Military Heavy

Chapter 452

Chapter 452
Dongjiang Ship Design Institute.

Pan Jinfu, Yang Fan, and several other deputy directors were all sitting together, all beaming and smiling, all in a very good mood.

One of the deputy directors said: "Director Yang, congratulations, congratulations!"

Yang Fan looked humble, "This is the result of everyone's joint efforts, otherwise, the first ship of the 054 ship would not have been launched so quickly."

Pan Jinfu said: "Our Comrade Yang Fan is as humble as ever. I think Comrade Yang Fan has the most credit for the success of the 054 ship."

"Yes, yes, I completely agree with this." Another deputy director said.

Everyone was chatting about the launch of the first ship of the 054 ship. After a while, Pan Jinfu reminded: "It's about time."

Yang Fan raised his hand to check the time, and said loudly: "We can go downstairs now."

A group of people began to go downstairs.

At this moment, the front of the office building was bustling with activity. There were several small cars parked, plus two buses, and quite a few people had already boarded the cars.

The two buses were especially lively.

"It's like a dream, the first ship is launched so soon."

"I went to Dongjiang Shipyard a few days ago and saw the first ship. It's so beautiful!"

"After the launching ceremony, we have to board the ship and take a good look."


Everyone was chatting cheerfully in the car, and suddenly, someone shouted loudly: "Look, the leaders have come down."

I saw a group of people coming out of the office building, with Pan Jinfu, Yang Fan and others walking in the front. Some people were surprised when they saw this formation.

"Look! Even Director Pan is going to participate in the launching ceremony of the first ship."

"Wow, all the deputy directors are on the bus, and there are quite a few of them, it's amazing!"

In the eyes of everyone, Pan Jinfu, Yang Fan and others got into the car one after another.

Soon after, the convoy started, with several cars driving at the front, followed by two buses. Seeing this, the gate guard of Donghai Institute immediately opened the gate, stood straight aside, saluted, and watched the convoy leave.


The Dongjiang Shipyard is very lively, and even the air is full of festiveness. Almost every employee knows that the first ship of the Type 054 guided missile frigate is launched today, and a grand and grand launching ceremony will be held in the factory.

The first ship of the Type 054 guided missile frigate has been dressed up beautifully, like a girl who is about to get married. There are many people beside it. It is very lively and festive!

On the open space next to the construction berth, a red carpet was laid on the floor, colorful flags and balls fluttered, and a huge banner was also pulled up high. It read, "Warmly celebrate the launching of the first Type 054 guided missile frigate."

"The exciting time is coming!"

"Yes, we have worked hard for so long and put in so much hard work, and finally we have the joy of harvest."

"I really want to take a photo with the first ship, but unfortunately, for the sake of confidentiality, I can only look at it so happily."


Many people were talking about it, and their words were full of joy. The entire Dongjiang Shipyard, from the management to the ordinary workers, seemed to be happier than in the New Year.

Today is destined to be an important moment for the entire Dongjiang Shipyard!

Today will also be a highlight in the development history of the Type 054 guided missile frigate!
With the arrival of personnel from relevant units, the place looks more lively and festive. For example, people from the East China Sea Ship Design Institute have arrived, and a dozen people from the Phased Array Control Radar Research Institute have also arrived. There are people.

I don't know who shouted loudly, "Look, the leaders are here."

The originally bustling scene suddenly quieted down. Two to three hundred pairs of eyes looked over, and saw that there was indeed a large group of people, at least two to thirty people, many of whom were wearing military uniforms and had generals on their shoulders. Starry military people.

In addition to several senior personnel of the military, there were also several senior personnel from Dongjiang Shipyard and several people from Donghai Design Institute walking in the front.

For example, Yang Fan walked in a relatively front position.

When they saw three gold stars on the shoulders of one of them, the originally quiet scene erupted into unprecedented applause.

Especially the people from Dongjiang Shipyard applauded vigorously and excitedly.

They did not expect that the military attached so much importance to the launch of the first ship, and that such high-level personnel came, which is very rare among the launching ceremonies of many ships in Dongjiang Shipyard.

Perhaps, the excellent Type 054 guided missile frigate deserves the presence of such high-level leaders as the military to witness the launch of the first ship.

After a long time, the applause gradually died down.

At 054 o'clock in the morning, the salute was fired, and the launching ceremony of the lead ship of the [-] ship officially began.

After the salute, the leaders of the navy gave speeches, and the leaders of Dongjiang Shipyard gave speeches. Yang Fan, as the chief designer of the 054 ship, represented Donghai Research Institute.

"Leaders, guests, comrades, today, we have ushered in an exciting moment. The first ship of the Type 054 guided missile frigate finally ushered in the launch with the joint efforts of everyone."

Loud sound!

It seemed to be very penetrating, and it was clearly transmitted to everyone's ears. The speech in less than 10 minutes was interrupted several times by everyone's warm applause.

After the speech, there was a grand ribbon-cutting ceremony.

After the ribbon-cutting ceremony, the first ship officially launched.

This is gravity launching, which is a launching method in which the ship enters the water along the inclined slide of the berth under the action of its own gravity.There are two ways of gravity launching: vertical and horizontal. The first ship of 054 adopts the standard vertical launching.

In the eyes of everyone, it began to slide slowly along the inclined slide, and the ribbons on both sides of the ship fluttered in the wind, which looked very beautiful.

The whole scene fell silent again.

Including the leaders of the navy, everyone calmed down and watched eagerly as the first ship slowly slid. When sliding a certain distance and getting closer to the water surface, some people might feel a little nervous. A heart hangs slightly.


With a loud noise, the stern of the first ship entered the water first, and under the action of huge gravity, a large splash of water was stirred up, and even the shore was wet.

There are some people who are close to each other. They were wet to varying degrees, but they were all very happy, and they wanted to get a little more water, even though it is December and the sea is cold.

The first ship successfully entered the water!

The originally quiet scene suddenly became lively again, and the hearts of many people who were slightly suspended were completely let go.

Immediately, more enthusiastic applause rang out. This was the longest and loudest applause. Even the people in the navy were no exception, and they all applauded vigorously.

Amid the applause, several tugboats sailed over and started working.

The tugboat began to tow the lead ship slowly, heading towards the prepared pier not far away, where it will be docked beside this pier.

Under the traction of the tugboat, the first ship drove out of the dock completely, and with the help of the tugboat, the first ship successfully completed the turn and began to head towards the dock.

Everyone's eyes never left the slow-moving lead ship.

It was very beautiful.

Being dressed up, with a lot of ribbons flying, the appearance is even higher.

From time to time, there will be applause and cheers!
In such an atmosphere, it finally docked at the pier, no matter from which angle it looks, it is very eye-catching.

The entire launching ceremony took nearly two hours.

The successful launching of the first ship is one of the important nodes in the construction of the Type 054 guided missile frigate.

The whole day today, Dongjiang Shipyard is destined to be lively and festive!

Hongtai Group Headquarters.

An important high-level meeting is being held, and not only the group's high-level personnel, but also the heads of the various departments below are participating in the meeting.

The meeting was chaired by the executive vice president of Hongtai Group. Yang Fang sat on the chairman's seat with a serious expression, and the atmosphere in the conference room was also a little serious.

The topic of the meeting mainly discussed competitors' imitation and replication of the Hongtai Plaza model.

The executive vice president has already introduced the basic situation, and now he concluded: "After our investigation and understanding, there are a total of three large domestic real estate companies that have copied the model of our Hongtai Plaza, a total of three big cities in China We have launched the business plaza model, and it is estimated that some large real estate companies also intend to imitate and copy our model.”

The Hongtai Plaza launched by Hongtai Group has been very successful. No matter which city it is in, every Hongtai Plaza has almost become the absolute center of the city.

Such success has attracted the attention of other real estate companies, so some real estate companies have begun to imitate this model.

(End of this chapter)

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