Military Heavy

Chapter 467

Chapter 467
Faced with such a proposal, Yang Fang shook her head lightly, and said slowly: "Slow down the speed of development, this is self-defeating martial arts, we can't do this."

The meaning is obvious.

The pace of development cannot be slowed down, and rapid development must still be maintained.

The vice president of finance said: "Our own development speed remains unchanged, so can we delay the payment to Huaqiang Technology Company?"

Regarding this payment, Yang Fang is very clear. According to the agreement, before the end of this month, 6500 million yuan needs to be paid to Huaqiang Technology Company, which will be used for the development and construction of Huaqiang Technology Company and the research and development of mobile phone chips.

But so far, Hongtai Group has invested more than one billion yuan, which is far from enough, and will continue to invest in batches.

Obviously, Yang Fang didn't want to break the contract, and said clearly: "Don't delay, the payment will be made as scheduled."

On the surface, Huaqiang Technology Company and Hongtai Group have an agreement and cooperation relationship, but in fact, it is regarded as a subsidiary company.

Hongtai Group holds nearly 70.00% of the shares and is its largest shareholder.

This doesn't work, and that doesn't work either, the vice president in charge of finance showed a look of embarrassment.

Some people even suggested: "Chairman, why don't we apply for listing. With our scale, listing should not be difficult."

Yang Fang shook her head and said, "I don't think about going public for the time being. Besides, if it goes public, it won't be able to quench my thirst."

After thinking for a while, he said, "Don't worry too much about the company's funds. We still have hundreds of millions of liquidity. Help me make an appointment with President Wu of XXX Bank, and I will talk to him about the loan."

Yang Fang seldom talks about loans with the presidents of the bank, and usually the people below do it.

Yang Fang went out in person, showing the pressure on her body, she looked very calm on the surface, and she looked confident.

In fact, she was also secretly anxious, the financial problem, this is not a small problem.


a bank.

Yang Fang was slightly disappointed, followed by several middle and high-level executives of Hongtai Group, and a group of people were walking out of the bank.

Just now, she talked with President Wu for a long time, and in the end, they only negotiated a loan of 2000 million.

For the Hongtai Group, which has a large family and a large business, this cannot solve the fundamental problem, but can only slightly ease the financial situation.

Sitting in the car, the vice president in charge of finance said: "Chairman, why don't I make an appointment with President Liu of XX Bank, maybe I can get a loan of tens of millions."

tens of millions?

Yang Fang chuckled in her heart, tens of millions of money, a few years ago, she might have personally talked with some bank presidents, but now, she really can't let go of her dignity.

After thinking for a while, he said, "Go and talk with President Liu."


He quickly nodded in agreement, and fully understood that it was indeed a little wrong for the chairman to do it himself for tens of millions.

After a while, Yang Fang suddenly wanted to take a look at the Hongtai Building which was under construction.

"Don't go back to the company yet, go to Hongtai Building."

The driver was slightly taken aback, but as a competent driver, he knew that there are some things that should not be asked why, just be faithfully carried out.

About two or three 10 minutes later, we arrived at the construction site of Hongtai Group.

From Yang Fang down, everyone wore hard hats and inspected the entire construction site under the leadership of the person in charge of the Hongtai Building project.

After such a period of construction, not only the foundation has been fully constructed, but also the main body of the underground garage has been basically constructed, and the construction of the above-ground part has begun.

Hongtai Group's capital investment here is not one billion, but already eight or nine hundred million.

In the follow-up, a large amount of capital needs to be invested, at least several billion.

A lot of money is needed!
The project leader knew this very clearly, and he said with joy: "Thanks to the group for their capital investment. With sufficient capital investment, our construction is progressing so fast."

Looking at the huge construction site in front of him, he was full of spirits and pointed Jiangshan, "As long as there is no problem with the supply of funds, I am sure that by this time next year, our Hongtai Building will be capped, and the building will be fully completed within two years." , can be put into use.”

Looking at the Hongtai Building, which has already started construction on the ground, Yang Fang said firmly, "Don't worry, there will be no problem with the funding."

Hearing this, the project leader was relieved for a while.

The vice president in charge of finance of Hongtai Group looked at Yang Fang in confusion, and thought in his heart, how could the chairman have such confidence? Does she have a solution to the financial problem?

Donghai Ship Design Institute.

In the office, Yang Fan was answering a call from Luo Jianguo from the capital.

"Comrade Yang Fan, our first ship has successfully completed the anti-submarine test again, and the performance is still gratifying!"

Yang Fan smiled happily.

The specific situation of this anti-submarine test, Yang Fan has listened to the report, although he did not personally participate in this anti-submarine test, but the situation is very clear.

So far, the multiple anti-submarine tests of the first ship have all been completed, and each test can at least hit more than [-]%.

Anyway, Yang Fan is very satisfied with these several anti-submarine tests of the first ship.

Luo Jianguo's voice came from the phone, and he said happily: "We have fully completed the anti-ship, anti-submarine, and air defense tests, and the next step is the missile interception test."

Missile interception!

This is a comprehensive test of the combat system and weapon system of the first ship.

It's a big test!
A joint exam!
The performance of the first ship in the previous series of tests was eye-catching. It is estimated that not only Luo Jianguo, but most people want to see the performance of the first ship in the future test.

Yang Fan said: "This is a major test of the weapon system and the combat system. Don't be careless. The preparations must be sufficient and thorough. When everything is ready and the conditions are fully mature, it will not be too late to conduct the test."

Luo Jianguo fully agrees with this point, "Yes, you must be fully prepared and considerate."

The two talked for a long time on the phone.

After putting down the phone, Yang Fan thought in his heart that the first ship will complete a comprehensive test in a few months, and it is not a big problem to deliver it to the navy before the end of this year.

It's time to start the design of the 054A guided missile frigate in an all-round way. What are the differences between the 054A and the current 054 ship, and what are the improvements and enhancements?
Yang Fan thought about these things again.

I even thought about the concept of a shield ship again, should 054A be developed into a shield ship?
Now, both the 052 and 054 ships have combat systems, phased array control radars, and missile vertical launch systems, but they are not shield ships.

In Yang Fan's mind, he couldn't help thinking of the famous "Chinese Aegis", thinking about the possibility of designing and developing it in advance.

While thinking about this, Yang Fan's thoughts were interrupted by the ringing of the phone, and he quickly took out the phone from his pocket.

As soon as the phone was connected, Yang Fang's voice came over, "Brother, are you free tonight, let's have dinner together and talk about something."

Yang Fan immediately realized that it must not be as simple as talking about some things. He knew his sister very well, and he would definitely not look for him for general matters.

It is estimated that the Hongtai Group has encountered a major event!

Yang Fan immediately had the answer in his heart, and immediately said: "I have time in the evening, it's still the same place, let's talk after dinner in the evening."

"Okay, I'll wait for you there, still in that box."

After hanging up the phone, Yang Fang thought in her heart, telling my brother about the company's financial situation, will it bring great pressure to him, will it affect his work...

Yang Fang thought a lot.

It's really helpless to make this call.

The vice president in charge of finance visited President Liu of XX Bank, and the loan was tens of millions, which was originally a done deal.

How did he know that President Liu actually got into a fight and made a lot of excuses, but he didn't get a loan anyway.

Even tens of millions were wasted, and this became the last straw that broke Yang Fang's inner line of defense.

In desperation, she picked up the phone and called Yang Fan.

Yang Fan guessed that Hongtai Group had encountered difficulties, but he did not expect that it was because of financial difficulties. In Yang Fan's impression, Hongtai Group's financial situation was very good, with sufficient funds.

after get off work.

Yang Fan first called Jiang Yan, and then drove to the restaurant they had agreed upon.

While driving, Yang Fan thought, my sister should have arrived by this time.


The third watch will be delivered, and friends who have votes will support a few, thank you very much!
(End of this chapter)

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