Military Heavy

Chapter 453 Only Innovation

Chapter 453 Only Innovation
This is what Hongtai Group does not want to see.

This is definitely a bad thing.

For this reason, Hongtai Group specially held this high-level meeting to discuss countermeasures and hope to come up with countermeasures. The executive vice president personally introduced the relevant situation.

Then, he said in a solemn tone: "Our successful model is copied by others, and the loss to the interests of the group is destined to be very serious. Everyone, please speak freely and share your views."

Everyone looked at Yang Fang one after another.

Yang Fang nodded lightly, and said: "Mr. Zhao is right. Let's talk about it. Next, how should we deal with it?"

With the development of time, the competition in the domestic real estate market has gradually become a little fiercer, and many powerful private real estate companies have emerged, which has made Hongtai Group feel some pressure.

Now, some real estate companies have begun to copy and imitate the successful business model of Hongtai Plaza, and also develop commercial plazas in some big cities.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with their development of a commercial plaza, and the development has been developed, but the key is that the color of copying and imitation is too strong. If you don’t read the name of a newly developed commercial plaza in a certain big city, others will really think it is Hongtai Plaza.

There is at least seven or eight points of similarity in appearance, and the operation and operation mode is exactly the same, basically not much different from that of Hongtai Plaza.

While Hongtai Group felt pressure and worry, it was also very angry.

As soon as Yang Fang finished speaking, a middle-aged woman stood up. Wearing a professional suit and glasses, she was gentle, but her eyes were shrewd and capable. She is a highly educated person and is now the headquarters of Hongtai Group. head of a department.

She said loudly: "Chairman, all the bosses, I think we created the model of Hongtai Plaza, and we must apply for related patents, such as some designs on the appearance, including Log and so on."

Her thinking was clear and well-founded, and she proposed to apply for patents for certain things. In this way, Hongtai Group holds the patents and it is difficult for others to copy and imitate.

In the mid-to-late 90s, everyone's patent awareness was still not strong, but the head of the department had worked abroad for many years, and his patent awareness had already penetrated deep into his bones.

After the speech, a vice president said hesitantly: "Is this okay? Can this also be patented?"

The person in charge of the department replied affirmatively: "Mr. Luo, I think it is feasible. I believe that the country will strengthen the protection of patents and intellectual property rights. We have applied for a large number of patents for Hongtai Plaza. If others imitate and copy , that is a violation of the law."

This seems to work.

Many people looked at Yang Fang, waiting for the big boss' decision.

Yang Fang agreed without any hesitation or thought: "Minister Jin's proposal is very good. The group will immediately apply for a patent for the business model of Hongtai Plaza as soon as possible. This matter is in charge of the legal department and supervised by Vice President Sun. "

Many people were slightly surprised, they didn't expect Yang Fang's answer to be so decisive.

In fact, a few months ago, Yang Fan mentioned the matter of applying for relevant patents for Hongtai Plaza, but Yang Fang didn't take it too seriously, mainly because she had too many affairs in hand, and gradually almost forgot about it.

As for Yang Fan, he didn't mention this matter again, so the matter of applying for related patents has never been substantively operated.


"no problem."

Whether it was the person in charge of the legal department or Vice President Sun, they all answered in this way.

Then, someone went on to speak, suggesting to communicate with those real estate companies, stating that the model of Hongtai Plaza was created by Hongtai Group, and asking them to stop imitating and copying.

But this was opposed by many people, including Yang Fang, who did not agree to do so.

Since the other party has clearly imitated and copied the model of Hongtai Plaza, it is estimated that they have initially tasted the sweetness, and you are not willing to give up in a few words.

If the other party does not give up and stop this infringement, it will be embarrassing, and there will be no step to step down, and it will be very embarrassing.

One after another, several people spoke and expressed some opinions and suggestions.

Li Feng is not yet 40 years old, and he has only joined Hongtai Group for more than two years. He is now a vice president of Hongtai Real Estate Company.

At this meeting, the person in charge of Hongtai Real Estate Company and the following vice presidents all attended.

Li Feng stood up and said loudly: "Chairman, bosses, we have encountered malicious imitations from competitors. In fact, I have been thinking about this issue for a while. The most effective way is to obtain intellectual property rights besides applying for related patents." Besides protection, there is another way."

The conference room was very quiet, everyone looked at him or listened carefully.

Some people even wondered what proposal Li Fengfeng had and what effective solutions he could think of.

Li Feng continued: "This method is innovation, and only innovation. Even if we are imitated by our opponents, we will not be surpassed by them. We can only develop behind us."

Many people's eyes lit up slightly.

Especially Yang Fang, who nodded approvingly and said in a rare way: "Vice President Li, please tell me the details, and we will all listen."

Before so many people spoke, Yang Fang didn't speak, but after the other party finished speaking, she made a decision or gave instructions.

Many people looked at Li Feng enviously, thinking in their hearts, this kid is really lucky to have attracted the attention of the chairman.

Li Feng was also a little excited in his heart. He didn't expect the chairman to ask in person, asking to be more specific.

Although I was a little excited in my heart, my face was still very calm, and my thoughts were very clear. I continued: "Innovation is the best way. I have thought about how to innovate, but it is not systematic enough. not comprehensive enough”

Li Feng talked about some of his thoughts and ideas, and even proposed the concept of the first generation of Hongtai Plaza and the second generation of Hongtai Plaza.

The current Hongtai Plaza is the first generation. After innovation, the future Hongtai Plaza will undergo great changes, and it will belong to the second generation.

If Yang Fan was here, he would definitely give a thumbs up and praise him. This is a talent who can think of these things.

As a reborn person, he is clear about the future development trend. Of course, Yang Fan knows that the current Hongtai Plaza seems to be very successful, but there are still many deficiencies and limitations that need to be improved and developed. for development.

Yang Fan even wrote a more detailed planning book, which made a good summary of the business model of Hongtai Plaza and a good plan for the future.

It is currently the first generation of Hongtai Plaza, the second generation will appear in the future, and the third generation is expected to appear in more than ten years.

In this planning document, Hongtai Plaza is planned for a total of four generations, which are also divided into four development stages.Now that competitors have started to copy and imitate, Hongtai Group may consider launching the second generation of Hongtai Plaza.

However, being busy with the Type 054 missile frigate, and not yet aware of competitors' copying and imitation, Yang Fan has not handed over the plan to Yang Fang, and it is still in the drawer of his desk.

This meeting lasted for two to three hours. Everyone really spoke freely and made many good suggestions.

Among so many suggestions, the most valuable should be to apply for relevant patents and obtain intellectual property protection; and to innovate and launch a better and more complete Hongtai Plaza on the existing basis.

The next day.

Yang Fang left Donghai City with a few people and went to NJ City, which is hundreds of kilometers away. This city is not only a provincial capital city, but also a veritable first-tier city.

Hongtai Group has already started to develop in this city. For example, it has successfully developed the first large-scale high-end residential real estate. The land required for the second real estate has been obtained and is preparing to start construction.Hongtai Supermarket also opened two large supermarkets in this city, and the third large supermarket is already under preparation.

Yang Fang came here in person, the focus was not to consider the development of Hongtai Group in this big city, but to take a look at the large commercial plaza launched by the competitor.

This large real estate company in NJ City has almost completely copied the model of Hongtai Plaza. Yang Fang is going to come and have a look, understand the situation of the opponent, know yourself and the enemy, and win every battle.

Light cars are easy to use, there is no fleet of seven or eight cars, there is only one car, and the commercial square can already be seen through the window glass.

The people around him reminded softly: "Chairman, look, this is the commercial plaza."

Yang Fang nodded lightly, looked at the commercial plaza through the glass, and soon her face darkened slightly.

At first glance, I really thought it was Hongtai Plaza.

The similarity is at least [-]% or more, and there are only some subtle differences. Whether it is layout, architectural style, decoration, etc., they are all very similar.

After finding a good place to park, Yang Fang and several people got out of the car and began to visit and learn about the commercial plaza. Now they had a general look at the outside, and then went inside to have a look.

The business model here is exactly the same as Hongtai Plaza, the main body is also a large supermarket, but it is not Hongtai Supermarket, but a competitor of Hongtai Supermarket, a store opened here by a very powerful supermarket chain group in China.

The basement floor is a parking lot, the first to fourth floors are a large supermarket, and the fifth floor is a five-star hotel.
After watching for two full hours, Yang Fang didn't say a word, and her face was always tense. At this moment, she was already very angry in her heart.

Unexpectedly, competitors can be so shameless, almost copying the model of Hongtai Plaza.

That does not work!

Absolutely not!

In addition to being angry, Yang Fang calmed herself down as much as possible, and began to think of countermeasures in her mind, including Yang Fan.

She thought in her heart, in such a situation, should I communicate with my brother, maybe he has a better way?

I'm back, it's three o'clock today, and there's another chapter tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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