Military Heavy

Chapter 463 Han Jiang Is a Rich Man

Chapter 463 Han Jiang Is a Rich Man
Yang Fan got off the plane.

Followed by Li Zhengjun, Kuang Wei, Han Jiang and several others, everyone was invited to participate in the launching ceremony of the No. [-] ship.

After more than a year of construction at the Xiangjiang Shipyard, the second ship of the Type 054 guided missile frigate is about to launch, and the date has been fixed, which is tomorrow.

That is March 1997, 3.

Our group walked out of the airport under the leadership of Yang Fan, chatting while walking.

"I calculated it. From the start of construction to the official launch, the time taken by the second ship is less than that of the first ship."

"Really, I didn't calculate the construction time. I always thought that the second ship took more time than the first ship."

"The time spent on the second ship is indeed less, I think there are two reasons. First, the construction of the first ship has accumulated experience for the second ship; second, the Xiangjiang Shipyard uses a horizontal construction berth, which is more suitable for The construction of high-precision and high-demand ships such as the Type 054 guided missile frigate."


Yang Fan didn't say anything, and walked in the front, but he heard everything that everyone said, and felt that what they said was very reasonable.

After a while.

Everyone walked out of the airport, and soon, Yang Fan saw a familiar face, Hu Yong, the deputy general manager of Xiangjiang Shipyard and the chief builder of the No. [-] ship.

He personally greeted him at the airport and was already waiting outside the airport.

Looking forward to it.

looking around.

Seeing Hu Yong's appearance, Yang Fan smiled slightly, waved his hand and said, "Go, the person who greeted us has arrived, let's go there."

When the two sides met, Hu Yong had a look of surprise and enthusiasm.

He shook hands with Yang Fan tightly, "Mr. Yang, welcome to our Xiangjiang Shipyard. With your presence, the launch of our ship will definitely be more grand."

Some greetings.

In normal times, the two would occasionally have a phone call to discuss work matters, such as the construction of the No. [-] ship.The real meeting was a few months ago, and we are very happy to meet again after such a long time.

After being polite and introducing each other's subordinates to each other, Hu Yong invited everyone to get in the car. This is a business car with eleven seats, but they can all sit down.

Depart from the airport and go to Xiangjiang Shipyard.

It was very lively in the car.

Everyone was talking about the Type 054 guided missile frigate, not only the second ship that was about to be launched, but also the first ship that had passed the sea trials.

Hu Yong was very interested in asking about the sea trials of the first ship, and Yang Fan made an introduction, telling the specific situation of the sea trials at that time.

Even for some sea trial data, there is no need to look through the materials or notes at all, Yang Fan just opened his mouth, it is very accurate, and he remembers it very clearly.

Hearing these excellent data, Hu Yong was not only happy for the first ship, but also secretly admired in his heart. Comrade Yang Fan has a really good memory, so much data, he can remember it clearly. If it was me, it would definitely not work.

After listening to Yang Fan's talk about the sea trial of the first ship, he was about to inquire about the plan for the next weapon test, when a beep sounded in the car.

This sound is too familiar, it is the sound of a BP machine.

Kuang Wei took off the BP machine from his belt, looked at it, and said a little embarrassedly: "Someone in the office called me. After I arrive at the hotel where I stayed, I need to call back first."

Yang Fan said with concern: "I can't neglect work matters, take my mobile phone and call back."

As he said that, he was about to take out his "palm treasure" mobile phone from his pocket.

Hu Yong's speed is even faster, and he always holds a mobile phone in his hand, which is also the habit of almost everyone. People with mobile phones usually hold it in their hands, which feels very dignified.

In the past few months, the high-level executives of Xiangjiang Shipyard have each been equipped with a mobile phone, which is much more convenient and bid farewell to the days of using pagers all the time.

The visitor is a guest, Hu Yong is the host, and Yang Fan and others are guests from afar. Out of politeness, he enthusiastically prepares to give the big brother in his hand to Kuang Wei.

Kuang Wei was a little hesitant and a little embarrassed.

The cost of the big brother is not cheap. He and Hu Yong met for the first time, so it is not easy to use someone else's big brother to answer this call.

Before Yang Fan, Han Jiang took out his big brother, "Director Kuang, use mine."

Hu Yong's eyes widened all of a sudden!
It never occurred to him that Han Jiang actually had a mobile phone.

Just before getting into the car, Han Jiang seemed to be just a deputy director of the design office of the East China Sea Ship Design Institute. In addition, this mobile phone is relatively small and looks very delicate, only half the size of an ordinary big brick phone.

Not only Hu Yong was stunned, but other people in Xiangjiang Shipyard in the car were also stunned. In 1997, a mobile phone was still very lethal.

Han Jiang seemed to enjoy this reaction, smiled proudly, and put the mobile phone in Kuang Wei's hand, "Use this, call back quickly."

Kuang Wei knew Han Jiang very well, and it wasn't the first time he used Han Jiang's phone, so he didn't have to be polite, he took it back and called for two to three minutes.

After Kuang Wei made the phone call, someone from Xiangjiang Shipyard finally couldn't help it, and said enviously, "Master Yang, the welfare of your unit is really good, even middle-level cadres have started to be equipped with mobile phones."

Yang Fan smiled, knowing that there was a little misunderstanding.

The East China Sea Ship Design Institute has not yet reached this level of wealth, and only a few leaders of the institute have each been equipped with a big brick-like mobile phone.

"You have misunderstood. Director Han's phone number is not assigned by his unit, but his own." Li Zhengjun, who had not spoken much, explained in this way.

His private ah!
Bull man!
Really rich!

It's okay if you don't explain it, but with such an explanation, the people of Xiangjiang Shipyard are envious again. In their minds, Han Jiang has suddenly risen to the ranks of rich people.

Yang Fan knew that the misunderstanding was a little big.

This phone was given to Han Jiang by himself.

In order not to let everyone in the Xiangjiang Shipyard know that he is a rich man, Yang Fan quickly changed the subject and asked, "Mr. Hu, how are you preparing for the construction of the fourth ship of the 054 ship?"

Hu Yong looked straight, and began to introduce the preparations for the construction of the No. [-] ship to Yang Fan and others.

The construction of the third type 054 guided missile frigate has already started at Dongjiang Shipyard, and the fourth ship is planned to start construction at Xiangjiang Shipyard. They are undergoing a series of preparations and are expected to start construction in April and start cutting the first steel plate.

Talking about the topic of the 054 ship, I felt that the time passed quickly, more than an hour passed quickly, and the car arrived at the Xiangjiang Shipyard.

Instead of entering the factory area, they stopped at the entrance of a hotel not far from the factory area. Yang Fan and others stayed here tonight.

In the evening, Xiangjiang Shipyard hosted a banquet in honor of Yang Fan and the others. They were very polite, and even the leader Qin Jianchun came over in person.

The next day.

Early in the morning, next to a certain shipyard of the Xiangjiang Shipyard, there was a lot of excitement, and many people gathered, including managers, technicians, and ordinary workers.

In addition to these people, there are also people from relevant units who were invited. In addition, there are also some people from the military. Everyone witnessed the launch of the second Type 054 guided missile frigate.

The red carpet is on the floor!

Flags are flying!

Very festive, Xiangjiang Shipyard is going to hold a grand launching ceremony for the ship.

In the dock, on the construction berth, our No. [-] ship has been completely redecorated, looking very beautiful, and it seems to be full of joy from top to bottom.

"Boss Qin and the others are here!"

Someone with sharp eyes saw a group of people coming from a distance, including not only the leader, Qin Jianchun, but also several vice presidents, including Hu Yong.

There are still a few people. The people in Xiangjiang Shipyard feel that they are relatively unfamiliar, but looking at their posture, they are either important people or within the big leaders.

The distance is closer.

The servant finally recognized it, and shouted loudly, "That's the chief designer of Ship 054, my God, even the chief designer has come in person."

"Look, look!" Someone was a little excited and said loudly: "That seems to be the commander-in-chief of Project 054!"

"Yes, it doesn't seem like it's the commander-in-chief of Project 054. I didn't expect him to come here too."

Accompanied by the leaders of Xiangjiang Shipyard, Luo Jianguo, Yang Fan and others are walking towards the dock and will participate in the launching ceremony of the No. [-] ship.

One chapter first.

(End of this chapter)

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