Military Heavy

Chapter 462 Return from Sea Trial

Chapter 462 Return from Sea Trial
On the sea surface, there are still strong winds, rough waves, and rough seas. At this time, our first ship has successfully completed the sea trial test, made a beautiful turn with a large radius, and began to return.

Return home!

Sail in the direction where the Dongjiang Shipyard is located!

There is already joy on board! ! !
"Haha, successfully completed!"

"Look, how beautiful the statistics are. Our first ship is performing really well."

"Just now, I suddenly reversed the car at full speed. I was taken aback. Fortunately, nothing happened."


The technicians finally relaxed and chatted with a relaxed mind.

Yang Fan, Sun Baoguo and others got down from the cockpit, where the position was high and the swing was relatively severe. It was much better in the cabin below.

Sun Baoguo said: "I can breathe a sigh of relief now, and have successfully completed the sea test."

Yang Fan said: "It's true that it will be relatively easy for a while. After a while, our first ship will start testing weapons and equipment, and everyone will be busy again."

There is a lot of joy in the words!
After the weapon test is completed, the test and verification work is basically completed, and the delivery of the first ship will be put on the agenda.

For other new types of ships, after the construction of the first ship is completed, tests will generally be carried out for one or two years, especially sailing tests, weapon tests, etc.

The Type 054 guided missile frigate will not take so long to test.

Yang Fan knows best that it is designed with reference to the 054 ship that will come out in the future, with minor changes.

It is almost copied from the historical Type 054A guided missile frigate, and there is no need to go through a series of tests at all.

Dongjiang Shipyard, pier.

Although it was still raining in the sky, the wind was still blowing, and there was a bit of coldness in the air, there were still many people on the pier.

There are managers, technicians, and even ordinary workers.

Everyone is looking forward to it!

Here we are waiting for the first ship to return from sea trials. Everyone knows that this sea trial is different from before.

In order to verify the performance of the first ship, such bad weather was specially selected, and the first ship will sail on the sea with strong winds and waves.

"Why haven't you come yet? I'm so anxious."

"Our first ship should be fine, I really hope it returns safely."

"Don't worry, there must be no problem, I have confidence in it."


Everyone was talking while waiting for the return of the first ship, and some people couldn't help worrying about the first ship.

Suddenly, someone shouted loudly: "Look, Mr. Feng is here too!"

Everyone looked over one after another!
I saw a group of people coming from a distance. According to visual inspection, there were more than ten people, either holding umbrellas or wearing raincoats. They were all middle and high-level personnel of Dongjiang Shipyard.

The one who walked in the front was indeed the leader Feng Wangdong.

"Boss Feng is here in person!"

The originally noisy pier quieted down, and everyone watched Feng Wangdong and his group come over.

As the distance got closer, a courageous person asked loudly: "Mr. Feng, how is the sea trial of the first ship going?"

This also asked the voice of everyone.

So many people braved the wind and rain to wait here, this is the sea trial of the first ship.

Dozens of hundreds of pairs of eyes looked at Feng Wangdong!
Sensing everyone's eagerness to know the results, Feng Wangdong replied loudly: "Comrades, our first ship has successfully completed this sea trial, and its performance is very surprising and perfect."


It's perfect! ! !

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and the originally quiet pier suddenly burst into cheers!

Everyone is completely relieved!

Instead, it was full of joy, so happy, so happy!
The whole pier is boiling!

It took quite a while before it gradually calmed down, but the joy did not dissipate, and even the air was filled with a strong sense of festiveness.

After a while.

A sharp-eyed person shouted: "Look, there is a ship coming towards us. Could it be our first ship?"

"Really, there is a ship coming!"

With such a shout, almost everyone looked into the distance, but the distance was too far, and they couldn't see clearly, so they couldn't tell if it was our 054 ship.

How nice it would be to have a telescope!

If you don't have a telescope, you can only wait and wait until the distance is closer.

There was a middle-level man who looked at the ship in the distance and said hopefully, "Mr. Feng, could it be our first ship?"

Feng Wangdong looked at the time and said slowly: "From the perspective of time, it is very likely that it is our first ship."


Many people's hearts gradually became eager. They stood on tiptoes, stretched their necks, and looked around hard, hoping to see more clearly.

As time passed, the ship got closer, and some people with good eyesight could basically tell that this was our first ship.

So, the voice of surprise sounded, "That's right, that's our first ship!"

"Yes, I can also see that it is undoubtedly our first ship!"

"Haha, I'm so excited, our first ship has returned smoothly!"

After getting closer, everyone can see clearly that this is undoubtedly our first ship.

The pier is boiling again!

Under everyone's eager eyes, our first ship returned smoothly and began to slowly approach the pier.

Looking at this beautiful 054 ship, everyone cheered up and cheered.

After the boat stopped, Yang Fan, Sun Baoguo and others were the first to step off the boat amidst warm applause, like triumphant heroes.

Feng Wangdong led everyone up to welcome them, and shook hands tightly, "Comrade Yang Fan, welcome back smoothly!"

The leader of Dongjiang Shipyard personally greeted him at the pier, and Yang Fan felt very honored.

"President Feng, you have lived up to expectations. Our first ship has successfully completed the sea trial."

Other people in Dongjiang Shipyard shook hands with Yang Fan one by one, and Yang Fan became the absolute focus of the whole dock.

Everyone knows that Yang Fan contributed a lot to the performance of the first ship in the sea trials!
If there is no scientific and reasonable excellent design, the first ship will not perform so well in such bad weather.


a school.

Yang Ping'an looked shocked.

He was just finishing a phone call.

He is a professor in the university, majoring in shipbuilding, and he is considered an expert in the field of shipbuilding. He participated in the last meeting held in Beijing.

At the meeting, he advocated that safety should be the main priority in everything. It is enough to choose weather with relatively strong winds and waves for the sea trial of the first ship, and it does not need to be very bad weather. .

However, as a designer, Yang Fan advocated choosing relatively bad weather to conduct sea trials on the first ship in strong winds and waves.

He objected to this claim, what if something went wrong in such bad weather.

If you think about it seriously, in such weather conditions, the ship may be destroyed.

However, the military agreed to Yang Fan's sea trial plan, and he had no choice but to reserve his opinion for the time being.

After returning from the capital, Yang Ping'an has been paying attention to the situation of the first ship.

The first ship has passed the sea trial perfectly, in such bad weather? ? ?
He really didn't believe it!

But he knew that the accuracy of this call was beyond doubt, so he was so shocked that he didn't recover for a long time.

long time, long time...

Yang Fan's young face appeared in his mind.

He sighed softly, thinking in his heart, it is true that the waves behind the Yangtze River push forward the waves ahead, we are getting old.

In fact, he is not old. He just passed his 50th birthday, but he is indeed older than Yang Fan who is in his thirties.

After a long time, the frustration in my heart gradually receded.

After thinking about it, he picked up the phone and called, "Old Zhang, have you heard that the sea trial of the first ship has passed successfully."

"Old Zhang" is also an expert on ships, and he also participated in the meeting held in the capital last time. He held the same point of view as Yang Ping'an, advocating safety first.

A sigh came from the phone, "Old Yang, it seems that we are really old, and the young people nowadays really have two brushes, it's amazing!"

The two chatted on the phone for several minutes, and gradually, they actually developed feelings of admiration for Yang Fan.

The excellence of the Type 054 guided missile frigate convinced them both.

By the way, I gradually admire the designer of the 054 ship.


Xiangjiang Shipyard.

Today's Xiangjiang Shipyard seems to be a little different from usual, invisible, it seems to be full of joy everywhere.

From the top management of the shipyard to the ordinary workers, all of them are beaming, even happier than during Chinese New Year.


That's all for today's update, thank you all!

(End of this chapter)

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