Military Heavy

Chapter 468 I'll Find a Way

Chapter 468 I'll Find a Way

In the box, Yang Fang arrived early.

Sitting there alone, she was still thinking about money in her mind. She looked normal on the surface, but if you looked closely, you could see a kind of pressure in her eyes.

As the head of the family, the pressure on her is indeed not small.

"My brother predicted that there would be a financial crisis in Southeast Asia, and established an investment company and appointed Lin Jianwei as the general manager. Will such a thing really happen?"

While thinking about these things, footsteps sounded outside the door, and then, Yang Fan opened the door and walked in, "Sister, I knew you should have arrived long ago."

While speaking, he pulled out a chair and sat down.

Yang Fang's assistant was outside the door all the time, she gently closed the door of the box, knowing that what the boss and Yang Fan talked about was extremely important, to prevent irrelevant people from entering.

"Sister, it must be that the company has encountered some difficulties."

After sitting down, Yang Fan cut to the point and asked with such concern.

Knowing that her younger brother might have guessed something, Yang Fang didn't beat around the bush, just nodded and said: "Yes, I have encountered difficulties in funding."

Yang Fan was slightly startled, this was indeed a bit beyond his expectation.

Immediately, I gradually came to my senses, feeling a little self-blame, I paid too little attention to Hongtai Group, and I never even knew about such a big financial difficulty.


Yang Fan understood what was going on.

Although Hongtai Group is making money every day and its profitability is the envy of many competitors, the recent investment is too large. In addition to investing in the development of new buildings and building Hongtai Plazas, there are two large input.

One is the investment in the construction of Hongtai Building, and the other is the investment in Huaqiang Science and Technology Company. Both of these investments are in units of 20 million. In less than a year, the total investment is less than [-] billion, which is estimated to be about the same. up.

The 90 billion in the middle and late 20s is an astronomical figure. Apart from those national brands, there are really not many companies that can spend so much money.

Hongtai Group is proud enough to spend so much money!
It's just a financial problem right now.

After understanding what was going on, Yang Fan was a little silent, took a sip of tea, and asked, "Sister, what are your plans now."

Yang Fang said: "A bank loan is the best way to quickly solve the difficulties we are facing, but you also know that as a private enterprise, the threshold for loans is very high. It is estimated that bank loans can solve the problems we are facing. It's a little unrealistic."

Yang Fan nodded.

As a private enterprise, it was really difficult to obtain bank loans in the middle and late 90s. Relying on bank loans to fundamentally solve the financial problems of Hongtai Group was really impossible, and at most it could only alleviate it a little.

At least one billion yuan of funds is needed to fundamentally solve the current problems, but raising more than one billion yuan of funds is not easy.

Yang Fang continued: "We have also considered slowing down the development speed, such as reducing the number of land acquisitions, reducing or slowing down the development speed of real estate, and even slowing down the construction speed of Hongtai Building to reduce capital investment."

"There are also suggestions to reduce or slow down the capital investment in Huaqiang Technology Co., Ltd., and use the limited funds for the company's own development."

Yang Fang slowly said some plans and plans.

Yang Fan frowned slightly, "Sister, these are bad strategies, don't do that unless you have to."

If the speed of development is slowed down, competitors will overtake in a corner and surpass Hongtai Group. This is a situation that no one wants to see.

In addition, Yang Fan especially does not want to see a reduction in capital investment in Huaqiang Technology Company. Now is the golden age for mobile phone chips. If you miss this time, you will regret it in the future.

In particular, the current development of Huaqiang Technology Co., Ltd. is good. The first mobile phone chip has been designed and a series of verification experiments are already underway, and their funds cannot be stopped.

After thinking for a while, Yang Fan said: "Sister, let me figure out a way about the funds."

You come to think of a way! ! !
Yang Fang looked at her younger brother in surprise, she never expected that Yang Fan would be so responsible and take all the responsibility.

Yang Fang was a little suspicious. Her younger brother was just a designer who was busy with the design and development of warships all day long and had little contact with people in the bank. What could he do?

Yang Fang immediately thought of a possibility, and said a little worriedly: "Brother, you are not planning to sell our stocks in the United States, are you?"

The stocks purchased by the two have increased in value over the years, more than dozens of times, and they have increased their holdings during the period. The total value of the stocks has reached hundreds of millions of dollars. If these stocks are sold, it will indeed solve the current problems that Hongtai Group is facing. financial crisis.

But it's not worth the money.

Yang Fang does not play stocks and has limited understanding of the capital market, but she also knows that these stocks have huge potential for future appreciation.

At present, these stocks are all managed by a newly established investment company headquartered in Hong Kong Island, and the general manager is Lin Jianwei.

Yang Fan smiled, shook his head and said, "I am reluctant to sell a lot of these stocks. If I have enough money, I would like to increase my holdings."

It turned out that these stocks were not sold.

Yang Fang quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

Yang Fan said: "Sister, do you still remember, I said last year, I analyzed that this year, there may be unprecedented financial turmoil in Southeast Asia, this is an opportunity for us, I plan to make a lot of money from it, In this way, the financial problem faced by the company will be solved.”

Of course Yang Fang knew.

For this reason, a special investment company was established, headquartered in Hong Kong Island, which is currently managed by Lin Jianwei, and all kinds of preparations have been made. The purpose is to seize this opportunity and make a fortune.

"Brother, will there really be a financial turmoil in Southeast Asian countries?"

Yang Fan said affirmatively: "I think it will. It's June now, maybe in one or two months, this financial turmoil will be inevitable."

It is not clear that the financial turmoil will break out in July. It is not good to be too accurate. If history does not deviate from this point, the financial turmoil will break out in July, starting with the depreciation of the Thai baht, and lasting for several months.

Yang Fan is familiar with the development of history, and he has a group of professionals such as Lin Jianwei, so it is not a big problem to make a fortune.

That's why Yang Fan said, let me find a solution to the financial crisis facing the company.

Yang Fan said: "Although the company is currently encountering financial problems, there will be no problem if it persists for three to five months."

Yang Fang said confidently: "There will be no problem for half a year. We still have hundreds of millions of liquidity and monthly sales are quite a lot. Insufficient funds will only slow down our development speed and will not affect the company's survival."

That's it.

Yang Fan also felt relieved. After the sumptuous meal was served, the siblings continued to chat while eating.

After hearing this meal, Yang Fan also had a better understanding of Hongtai Group, and felt more at ease.

The survival of the company is no problem.

It's just that there is not enough funds to maintain rapid development.

In the following days, apart from considering the future design of 054A, Yang Fan has also been paying attention to the situation of the financial market in Southeast Asia.

After reading a few technical materials, Yang Fan had a little time, so he first picked up today's newspaper and read it. Of course, the focus was on the news and current affairs of some Southeast Asian countries in the newspaper.

After reading the news about Southeast Asia in these newspapers, I turn on the radio and listen to the news on international channels, especially the news about Southeast Asia, and I tend to listen very carefully.

The office door was gently pushed open.

Han Jiang walked in, sat down on the sofa, and jokingly said, "Brother Fan, you are listening to the English broadcast again, so maybe you want to further improve your English."

Of course not for learning English.

Yang Fan didn't say that he was paying attention to the situation of the financial market in Southeast Asia. He noticed that Han Jiang looked good, so he couldn't help asking.

"What a happy event, so happy."

The joy on Han Jiang's face became even more obvious, and he said a little proudly: "Brother Fan, horses don't get fat without night grass, and people don't get rich without windfalls. Now I really understand the meaning of this sentence."

Yang Fan asked more interestedly: "Oh, it looks like you made a fortune recently."

Han Jiang felt complacent again, "Brother Fan, do you still remember last month when I went around asking colleagues to borrow ID cards?"

of course I remember.

At the beginning, Yang Fan's ID card was borrowed by him, saying that he was going to buy stocks.

Han Jiang borrowed dozens of ID cards and ran to the stock exchange. He was lucky, signed [-] lots of stocks, sold them yesterday, and made a fortune.

Yang Fan said: "Don't be foolish, tell me how much money you have made."

Han Jiang stretched out two fingers, and said very satisfied: "Not much, just earned more than 2 yuan."

That's not much.

I really want to beat him up.

More than 2 yuan was a lot of money in 1997. No wonder Han Jiang was so happy and went to Yang Fan to announce the good news.

"Han Jiang, you have sent a sum, and that is a treat, tonight at the Furong Tower."

With money in hand, Han Jiang was also very forthright, and he agreed with all his mouth: "No problem, just tonight, we will go there after get off work, and I will call a few more good colleagues to have a good time."

The two chatted happily.

Han Jiang talked about how he made money with great joy. Yang Fan felt that in the domestic stock market in the mid-to-late 90s, money was relatively easy to earn, especially before the issuance of new shares, he took a lot of ID cards to apply for purchase.

As long as you get an appointment with an ID card, you can make a steady profit, and almost no one loses money.

The radio on the desk was playing all the time.

Yang Fan and Han Jiang had a good relationship, and they chatted very speculatively, especially when they talked about making money in the stock market, Han Jiang was almost elated, as if this was the most successful thing he had done in his life.

However, the chat between the two was quickly interrupted by a phone call, and the phone in Yang Fan's pocket rang.

(End of this chapter)

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