Military Heavy

Chapter 461 is perfect

Chapter 461 is perfect
Almost everyone carried a plastic bag full of water.

Sun Baoguo smiled and said, "Will someone bet me that after 10 minutes, there must be more than half of the water left in the bag."

Everyone laughed.

"Mr. Sun, we don't dare to bet with you. Look, it's been four or five minutes. Not much water has been spilled. After 5 minutes, more than half of it will be left. There shouldn't be any problem."

"That's right, this bet can't be played."

"Mr. Sun, if you bet on the remaining two-thirds of the water, you can give it a try."

"If you gamble two-thirds, I'm willing to gamble."

Sun Baoguo laughed, "You guys have a good idea, I'm not so stupid."

Everyone laughed again.

The atmosphere is relaxed!

Yang Fan also smiled happily. Judging from the current situation, it is certain that more than half of the water will be left. As for whether there will be more than two-thirds of the water left, it is really hard to say.


Everything will be known after the 10 minutes are up.

Yang Fan thought in his heart, if more than two-thirds of the water can really be left, then our Type 054 guided missile frigate is world-class in terms of wind and wave resistance.

Our lead ship rides the waves!
On the sea, there are big winds and big waves!

This doesn't seem to bring much difficulty to the navigation, although there is shaking and ups and downs, it is still within the acceptable range.

"It's 10 minutes!"

"Look, there is so much water left in my plastic bag, definitely more than half."

"It's far more than half of me."

"Mine may be more than two-thirds."

In the cab, except for the operator who is concentrating on driving, other people are already jubilant.

Yang Fan also took out a spring scale from his pocket like a magic trick.

It turned out that it had been prepared for a long time!

Not only the plastic bags are prepared in advance, but even the spring scales are ready.

In the eyes of everyone, Yang Fan took the spring scale and weighed the plastic bag in his hand, and then said.

"As I said before, the plastic bag filled with water weighs [-] kilograms, and now there are still [-] kilograms, and the remaining water is more than two-thirds."

More than two-thirds!

That's a great score!

It shows that our Type 054 guided missile frigate has excellent resistance to wind and waves, and the stability of sailing in such strong winds and waves is also good.

"Master Yang Fan, give me a name too."

Everyone began to weigh the plastic bags in their hands one by one, and the results came out. The remaining water was more than two-thirds.

Generally around [-] kilograms, the least one, the water in the plastic bag is also [-] kilograms, which is more than two-thirds.

Sun Baoguo personally held the spring scale, weighed it himself, and said, "Well, there are [-] kilograms left, which is more than two-thirds."

Someone joked: "It's a loss, it's a loss. If I knew this, I should have gambled with Mr. Sun. The water in the plastic bag is more than two-thirds."

He called it a loss!
Sun Baoguo laughed happily. I don't know if it's because our 054 ship has excellent wind and wave resistance, or because we didn't bet with everyone.

Our first ship sailed in strong winds and waves, far away from the mainland, far away from the direction of Donghai City.

It performed well, the data was perfect, and almost everyone was gradually relieved.

There will be no major problems, and it is impossible for the Shenma ship to be destroyed.

All sailing tests are basically completed, and the real sea trial is coming.

This is the real test!

The speed of the first ship began to increase again, and the cockpit became completely quiet.

The big sea test!
This is the real sea test!
The previous series of tests and verifications can only be regarded as appetizers.

The speed of the first ship is increasing, moving towards the highest speed!
Everyone knows that when the maximum speed is reached, the car will immediately reverse at full speed, which is a huge test for the entire power system.

It is also a huge test for the four diesel engines.

Some people pray in their hearts that there must be no problems with the power system.

Sun Baoguo even remembered that more than ten years later, a certain new type of ship underwent such a big sea trial. It was advancing at full speed and then reversed at full speed. As a result, something went wrong, and the main shaft of the ship broke.

There was silence in the cockpit.

After reaching the highest sailing speed, suddenly, the entire 054 ship seemed to be galloping with the reins suddenly pulled, and the whole ship suddenly paused.

The violent frustration almost made some people unsteady.

Yang Fan and the others also paused for a moment, but they didn't fall down because everyone was already prepared.

The Type 054 guided missile frigate sailing at high speed seemed to be held down by someone, its speed dropped sharply, and then it started to reverse.

In an instant, Sun Baoguo's heart sank again.

Pray, God bless, don't let anything go wrong.

After the entire ship started to reverse smoothly, Sun Baoguo gradually let go of his hanging heart, and looked at the instruments and meters in the cockpit, as well as the operators.

Their voices were loud and slightly excited!
"Report, all instruments and meters are normal!"

"Report, the power system is working properly!"


Hearing such a report, Sun Baoguo let out a long sigh of relief, and his hanging heart finally fell to the ground.

No one noticed that Yang Fan's clenched fists were loosened quietly, sailed at full speed, and immediately reversed at full speed. As a designer, Yang Fan knew that this would be a severe test for the 054 ship, and he was not [-]% sure. Worry about it.

Well now everything works fine!
Yang Fan felt relieved and happy, and was the first to take the lead in applauding. Immediately, there was warm applause in the cockpit.

This test has been successfully passed, and the sea trial of the first ship has basically passed. Although the sea trial is still to be carried out, the problem is not expected to be serious.


Luo Jianguo had already attended this important meeting, and was sitting in the office, thinking about the sea trials of the first ship.

He wanted to pick up the phone several times to ask about the situation, but in the end he held back. He knew that, judging from the time, the sea test had not yet been completed.

Well, wait a little longer.

In the afternoon, if there is no news, I will call and ask, but it is better not to have any problems.

He thought so in his heart, worried that under such harsh sea conditions, whether our first ship would be able to perform well, and whether it would be able to pass such harsh sea trials smoothly.

Waiting is hard.

Luo Jianguo found that the time that usually passes in a blink of an eye, passed very slowly today, as if it had been a century, and it was only afternoon.

After waiting with difficulty, he looked at the time and found that it was finally three o'clock in the afternoon. He thought to himself, if there is no call in another hour, then call and ask.

After a while, about one or two ten minutes later, the phone on his desk rang quickly, and Luo Jianguo immediately picked up the phone.

He had a hunch that it might be a call about the sea trials of the first ship.

Sure enough, as soon as the phone was connected, Yang Fan's voice came from inside.

"Commander Luo, wait a little anxiously."

Luo Jianguo said truthfully: "There is indeed one thing. If there is no call again, I will take the initiative to call and ask."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Yang Fan to say anything, he asked impatiently: "How did our first ship perform in this sea trial?"

Yang Fan smiled heartily, and a joyful voice came over, "I am going to report to you that our first ship performed well in this sea trial test, showing excellent power and good wind and wave resistance... ..."

Yang Fan introduced the situation of this sea trial in more detail.

In addition to reporting various detailed sea test data, Yang Fan also talked about filling plastic bags with water and doing experiments to verify the wind and wave resistance of the first ship.

Immediately, Luo Jianguo was not only completely relieved, but also happy.

"Okay, that's great. Our first ship has delivered an excellent answer sheet in this sea trial. The leaders are all paying attention to this sea trial. I will report to them immediately. I think they will be very happy. "

After answering Yang Fan's call, Luo Jianguo tidied up his military uniform, and after seeing that there was nothing wrong, he walked out of his office in high spirits.

He will make in-person briefings to key Navy leaders, rather than over the phone.


One chapter will be released first, and there should be another chapter a little later.

(End of this chapter)

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