Military Heavy

Chapter 477 Switching to 3-coordinate Radar

Chapter 477 Switching to Three-Coordinate Radar

Yang Fan went to the capital for a meeting. Because the meeting was important, he brought several people with him, such as Shi Wei, Director of the Combat System Design Office, Han Jiang, Deputy Director of the Power System Office, Luo Liuchu, Director of the Weapon System Design Office, and others.

After checking into the hotel, Yang Fan went to visit Luo Jianguo.

The specific situation of the meeting is not very clear yet, first go to Commander Luo to inquire about the situation, and there will be a little understanding at the meeting tomorrow.

Luo Jianguo happened to be in the office.

Yang Fan opened the door and walked in, and said with a smile: "Commander Luo, you must have been waiting for a long time."

Before coming, Yang Fan had contacted Luo Jianguo on the phone, saying that he would come to visit and chat about tomorrow's meeting, check in the hotel first, and then walk over, which took some time.

When Yang Fan arrived, Luo Jianguo seemed very happy, not only got up to greet him, but also made hot tea himself.

The two sat on the sofa with a cup of hot tea and chatted.

Luo Jianguo said: "You may not know that there is a voice on the top, intending to replace the radar on the 054 ship, advocating to replace it with an imported Russian-made roof radar."

There is still such a voice.

Yang Fan was slightly taken aback, and said in his heart, wouldn't this go with my thoughts? I was wondering whether all future Type 054A guided missile frigates would use three-coordinate radars instead of phased array control radars.

Luo Jianguo said: "The phased array control radar is too expensive. Although it has been completely localized now, the output is limited. We need to give priority to satisfying the Type 052 guided missile destroyer."

Yang Fan nodded.

Agreeing: "It is indeed too expensive. By the way, the cost of the 054 ship has also risen sharply. If the Russian-made roof radar is used, the cost will be reduced a lot, and the cost performance of the 054 ship will be higher."

Luo Jianguo looked at Yang Fan slightly in astonishment.

Unexpectedly, Yang Fan did not object at all to the use of three-coordinate radar for the future 054 ship, and suddenly he felt relieved.

"Comrade Yang Fan, as the chief designer of Ship 054, if you don't object, then tomorrow's meeting will probably go much smoother."

The two chatted for a long time.

The next day.

The meeting was held in the military building. More than half of the participants were members of the military, and several of them had stars shining on their shoulders. In addition, there were some other experts, especially experts in radar.

Luo Jianguo presided over the meeting.

"Everyone, the matter of importing Russian-made roof radars has been decided. In less than half a year, the first batch of two roof radars will arrive. In addition, the production authorization has been obtained, and imitation will be carried out in the future. It is not a big problem to fully realize localization. "

This is really good news!

In particular, the two radar experts showed obvious excitement on their faces. They knew the importance of Russian-made roof radars to the development of our country's medium and small ships.

One expert couldn't help but said: "Great, with this radar, our future ships will have advanced three-coordinate radar."

Someone said: "I heard that it was Comrade Yang Fan's proposal at the beginning. This proposal is good. If there is no such proposal, it is estimated that there will be no imported Russian-made roof radar."

Yang Fan smiled and said modestly: "That's not necessarily true. If I don't bring this up, someone else might."

Many people smiled kindly.

People who are familiar with Yang Fan think in their hearts, Comrade Yang Fan is just humble, he has made such a great contribution invisibly, and he is not greedy for it at all, as if he has nothing to do with him.

The atmosphere of the meeting was good.

After driving for a while, a leader of the military said: "This meeting is held today to discuss the feasibility of using the Russian-made roof radar on the 054 ship."

Ship 054 is going to switch to this three-coordinate radar instead of phased array control radar?
Many people looked at Yang Fan, wanting to know Yang Fan's opinion.

The leader of the military also said: "Comrade Yang Fan, you are the chief designer, and yours is already the most important. What do you think is the feasibility of using roof radar for the future 054 ship?"

Yang Fan's answer was very clear.

So that some people were slightly surprised.

"I don't think there is a big problem. Our future 054 ship can use this advanced three-coordinate radar."

Is there really no problem?
Very good!
At least half of the people in the military are happy. The phased array control radar is good, but the cost is too expensive, and the military is also under pressure. Of course, it hopes to further reduce the cost of the 054 ship on the premise of sacrificing overall performance. The cheaper the better.

After the import of Russian-made roof radar became a foregone conclusion, someone asked whether our future 054 ship could use this radar.

Yang Fan's answer is so clear!
In addition to being pleasantly surprised, some people were also worried and asked: "Will the performance of the 054 ship be greatly reduced after the Russian-made roof radar is used?"


This is the most important thing for everyone, especially the leaders of the military, all looked at Yang Fan.

Yang Fan said seriously: "I don't think so, the decline in the overall performance of the 054 ship is very limited. On the contrary, with the three-coordinate radar, our 054 ship will be more balanced, and the technical and tactical indicators will not decline significantly. .”

One of the radar experts fully agreed with this point. He said: "Comrade Yang Fan is very correct. This radar is good. Compared with the phased array control radar, it is more suitable for our 054 ship. I think it is the most suitable." important, rather than blindly pursuing advancement.”

Yang Fan looked at this radar expert and knew that his name was Deng Jun, the leader of three-coordinate radar in China, he was only in his early 40s and belonged to the young school.

If the Russian-made roof radar is to be imitated or localized on this basis, Deng Jun will definitely participate in this project.

Yang Fan agreed: "Comrade Deng Jun is absolutely correct. Suitability is the most important thing. The use of phased array control radar on the 054 ship is a bit overkill."

Someone was puzzled and looked at Yang Fan.

I guess I was thinking in my heart, since it is overkill, why did you design the 054 ship with a phased array control radar instead of a three-coordinate radar?
Yang Fan gave the answer and explained: "At the beginning of the design of the 054 ship, I first considered the three-coordinate radar, but we do not have advanced three-coordinate radar in China, so I made a suggestion to import Russian roof radar."

"What if there is no advanced three-coordinate radar, I can only choose the domestically-made phased array control radar that has been finalized, so our 054 ship uses a phased array control radar."

"In order to meet the use of phased array control radar, our 054 ship increased the displacement, and also considered some other designs. Finally, the phased array control radar can be used on the ship, and the effect is not bad."

If there is no imported Russian-made roof radar, it is estimated that the 054 ship will use phased array control radar in the future. Now that there is a more suitable one, the most suitable radar must be used.

There are phased array control radars, but there is no three-coordinate radar whose performance meets the requirements.

In other countries, it is estimated that this situation will not happen. Generally, there are three-coordinate radars, and then there are phased array control radars, because phased array control radars are much more complicated.

Because of Yang Fan's relationship, there is a phased array control radar ahead of time, but there has been no advanced three-coordinate radar. Fortunately, there is now.

Things are basically settled. The future 054 ship will temporarily use the Russian-made roof radar. After the successful imitation, the domestic roof radar will be used.

The people in the military were relieved for a while. They knew that in this way, the cost of the 054 ship would be greatly reduced.

It's cheap.

With the same amount of funds, more 054 ships can be built. Of course, military leaders hope that the number of 054 ships will be as many as possible, preferably dozens of ships.

While relaxing, a military leader also asked: "Comrade Yang Fan, after switching to the three-coordinate radar, will our 054 ship need to make major changes, and will the workload of the changes be large?"

Yang Fan's answer made everyone very satisfied.

"The amount of change is not large. It was a helpless move to adopt the phased array control radar at the beginning. We have fully considered the design. We have considered that if one day, we have a three-coordinate radar that is more suitable for the 054 ship, what if we need to change the radar? What to do?"

"Therefore, we have made a comprehensive consideration in the design, and the future 054 ship will use three-coordinate radar, and there will be little changes."

Don't worry!
I thought that the amount of changes would be large, requiring a lot of manpower and material resources, and a lot of time.

Taking advantage of the good mood of the leaders, Yang Fan made a suggestion, and the originally peaceful meeting room suddenly became noisy.

Everyone was chatting with each other in low voices, discussing Yang Fan's suggestion.

It was like dropping a big stone on calm water.

What suggestion did Yang Fan make?

Everyone's reaction was so great!

That's all for today's update, thank you all, comrades who have votes, don't forget to drop a few.

(End of this chapter)

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