Military Heavy

456 Top Secret

456 Top Secret
Yang Fang knows that many senior executives of the group may still be worried about the copying and plagiarism of competitors.

Knowing this in her heart, the relaxed expression on her face became more and more obvious.

Noticing Yang Fang's expression, many people thought in their hearts, what's wrong with the chairman, and walked in with a smile on his face.
look at each other.


Zhao Jinjin even looked at his colleagues on the left and right, and they all shook their heads slightly, equally puzzled.

From everyone's point of view, under the current situation, Yang Fang should be very serious and dignified to walk in instead of relaxed and smiling.

Something doesn't seem right.

Under everyone's puzzled eyes, Yang Fang sat on the chairman's seat, still smiling, looked around the entire meeting room in a good mood, and said loudly: "It's almost time, let's start the meeting."

As the executive vice president, Zhao Jinjin is usually chaired by him for meetings like this. He was about to clear his throat, but when he started to speak, he froze again, because Yang Fang didn't seem to have any intention of asking him to chair the meeting. The meeting started.

She asked: "How is the current status of the patent application for Hongtai Plaza?"

The person in charge of the legal department quickly stood up and reported: "We have prepared relevant materials and are going to submit them to the relevant departments."

After listening to the report, Yang Fang said: "Speed ​​up, anyone who can apply for a patent will not fall, and all of them will start the application process."

After giving some instructions, Yang Fang said again: "I already know about the competitors' plagiarism, so I won't repeat it here. Today's meeting is mainly to discuss the construction of the second-generation Hongtai Plaza."

The second generation of Hongtai Plaza! ! !
Many people looked at each other in blank dismay again, especially the few people from Hongtai Real Estate Branch, they all looked at Vice President Li Feng, and the questioning meaning in their eyes was obvious.

Li Feng shook his head lightly.

He was indeed the first to propose the second-generation Hongtai Plaza, but he knew very well that it is inappropriate and immature to start the construction of the second-generation Hongtai Plaza at present. The relevant plans are not clear at all, and it may be necessary A lot of arguments will do.

This is not something that happens overnight at all. It may take a year, or even two or three years just for planning and demonstration.

He really wanted to speak up and remind Yang Fang that the time is not ripe now, maybe it will take another one or two years, but he knows that the level is a little lower, so he directly reminded the chairman at such a meeting , that is taboo.

Zhao Qianjin is quite high-level.

He said very cautiously: "Chairman, is the construction of the second-generation Hongtai Plaza a year or two late? After we have fully demonstrated it, we will start to put it into practice."

Yang Fang smiled and shook her head, "We can't wait any longer. Our competitors won't give us one or two years. The development and construction of the second-generation Hongtai Plaza cannot be delayed."


Zhao Jinjin was about to say something more, but Yang Fang interrupted with a wave of his hand, and said loudly: "I know your worries, don't worry, someone has already completed the planning and demonstration work for us."

Already done!
Who is this expert, so powerful!
It cannot be completed without one or two years.

Could it be that the chairman started this work a long time ago, but it's not like, in the meeting room last time, the chairman looked dignified and under great pressure. He definitely didn't plan and demonstrate the second-generation Hongtai Plaza.

When everyone was making various guesses, Yang Fang waved her hand and said in a loud voice: "Xiao Liu, send the prepared materials."

It was only at this time that everyone noticed that Xiao Liu came in with Yang Fang, holding a thick stack of materials, which looked like there were twenty or thirty copies.

Xiao Liu quickly distributed this information to everyone.

After getting this information, almost everyone's eyes were fixed, because there were two large characters on the cover - top secret.

It's top secret!
Information with this level of confidentiality is very rare in Hongtai Group, which means that it cannot be leaked, and it is limited to those people who attended the meeting.

Yang Fang said: "I'll give you time to take a good look at the document in your hand. After reading it, we will continue the meeting."

After finishing speaking, she sat on the chairperson's chair with a godlike presence, waiting patiently for everyone.

The meeting room fell silent, only the sound of flipping papers. Everyone, without exception, was seriously looking at the document in their hands.

It's just that this silence only lasted for a minute or two, and was finally broken by a sound of surprise, and everyone could not be calm.

"God, who made this material, it's amazing!"

"Thinking really long-term, there are still four stages in Hongtai Plaza, which is an eye-opener for me."

"Let me be enlightened, let me be enlightened!"


The meeting room became noisy, and various voices rang out from time to time. Looking at everyone's reactions, such words floated into Yang Fang's ears, and she smiled happily.

I am very impressed.

My younger brother is really amazing, a piece of information, it seems that everyone is deeply impressed
After feeling that the time was almost up, Yang Fang coughed lightly, and the originally lively meeting room immediately became quiet.

It can be clearly felt that the atmosphere is completely different now, the atmosphere was dignified before, but now the atmosphere is relaxed, even with a hint of excitement.

The pressure on everyone is gone, and they see hope.

Yang Fang said: "You have read all the materials, how do you feel, is there any difficulty for us to launch the second generation Hongtai Plaza?"

No one answered this question directly, but a senior executive couldn't bear it anymore and asked, "Chairman, who is the source of this information, can we have the honor to know it?"

"Yeah, this information is so well written, I also want to get to know this expert."

Yang Fang smiled happily. Of course, she would not say that it was written by Yang Fan, but kept it a secret. She didn't answer this question, and continued to ask: "It doesn't matter who wrote the information. Let me ask everyone. With this According to the data, how confident are we in the development and construction of the second-generation Hongtai Plaza.”

Zhao Jinjin said: "It may be a little unrealistic to say [-]%, but there is still no problem with more than [-]% certainty."

Ninety percent!

This is not much different from 100%, which means that there is no major problem in the development and construction of the second-generation Hongtai Plaza, and there is basically no technical difficulty.

This view is shared by almost everyone.

"Chairman, this information is very well written, Mr. Zhao is right, at least [-]% sure."

"Our group is strong, with so many professionals, I don't think it's a big problem."

"Chairman, with such good guidance materials, we suggest starting the development and construction of the second-generation Hongtai Plaza as soon as possible."

Everyone's opinions were unprecedentedly unified, so the focus of the next meeting was not to discuss countermeasures against competitors, nor to apply for patents, but to discuss the development and construction of the second-generation Hongtai Plaza.

The meeting lasted almost until noon. The meeting decided to quickly start the construction of the second-generation Hongtai Plaza, and selected three major cities in China to build the second-generation Hongtai Plaza at the same time.

Xiangjiang Shipyard.

The second ship of the Type 054 guided missile frigate has also entered the final stage of painting, and its successful launch is estimated to be a recent event.

The No. [-] ship uses a horizontal construction platform. The hoisting of the main gun and the installation of other equipment are relatively less difficult. The time spent on their outfitting is significantly less than that of Dongjiang Shipyard.

The way of launching is also different from that of the first ship. It is no longer a gravity launch, but a floating launch.

Today, the fourth ship of the 054 ship started construction at the Xiangjiang Shipyard and started cutting the first steel plate.

Because of the relatively long journey, Yang Fan did not come to see the start of construction of the fourth 054 ship, but received a call from Xiangjiang Shipyard.

in the office.

After Yang Fan answered the call, he felt a strong sense of accomplishment in his heart. He thought to himself, as a brand-new ship, the first ship has not yet undergone sea trials, and the construction of the third and fourth ships has started successively. It is estimated that there is only the Type 054 guided missile frigate designed by myself.

What an honor this is!

It not only fully demonstrates the excellence and excellence of the 054 ship, but also fully demonstrates the trust of the upper management in itself and in the 054 ship.

While thinking about this, the phone on the desk rang again.

That's all for today's update, thank you all.

(End of this chapter)

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