Military Heavy

Chapter 457

Chapter 457
Yang Fan picked up the phone.

Sun Baoguo's voice soon came from inside, "Master Yang, our imported CNC laser cutting equipment has been installed and debugged, and we are going to start cutting the first thin plate in the afternoon. Would you like to come and have a look at the cutting situation?"

At the beginning, when he was in Dongjiang Shipyard, Yang Fan saw this imported CNC laser cutting equipment, and made it clear that when he started formal processing, he would tell him.

Sun Baoguo always remembered this matter.

After receiving such a call, Yang Fan seemed very happy, and immediately said loudly: "I'll come over in the afternoon, just wait for me in the material preparation workshop."

Knowing Dongjiang Shipyard well, Yang Fan can go directly to the material preparation workshop, and the two agreed on the phone.


Yang Fan drove back to his big villa, not too far away, about 10 minutes by car, Jiang Yan was not at home, so he ate lunch at his father-in-law's house.

Anyway, the distance between the two families is close, and it is common to go to Jiang Dahai's house for dinner, and they are very happy for Yang Fan and his wife to come to eat.

As for Yang Hao, because he was brought up by his grandmother, he was very close to Jiang Dahai and Li Xiuzhen, and he spent much more time at his grandmother's house than at his own.

After lunch and a short rest, Yang Fan drove to Dongjiang Shipyard.

Inside the material preparation workshop, it was lively and busy.

Many workers are busy in an orderly manner at their workstations, either cutting the steel plate, or correcting the steel plate, or processing the welding groove of the steel plate.

In the workshop, a brand-new large-scale equipment is very eye-catching.

This is the imported large-scale CNC laser cutting equipment, which has been debugged and is ready to start the formal cutting of steel plates.

There are quite a few people beside the machine tool. Sun Baoguo is there in person. In addition, there are the chief and deputy directors of the material preparation workshop, the technician in charge, the equipment in charge, and so on.

"Mr. Sun, the preparations are basically complete."

Hearing such a report, Sun Baoguo looked at the thin plate on the machine tool workbench, then at the time, pondered for a while, and said, "Wait a little longer."

Others are a little confused, everything is ready, why not start cutting the first sheet?
It's just that Sun Baoguo's majesty is there. He said so, everyone can only wait a little longer.Some people seemed to have guessed something in their hearts, Mr. Sun should be waiting for someone.

Does the head of our factory want to come and have a look?
After about two or three minutes, Sun Baoguo's face showed obvious happiness, and he even walked towards the gate of the workshop with a very enthusiastic look.

Everyone looked over.

Immediately understood what was going on.

It turned out that Mr. Sun was waiting for Mr. Yang's arrival.

Everyone saw that Yang Fan was coming in from outside the workshop, and then Sun Baoguo and Yang Fan shook hands happily, and then, talking and laughing, they walked towards the machine tool.

"Master Yang!"

"Master Yang, hello!"

Everyone took the initiative to say hello to Yang Fan. In Dongjiang Shipyard, Yang Fan's prestige is probably not inferior to Sun Baoguo and other factory leaders. Some people even respect Yang Fan very much.

Yang Fan nodded to everyone, smiled, and said loudly: "It seems that all the preparations have been done."

The person in charge of the material preparation workshop replied: "It's ready and you can start cutting."

Yang Fan noticed that there were only people from the Dongjiang Shipyard here, but no personnel from the machine tool manufacturer. He remembered seeing two foreigners a few days ago.

Imported equipment like this is expensive and has relatively high installation and operation requirements. Machine tool manufacturers generally send people to guide the installation and commissioning of machine tools, and also conduct operation training by the way.

Perhaps seeing Yang Fan's doubts, Sun Baoguo explained: "The time for the foreigner's visa is up, and he has already gone back."

It turned out to be the case.

Without the guidance of professionals from the machine tool manufacturer, it could only rely on Dongjiang Shipyard itself. Fortunately, two workers participated in the basic training of machine tool operation.

They checked the operation manual of the machine tool again, and after confirming that it was correct, they pressed the start button of the machine tool, and the machine tool started to work.

The thin plate on the workbench is like cutting tofu, it is cut into the desired shape, some complex shapes, some special angles, etc., are not a problem.

In just ten minutes, more than half of this large thin plate was cut. Seeing such a high cutting efficiency, everyone including Sun Baoguo showed happy expressions.

"This efficiency is simply leveraged."

"With it, our thin sheet cutting is no longer a problem."

"Look, the cut seams are beautiful, and the cutting quality is very good."


Watching this machine tool cutting thin plates, the people around were chatting happily one by one. Hearing these words, Sun Baoguo smiled happily.

Yang Fan congratulated and said: "Mr. Sun, from today onwards, you will be able to replace the gun with a shotgun, copy the shape again, and cut the thin plate with high requirements. You will not have the slightest difficulty."

"That's right, that's right." Sun Baoguo nodded happily.

This more than 200 million equipment is a bit more expensive, but it is really not bad.

After cutting for a few more minutes, unexpectedly, since the machine tool stopped, two machine operators and technicians in charge got together and seemed to be discussing something.

This is how the same thing?

Sun Baoguo hurried over and asked.

It turns out that the time for operation training is limited, they are not proficient, and sometimes they have to rely on thick, all-English operation instructions.

No, most of the cutting of this steel plate was completed, and when they needed to call a new CNC program, they encountered difficulties when performing some operations.

The English in the operating instructions is difficult to understand, not to mention the two operators with only high school education, even the technicians, they also do not understand the meaning of these English.

So many leaders are watching.

At this critical moment, when such a problem arises, the director of the material preparation workshop feels very shameless, and immediately said in a deep voice: "Then go get the English-Chinese dictionary and look up the meaning of these words."

There was a technician who was about to trot all the way to get the dictionary, but Yang Fan stopped him, "Don't worry, let me take a look."

Everyone took the initiative to step aside, Yang Fan walked over, looked at the contents of the operation instruction, and couldn't help smiling easily.

For others, these English words are indeed difficult to understand. Even if they look up the meaning of each word in an English-Chinese dictionary, they probably still do not understand it.

In addition, there are some professional words that may not be found in English-Chinese dictionaries. It is still difficult for them to understand what these words mean and how to operate them.

For Yang Fan, this is not the slightest difficulty.

He simply explained the meaning of these words in English, and the translation was very professional, and combined with these English operation instructions, he simply guided them to operate.

Not long after, the CNC machine started working again.

I don't know who shouted excitedly, and suddenly, cheers rang out, and warm applause also rang out.

Cow batch!

Many people looked at Yang Fan a little differently, full of admiration, such a difficult English, Master Yang did not have the slightest difficulty.

Sun Baoguo said loudly, "To General Master Yang, this is nothing at all. He is proficient in English, especially good at translating professional English."

That's it!

Mr. Yang's English level is so high!

The CNC machine tool was working cheerfully. It didn't take long for the thin plate to be cut. Everyone carefully checked the cutting quality.

The incision is neat and very beautiful, without any burrs, slag or the like. It can be polished with a little sandpaper, or even not polished.

After measuring a few more major dimensions, it was a perfect fit.

Finishing quality is perfect!

It is true that science and technology are the primary productive forces. With this imported CNC laser cutting machine tool, Dongjiang Shipyard's thin plate cutting capacity has doubled.

Easy to machine in sheet metal, they are true shotgun changers.

Yang Fan, Sun Baoguo and others did not leave in a hurry, and watched the cutting of the second thin plate.It was still the previous CNC program. With the experience of processing the first thin plate, the workers gradually became proficient in the operation, and the processing was relatively smooth.

In terms of CNC machining, the first piece is qualified, and the second piece should also be qualified. Sure enough, the processing quality of these two thin plates is still perfect.

After watching the processing of the second thin plate, everyone was relieved. Sun Baoguo accompanied Yang Fan to look around in the material preparation workshop first, and saw a variety of steel plates being cut.

Some steel plates have not only been cut, but also some workers are beveling to prepare for the next welding.

Seeing this, Yang Fan was extremely satisfied, and praised: "Mr. Sun, your processing speed is very fast."

Sun Baoguo said: "With the accumulated experience and foundation of the first ship, we feel that the manufacturing of this ship is much smoother, oh, by the way, the welding of the first steel plate is about to start, I will take you there to have a look. "

Yang Fan showed surprise again, that the welding of the first batch of steel plates will start so soon.

The two walked into the welding workshop.

The No. 054 ship of the Type [-] guided missile frigate, some of the steel plates were cut and welded bevels were finished, and they were sent to the welding workshop.

While steel plates are being cut in the material preparation workshop, they will be welded here first. Under the leadership of Sun Baoguo, everyone came to one of the welding stations.

The steel plate welding of the No. [-] ship will be carried out here.

Seeing that welder, Yang Fan felt familiar. He took a closer look and recognized it immediately. This is Zhang Yi, No. 1 welder of Dongjiang Shipyard.

Yang Fan couldn't help but feel a little joy in his heart.

At the same time, I also knew in my heart that Dongjiang Shipyard still attached great importance to the steel plate welding of the No. [-] ship, and dispatched elite soldiers and strong generals without the slightest carelessness.


The chapter name of the previous chapter was wrong, it should be Chapter 450, and the content is correct.

(End of this chapter)

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