Military Heavy

Chapter 472

Chapter 472
Is the joint exam over?
There is a big question mark in many people's minds, and they really want to ask someone to ask.

Seeing Yang Fan, Luo Jianguo, Sun Baoguo and others walking out talking and laughing, I finally felt a little certain in my heart that it should be completed, otherwise, it would be impossible for the big shots to go out like this.

"Look, our first ship seems to be turning, as if it is going to return!"

"Really, it is indeed a large radius turn."


Amidst everyone's surprised voices, Yang Fan and others came out and went to the deck outside.

The smell of gunpowder smoke seems to have not completely dissipated, and in my mind, the scene just now has not completely subsided, as if it is still in front of my eyes.


Someone was pleasantly surprised and shouted loudly: "Everyone, take a look, there are fragments of missiles here!"

Many people heard the news and walked over. Sure enough, there were several fragments of different sizes on the deck, which should belong to the missile that was blown up in the air.

What a thrill!
So close!
If it weren't for the strength of our close-in defense guns, this missile would have hit our first ship.

Someone secretly looked at Yang Fan, with a look of admiration on his face!

Our first ship's interception capability is really powerful, and everything is considered to be from the design team led by Yang Fan.

Even the near-anti-cannon is so powerful, it is completely an airtight metal bullet net, it is too powerful!

The joint exam has been completed brilliantly!
Luo Jianguo and Sun Baoguo were smoking cigarettes relaxedly on the deck. It seemed that they were chatting about the test situation just now.

Hearty laughter came from time to time, and the smile on Luo Jianguo's face was very relaxed. It could be seen that he was very satisfied with the performance of the first ship.

Yang Fan also walked to the side of the 730 close-in anti-aircraft gun, searched a little, and picked up a few shell casings.

This is what Yang Hao wants.

There are boys in their school with bullet casings, which should be rifle casings. Among the boys, they are so arrogant that other boys are very envious, including Yang Hao.

He had told Yang Fan many times that he wanted Yang Fan to help him get some shell casings, and it happened that the joint test of the first ship was going on today, and Yang Fan readily agreed.

It is a bit difficult to make pistol or rifle bullet casings, but there is no big problem with the casings of 730 near-anti-aircraft guns.

After picking up a few bullet casings and holding them in his hand, he walked to the side of Luo Jianguo and Sun Baoguo.

The two were happily chatting about the test. Luo Jianguo gave a thumbs up and said, "Comrade Yang Fan, the first ship's performance in this joint test was very good. I think the leaders will be very satisfied when they know about it."

Yang Fan said: "It's really good, basically meeting my expectations."

Sun Baoguo said: "The joint examination has been successfully completed, and the main tests and verification of our first ship have basically been completed. I really look forward to its early commissioning into the navy."

Suddenly, both of them noticed the shell casings of the 730 anti-aircraft guns that Yang Fan was holding, and they were a little curious.

Sun Baoguo asked: "General Master Yang, what are you doing for picking up so many bullet casings? Could it be that you need to conduct some research?"

Yang Fan smiled, "Where, my son is clamoring for me to get some bullet casings for him. If I get some big bullet casings back, he must be happy."

Looking at these huge bullet casings, both of them laughed.

Most boys in this era like bullet casings.

Luo Jianguo said: "Haohao likes bullet casings, I'll bring some for him next time."

He was a senior member of the military, so it was no problem to get some shell casings.Pistol shells, submachine gun shells, rifle bullets, machine gun shells, etc., are not a problem.

Yang Fan said: "Commander Luo, thank you first."

The first ship successfully completed the joint examination and returned to Dongjiang Shipyard in the dark, still parked at the original pier.

It was past nine o'clock in the evening when Yang Fan returned home. Not only Jiang Yan was in the living room, but Yang Hao was also waiting for him to come back.

"Dad, you're finally back. I've been waiting for you almost all night."

Seeing his son, Yang Fan felt warm in his heart, and asked with concern: "Have you finished your homework yet?"

Yang Hao replied loudly: "It's already done, what about the things you promised me?"

Yang Fan smiled, opened the zipper of his bag, and took out all the large bullet casings, "How about it, do you like it?"

"Wow, so big!"

Yang Hao was surprised for a while, and then he was overjoyed, "My shell case is the biggest, much bigger than theirs, they are all kings."


The big one is the king! ! !

The world of children is so interesting.

Looking at the happy Yang Hao, Yang Fan and Jiang Yan looked at each other and smiled, very happy.

Needless to say, tomorrow morning, Yang Hao will bring these large shell casings of 073 near-anti-aircraft guns to school to show off in front of those male students.

After a happy smile, Jiang Yan also asked with concern, "Brother Fan, are you doing well today?"

Yang Fan said with satisfaction: "Very well, the test of the first ship has come to an end."

Hearing this, Jiang Yan relaxed.

The next day.

Yang Hao went to school happily, and specially brought those large bullet casings in his schoolbag.

After the first class, the classroom became lively, especially those boys, who took out their bullet casings, looked smug, and showed off again.

"Look, I have another cartridge." A boy said in front of everyone holding a big cartridge.

"Wow, this bullet case is so big." Someone exclaimed.

The boy said: "This is a machine gun shell. You don't understand what a machine gun is. Anyway, such a big shell is king. There is nothing bigger than it."

The boys around were suddenly envious.

The eyes are full of envy.

Someone couldn't help it anymore, and said tentatively, "Liu Zhibin, can you touch me?"

Liu Zhibin was as proud as a peacock, and flatly refused, "That's not acceptable, I'll be the only one to touch it, and you can just take a look at it."

After finishing speaking, holding this machine gun shell was another burst of showing off, as if he had become the star of the entire class.

After showing off for a while, Liu Zhibin looked at Yang Hao and said loudly, "Yang Hao, you said you would bring bullet casings here today, you are not bragging, are you?"

Everyone heard such a loud voice. Immediately, many people looked at Yang Hao, wanting to see if he had brought a bullet case.

In the eyes of everyone, Yang Hao first took out a bullet casing, "I brought it, your bullet casing is small in front of me, and mine is the king."

Such a big shell case!

Liu Zhibin was obviously stunned, thinking that there was no bigger shell case than his, but the shell case that Yang Hao took out was obviously much bigger than his machine gun shell.

What kind of shell casing is this!
Someone even exclaimed: "Wow, this bullet casing is so big, it is the real king, and Liu Zhibin is not at all."

"Yang Hao, what kind of bullet casing is this? Why is it so big?"

"Yang Hao, can you show me?"

All of a sudden, Yang Hao became the focus and the star of the whole class. Seeing everyone looking at him, Yang Fan said loudly: "My dad said, this is a bullet shell from a 730 near-anti-aircraft gun."

What is the 730 close-in anti-aircraft gun, everyone does not understand, but it looks very advanced, it must be a very remarkable weapon.

"Here, you all take a look."

I stuffed the bullet casing in my hand to a classmate next to me, took out a few bullet casings from my schoolbag, and said loudly: "Everything you want to see is included, but remember, don't lose it for me, wait a minute Give it back to me."

Suddenly, the classroom erupted with joy.

Almost all the boys flattered Yang Hao, just to have a look and play with such a large bullet casing. It was not until the class bell rang that the classroom became quiet again.

After the first ship successfully completed the joint test, several small tests were carried out, and a long-distance sailing test was also carried out.

This voyage test took several days, and the voyage exceeded [-] nautical miles. The first ship performed very well in this voyage test and won high praise from the navy.

The time is about to enter July, and it is now the end of June.

Yang Fan has been paying attention to the Southeast Asian financial market, especially the exchange rate of the Thai baht, but the information is not developed enough, so he can only use newspapers, radios, etc., and sometimes go to the bank to inquire about the exchange rate.

For a long time, the exchange rate of the Thai baht has not changed very obviously. Yang Fan wondered more than once whether history has changed at this point. The financial turmoil in Southeast Asia that was supposed to happen, because of himself as a little butterfly, it will no longer happen. Woolen cloth?

If so, that's not a good situation.

Yang Fan came back from the bank again. Not long after he entered his office and sat down, the disappointment on his face was obvious.

Still the same, the exchange rate of the Thai baht has not changed significantly.

The expected sharp depreciation of the baht did not happen.

I was thinking about what to do next if history had really gone wrong at this point, when the phone in my pocket rang.

Picking it up and looking at the number, I knew it was Lin Jianwei calling, and thought in my heart, is there something wrong?
After thinking about it, he immediately connected the phone, and Lin Jianwei's voice came clearly from the phone
That's all for today's update, thank you all.

(End of this chapter)

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