Military Heavy

Chapter 460

Chapter 460
"Master Yang is here!"

Someone recognized the car, and immediately shouted excitedly.

In such bad weather, the first ship is undergoing sea trials. Everyone basically knows that there is a certain degree of danger, and some people think that Yang Fan will not come.

he came!
Here he comes!

He drove directly to the pier, got out of the car under everyone's gaze, and walked over with an umbrella, apparently preparing to board the ship.

Sun Baoguo hurriedly led people to greet him, he didn't get on the boat, he was just waiting for Yang Fan to come over.

"Master Yang!"

"Mr. Sun, I've been waiting for a long time."

The two shook hands tightly. For such a suitable weather, the two waited for several days.

The wind seemed to be getting stronger, and so was the rain.

Yang Fan waved and said, "Let's get on the boat too, let's go!"

After finishing speaking, Yang Fan walked in front with an umbrella, Sun Baoguo followed closely behind, and the others were not slow to react, and they all followed with umbrellas.

it's very windy!
The sea in the distance is full of big waves, and the 054 ship docked at the pier is swaying slightly.

Everyone aboard.

A gust of wind blew over, someone's umbrella was blown over, and there was a burst of good-natured laughter all around.

Yang Fan also laughed. This is a good thing. Big winds and waves are good, which is what Yang Fan hopes. Only in such bad weather can the navigation capability of the Type 054 guided missile frigate be verified in complex sea conditions.

Sun Baoguo was even more delighted, "It's a good situation, even the umbrella can be blown over, the wind is so good."

A group of people boarded the ship, so far, all personnel boarded the ship.

Luo Jianguo did not show up on the boat. Originally, he also wanted to come, but it was unfortunate. After waiting for so many days, when the ideal weather was rare, he didn't have time.

a long distance away.

Luo Jianguo is attending an important meeting, and several of the people sitting in this meeting room are big leaders.

Sitting here in a meeting, on the surface, he looks very serious. In fact, Luo Jianguo is worried about today's sea test.

Quietly looking at the time, he thought in his heart, hope everything goes well, and hope that good news will come as soon as possible.

At this time, Yang Fan and the others should have boarded the ship, and our first ship will soon leave the dock.

If it wasn't really hard to get away, I really want to board this ship with Comrade Yang Fan and the others, and take part in this sea trial together.

next to the pier.

Our lead ship is ready to leave the dock at any time and head out to sea.

far away.

Many people from Dongjiang Shipyard are paying attention to this side.Some of them know that our first ship will start sea trials today, and more people don't know what's going on.

Seeing some people boarding the ship one after another, including Yang Fan, Sun Baoguo and others, they were puzzled.

"My God, what are they doing with so many people on board in such bad weather?"

"I've been paying attention there for a long time. Our first ship seems to be leaving the dock."

Exclaimed, "No way, leaving the pier in such weather, what if something goes wrong."

When many people didn't understand what was going on and were full of worries, someone gave the answer.

"To prepare for the big sea trial today, I specially chose such weather to verify the ability of our Type 054 guided missile frigate to adapt to severe weather."

"Oh, so that's what happened."

Everyone was enlightened, and finally knew what was going on.

Looking at the ship and the weather, someone prayed in their hearts, God bless, hope everything goes well.

Everything is ready.

At [-] o'clock in the morning, our first ship left the pier of Dongjiang Shipyard again and sailed towards the distance, with the goal of the distant sea.

Gradually, Dongjiang Shipyard was left behind, and the sea stretched as far as the eye could see.

The sea is very windy and the waves are rough.

Sailing in such weather, Yang Fan was not worried, on the contrary, he was slightly excited!
Ride the wind and waves!

Our 054 ship is like a sharp arrow, moving forward quickly.

Sail the waves!

After a while, the bow of the ship plunged into the waves vigorously, and after a while, it rushed out of the big waves again.

In weather like this, many ships took the initiative to return to the port in order to avoid strong winds and waves, and wait for the sea to calm down before going out to sea.

On the surface of the sea, there is a fishing boat that appears and disappears from time to time. With the waves up and down, it looks very dangerous.

The fishermen on the fishing boat looked like they were facing a big enemy. Years of experience told them that the weather would only get worse.

The top priority is to return to Hong Kong as soon as possible. Only there is a safe haven.

Fortunately, they will be able to return to Hong Kong in just over an hour. They pray that the weather will not become too bad in the next hour or so.


Suddenly, someone pointed to the distance and shouted loudly, as if discovering a new continent.

There, a beautiful warship is sailing fast and marching forward bravely.

"My God, what is it doing? It's far away from the land and away from the harbor. In such bad weather, is it going to the far sea?"

The fishermen on the fishing boat were stunned and completely forgot that their boat was very dangerous and had to be driven carefully.

"It's so beautiful, it should be our newest warship!"

"As expected of a warship, the weather looks like it, and such a big storm, it can handle it with ease."

Staring blankly at the ship, they didn't come back to their senses until it was far away and could not be seen very clearly. They drove their fishing boat towards the nearest fishing port at the fastest speed.

Theirs is a fishing boat, not a Type 054 missile frigate, and they dare not sail in such strong winds and waves.

The 054 ship sailed quickly.

Yang Fan, Sun Baoguo and others were in the cockpit, feeling the speed of more than [-] knots per hour, watching the rough sea through the glass, full of vigor and pride!

This is our Type 054 guided missile frigate!

It handles such bad weather with ease.

The speed gradually increased, and Yang Fan knew that according to the sea trial outline, in such a big storm, the 054 ship needs to maintain the maximum speed for a period of time.

If you are in the power cabin, you will definitely find that the four diesel engines have almost fully exerted their power, making a low growl and bursting out with huge power.

Yang Fan and others stayed in the cockpit temporarily, so they didn't have to be as busy as other technicians.

At this time, every technician has entered the working state, monitoring and recording various data, including speed, degree of sway, and analyzing wind and wave resistance, etc.

Feeling the speed, Sun Baoguo said: "The four diesel engines should have reached their maximum horsepower, and they should be at their fastest speed now."

Yang Fan didn't need to look at the instruments and meters in the cockpit, nor did he look at the driver's operation, and said loudly: "No, it's not the fastest speed yet."

Of course, Sun Baoguo didn't look at these things either, relying entirely on his feelings and experience.

Sure enough, the speed continued to increase.

After two or three minutes, the speed stabilized, and our first ship reached the maximum speed under such strong wind and waves.

"Mr. Yang, Mr. Sun, it's shaking very much now, you go to the cabin below."

They were worried that with such a shake, it would be bad if the two leaders got seasick.

Yang Fan smiled: "No, we are right here."

After finishing speaking, Yang Fan actually took out a plastic bag, filled it with water, and held it in his hand.


What is this operation? ? ?
Even Sun Baoguo couldn't understand this, let alone other people.

Sun Baoguo asked on behalf of everyone, "General Master Yang, what are you planning to do, do you have any deep meaning?"

Yang Fan said: "Try the shaking degree of our ship. There is an unwritten rule in the world. If the plastic bag is filled with water, within 10 minutes, under the maximum speed, the water in it will not spill out if there is such a strong wind and waves." More than half of it shows that this ship has excellent wind and wave resistance, which is world-class.”

There is such a saying.

Everyone felt very fresh, and someone said: "Mr. Yang, do you still have plastic bags? Give me one, and I will try it too."

Yang Fan smiled, and took out a large handful of brand new plastic bags from his pocket, "Plastic bags are enough, everyone has a share."

Many people laughed happily.

The atmosphere is also heated up.

Each person has a plastic bag, fill it full with water, and hold it in his hand.

This ship was sailing at a fast speed, and it was shaking a lot. It was impossible not to shake at all.

With the shaking, water always spilled out of the plastic bags in everyone's hands.

Someone is silently remembering the time, wanting to see how much water will be left in the plastic bag after 10 minutes, can it be half?


That's all for today's update, thank you all.

(End of this chapter)

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