After walking not far, I entered a restaurant with a good environment. In the box on the second floor, everything was ready.

There was a table full of food, covering a large table. As Sun Baoguo said, if he came a little later, the food would probably be really cold.


In the past few days, Yang Fan has been staying at the East China Sea Ship Design Institute, not going to Hongtai Group, let alone the Hongtai Building under construction.

The pile foundation was successfully driven to the hard sand layer, and Yang Fan was completely relieved.

As for Hongtai Investment Company, there is no need to worry too much about the daily management, someone is in charge.What Yang Fan has to do is to guide in the general direction. Of course, Yang Fan is also closely watching the economic situation in Southeast Asia.

And specifically explained to Lin Jianwei, asking them to pay close attention to the exchange rates of the currencies of several Southeast Asian countries, and specifically mentioned the Thai baht.

As long as there is a relatively large fluctuation in the exchange rate of the Thai baht, he asked Lin Jianwei to tell him immediately.

If history has not changed at this point, the Southeast Asian financial crisis should have started in July 1997.

Yang Fan is a little worried, with the appearance of his own little butterfly, whether a flap of wings will cause a relatively large change in history.

In case the financial crisis in Southeast Asia occurs in advance, then correspondingly, you have to make preparations in advance.

Fortunately, the preparations are basically in place.Hongtai Investment Company has been established, and the elite team has begun to form under the leadership of Lin Jianwei.

Yang Fan was in the office, thinking about Hongtai Investment Group, when there was a knock on the door.

Yang Fan quickly withdrew his thoughts, and said loudly: "Come in, the door is unlocked."

Originally, I thought that the person who opened the door would be the director of a certain designer below, or a certain design backbone, but I didn't know that I saw a face that I hadn't seen for a long time.

Immediately, Yang Fan was pleasantly surprised.

Get up right now!
He greeted him happily, and shook hands tightly: "Old Chen, why are you here? You didn't call me first."

The person who came was Chen Shaohua, the deputy general manager of Donghai Shipyard, and the chief builder of the Type 052 guided missile destroyer.

If there is nothing to go to the Three Treasures Hall, there must be something for Chen Shaohua to come here specially.

Sure enough, Chen Shaohua went straight to the point: "I didn't have time to make a phone call. As soon as I heard these things, I couldn't sit still and came here in a hurry."


Yang Fan asked with a questioning look on his face, and said with concern: "Old Chen, what is it that makes you unable to sit still, and you specially came to my place."

Chen Shaohua sat down on the sofa, and said, "I heard that a [-]-ton destroyer may be built in the future. Is there such a thing?"

Two days ago, Yang Fan did mention the [-]-ton large drive at Dongjiang Shipyard.

This incident should have reached Chen Shaohua's ears. I don't know if the news he heard is out of shape.

After roughly understanding what was going on, Yang Fan couldn't help smiling happily.

Chen Shaohua couldn't laugh, and looked very nervous.

He said loudly: "Mr. Yang, we are old friends. You can't favor one over the other. A bowl of water must be leveled. You can't hand over the future [-]-ton large drive to Dongjiang Shipyard for construction. Our Donghai Shipyard is the only one that can be built." The cradle of destroyer construction."

Yang Fan laughed again, knowing that the news reached Chen Shaohua's ears really out of shape, out of shape.

It can be seen that he is very worried that the construction task of the [-]-ton large drive will fall to Dongjiang Shipyard.

He even heard that the Dongjiang Shipyard has already started preparations for the future [-]-ton large drive, and even the berth for the construction of the [-]-ton large drive has been prepared.

Yang Fan knew that there was a little misunderstanding about the matter. In fact, the horoscope of the [-]-ton large-scale drive has not been written yet, and it should be in the next ten years or so.

Knowing that Chen Qianhua had some misunderstandings, Yang Fan explained patiently.

After listening to the explanation, Chen Qianhua let out a long sigh of relief, and asked in disbelief: "Really, it's just your personal assumption, not the above meaning."

Yang Fan said: "It is too early to start discussing the [-]-ton large-scale drive. Our conditions are not mature at all. Even if the above has this intention, I will make suggestions. At least ten years later, when our comprehensive national strength Only when the industrial strength is further improved can we consider the construction of this heavy weapon.”

Knowing that Yang Fan would not tell lies, he was finally completely relieved and laughed himself.

Chen Shaohua said apologetically: "You see, I was too anxious. As soon as I heard the news, I rushed over in a hurry. I didn't go further to learn more about it. As a result, I misunderstood."

Yang Fan said generously: "I understand, if it were me, I probably wouldn't be able to sit still."

The misunderstanding was cleared up, Chen Shaohua relaxed, and began to chat with Yang Fan about the current Type 052 missile.destroyer.

In the Donghai Shipyard, the Type 052 guided missile destroyers have been launched one after another in recent years, and the situation is very gratifying.

After sitting with Yang Fan for more than an hour, Chen Shaohua left happily.

After watching Chen Shaohua leave, Yang Fan not only smiled again, but said in his heart, he certainly hoped that the design of the [-]-ton-class large-scale drive would be launched as soon as possible, but his reason told him that there was no rush for this matter, and the conditions were far from mature.

When he was about to leave work, Yang Fan received a call from Jiang Yan.

Jiang Yan's voice came from the big brother: "Brother Fan, shall I wait for you at the gate of your unit, or shall we meet at Hongtai Plaza."

The two made an appointment to go shopping tonight, because today is Friday, and everyone will rest tomorrow.

There is only one purpose for shopping, Jiang Yan suggested to change Yang Fan's mobile phone.


That's all for today's update, thank you all!

(End of this chapter)

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