Military Heavy

Chapter 454 Construction of No. 3 Ship

Chapter 454 Construction of the third ship begins

Donghai Institute.

The first ship was successfully launched, not only the Dongjiang Shipyard as the construction unit, but also the Donghai Institute as the design unit, immersed in joy for several days.

in the office.

Yang Fan was sitting comfortably on the office chair, answering the call from Sun Baoguo in a good mood, "Master Yang, the construction of the third ship will start soon, do you have any instructions?"

His attitude is very correct, and he specially called to inquire.

Yang Fan said: "Not to mention the instructions. The design of the No. [-] ship has basically not changed, but only certain areas have been improved and perfected. For details, please refer to the technical notice we issued."

The two chatted on the phone for a while about the construction of the No. [-] ship, especially the technical issues.

Then, Sun Baoguo warmly invited: "Master Yang, are you free tomorrow? Would you like to come and have a look?"

Yang Fan only hesitated for a moment, and immediately replied straightforwardly: "Yes, I will come over early tomorrow morning."

Immediately, Sun Baoguo was very happy.

The two chatted on the phone for a few more minutes, mainly Sun Baoguo introduced the preparations for the start of the No. [-] ship, such as which things were in place and when they would be in place.

The next day.

Yang Fan drove out early in the morning, first went to Donghai Office for about half an hour, and arranged some work for today.

Originally there was a meeting Yang Fan planned to attend, but now he is not going to attend, so he arranged for Li Zhengjun, director of the Type Office of the 054 ship, to attend.

After arranging everything, Yang Fan drove to Dongjiang Shipyard and, accompanied by Sun Baoguo, walked into their material preparation workshop.

In terms of construction technology and process, the No. [-] ship used a complete set of things from the first ship, even the tooling and equipment were the same.

The initial stage is also stakeout and numbering.

Once built the first ship, with the experience and foundation, Dongjiang Shipyard directly started cutting the first steel plate. When Yang Fan walked in, he saw the large cutting machine at first sight.

A large medium plate has been placed on the table of the machine tool, and the workers are making final preparations before cutting.

Seeing this scene, Yang Fan waved and said, "Come on, let's go and have a look."

Two people walk in front, followed by three or four people, such as the person in charge of the material preparation workshop, the technical supervisor, and so on.

When everyone walked to the side of this large cutting machine, the preparation work was about the same. In just two or three minutes, the cutting machine started to work.

Hot white flames sprayed out from the thin nozzle of the cutter, and the one-foot-long high-temperature flame smoothly cut through the steel plate just like cutting tofu.

There was joy at the scene.

The first steel plate built on the [-]rd started cutting!
Everyone watched and talked with great interest, but they didn't leave.After about half an hour, the first steel plate was cut.

The machine tool stopped working, and the workers began to clean up the cut steel plate, and then hung it from the workbench of the machine tool with a sling rope, and placed it on the pallet in the open space next to it.

Sun Baoguo suggested: "Come on, let's go and see how the cutting quality is."

Several people walked to the cut steel plate and looked at it carefully. Yang Fan praised: "The cutting quality is good."

"Well, the incision is fairly neat, and there is no problem with the size." A technician in charge of steel plate cutting replied.

After looking at the steel plate that had been cut, he was about to go to another station to have a look, when suddenly, Yang Fan stopped in his tracks.

I saw a few people busy not far away. There should have been one or two old equipment there before, and it seemed that it was dismantled early to make room for it.

Yang Fan was very impressed. Although he did not come to the material preparation workshop of Dongjiang Shipyard for at least one or two months, and basically went to build the berth every time he came to Dongjiang Shipyard, he still clearly remembered that there should have been two old equipment there before.

"Mr. Sun, that place was specially vacated."

Faced with the question, Sun Baoguo happily replied, "Yes, it was specially set aside. The old equipment was eliminated to make way for the new equipment."

"Oh, you bought new equipment." Yang Fan asked.

In the past two or three years, the investment in the major shipyards has increased significantly, Dongjiang Shipbuilding has benefited, and the procurement funds have also been a lot more generous. Some new equipment has been added one after another, some of which are still good imported CNC equipment. equipment.

I wonder if this new device is also imported?

Yang Fan wanted to know very much, and also wanted to take a look at this new device.

Probably seeing what Yang Fan was thinking, Sun Baoguo waved his hand and said, "Master Yang, I'll take you to have a look. This new device is just being unpacked for inspection. If it was two days earlier, you wouldn't be able to see its true colors."

"Oh, then take me to take a look." Yang Fan was clearly interested.

A group of people quickly left the material preparation workshop. Next to the factory building, on the wide open space, two large packing boxes, one large and one small, were placed there. The large packing box was almost as big as a standard container, and the smaller one was The packing box is not too small.

The large packing box has been fully opened, and the equipment inside can be seen at a glance. The small packing box has also been half opened, and it can be seen that the packing box is full of foreign codes.

Yang Fan excitedly said: "Good guy, imported large-scale CNC laser cutting equipment!"

Sun Baoguo gave a thumbs up in admiration, "Master Yang, your eyesight is really poisonous, you can see it at a glance from such a distance."

"That's right, this is imported large-scale CNC laser cutting equipment. More than 054% of the thin plates of the 90 ship can be cut on it."

Official shotgun change!

With such good equipment, the cutting of thin plates is no longer a problem, not only the cutting efficiency is high, but the cutting accuracy is even better.

Yang Fan said: "Congratulations, you have bought such a good imported CNC equipment."

From the mid-to-late 90s, the country began to increase its investment in industry, especially state-owned manufacturing enterprises. They began to have funds to import high-end equipment they needed from abroad, including various large-scale numerical control equipment.

Dongjiang Shipyard is no exception. It has successively imported some equipment needed to build 054 ships and to build larger and more advanced ships in the future.

After looking around the equipment, Yang Fan said: "Mr. Sun, when the equipment is commissioned and installed and the steel plate cutting starts, you must notify me to come and have a look."

"That's for sure." Sun Baoguo quickly agreed.

In the Dongjiang Shipyard, Yang Fan stayed almost all morning, not only watching the construction of the No. [-] ship, but also specifically looking at the new berth that was nearing completion.

This is a horizontal construction slipway, dry dock type. After the construction is completed on the horizontal slipway, the ship can be launched in a floating manner.

It is to inject water into the place where the ship is built, relying on buoyancy is a launching method in which the ship floats naturally, which is called floating launching.

There is no doubt that the construction of the No. 054 ship must be on this horizontal slipway, not the inclined construction slipway. Construction is carried out on the horizontal slipway. Ships like the Type [-] guided missile frigate will be less difficult to build than the inclined slipway. Not a lot.

Yang Fang has returned to the headquarters of Hongtai Group from NJ City.

After staying in NJ for two days, she felt mixed emotions, sometimes angry and sometimes relieved.The anger is because the competitor directly copied the model of Hongtai Plaza, but the joy is that Hongtai Group has developed very well in the big city of NJ.

For example, this large-scale high-end residential area developed in NJ City, although the average price is higher than the average price of residential buildings in NJ City, it has basically been sold out. Now there are not many houses left, and it has entered the liquidation stage.

The Hongtai Supermarket in NJ City is also doing good business. Yang Fang went to see it specially. The supermarket has a large area, many products, and many customers. It is very lively.

The fly in the ointment is that competitors have almost copied the model of Hongtai Plaza, and built a large commercial plaza in NJ City, which has seven or eight points of acquaintance with Hongtai Plaza.

After calming down, Yang Fang held another group high-level meeting. In addition to introducing the business plaza of the competitor to everyone, she also deployed work again and took countermeasures to deal with the plagiarism and copying of the opponent.

After the meeting, Yang Fang returned to her own office, sat there, and thought quietly, the development of Hongtai Plaza really has to go through several stages, is it the first stage now?

In my mind, I was still thinking about the first generation and second generation Hongtai Plaza that Li Feng, the vice president of Hongtai Real Estate Company, said.

It's a pity that he is still just a conception, rather vague, unsystematic, and unclear.But it also gave some inspiration to high-level officials including Yang Fang.

I thought in my heart, maybe, I really need to start developing towards the second generation of Hongtai Plaza, but what exactly does the second generation of Hongtai Plaza look like, and how does it need to be planned?
Not only her, but the entire Hongtai Group does not have a clear concept of these things, let alone a clear development idea.

After thinking for a while, having no clue, Yang Fang picked up the phone and dialed Yang Fan's cell phone number. Obviously, she was going to have a chat with Yang Fan.

There was even a surge of hope in my heart, maybe my brother has a way?

With this in mind, after the phone call, Yang Fang said: "Brother, after get off work, let's have a meal together. There are some things in the group that I need to discuss with you."

Did not say exactly what happened.

I couldn't speak clearly in a few words on the phone, so I just met and talked slowly.

Yang Fan knew that his elder sister would not easily call to discuss the affairs of the group, since she took the initiative to ask to have dinner together, the things discussed tonight might not be simple.

Knowing this, Yang Fan said, "Sister, I'll drive here as soon as I get off work."

"Okay, I'll wait for you at XXXX restaurant."

Yang Fang mentioned the name of a restaurant. It was the restaurant where the two of them had dinner several times. The environment was good, and the private room was very warm and quiet.

That's all for today's update, thank you all.

(End of this chapter)

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