Military Heavy

Chapter 455 1 Document

Chapter 455 A document

After answering the phone call, Yang Fan opened the drawer of his desk and thought in his heart, bring this document with him when we have dinner at night, so I can give it to my sister.
Holding this information about the planning of Hongtai Plaza, Yang Fan read it again, and felt that there was no problem, so he put it on the desk.

This is a material he drafted and revised several times. It has thousands of words. Combined with the memory before rebirth, the development of Hongtai Plaza is divided into four stages. The current Hongtai Plaza is only the first stage. The first generation of Hongtai Plaza.

The second-generation Hongtai Plaza will be a complex with a larger scale and more complete functions, adding cultural elements; the third-generation Hongtai Plaza will of course go further; the fourth-generation Hongtai Plaza should be Hongtai City to be precise, it estimates It will not appear until at least two or 30 years later.

After get off work in the afternoon.

Yang Fan simply tidied up his desk, went out with this document, and drove to the restaurant they had agreed upon.

Parked the car at the door, familiar with light driving, Yang Fan went directly to the second floor without even asking the staff of the restaurant, and pushed open the door of one of the private rooms.

The two of them had eaten here several times, and each time it was a private room, and this time it was the same. When he opened the door and looked, Yang Fan smiled a little, his sister had already arrived.

"Sister, you are so fast."

Yang Fang was very happy, and said with a smile: "I leave work early, unlike you who have strict time rules, before that time, I can't leave work."

This is true.

Yang Fan, as the deputy director of the Donghai Ship Design Institute and the chief designer of the Type 054 guided missile frigate, needs to set an example in terms of labor discipline and try to commute to and from get off work on time every day.

Yang Fang is different, she is the big boss, her time is flexible, she comes here earlier, and she also ordered the dishes in advance.

While the two were chatting, several exquisite dishes were brought up, as were freshly squeezed juices, and the two continued to chat while eating.

Soon it got to the point, Yang Fang straightened her face, and said slowly: "Brother, the group has encountered something now."


Yang Fan looked at his elder sister seriously, his expression gradually became dignified, and all the relaxed and cheerful expressions on his face disappeared.

He knew that if it was a general matter, Yang Fang would definitely not look for him alone, and the matter was probably more serious.

Yang Fang briefly explained the matter, telling how some competitors copied and plagiarized the model of Hongtai Plaza, and similar commercial plazas have been developed in some big cities, which are at least seven or eight points similar to Hongtai Plaza.

Yang Fan was surprised. Real estate companies copied the model of Hongtai Plaza so soon. He thought it would take another two or three years for this to happen.

This is also the reason why Yang Fan paid less attention to Hongtai Group and focused on the Type 054 guided missile frigate. Otherwise, he would not be so surprised to know that there are real estate companies copying the business model of Hongtai Plaza.

However, it was just a surprise.

The worry in my heart suddenly disappeared. In the eyes of Yang Fang and even the entire Hongtai Group executives, this is a difficult matter. In Yang Fan's view, this is not a problem.

A piece of cake.

Brother is born again.

How do you compare with me!
These real estate companies have copied the model of Hongtai Plaza, and they probably won’t be very happy. The commercial plazas they developed have made huge profits, and they may continue to copy.

They met Yang Fan!
As long as Hongtai Group launches the second-generation Hongtai Plaza, all problems will be solved. Comparing those commercial plazas developed by competitors who spent a lot of money with the second-generation Hongtai Plaza, ordinary people will find that the gap between the two is obvious.

Their malicious imitation and plagiarism, it is estimated that they can only follow behind and eat ashes.

Surprised, Yang Fan relaxed, took a bite of the dish, and praised in his heart, the chef of this restaurant is really good.

If he is not in a good mood, Yang Fan will definitely not think about whether the food in this restaurant is delicious, and he may have put all his thoughts and energy on how to solve the problems he encountered.

He took a mouthful of the dish with great satisfaction, took a sip of the freshly squeezed juice, and then asked, "Sister, how are you going to deal with this situation?"

I didn’t say right away that I’ve made plans for the development of Hongtai Plaza. In the future, there will be a second, third, and even fourth generation of Hongtai Plaza, but I want to hear it first. When encountering such a problem, Hongtai Plaza What the entire senior management of the group is going to do.

Yang Fan's energy will be mainly focused on the design of the ship. Hongtai Group's affairs are destined to be less concerned. Hongtai Group's high-level capabilities are excellent, so Yang Fan can rest assured and focus more on his own business.

Yang Fang replied: "We have already held two high-level meetings, and we have also come up with some countermeasures, mainly including applying for patents, obtaining intellectual property protection, launching the second generation of Hongtai Plaza, etc."

Yang Fan was pleasantly surprised!

Very pleasant surprise!
There was a look of surprise on the face, it was very obvious, "Sister, you have already considered the launch of the second generation of Hongtai Plaza?"

This is something that Yang Fan never expected. Hongtai Group has actually considered preparing to launch the second generation of Hongtai Plaza, which coincides with Yang Fan's idea.

Facing plagiarism and copying by competitors, Yang Fan believes that besides applying for patents, the most effective countermeasure is to launch the second-generation Hongtai Plaza.


Yang Fang nodded and said truthfully, "However, this is only a preliminary idea and it is not yet mature. This suggestion was first put forward by a vice president of Hongtai Real Estate Company. There is a problem of unclear thinking, and there is a lack of operability for the time being.”

Yang Fan smiled.

Have a great laugh!
In the hands of Yang Fan, there is a very scientific and highly operable planning material. With this material, Hongtai Group has so many professionals and so many capable people. They know exactly what to do. The problem is no longer a problem.

Yang Fang was puzzled.

She said in a daze: "Brother, why are you suddenly so happy and smiling so happily, I can't be happy, thinking of those competitors copying our model unscrupulously, I didn't even sleep well for a few days. "

With a relaxed expression on his face, Yang Fan opened his bag and took out the document, "Sister, I have long thought that such a problem might arise. I have made this plan. Take a look and see if it is feasible."

Yang Fang took it hesitantly, and began to flip through it. After just looking at it for a while, the expression on her face became wonderful.

The first is surprise.

Then came the surprise.

Finally, get a little excited!
She knew that with this item, the problems they had been worrying about would no longer exist. Those competitors would pay a price for their malicious imitation and plagiarism.

"That's great, brother, you are really amazing. You actually wrote such a document by yourself. With it, we can launch the second generation of Hongtai Plaza without any technical difficulty."

She was happy and relaxed.

The siblings were chatting and laughing happily, eating dinner happily.

The pressure in Yang Fang's heart was gone. On the contrary, while relaxing, she also saw the huge development prospects of Hongtai Plaza in the future.

It turns out that Hongtai Plaza can develop in this way, it is not just as simple as the center of a city.

After eating, the siblings left happily.

When she got out of the restaurant and got into the car, Yang Fang smiled and said, "Brother, I brought this document back. There will be a meeting tomorrow, and they will probably feel relaxed."

"They" of course refers to the senior management of Hongtai Group.

Hongtai Group.

Zhao Jinjin, the executive vice president, was alone in the office, reading a document, which was an investigation report on the competitor's plan to develop and construct a commercial plaza.

There are also very powerful real estate companies, who are planning to develop and build a commercial plaza in a certain first-tier city, and they are still the same, plagiarizing and copying the model of Hongtai Plaza.

Zhao Jinjin was very angry!

I thought to myself, we have no objection to the development and construction of commercial plazas, but we cannot plagiarize and copy our model.

In addition to being angry, he was also a little helpless.

Temporarily lacking a powerful means of counterattack, I couldn't help thinking about Li Feng, the deputy general manager of Hongtai Real Estate Company in my mind, and said in my heart, should I call Xiao Li over and ask him about the concept of the second generation of Hongtai Plaza.

As he was thinking about this, a knock on the office door interrupted his thoughts, and it was his secretary who gently pushed the door open.

"Mr. Zhao, the chairman informed that an enlarged high-level meeting will be held at ten o'clock in the morning."

Zhao Qianjin raised his hand and looked at the time. It was about half an hour before ten o'clock in the morning. He guessed in his heart that it was probably about the competitor's plagiarism and copying of Hongtai Plaza. Counting this time, the chairman has held three high-level meetings Meeting.

It seems that the chairman's pressure is not small!
"Well, I see." Zhao Jinjin said.

The secretary backed out gently and closed the door gently.

Zhao Jinjin sat on the large boss chair, thinking in his heart, what should he say in the meeting later, and what specific countermeasures will the group take next.
At ten o'clock in the morning.

In the small conference room of Hongtai Group, more than [-] people were seated one after another. All the high-level personnel were present. In addition, there were also the heads of the following departments, as well as the general manager and deputy general manager of Hongtai Real Estate Company. .

Yang Fang hasn't come yet.

The meeting room was very quiet, and the atmosphere was even a little dignified.

We all know that this meeting is mostly about discussing competitors' plagiarism and imitation of Hongtai Plaza, and everyone is under pressure.

After a while, Yang Fang walked into the conference room.

After she came in, feeling the atmosphere, she was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled easily.

Send a chapter first, continue to code words, and there will be another chapter in the evening.

(End of this chapter)

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