Military Heavy

Chapter 473 The Storm Rises

Chapter 473 The Storm Rises

Before Yang Fan answered the call, he thought a lot for a while. The exchange rate of the Thai baht has not changed much. Lin Jianwei called, what happened?

Yang Fan pressed the answer button, and soon, Lin Jianwei's voice came over, "Boss, have you paid attention to the exchange rate of the Thai baht?"

Yang Fan said: "I came back from the bank just now, and the exchange rate of Thai baht has not changed much."

Lin Jianwei laughed happily, "It may be that there is a certain lag in the information in the mainland. According to the news we have, Soros made a move, and the Thai baht has dropped significantly since today."

In an instant, Yang Fan's heart was full of surprises, this was something he had been looking forward to for a long time.

This may be a precursor to the financial crisis in Southeast Asian countries, Yang Fan is a little sure.


Yang Fan felt relaxed, all the pressure from so long disappeared, and said loudly: "I speculate that the Thai baht will depreciate rapidly, maybe the Thai government will announce that the Thai baht will abandon the fixed exchange rate and implement a floating exchange rate..."

Because of his familiarity with historical development and his understanding of this financial turmoil, Yang Fan simply stated the development trend in the next few days.

Just added the words "I guess" and told Lin Jianwei that he guessed what would happen in the next few days.

On the other end of the phone, Lin Jianwei was extremely shocked!

He is a professional and knows that if Yang Fan's speculation is true, it will be an unprecedented and huge financial storm that will sweep across Southeast Asia.

This is definitely an unprecedented event!

Will it really happen? ? ?

Lin Jianwei was a little skeptical!
It can't be blamed that he has such doubts, after all, this matter is too big!
It's really too big! ! !

Yang Fan may have sensed Lin Jianwei's shock, and said decisively: "Don't have any doubts, immediately act according to my speculation, and I will bear the consequences."

Will there be any consequences, certainly not.

The occurrence of the financial turmoil is already a certainty, and there is no way out.

Yang Fan said this to dispel Lin Jianwei's doubts, let him do it without hesitation, and do it boldly.

Lin Jianwei said firmly: "Boss, don't worry, I believe your speculation. I know exactly what to do next."

How to do it, Yang Fan will not interfere, because Lin Jianwei and the others are very professional. What Yang Fan has to do is to tell Lin Jianwei how the future will develop, how far it will go, and what major events may happen.

After answering the call, Yang Fan was completely happy and relieved.

This financial turmoil, which has swept across Southeast Asia and will last until next year, will have a huge impact.

Yang Fan thought in his heart that in history, the Thai government announced on July 7 that it would abandon the fixed exchange rate and implement a floating exchange rate, and now it is only a few days before July 2.

Wait a few more days and see if the Thai government really announces the implementation of a floating exchange rate on July 7, it will fully prove that the financial turmoil has not changed due to its own rebirth.

Then you can instruct Lin Jianwei to operate more freely, without any worries.


Lin Jianwei's efficiency is very high.

Soon, he called a meeting of team members to clarify the next step.

"Everyone, the Thai baht has experienced a very obvious depreciation. The boss speculates that this is just the beginning. In the next few days, the Thai baht will continue to depreciate sharply. The Thai government may even announce that it will abandon the fixed exchange rate and implement a floating exchange rate."

This is impossible! ! !
Almost every team member was stunned. Such an inference was too shocking, and no one could accept it in a short time.

Some members are more curious about the behind-the-scenes boss, full of mystery.

Yang Fan's identity is highly confidential, only a few people such as Lin Jianwei know, and most team members do not know the identity of the boss behind the scenes.

The baht will depreciate significantly!
Southeast Asian countries will experience unprecedented financial turmoil!
Such an inference was so shocking that everyone was shocked and stunned!
After quite a while, everyone came back to their senses, and gradually became noisy, with buzzing discussions everywhere. Obviously, most people did not believe such inferences.

Someone even stood up and reminded: "Head, it is normal for the Thai baht to depreciate occasionally, and no one can infer that the Thai baht will continue to depreciate sharply. does not exist."

"Yeah yeah."

"I don't think the Thai government would do such a stupid thing."


Lin Jianwei raised his hand to interrupt, and said firmly: "If everyone has doubts, please take it to heart for the time being. We must fully believe in the boss's inference, and there should be no doubts."

After emphasizing not to question this inference, Lin Jianwei announced that from now on, act immediately, take out all the funds that can be used, and short the Thai baht.

Short the Thai Baht! ! !

Some people were amazed and thought in their hearts, this is too crazy, and the risk is too great, otherwise they will lose everything.

Crazy, absolutely crazy!

However, Lin Jianwei doesn't care what the team members think. What he wants is execution. After deploying a series of tasks, his team also acted efficiently. Besides.

Lin Jianwei's plan is very clear, short the Thai baht, and then short the Thai stock market, and signed a lot of contracts, using ten times the leverage.

Such risks are undoubtedly great.

As long as the exchange rate of the Thai baht rises slightly, all the billions in his hands will be in vain, and there will be no money left, and the position will be forcibly liquidated.

The operation has been completed, all we have to do is wait, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, or even in the next few days, will the Thai baht really depreciate significantly?

The next day.

The whole team was excited, and some of the original doubts were much less, and some members even flushed a little because of excitement.

There is no other reason. At the beginning of today, the Thai baht continued to fall, and the decline was much larger than yesterday. Many people were selling a large number of Thai baht, and exchanged their Thai baht for safe and strong US dollars.

One pass ten, ten pass a hundred.

In addition, certain people with ulterior motives are fanning the flames in the dark, such as international speculators like Soros.Panic began to appear, and the "herd effect" also began to appear.

Lin Jianwei's team has been paying attention to these things. Seeing such a situation, I am very relieved. On July 7, something that shocked the world happened. The Thai government officially announced that it would abandon the fixed exchange rate and implement a floating exchange rate for the Thai baht to the US dollar. .

The entire Thai baht collapsed, and the depreciation was a mess and plummeted.

Seeing that the Thai baht was leaking wildly, Lin Jianwei admired Yang Fan.

It's like throwing yourself to the ground!

The boss is awesome!
No, it is a man of God! ! !
In addition to admiration, Lin Jianwei no longer had any doubts about Yang Fan's speculation, and called a meeting of team members to prepare for the next step.

This meeting is very different from the one a few days ago.

A few days ago, when Lin Jianwei announced the boss's series of speculations, almost all the members were skeptical, but now, there is no doubt at all.

There is only one thought in everyone's mind, the boss is too powerful, this is simply a prophet, predicting things like a god.

Ten times the leverage, the risk is huge, and the reward often coexists with the risk. In just a few days, billions of dollars can be harvested, which is something that was never dreamed of before.

The Thai baht will depreciate, and the Thai stock market will be deeply affected. Lin Jianwei's team has started to operate again, shorting the Thai stock market, and it is estimated that they will make a lot of money again.

Hongtai Group.

I don't know when it started, but there are rumors inside the company that the company has a financial crisis and the capital chain may be broken. Some people are worried, and there is a sense of panic.

Yan Wenlong is the vice president of the group in charge of finance. He has said in the general meeting more than once that the company's finances are fine.

Gradually, people's hearts seem to have settled down a bit, and some people think that this should be a rumor. The group has a big business and is booming, so how could there be a problem.

However, the resignation of Fu Manzhi, the deputy manager of the finance department, made some people feel uneasy, as if a stone was thrown into the calm water.

Yan Wenlong was very angry, and his face was a little ugly.

Sitting on the office chair, looking at Fu Manzhi's resignation report, he thought angrily, this Fu Manzhi actually chose to leave when the company encountered difficulties, did he forget that it is all the company's fault that he can have today? Cultivation, without the platform of the company, he is nothing.

Anger turned into anger, Yan Wenlong still endured it, tried to calm down, then picked up the phone, told his assistant to call Fu Manzhi over, he wanted to talk to Fu Manzhi in person, if he could stay, then the best.

finance department.

The door of the deputy general manager's office was open, and some employees looked inside. They could see Fu Manzhi packing up and putting some things to take away into a big cardboard box.

"Is Mr. Fu really ready to leave?"

"Oh, it's true that everyone has their own ambitions. If it were me, I would definitely not leave the company at this time."

"It is estimated that seeing that the company's finances are tight, he deserted."

Many people in the finance department were talking like this, and few people could calm down to work. Suddenly, the noisy big office fell silent, and some even shrank their necks.

Zhao Youjun, the general manager of the finance department, walked into Fu Manzhi's office. After a few minutes, everyone saw Zhao Youjun leaving with a disappointed face.

As a principal, Zhao Youjun was affectionate and righteous, and he didn't want the deputy to leave just like that, so he tried to persuade him personally, but Fu Manzhi seemed determined to leave.

A few minutes later, Fu Manzhi's things were basically packed, and at this time, a phone call came, asking him to go to Yan Wenlong's office.

Fu Manzhi smiled indifferently. He knew that Vice President Yan probably wanted to have a chat with him in person in order to keep him.

(End of this chapter)

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