Military Heavy

Chapter 466 Anti-ship Test

Chapter 466 Anti-ship Test
City L, the construction site of Hongtai Plaza.

It is lively here, excavators are waving their long arms, muck trucks are running back and forth, cement mixers are working, and a large number of construction workers are busy.

Massive building materials piled up like mountains, such as sand and gravel, steel bars, cement and so on.

The most eye-catching thing is a huge billboard erected, which can be seen clearly even at a distance of two to 300 meters.

On this giant billboard with an area of ​​more than 100 square meters, there is only one content, and that is the giant design rendering of Hongtai Plaza.

Just like a huge color photo, it presents this Hongtai Plaza in front of everyone in an all-round and very intuitive way. After it is completed, it will look like this in the rendering.

So beautiful!

The huge design renderings are very eye-catching!

"It's so grand and stylish, it's worthy of Hongtai Plaza!"

"I have been to the Hongtai Plaza in Shenhai City, it seems that this Hongtai Plaza in our city L is better, bigger and more fashionable!"


This is the central urban area of ​​L city. The flow of people is already high, and it is a very popular place. This huge design rendering has attracted many people.

Even some reporters rushed over, carrying cameras, and took a close-up of it.

The advertising effect is leveraged.

Many people found that whether it was the TV stations or newspapers in L City, there were reports or advertisements about this Hongtai Plaza.

It turns out that it is the second generation of Hongtai Plaza!
No wonder it's different!
In just a few days, in L City, this Hongtai Plaza, which has just started construction, is almost a household name and has a great reputation.

Not yet built, just started construction, it has a lot of popularity.

A citizen came here to inquire about it, or appreciate the huge design renderings.

Well, that's great!
Unexpectedly, the first second-generation Hongtai Plaza settled in our L city.

In front of this huge design rendering, many people are looking at it, talking eagerly, like a beautiful landscape.

Wang Dawei couldn't sit still!
He really can't sit still!
Seeing the propaganda and reports on TV stations and newspapers, and hearing some discussions from people around him, he finally came here quietly.

With a few people, mixed in the crowd, looking at this huge design rendering, I was silent for a long time.

My heart is very heavy!
Even full of a sense of failure!

Thinking of his David Commercial Plaza, nearly half of the construction and no possibility of change, he knew that this time he was completely defeated by the Hongtai Group.

Wang Dawei also finally understood that the commercial plaza can still be designed and planned like this...


Dongjiang Shipyard.

Our first ship has returned again and is docked next to the pier. So far, it has basically completed the sea trial project, and next, it will conduct weapon tests.

a few days later.

It is ready to set sail again, leave the pier, and will begin weapons testing work.

Unlike before, this time, almost all the people on board are from the military, and the navy is basically responsible for all operations.

Only the necessary technicians are on board to carry out weapon tests. For example, the East China Sea Ship Design Institute is led by the director of the weapon system design room, and several designers are already on board.

An off-road vehicle came from a distance, parked firmly on the pier, and three people got out of the vehicle.

Yang Fan, Luo Jianguo, Sun Baoguo.

The three bosses are here!

The three talked and laughed, walked towards the lead ship docked by the pier, and boarded the lead ship.

Yang Fan said: "Commander Luo, it's rare that you have the time to participate in this anti-ship test in person."

This is the first weapon test of the first ship, and also the first anti-ship test.

The Type 054 guided missile frigate has the powerful functions of long-range warning and regional air defense. Specifically, it detects targets and strikes or intercepts them.

Such as anti-ship, anti-submarine, other air targets and so on.This time an anti-ship test was conducted.

The three bosses arrived, and our first ship set sail, sailed to the predetermined sea area, left the dock, and gradually left Dongjiang Shipyard behind.

On the magnificent sea, our Type 054 guided missile frigate sails quickly.

In the command room, the three watched the soldiers operate.

After several hours of sailing, the phased array control radar was turned on, scanning the large sea area around the first ship as the center.

Whether it is a civilian ship or a warship, there is nowhere to hide in front of it.

Where is the target ship?

This is what the fighters need to analyze and distinguish.

In this test plan, there will be a target ship as the target of this anti-ship test, requiring the first ship to discover it and destroy it.

Yang Fan didn't say anything, and quietly watched the soldiers operate. It could be seen that their operations were relatively proficient.

Luo Jianguo and Sun Baoguo were far less calm than Yang Fan. They thought almost at the same time, can they quickly find and destroy the target?

As far as they know, we have already built a large number of guided missile frigates, and the Type 053 guided missile frigates that have been installed in large numbers do not have such capabilities.

The Type 054 guided missile frigate should have such capabilities. It is the second generation of guided missile frigate.

But the two were not fully sure, and were worried that something might go wrong in the first anti-ship test.

Just when the two were hanging on one heart, a loud voice rang in their ears, "Report, the target is found, the bearing is 126, the distance is 52 nautical miles, and the target speed is 13 knots."

Spotted the target so quickly.

This speed is too fast!
Luo Jianguo and Sun Baoguo looked at each other quietly, and they both saw the surprise in each other's eyes. Our 054 ship is not bad.

"Lock the target!"

"Target locked!"

The naval soldiers in charge of the control each performed their duties, and answered loudly one by one.

The captain gave an order, "Ready for launch!"

Through the glass, one of the quadruple-installed anti-ship missiles can already be seen adjusting the launch direction, and quickly aimed at the direction of the target. The 054 ship is currently using the "Eagle Strike" series of anti-ship missiles.

"Get ready!"


With an order, an anti-ship missile roared out from our first ship, flew into the distance, and soon disappeared from everyone's sight.

Only the gunpowder smoke that has not completely dissipated remains.

Can it hit the target accurately?

It was originally planned to use two missiles for double insurance, but was opposed by Yang Fan when discussing the test plan.

The weapon test is to verify each weapon. Two missiles cannot show the effect, and only one missile is fired.

Luo Jianguo looked at Yang Fan with a questioning look in his eyes. Can he accurately hit a target dozens of nautical miles away with only one missile?
Yang Fan nodded slightly.

Sure enough, the news spread quickly.

Successfully hit the target!


The command room, which was originally quiet, boiled all of a sudden, and some naval commanders stood up excitedly, with wonderful expressions on their faces.

The captain of the first ship, the captain of the navy, happily walked in front of Yang Fan, with a look of gratitude on his face, he shook hands with Yang Fan tightly.

"Mr. Yang, thank you. Thank you for developing such a powerful warship for our navy. It's so exciting to hit a hit from dozens of nautical miles away."

Yang Fan smiled happily.

As the chief designer of this ship, Yang Fan knows that this is just a small test. Compared with anti-ship, our 054 ship is more powerful in anti-submarine.

In addition, the functions of air defense and missile interception are also very good. These functions will be verified one by one in the follow-up weapon tests.

One hit!
Luo Jianguo was also completely relieved, and held Yang Fan's hand tightly, and said happily, "After I go back, I can report to the leaders with pride that our 054 ship is very good and powerful."

Hearty laughter echoed on the first ship.

The anti-ship test was a success.

The performance of our first ship is amazing!
After the experiment, Yang Fan received a call from a senior leader of the Navy, who praised him a lot, which made Yang Fan full of energy.

Our big leaders have been paying attention to the 054 ship.

In the next few months, our first ship will carry out various tests in an orderly manner according to the test plan, focusing on the tests of various weapons.

The anti-submarine test has been carried out in several subjects, and the performance is very good, and it has won the praise of the upper leaders.

Yang Fan sometimes boards the ship in person and participates in some experiments in person, and sometimes stays at the East China Sea Institute and does not board the ship in person.

But he has been paying attention to the various tests of the first ship. Seeing that each test has performed well and basically met the design expectations, Yang Fan also has a sense of accomplishment in his heart.

In addition to paying attention to the various tests of the first ship, Yang Fan is of course also paying attention to the financial market in Southeast Asia, and the time has entered June.

Seeing that there was not much movement, to be honest, Yang Fan was also a little secretly anxious, thinking more than once in his heart, I hope that there will be no deviation in history on this point, and this financial turmoil must appear as scheduled.

Hongtai Group.

After Yang Fang presided over a high-level meeting and discussed a series of topics, a vice president in charge of finance reminded.

"Chairman, recently our expenses are significantly greater than our revenue. I suggest that we reduce some unnecessary expenses, and even slow down the development speed of various real estate projects. In particular, I suggest slowing down the construction speed of Hongtai Building. In addition, for Huaqiang Technology Company's Investment, whether it can be postponed for one or two months."

Some people were slightly shocked. The group's financial situation has always been good. Could it be that they are also short of money?

Is Hongtai Group also short of money?

If you are not in charge of the family, you don't know how much money is needed. Some high-level executives don't care about finances. Of course, they don't know that the group's finances are already relatively tight.

As the chairman and the head of the group, Yang Fang certainly knows the financial situation.

At this moment, she seemed more cautious.

Slowing down the speed of development is not what she wants to see. With relatively generous policies, the real estate market is gradually showing a lot of dividends. As a businessman, she does not want to slow down.

In addition, the competition in the real estate market is becoming increasingly fierce and the pressure is increasing. If your development speed slows down, your competitors will catch up.

(End of this chapter)

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