Military Heavy

Chapter 470 Joint Exam

Chapter 470 Joint Exam

Hong Kong Island.

With the funds in place, Lin Jianwei's team started to act and began to carry out some very professional operations.

3 million U.S. dollars, plus the 6000 million yuan remitted by Hongtai Group. In addition, there is a very interesting remittance, which is only [-] yuan.

For this reason, Lin Jianwei also called Yang Fan to inquire, and Yang Fan told him that the money belonged to a friend.

Lin Jianwei didn't ask any more questions, and mortgaged all the money in his hand as quickly as possible, and borrowed as much as Thai baht.

The loan was in Thai baht, and the contract stipulated that after a few months, the repayment would be in US dollars, and the US dollars should be repaid according to the exchange rate of Thai baht at that time.

Then, these Thai bahts were exchanged for US dollars, and Lin Jianwei's team held more than [-] million US dollars in their hands, but owed a loan.

With this money, you can short the Thai baht in the future and make money again.As expected of a professional team, a series of operations are very clever.

By that time, the Thai baht has depreciated so badly that few dollars will pay off the loan.

Everything is settled, what Lin Jianwei's team has to do is to wait for the depreciation of the Thai baht.

Time passes day by day.

But when the time has entered the end of June, the exchange rate of the Thai baht against the US dollar is still relatively strong, and there has been no significant depreciation.

A team member finally couldn't bear it anymore and reminded: "Mr. Lin, if the Thai baht does not depreciate sharply, the risks we face will be huge."

Of course Lin Jianwei knew this.

All operations are based on the serious depreciation of the Thai baht in the next one or two days.

If this assumption does not hold, you may lose everything, and the risk is indeed high.

But Lin Jianwei was very loyal. Yang Fan said that the Thai baht would depreciate severely and asked him to take action. He carried out a series of operations on the premise of the serious depreciation of the Thai baht.

In fact, one of his hearts is also hanging. Yang Fan is so sure that the Thai baht will depreciate severely in the near future, and he is also a little skeptical.

Doubts are doubts, he still did not have any resistance, and completed such an operation.

The work has been done, and we can only wait.

Facing the reminder from his subordinates, Lin Jianwei said calmly: "Don't worry, hold your breath, let's wait a little longer, and trust the boss's vision."

Therefore, they are waiting for the depreciation of the Thai baht, and they are also paying close attention to the financial markets in Southeast Asia.


Donghai Ship Design Institute.

In addition to his normal work, Yang Fan is also paying attention to the exchange rate of the Thai baht.

The Internet has not yet been popularized in China, and the information is far less developed than it is now. Yang Fan went to the bank today and asked about the exchange rate of the Thai baht, but there was not much change.

If it were us now, it would not be so troublesome, but very convenient, and we could check it on the mobile phone.

In the middle and late 90s, it was not enough. You really had to go to the bank to ask.

The exchange rate did not change much, and Yang Fan was a little frustrated when he returned to the office.

I was even thinking about the worst outcome, could it be that the financial turmoil in Southeast Asia would not have happened because of the influence of my little butterfly.

God, please don't do this, I still rely on this opportunity to make money.

At this moment, the phone on the desk rang, and Luo Jianguo called himself, "Comrade Yang Fan, I'm going to Donghai City this afternoon."

Yang Fan immediately said enthusiastically: "We'll pick you up at the airport, let's all have a good drink tonight."

The two talked and laughed for a few minutes on the phone.

Luo Jianguo came to Donghai City in person because our first ship will undergo a joint examination tomorrow.

By this time, the mooring test, sailing test, weapon test, etc. have basically been completed, and only one test has not been completed.

That is, the joint test of the weapon system and the operational command system has not yet been carried out.

All preparations have been made, and the date has been set. Tomorrow, this test will be carried out on the first ship.

This is also a joint test for the first ship.

Can our first ship pass smoothly, and how many points can we score?
Yang Fan wanted to take a look at the performance of our first ship in this joint exam.

If it performs well, the design of the Type 054 guided missile frigate is a success.

If the performance is not satisfactory and does not meet expectations, it will be troublesome and needs to be analyzed, followed by a series of design improvements and improvements.

It is very time-consuming to carry out verification after design improvement and perfection. Before these things are completed, the design of 054A will definitely not start, which may be several years later.

Yang Fan did not want to see such a situation.

Around five in the afternoon.

Outside a certain exit of Terminal 2 of Donghai International Airport, there are several cars parked in a row.

Several people including Yang Fan, Feng Wangdong, and Sun Baoguo greeted him here in person.

The military also attaches great importance to this joint exam. Not only Luo Jianguo came in person, but also several military personnel, the lowest rank is also a lieutenant colonel.

I'm coming!
They are out!
I saw Luo Jianguo walking in the front, followed by several people, all of whom were from the military.

Everyone met, shook hands tightly, and exchanged polite and pleasant greetings.

Then, they got on the car one after another and headed towards Dongjiang Shipyard. Everything has been arranged. Everyone will have dinner together in the evening and stay at the hotel of Dongjiang Shipyard tonight.

After three rounds of wine, the atmosphere was warm.

Luo Jianguo said: "I hope our first ship can show its talents tomorrow and perform well."

Feng Wangdong said: "I have confidence in it. It has performed well in many previous experiments, and it should not be bad this time."

A colonel in the military reminded: "Tomorrow's test will be different. It is a joint test of the weapon system and combat command system, as well as the comprehensive capabilities of the entire ship and technical and tactical indicators. I am still a little worried."

"Yeah, I'm also a little worried. Tomorrow is a closed-book exam. We don't know when the missiles will come. We don't know how many missiles are there. We have to rely on our first ship to find the target and intercept it." party people.

Yang Fan didn't say anything, he didn't talk much, his face was calm, and he didn't show much worry.

How will our first ship perform tomorrow?

No one knows.

Nobody knows.

Everything depends on the actual situation tomorrow, but tomorrow's joint exam will be very difficult and demanding, that's for sure.

In the evening, Yang Fan didn't go back either, and lived in the hotel of Dongjiang Shipyard like everyone else.

In terms of Donghai Institute, besides Yang Fan, there are several people, such as Shi Wei, the director of the combat system design office, the director of the weapon system design office, the director of the overall design office, and so on.

The next day.

Everyone got up early and boarded the ship after breakfast. It was only a little after [-]:[-] pm, and our first ship left the dock in a low-key manner.

At this time, the employees of Dongjiang Shipyard have not gone to work yet.

The first ship is full of officers and soldiers of the navy, the pilot of the first ship, and the operation of all equipment and systems. Yang Fan and the others don't need to intervene in everything, just participating in this test.

The first ship was sailing in the blue sea and was far away from the pier. Some careful people in Dongjiang Shipyard discovered that the first ship by the pier had left at some point.

"Hey, what about our first ship, it was docked at the pier yesterday."

"Maybe I went to sea again to conduct experiments."

"Do you know, I heard that the first ship left early in the morning. This test is extraordinary. It is a joint test of the weapon system and the combat system."

"Ah! It's such a big test. I don't know how our first ship will perform, but it's better not to have any problems."

After working in the shipbuilding industry for a long time, even ordinary workers know what such a joint exam means.

Many people were sweating.

At this time, our first ship has sailed far away.

This test is a "closed-book test". Not only the workers of Dongjiang Shipyard are sweating, but all the people in Donghai who participated in this test are not relaxed, and they all express pressure.

"I don't know when the missile will strike."

"At this time, our first ship should have its radar fully activated."


Everyone was chatting like this, their voices drifted into Yang Fan's ears, Yang Fan couldn't help thinking in his heart, the first ship had only left the pier for more than an hour, the missiles wouldn't come so soon.

Tens of nautical miles away, a Type 052 guided missile destroyer is also sailing...


That's all for today's update, thank you all!

(End of this chapter)

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