Military Heavy

Chapter 465

Chapter 465
"Wow, so beautiful!"

Jiang Yan showed surprise, "Brother Fan, is this our Hongtai Plaza, it's so beautiful."

Yang Fan smiled happily, nodded and said, "Yes, this is our newly designed Hongtai Plaza, and construction will start in City L."

Such a Hongtai Plaza will be built in L City!
For this city, Jiang Yan certainly knew that it was not only a provincial capital city, but also a first-tier big city with great potential for future development.

She was happy that Hongtai Group began to enter City L, planning to develop and build such a beautiful commercial plaza there.

Jiang Yan looked at it seriously, a little hesitant.

This seems to be slightly different from any previous Hongtai Plaza. Not only is it more beautiful and fashionable, but also, it seems to be larger in scale and more functional, and it seems to have added a cultural element
After taking a serious look, Jiang Yan asked, "Brother Fan, it seems a little special, it's different from any Hongtai Plaza we have now."

Yang Fan said: "There must be a difference. What we are currently building is the first-generation Hongtai Plaza, and this will be the first second-generation plaza we will build."

The second generation! ! !
Jiang Yan's beautiful eyes were wide open, full of novelty. Unexpectedly, Hongtai Plaza was divided into the first generation and the second generation.

As for Yang Fan, he simply started to do science popularization, and introduced the first and second generation Hongtai Plaza in more detail.

After listening, Jiang Yan was even more surprised and admired: "Sister Fang has a lot of capable people, and she actually divided the development of Hongtai Plaza into several stages of development. It's too powerful and amazing!"

Yang Fan smiled triumphantly.

"There are indeed many talented people in Hongtai Group, but the development plan of Hongtai Plaza was made by me. At the beginning, I compiled a document and gave it to my sister."

Said the matter simply.

Immediately, Jiang Yan looked adoring, hugged Yang Fan's neck, kissed him hard, and was very happy, "My husband is still amazing, really awesome!"

Yang Fan laughed out loud.

City of L.

In the central urban area, a piece of land with an area of ​​more than [-] mu has been completely vacated. The last old three-story house has been demolished, and an excavator is doing the final cleaning.

This is the land won by Hongtai Real Estate, and the first second-generation Hongtai Plaza will be built here. Li Feng, deputy general manager of Hongtai Real Estate, will be in charge of the specific matters.

Yang Fan has carefully read the planning drawings, design drawings, design renderings, etc. of this Hongtai Plaza, and thinks there is nothing wrong with it.

The efficiency of Hongtai Group is very high, the funds will be in place immediately, and the construction of this Hongtai Plaza will be started immediately.

Li Feng was chosen mainly because his concept is the closest to that of Yang Fan, and he can better build this square. He also came here in person.

Several people followed behind, all wearing hard hats, including several middle-level people from Hongtai Real Estate, and the specific person in charge of this project.

"Mr. Liao, has the official start date been set?"

Looking at this piece of land that is ready for construction, Li Feng hopes to start construction as soon as possible and build this second-generation Hongtai Plaza here as soon as possible.

The person in charge of the project replied: "It has already been decided. The day after tomorrow is a good day. We will start construction in the morning of the day after tomorrow."

After briefly reporting some preparatory work before the start of construction, Li Feng nodded with satisfaction and said: "This is our first second-generation Hongtai Plaza, and quality must be the first priority. In addition, the construction period is also important. Hurry up."


"no problem."

Including the person in charge of the project, the surrounding people answered in this way one after another. Even if they didn't need to be reminded, they knew the importance of construction period and quality.

After exhorting, Li Feng said: "In addition to the publicity of the plan, we will also publish our design renderings, magnified by more than ten times, and let everyone know."

Even the design renderings must be made public.

Also magnified ten times!
Mr. Liao thought he heard it wrong, and carefully reminded: "In this case, our competitors will also know our specific design, which is not good."

Li Feng said proudly: "Just to let them know. In addition, in City L, we have stepped up publicity efforts. TV stations and newspapers bombarded us in turn, so that the citizens of City L will know about our second-generation Hongtai Plaza."

Someone said: "This kind of publicity is good, and the effect of the advertisement is estimated to be excellent, but it will also show our Hongtai Plaza to the opponent in all directions. If they copy and imitate, what should we do?"

Li Feng smiled.

The chairman's exhortations came to mind, Yang Fang specially instructed him to do this, in fact, this was also what Yang Fan meant.

Competitors have already developed and constructed a large commercial plaza in L City, and have imitated and copied Hongtai Plaza. At present, their project is nearly half in progress, and it is impossible to make changes.

To display the second-generation Hongtai Plaza in an all-round way is to put pressure on the opponents, hit them, and make them hard to get off.

Plagiarize and imitate our first generation Hongtai Plaza, right?

Then we will launch the second-generation Hongtai Plaza, which is more fashionable, more powerful, more complete and more beautifully designed than the first-generation Plaza. It will definitely become more popular in the future.

As for being copied and imitated by competitors, that basically does not exist.

In order to gain wisdom, Hongtai Group applied for a large number of patents early, including some appearance design, function design, and LOGO and so on.

With a large number of patents in hand, Hongtai Group dares to display the second generation Hongtai Plaza with confidence and do a lot of advertising.

Knowing this, all of Li Feng's subordinates were relieved, their hearts were full of passion, and they had the drive to fight hard.

Not far from here, less than ten kilometers away, it also belongs to the central city area, and a large commercial plaza is under construction.

The scale is relatively large, and the construction has been going on for several months. The construction progress is nearly halfway, and some main structures have even been completed.

Its design almost copied and imitated the Hongtai Plaza of the Hongtai Group. People who don't understand may think that a Hongtai Plaza will be built here.

No, some people always have such misunderstandings.

There was a young couple resting on chairs not far from this commercial plaza. The young girl looked in the direction of this commercial plaza and said happily, "Great, we have also started building Hongtai Plaza in L City."

The young man said: "This is not Hongtai Plaza, but a commercial plaza developed by xxx Real Estate Company."

The girl was surprised and said: "Impossible, I have been to Donghai City and visited the Hongtai Plaza there. The commercial plaza in front of me looks very similar to the Hongtai Plaza I have visited."

The boy said: "It looks like Homecoming, but it's really not Hongtai Plaza."

"Oh, so it's not Hongtai Plaza." The girl looked disappointed for a moment.

David Real Estate Company is a local company in L City with strong strength. It has already developed two large-scale real estate in L City.

In 1997, real estate companies that were able to develop two large-scale real estate projects were considered to be very large, and they started relatively early. They were considered to be the first batch of real estate companies in China.

Their third project, the David Commercial Plaza located in the city center, has also started construction for nearly half a year, and it is estimated that it will be put into use in about half a year.

The boss, Wang Dawei, is very ambitious and wants to make a lot of money from this commercial plaza. As for the fact that this commercial plaza almost copied and imitated Hongtai Plaza, he doesn't care at all.

Hongtai Group took a piece of land in L City, with an area of ​​more than [-] mu, much larger than that of David Commercial Plaza, and he didn't take it to heart.

Early bird gets the worm.

Wang Dawei believes that his David Commercial Plaza started early, and when Hongtai Group's Hongtai Plaza is completed, his David Commercial Plaza has already started to operate, and has already attracted the popularity of L City, and has already made a lot of money Full.

He even thought in his heart that Hongtai Group's development and construction of Hongtai Plaza in L City must be a big failure.

Wang Dawei was sitting on the comfortable and spacious boss chair with a cigar in his mouth, thinking about his David Commercial Plaza comfortably, with a relaxed expression.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

There was a knock on the door of the office, and one of Wang Dawei's left and right arms, Gao Yukun, the vice president of David Real Estate Company, walked in.

An anxious look on his face.

As soon as he came in, he said eagerly: "Boss, it's not good."

Wang Dawei calmly took a puff of his cigar, exhaled a smoke ring, and then said unhurriedly: "What's the matter, talk slowly."

Gao Yukun said: "According to your request, I have been paying attention to the movement of Hongtai Plaza. They are going to start work tomorrow."

Wang Dawei said: "I thought it was a big deal. It's normal for them to start construction. The land has been leveled and it's ready for construction."

Gao Yukun said eagerly: "The start of construction is just one of them. They announced the planning of the Hongtai Plaza. I heard that they are planning to carry out a large number of advertisements on the TV stations, newspapers and other media in L City."

Wang Dawei was still unhurried, and said nonchalantly: "It's nothing, the planning map needs to be announced to the public, and it's normal for them to advertise, but don't worry, we will always walk in front of them. Davie Plaza will always trump their Fernando Plaza."

Gao Yukun is in a hurry!

Almost sweating profusely.

He found that after talking so much, he didn't seem to get to the point.

Anxiously, he finally said: "Boss, these are not the main ones. What worries me is that this Hongtai Plaza of Hongtai Group in our city L seems to be unusual. It is different from the previous Hongtai Plaza."

Tell him what he knows and what he has learned in a hurry.

Finally, Wang Dawei's complexion changed.

He is not a fool.

Knowing that if this Hongtai Plaza is really like this, it is much more advanced than David Plaza. There may be only one result, and that is that this Hongtai Plaza will always suppress his David Commercial Plaza.

The two are hardly comparable.

Ordinary people are not fools, they can tell who is good and who is bad.

Wang Dawei instantly had a feeling, that is, riding a tiger is hard to get off.

(End of this chapter)

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