Military Heavy

Chapter 459

Chapter 459


The sea trial meeting of the first Type 054 guided missile frigate was held as scheduled, and the commander-in-chief Luo Jianguo personally presided over the meeting. Not only comrades from Donghai Ship Design Institute and Dongjiang Shipyard participated in the meeting, but also comrades from related units, and even invited some scientific research institutes School experts participated.

The meeting was heated.

Everyone's controversy is mainly about what kind of sea conditions are used for sea trials.

Yang Fan's idea is to carry out sea trials when the wind and waves are strong, and only by passing the test under harsh sea conditions can it be regarded as a true pass of the test.

Our 054 ship must be able to cope with harsh sea conditions. The wind and waves are not strong, so sea trials cannot be carried out. We must choose strong wind and waves for sailing.

This point of view has been supported by many people. For example, Sun Baoguo of Dongjiang Shipyard has a clear-cut stand and strongly supports Yang Fan's point of view. He also advocates that sea trials should be carried out under severe sea conditions.

Someone objected.

Their views are also very clear.

They questioned that the Type 054 guided missile frigate is a type of ship that contains new technologies. Now, it has changed from a drawing to a real one. Can it really withstand various harsh sea conditions?

For the sake of prudence, they do not advocate choosing bad weather to go to sea, but advocate that the weather conditions are relatively good, and the sea trials are carried out under relatively small wind and waves.

Opinions on both sides are competing!
The intense meeting lasted for almost a whole day. In the end, a comrade in charge of the military said that the Type 054 guided missile frigate is going to be a deep blue ship. weather.

It should be able to come and go freely in strong winds and waves. To verify whether it has this ability, it must be specially selected for experiments in harsh sea conditions. He is equivalent to indirectly supporting Yang Fan's point of view.

Commander-in-Chief Luo Jianguo made the decision and chose the bad weather conditions to conduct sea trials on the Type 054 guided missile frigate.

Specially selected for severe weather!
This will be the real sea test!
Many people who participated in the meeting were worried about whether there would be any problems with our 054 ship under such bad weather conditions.

No matter what, the matter of the sea test is settled like this.

After the meeting was over, the participants left one after another, and Luo Jianguo invited Yang Fan to sit in his office and have a drink of tea.

Yang Fan readily agreed.

I knew in my heart that it was probably not as simple as drinking tea, but maybe I still wanted to talk about the 054 ship sea trial exam.

Inside the office.

Luo Jianguo warmly greeted Yang Fan to sit down on the sofa, took out the best tea, and made two cups of hot tea by himself, one cup for each person.

He also sat down on the sofa, drank tea, and chatted with Yang Fan about the 054 ship, such as the second ship that was about to be launched, and the third ship that had already started construction.

Gradually, we talked about the first ship and the upcoming sea trial.

"Comrade Yang Fan, our first ship is about to usher in the sea trial. I am both happy and a little worried. Please tell me honestly. In the windy weather and complicated sea conditions, our Type 054 guided missile frigate Can you really run, there will be no problem."

It can be seen that although he made a decision at the meeting, he still seemed a little bit lacking in confidence.

Yang Fan smiled confidently, and replied affirmatively: "Our 054 ship has no problems, and it can handle all kinds of bad weather conditions with ease."


Luo Jianguo seemed a little surprised!
If this was said by someone else, the feeling of surprise in his heart would definitely not be so strong, but it is different if Yang Fan said it.

He knew Yang Fan very well.

Since he said so, it must be the case. Generally, Yang Fan would not talk nonsense, and he would not answer so definitely if he was not very sure about something.

Very good!

In addition to being pleasantly surprised, Luo Jianguo said two times "that's great", which is enough to show his mood at the moment.In the harsh sea conditions, the 054 ship can cope with it freely, which is exactly what he hopes, and it is probably also the dream of the navy.

Luo Jianguo's slightly suspended heart was completely let go, and he even looked forward to the upcoming sea test.

Others are not.

After the meeting was over, several experts were drinking tea and chatting about the upcoming sea trials of the first ship. They were all experts and professors from relevant colleges and universities, and they were representatives of the theoretical school.

"It's too aggressive. What if something goes wrong?"

"Yeah, I don't agree with this. It's not easy for us to have such an excellent guided missile frigate. There must be no problems."

"Sailing in windy and rough weather is not a joke. Seriously speaking, ship damage and death are also possible."


They all looked worried and very worried, but the meeting had already been set and they couldn't change it.

Donghai City.

After the meeting, Yang Fan returned to the unit, and has been paying attention to the weather conditions for the past two days, and the sea trial of the first ship is coming soon.

It is necessary to choose a weather with strong winds and waves. Yang Fan has already decided that he must board the ship and go to sea trials with the first ship to see if it can really cope with the harsh sea conditions.

However, for two days in a row, the sea area around Donghai City was calm and calm. Even if there was a little bit of wind and waves, it was not at the level where the sea test could be conducted.

Yang Fan came to Dongjiang Shipyard again, and once again boarded the Type 054 missile frigate docked at the pier.

Standing on the bow deck, looking at the sea in the distance, Yang Fan thought to himself, I don't know when the ideal weather will come.

The weather forecast in the middle and late 90s was not as accurate and timely as it is now. When there will be strong winds and waves, we really have to wait.

This sea trial must sail in strong winds and waves.

Standing beside Yang Fan, Sun Baoguo also looked at the calm sea in the distance, and said slowly: "The sailing test has almost been completed, and all the tests have passed smoothly, only the big sea test has not yet been carried out."

"Yes." Yang Fan said, "We need a stormy weather now."

If the other boat runners were here, they would probably have their mouths wide open in surprise. They hoped for calm weather, but these two hoped for severe weather with strong winds and waves.

"All the preparations for going to sea are basically almost done. Everything is ready. I only owe Dongfeng. I hope it won't be too long. After the big sea test, there are still many tests to continue."

Among the series of sailing tests, in addition to the big sea test, to verify whether it can cope with the harsh sea conditions, there is another important test content.

That is weapons testing.

The main guns, torpedoes, and air-to-air missiles must be tested one by one. After these are over, the last test will be the anti-missile shipboard weapon system, which is also the most complicated.

There will be a series of weapon tests later, and everyone hopes to complete the sea test as soon as possible, so as to leave enough time for the subsequent weapon tests.

It was a few days later.

The good news finally came, the weather suitable for the first ship to conduct sea trials is finally coming soon, and the weather in Donghai City has also begun to change.

The sun has been shining brightly for several days in a row, and the nearby sea is calm. Starting today, the weather has turned gloomy and windy, and there are signs of rain.

The sea surface near Donghai City is also gradually becoming less calm, and the waves are much larger than usual, and there are signs of increasing.

Yang Fan and Sun Baoguo made a special trip to the Meteorological Bureau of Donghai Institute, and after listening to the report from the meteorological experts, they left happily.

When they walked out of the weather station, the two even laughed with joy.

Especially Sun Baoguo, who was as happy as a child, "Master Yang, we have been waiting for so many days for the weather, and it is finally about to appear."

Yang Fan nodded, and suggested: "How about going to sea tomorrow morning and starting the first ship test?"

Sun Baoguo readily agreed, "I don't think there is any problem, so it's settled. Our ship will leave the dock on time at [-]:[-] tomorrow morning."

The next day.

Yang Fan woke up very early, because there is an important task waiting for him today, the first ship is about to set sail and start sea trials.

Jiang Yan was a little worried. He looked at the weather outside and found that it was windy and rainy again. He persuaded him, "Brother Fan, I'm a little worried about going to sea in this weather. You should not go, and wait at the unit." Just the news."

Yang Fan shook his head and said, "This may not work. I am the chief designer of the 054 ship, and I must board the ship."

Jiang Yan leaned gently on Yang Fan's chest, and said softly, "But I'm still worried. It's best if you don't go."

Yang Fan kissed his wife lightly, and said softly, "Don't worry, I know the boat I designed, and there won't be any problems."

After comforting Jiang Yan and reassuring her completely, Yang Fan went out with an umbrella. The wind was relatively strong, making the leaves rattle, and it began to rain. There was only a snap.

Looking at the weather with satisfaction, Yang Fan thought in his heart, if the wind is stronger, it will be more perfect. Under the strong wind, the waves will be bigger, so that we can truly test our 054 ship.

After getting in the car, half of the window was lowered, Yang Fan waved to Jiang Yan who was standing at the door watching him off, and said loudly: "Honey, go back, don't worry."

After finishing speaking, start the car and head to Dongjiang Shipyard.


Next to the pier of Dongjiang Shipyard, the 054 ship is ready to go, and all preparations have been made, and some people have already started boarding the ship.

Some of them are technicians. In addition to the technicians from Dongjiang Shipyard, a lot of technicians from Donghai Ship Design Institute also came. In addition, there are some military personnel.

In the distance, an off-road vehicle is driving towards here
(End of this chapter)

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