Military Heavy

Chapter 469 Take You to Get Rich Together

Chapter 469 Take You to Get Rich Together

The call was made by Lin Jianwei from Hong Kong Island.

Lin Jianwei and Yang Fan are in direct contact, without going through Yang Fang. In normal times, the two of them occasionally talk on the phone. Yang Fan still has a good understanding of the situation on Hong Kong Island.

As soon as the call was made, Lin Jianwei's voice came over, "Boss, you want us to pay special attention to the movements of Soros and Thailand. We have already grasped some information."

So far, Lin Jianwei has not figured out why the boss specifically asked to pay attention to the movement of Soros and the Thai financial market, but he has been faithfully implementing it.


Yang Fan's interest immediately rose, "Tell us quickly what's going on."

Lin Jianwei said: "According to the latest information we have, Soros borrowed a large amount of Thai baht from the United States, and the total value may have reached billions of dollars."

Hearing this situation, Yang Fan became eager. It is almost certain that Soros, an international speculator, is making preparations, and he is probably ready to make a move.

Yang Fan said: "I guess, he is going to use some means to push up the exchange rate of the Thai baht, and then sell the Thai baht to make a lot of money."

This is almost certain.

Who made Yang Fan reborn? It's equivalent to having a golden finger, a prophet of the future, knowing Soros's follow-up operations, making money is relatively simple.

First buy a large number of small national currencies to push up the exchange rate, and after the local currency appreciates sharply, buy a lot of space through the foreign exchange market, use the local currency you hold, and release bad news at the same time, causing the local currency to depreciate sharply. Profit on short foreign exchange orders, but it is a fatal blow to small Asian countries.The currencies of many countries have not yet risen back.

Soros borrowed a large amount of Thai baht from the United States, and then he and other fund managers began to sell a large amount of Thai baht. The Thai foreign exchange market was immediately choppy and turbulent, and the Thai baht depreciated sharply. .

Let me give an example to illustrate: If 1 US dollar is equal to 1 baht, Soros borrows 30 billion baht, and then sells the baht to become 30 billion US dollars.After depreciation, 1 U.S. dollar is equal to 10 baht, and Soros then used 3 million U.S. dollars to buy 30 billion baht to pay back the money.Soros earned $27 billion from it.

Soros has already started to operate, and Yang Fan will definitely follow.

During the phone call, Yang Fan gave Lin Jianwei some instructions.

In fact, it doesn’t need to be too specific, how to operate, Lin Jianwei and the others are experts in this aspect, and they fully know how to operate to maximize the benefits and earn more money.

Yang Fan told Lin Jianwei with certainty that the Thai baht would depreciate a lot, and asked them to seize this opportunity and act immediately.

After this phone call, Lin Jianwei's team, who had been idle for a while, immediately took action. As for funds, Yang Fan promised that Hongtai Group would remit [-] to [-] million yuan, and in addition, he could sell some of his stocks when necessary.

It doesn't matter if you sell part of the stock temporarily. You can buy it back when you have money. The interval in between will not be too long, probably only a few months.

In addition, if you really make a lot of money, except for a part of it provided to Hongtai Group, most of it will be placed in this investment company on Hong Kong Island to buy some stocks with a large appreciation potential and hold them for long-term profits.

Han Jiang watched Yang Fan answer the call.

The look of surprise on his face.

Although I didn't hear it very clearly, I was basically sure that Brother Fan was going to make a big move.

Noticing Han Jiang's expression, Yang Fan smiled and asked, "Do you want to get rich? If you trust me, give me your money. After a few months, I promise to give you several times."


Several times!

Han Jiang was a little surprised, and nodded like a chicken pecking rice, "I can trust it, I can trust it, I will go to withdraw the money now, and I will give you all my belongings."

Watching Han Jiang leave, Yang Fan smiled happily.

I thought in my heart, good brother, this time I will take you to make a fortune together, so that you can also make a fortune, so you don't have to worry about money anymore.

After Han Jiang left, Yang Fan was alone in the office, thinking in his heart that borrowing a large amount of Thai baht with US dollars as collateral was only the first step.

In the next few months, there will be more opportunities to make money.

As long as a professional like Lin Jianwei tells him the trend of the Southeast Asian financial market in the next few months, he has many ways to make money.

Even before the depreciation of the Thai baht, Lin Jianwei and the others could have done short selling in the international market or the Thai financial market to obtain greater profits.

Yan Wenlong is the vice president in charge of finance of Hongtai Group, one of the top management.

As a confidant, he certainly knew the pressure Yang Fang was facing. In order to relieve the pressure on the chairman, he visited the presidents of several banks. However, the total amount of loans was only tens of millions, not even one hundred million.

There is also a little anger in my heart, hum, don't lend me money now, and when our company has money, I won't deposit it in your bank.

Just as he was thinking about it in a bad mood, the phone on the desk rang.

"Old Yan, come to my office."

This is a call from Yang Fang. It is estimated that there is an important matter that needs to be discussed in person. Yan Wenlong did not dare to neglect, and immediately went to Yang Fang's office.

"Chairman, are you looking for me?"

Yang Fang nodded lightly, and motioned: "Sit down, let's talk about something."

Yan Wenlong quickly sat down on the sofa and pretended to listen.

Yang Fang said: "How much money do we have available now?"

Yan Wenlong said: "There are still more than 400 million."

Yang Fang said: "Reserve the basic funds needed for the company's operations in the next two months, and how much money we can spend at most."

Yan Wenlong was startled. Judging from this posture, it seemed that he was going to withdraw another sum of money. This is not acceptable, and it will make the company's financial situation worse.

Just finished paying tens of millions to Huaqiang Technology Company, and another tens of millions to Hongtai Building, money is getting tighter and I can no longer make large payments.

Knowing this in his heart, Yan Wenlong anxiously reminded: "Chairman, we..."

However, Yang Fang interrupted with a wave of her hand, knowing what Yan Wenlong meant.

"President Yan, don't worry, as long as we persist for another two months at most, our financial situation will be fundamentally improved, and we will no longer be short of money."

These are also Yang Fan's original words. After two months, Hongtai Group will no longer have financial difficulties, and a large amount of money will be credited.

Yan Wenlong had an unbelievable expression on his face, if that's really the case, that would be great!

As a senior executive of the company, he knew the company very well, and he couldn't imagine that after two months, the financial situation would fundamentally improve.

Where does this huge sum of money come from?
Yang Fang didn't explain too much, but said: "Believe me, after two months, we won't worry about money anymore, but before that, we need to get some money out first."

Yan Wenlong thought for a while and said, "If we don't acquire new land in the next two months, but only develop the current real estate, and Hongtai Supermarket doesn't open new stores, we can get up to [-] million."

In fact, he is still very conservative. If he is a little more adventurous, he can get 5000, or even [-].

Yang Fang pondered for a while, and agreed: "Then take out [-] million."

Not long ago, Yang Fan called and asked if Hongtai Group could take out two or three. There would be movement in the countries in Southeast Asia, and he was ready to make a move.

For this younger brother, Yang Fang fully believed. He said that a serious financial crisis would break out in Southeast Asia, and it would definitely happen.

Coming out of the chairman's office, Yan Wenlong was a little worried. After the transfer of the [-] million funds, the company's finances became even tighter.

Will it be true that as the chairman said, a large amount of money will arrive in the account two months later?
Yan Wenlong was even guessing that the chairman would not sell any property in order to raise money.

Otherwise, where will the large sums of money come from?

In the office, Yang Fan finished answering a call and made a call just now.

The first call was to Lin Jianwei, authorizing him to temporarily sell stocks worth [-] million U.S. dollars.

If I don't really need the money, I really don't want to sell these stocks. After a few months, when I have money, I will definitely buy them back.

The second call was from Yang Fang, who told Yang Fan that Hongtai Group could transfer [-] million yuan.


This fully met Yang Fan's expectations. At the beginning, it was said that two or three hundred million yuan was transferred, but in fact, two hundred million yuan is also acceptable.

With [-] million U.S. dollars and [-] million U.S. dollars from Hongtai Group, Lin Jianwei's team can do a big job.

With the money as collateral, all of it will be used to borrow Thai baht from the international market or from Thailand. I am really looking forward to how much I can earn by then.

How to operate, Yang Fan is not going to ask, because Lin Jianwei and the others are professionals.

Just as he was thinking about how much money he could earn in total, the door of the office was pushed open.

It was Han Jiang who came in!

He said happily: "Brother Fan, all my belongings have been taken out, a total of 6000 yuan, you count it."

As he spoke, he took out bundles of hundred-yuan bills from the bag.

Yang Fan was slightly surprised, "Han Jiang, I didn't expect your wealth to be quite rich."

Yes, 8 to [-] yuan is not a small sum.

Han Jiang said proudly, "All this money was earned slowly by trading in stocks over the past two years."

not bad!
Yang Fan's eyes lit up slightly, and he didn't think that Han Jiang was quite talented in stock trading.

In addition to being surprised, Yang Fan was also very relieved that Han Jiang trusted him so much, and without hesitation, he took out all his belongings.

I thought in my heart, good brother, since you trust me so much, then I will take you to make a fortune together.

Without counting, Yang Fan put all the money in the drawer of his desk.

After a few months, the 8 or [-] yuan will definitely be multiplied several times, and it may become hundreds of thousands.

(End of this chapter)

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