Military Heavy

Chapter 471 So Scary

Chapter 471 So Scary
Tens of nautical miles away, this Type 052 guided missile destroyer is sailing, and its radar is fully turned on. The phased array control radar scans a vast sea area.

"Target found!"

"Target confirmed!!!"

The soldier in charge of operating the radar reported loudly, the captain of the ship felt relieved, and finally identified the target.

Their task today is to test the first ship of the 054 ship, attack it with missiles, and verify the missile interception capability of the first ship.

He picked up the satellite phone and reported loudly: "Confirm the target, request the first missile launch, please approve."

A voice came from the phone: "Get ready, stand by!"

Tens of nautical miles away, our first ship is also sailing, and the radar is fully open.

Of course, the radar on the ship also found this Type 052 guided missile destroyer, but not only this ship, but also other warships were within the range of the radar.

The most are all kinds of civilian ships, including fishing boats and ocean-going ships.

The captain of the first ship ordered to maintain a state of alert to guard against incoming targets.

There was an invisible tense atmosphere on the ship, and everyone was under great pressure. They didn't know when the missiles would come and from which direction they would come!

One of the designers even asked: "Master Yang, is the incoming missile a live ammunition or a training missile? Will our first ship be in danger?"

Feeling that he was a little nervous, Yang Fan patted him on the shoulder lightly, and encouraged him: "Don't worry too much, trust our first ship, and also trust the professional operation of our naval officers and soldiers."


The technician nodded slightly, his nervous expression seemed to be less.

The lead ship has been sailing, away from the direction of the mainland, time has passed bit by bit, until there is no missile attack.

The atmosphere is more tense and, for some, it appears to be an ordeal.

Luo Jianguo probably felt pressure too, but he didn't show it on his face, he just said suddenly: "If possible, I really want to smoke a cigarette on the deck."

Yang Fan said: "I guess you can only endure it temporarily until the experiment is completed."

It's definitely not okay to go to the deck to smoke!
The battle alarm will be sounded at any time, and interceptor missiles will be launched at any time. This is a live ammunition, and there must be no one on the deck.

Sun Baoguo also suggested: "Commander Luo, how about we go to the smoking point in the cabin below and come up after smoking a cigarette."

Luo Jianguo took out a cigarette, put it under his nose and sniffed it, and said, "Forget it, I don't want to miss the wonderful moment of missile interception."


It would be a pity if a missile happened to strike when I went to the cabin below to smoke.

Obviously, Luo Jianguo wanted to see the specific situation of the missile interception for himself, and didn't want to miss that wonderful moment.

Sure enough, not long after, about a few minutes, the alarm sounded suddenly.

Everyone knows that such a big movement must have discovered the incoming missile, so they all looked through the glass and looked in the direction of the bow, which is the direction of the vertical launch system of the missile.

I see!

Two interceptor missiles whizzed out, separated by the glass, and there was a distance, and it seemed that the hot tail flame of the missile could still be felt.

Seeing this scene, many people's adrenal hormones soared!
How spectacular!
Seeing these two missiles whizzing away at such a close distance is much more exciting than American blockbusters.


In the distant sky, the interceptor missile accurately hit the incoming missile, and a huge spark burst out.


Such a strong sense of visual impact!
Everyone seemed to have forgotten to cheer, and after two or three seconds, when they came back to their senses, the sky-shattering cheers sounded.

Warm applause spread throughout our first ship!

"It's so exciting, the interception was successful!"

"The scene just now was spectacular and exciting."


The technicians accompanying this joint exam couldn't bear it any longer and spoke loudly like this.

Yang Fan, Luo Jianguo, Sun Baoguo and the others didn't say anything for the time being, but if you look closely, you can see that their expressions have softened a lot.

Everyone was very happy and satisfied with successfully intercepting the incoming missile.

The applause gradually died down.

The cheers gradually died down!
Some people were surprised to find that after successfully intercepting the incoming missile, our first ship did not return, but continued to sail deep into the sea.

This is how the same thing?

A young technician was puzzled and asked, "Shouldn't it be time to return to the voyage at this time? Why are you continuing to sail forward?"

"You don't know that, do you?"

"Liu Gong, you are a veteran, please tell us."

Liu Gong smiled triumphantly, and then said: "According to my guess, it was just an appetizer just now, and there may be more severe tests in the future."

There are more severe tests! ! !

The young technician opened his mouth wide in surprise. In his opinion, it was spectacular enough just now, and the requirements for the first ship were high enough.

Immediately, he became eager, eager to see what the next more severe test would be.

However, two or three hours have passed, and there is still no movement.

Some people's hearts were suspended again, thinking in their hearts, when will missiles strike again?
Or one missile, or two, or even more...

Suddenly, without warning, the alarm sounded again, and everyone looked outside through the glass.

I saw multiple interceptor missiles roaring out and flying into the distance, which was even more spectacular and shocking than last time.

The visual impact is even stronger!
It is estimated that watching war blockbusters does not have such a visual feeling!

"Boom, boom!"

Everyone heard two loud bangs, and saw two huge sparks blooming in the distant sky.

Two incoming missiles were successfully intercepted!
When someone in the front was about to raise their arms and shout, suddenly, they didn't shout out abruptly, they just opened their mouths wide!

Some timid technicians even changed their complexions, turning pale!

Time seems to be frozen at this moment!

There are caught fish!
An incoming missile was unexpectedly not intercepted, and was flying towards our lead ship at high speed, dragging a long tail flame.

It's over, it's over!
Some people feel hopeless!
There are also people who hope that this missile is not a live ammunition, but a training ammunition.

If it is live ammunition, it is dangerous.

Will we "die in the line of duty", the glory is here today...

Liu Gong has rich experience, but he was shocked when he saw this scene. His heart rate soared to over 150 in an instant, and his palms were almost sweating.

Suddenly, completely unintentionally, he noticed Yang Fan's expression.

"Hey, why is Chief Master Yang so calm, without a trace of panic, isn't he afraid..."

Everything is too fast!

In the real flash, there was almost no time to react. Most people just changed their faces and were completely stunned.

This incoming missile arrived in front of us in an instant, and it was about to hit our first ship.

The close-in defense gun on the first ship moved, quickly turned the muzzle, and aimed at the incoming missile and fired violently.

Bullets seem to be free of money!
Dense bullets whizzed out, this is a real metal storm!


This incoming missile was blown up in the air! ! !
It was felt that some debris seemed to splash on the deck of the lead ship.

The shooting of the 730 close-in anti-aircraft gun stopped, and everything seemed to be quiet. Many people have not recovered, and they are still in a daze.

I don't know how long it took before the cheers rang out! ! !
"It scared me to death just now, two of the three souls were scared off."

"Me too, I thought it was a major experimental accident."

"The close-in defense gun is too powerful!"

Like the rest of the life after a catastrophe, everyone finally relaxed and said this with lingering fear.

Yang Fan also let out a long sigh of relief, the performance of the first ship was as expected.

Liu Gong came over and asked curiously: "Mr. Yang, the missile just now was deliberately not intercepted with a missile."

Yang Fan smiled and nodded slightly.

That's it!

I was really scared to death just now.

Liu Gong guessed that this arrangement is probably to test the close-in defense system of our first ship, to see how the interception ability is.

He also guessed that the missile just now should not be a live ammunition...

While guessing like this, he heard Yang Fan's voice.

"Commander Luo, President Sun, we can go to the deck now, and those who want to smoke can have a cigarette."

Has this test been completed yet?
(End of this chapter)

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