Military Heavy

Chapter 458 Sailing Test

Chapter 458 Sailing Test
Zhang Yi was working hard, doing some preparatory work before welding, but when he saw several people coming, he stopped busy immediately.

He saw Yang Fan!

I saw Sun Baoguo!

He was very happy, and immediately took the initiative to say: "Mr. Yang, Mr. Sun, you are all here."

Seeing the familiar faces, Yang Fan felt a sense of intimacy, so he asked with a smile on his face, "Master Zhang, it's up to you to weld the first steel plate."

Feeling very proud, Zhang Yi nodded and said, "Well, the workshop specially arranged it. Two days ago, the workshop director came to me specially and arranged for this glorious task."

Honorable indeed.

Should be proud.

Although the third ship cannot be compared with the first ship, the welding of the first steel plate of a 054 ship is something to be proud of. It is estimated that other welders are envious of Zhang Yi.

So cautiously, Zhang Yi, who has the best welding skills, was chosen. It can be seen that Dongjiang Shipyard was frightened. I think that when the first steel plate of the first ship was welded, there was such a difficult problem, which made everyone burnt out. Now, they Still dare not have any contempt.

Yang Fan is basically not worried about this aspect. After the manufacture of the first ship, Dongjiang Shipyard has accumulated enough experience, and they definitely have no problems with welding.

Sun Baoguo introduced: "Master Yang, we have welded several test pieces, and all of them are qualified without exception."

Sure enough.

There will be no problem.

Yang Fan felt even more relaxed. He had already arrived at the welding workshop, and he must have a look at the welding quality of the official steel plate.

After a while, welding begins.

Zhang Yi personally operated the knife, holding a welding torch in one hand and a welding mask in the other, and started welding the first steel plate. The strong light of the arc flashed and sparks flew everywhere.

After several seams were welded, whether it was Sun Baoguo or Yang Fan, they inspected them carefully. Every seam was good, and there was no problem.

There will be no problems with the welding of the No. [-] ship.

Looking at Zhang Yi who was continuing to weld with a welding torch in one hand and a welding mask in the other, Yang Fan suggested: "Mr. Sun, the efficiency of pure manual welding is still a bit low. You can consider importing welding equipment to realize Automatic welding, such as large welding equipment, large welding robots, etc."

Sun Baoguo said: "We are already considering these things, and will purchase some welding equipment one after another to improve welding efficiency."

The two stayed in the welding workshop for a while, watched the welding conditions of several stations, and then went to the dock together.

I saw the Type 054 guided missile frigate docked next to the pier. It mainly conducts a series of tests at the pier, such as mooring test, main engine wharf test, generator set test, steering gear test, and so on.

These tests take a certain amount of time.

The two also boarded the warship, and Sun Baoguo also introduced the progress of a series of tests, which generally went smoothly.

After these tests are completed, it will be the long-awaited sailing test. At that time, the first ship will leave the dock of Dongjiang Shipyard for the first time and sail on the sea.

After getting off the ship, the two of them went to look at the sloping berth that was being transformed. Before that, the first ship was built on this berth. Now, it will be remodeled to become a level more suitable for the construction of Type 054 guided missile frigates. slipway.

Not far away, the construction of the first large horizontal slipway of Dongjiang Shipyard is basically completed, and the No. [-] ship will be built on this slipway.

It was not until evening that Yang Fan left Dongjiang Shipyard.

1997 2 Month 25 Day.

A few days after the Lantern Festival, the pier of Dongjiang Shipyard was very lively. There were many people standing, and the air was full of excitement.

Today, we ushered in the long-awaited event, the first ship's sailing test.

"So excited, our ship is finally leaving the dock."

"Look, all preparations are in place, and the tugboat has arrived."


On the pier, there are not only managers and technicians, but also some workers who don't have much work at hand. They rushed over after hearing the news. They looked at the Type 054 guided missile frigate in front of them, and they couldn't help feeling very excited.

Several factory leaders including Sun Baoguo were also on the pier.

Looking at this beautiful brand-new warship and listening to the staff's uplifting words, Sun Baoguo was filled with pride. He even checked the time and knew that the sailing test was about to start.

The technicians participating in the sailing test have already started to board the ship, including technicians from Dongjiang Shipyard and designers from Donghai Institute.

At [-] o'clock in the morning, a loud siren sounded through the sky!
Our 054 ship began to leave the dock slowly, and the whole scene burst into unprecedented cheers, deafening and prolonged applause.

For the first time, it left the pier and sailed towards the distant sea.

On the blue sea, this warship is sailing.

On the way to the test area, it is inevitable to encounter some civilian ships, some of which are ocean-going ships.

With the development of the domestic economy, especially the development of international trade, there is an endless stream of ocean-going ships traveling to and from Donghai City. In a certain international port not far from Donghai City, ocean-going freighters come in and out, and there are many freighters every day. When entering the port, there are also many cargo ships leaving the post.

The flight test route of the 054 ship has been carefully planned to avoid some international routes, but it is almost impossible to avoid them completely.

In the distance, a huge ship was slowly approaching. The distance between the two was getting closer, less than one kilometer by visual inspection. It could be seen that it was a huge ship full of containers.

The 054 ship had spotted the other party a long time ago, and adjusted its course appropriately, and the other party finally saw this warship not far away.

Joseph is the captain of this giant ship. He worked in the British Navy when he was young. He is also a complete military fan. He has been paying attention to the development of naval equipment in several major countries in the world, especially for some outstanding ships in the world. He knows everything about it, such as the American Arak class, the French Lafayette class, and even our Type 052 guided missile frigate.

"Oh, God, that's a warship!"

Seeing the Type 054 guided missile frigate from a distance, Joseph was already surprised, but also a little excited, and shouted loudly: "Tom, bring me the telescope."

Soon, he stood in the captain's room, holding a binoculars, and looked at the warship excitedly. At first, he thought it was a Type 052 guided missile destroyer.

After seeing clearly through the telescope, he almost exclaimed again, because this was not the Type 052 guided missile destroyer he had known before.

"Oh, that's a Lafayette Grand!!!"

Soon, he was stunned. It is impossible for the French Lafayette-class guided missile destroyer to appear here. After a closer look, he found that it was not the Lafayette-class, and there was a big difference between the two.

After seeing it clearly, he knew that it was a warship of the Chinese Navy, not the Lafayette class at all. Gradually, he was extremely excited, as if he had discovered a new continent.

This is definitely the latest warship of the Chinese Navy!
This is definitely a very good guided missile frigate!
Through the binoculars, he could roughly see clearly that this warship has a unique shape like a geometric section, which is a stealth design.

The phased array control radar can be vaguely seen, and it seems that the missile is still launched vertically.
After seeing this clearly, Joseph finally couldn't help shouting again. He knew that he might be the first foreigner to see this new type of warship so closely.

"Quick, get my camera here."

Holding the camera, he tried his best to adjust his anxiety, and took several photos in the direction of the 054 ship, but he also knew that because of the distance, these photos must not be clear enough.

Knowing that the shot might not be clear, he kept taking pictures there.

It wasn't until the warship was gone that he could only see a small black spot, and Joseph looked away. He knew that he was lucky enough to see this warship today, and he could brag about it in his circle of friends for a while.

Our first ship basically avoided those civilian ships, arrived at the test area, and started a series of tests.

Such as steering test, anchor test, rotary test and inertia test, etc. Of course, the focus of the test is the speed test.

Through the test, it was found that the speed of the first ship fully met the design requirements, and the maximum speed exceeded 28 knots. Instead of using gas turbines, only four diesel engines were used, and the maximum speed of more than 28 knots was achieved, which is very gratifying.

Donghai Ship Design Institute.

Yang Fan was answering the phone, and the East China Sea Institute sent a technical team to participate in the test. Although he did not board the ship himself, Yang Fan was very clear about each test situation.

The top speed exceeds 28 knots!
Hearing such a report, Yang Fan was determined that the design of the 054 ship was very successful, at least in terms of speed, which fully met expectations.

While being happy, Yang Fan also thought in his heart that the current sea trial is just an appetizer, and the real test will be the sea trial in the future.

The big sea test!
Only by successfully passing the sea test can it be regarded as having truly passed the test.

In the following days, the first ship often left the dock of Dongjiang Shipyard to continue a series of sailing tests.

Including the test of navigation equipment, sonar equipment test, etc., as a series of tests are completed one by one, the real sea test is getting closer and closer.

Sea trials are a big deal.

Both the general headquarters and the military attached great importance to it, and Luo Jianguo even planned to hold a special meeting in person in the capital, and the notice had been sent to the relevant units.

Of course, Donghai Institute also received the notice of the meeting. Not only that, Luo Jianguo also specially called to chat with Yang Fan for a long time.

How to conduct sea trials, Yang Fan has the absolute right to speak, because he is the chief designer of the 054 ship.

After receiving Luo Jianguo's call, Yang Fan began to make some preparations for going to the capital for a meeting.

That's all for today's update, thank you all.

(End of this chapter)

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