Military Heavy

Chapter 478 Became out of print

Chapter 478 Became out of print
The conference room was noisy.

Yang Fan's suggestion was too surprising.

a long time.

The conference room gradually became quiet. Luo Jianguo presided over the meeting and said, "Comrade Yang Fan's suggestion is very good. Even if he doesn't bring it up, we will consider it."

Several leaders of the military were not surprised. They knew that the future Type 054 guided missile frigate would be replaced with a three-coordinate radar instead of a phased array control radar. Therefore, the planned Type 054 frigate needs to be discussed carefully. .

The military originally planned to build 10 054 ships in one go.Yang Fan suggested just now that since the future 054 ships will use three-coordinate radar, should the 054 ships that have not yet started construction be cancelled, and the construction of the 054A guided missile frigate be completed.

This is too surprising, no wonder the reaction of the entire meeting room is relatively large.

Two Type 054 guided missile frigates have been launched. The third and fourth ships are under construction at Dongjiang Shipyard and Xiangjiang Shipyard respectively, and construction of the fifth ship has not yet officially started.

Someone said: "Comrade Yang Fan, the construction of the fifth ship will be stopped, and the construction will continue after the design of 054A is completed. There will be a gap in the middle. How long is it? It is estimated that it will take at least two or three years. .”

Everyone knows that the 054 ship is very well designed and is an all-rounder. It is not only capable of regional air defense and long-range security, but also capable of anti-submarine, ocean patrol and other tasks. The navy is in great need of such ships and definitely hopes to deploy them in large numbers.

Yes, in this case, the construction of the 054 ship will be suspended for at least two or three years, or even longer. This is a problem that needs to be faced.

Many people looked at Yang Fan.

Especially several leaders of the military, there is a questioning meaning in their eyes.

Even if Yang Fan does not make such a suggestion, they will still consider this aspect. The most worrying estimate is how long the construction of the 054 ship will stop. If it really stops for three or four years, they will find it difficult to accept it.

Who knows, Yang Fan smiled with a very relaxed expression.

With confidence all over his body, he said loudly: "It won't take so long, we can start the design of 054A in an all-round way soon, give us 8 months, I am confident to complete the overall design, and the brand new 054A will appear in front of everyone. "

Only 8 months! ! !

The meeting room was instantly quiet, and some people were so surprised that they almost opened their mouths.

Everyone knows that the design of the Type 052 guided missile destroyer took more than four years, the design of the Type 054 ship also took two years, and the Type 054A only took 8 months.

A naval leader finally couldn't bear it any longer. He broke the silence with obvious surprise on his face, "Comrade Yang Fan, is it really only 8 months?"

Yang Fan replied affirmatively: "Eight months is enough. We have the basis for successfully designing the Type 8 guided missile frigate. What we need to do is to upgrade and improve on this basis. We have already started some related design work. Considered."

How to upgrade and how to improve, Yang Fan is very clear in his heart.

Just try to match the historical Type 054A guided missile frigate.

Yang Fan has indeed been considering some improvement work, and led his design team to start some preparations, but the comprehensive and systematic design has not yet begun.

At the beginning, when designing and developing the Type 054 guided missile frigate, Yang Fan benchmarked against the historical Type 054A guided missile frigate, but there are some things that we don’t have yet, so we can only consider some alternatives, such as some domestically produced weapons and equipment, etc. Temporarily used other alternatives.

The most obvious is the radar. The 054 ship came out almost ten years earlier than in history. We don’t have the Russian-made roof radar yet, and we use the phased array control radar for the time being.

It is already 1997, and we have gradually acquired many things. In the design of 054A, try to replace the previously replaced things with the existing ones.

Generally speaking, the design workload is not heavy, and Yang Fan is so confident that he plans to fully complete the design of 8A in 054 months.

Only 8 months!
Not only the leaders of the navy were pleasantly surprised, but everyone else was the same. There was a sudden joy. It turned out that the previous worry about two or three years, or even three or four years was completely unnecessary.

People don't need it for so long, not even a year.

It only takes 8 months!
Just now, the naval leader was very happy and satisfied, and said: "I will give you 10 months, and you can complete the overall design of 10A within 054 months."

Yang Fan felt relieved, in 10 months, the pressure on his body would be much less, and he said quickly: "Please rest assured, within 10 months, we will definitely complete the overall design of the 054A ship."

In the meeting room, there was a burst of warm applause.

The decision was adopted by acclamation.

Under the leadership of Yang Fan, Donghai Ship Design Institute will complete the overall design of the Type 10 guided missile frigate within 054 months.

The applause gradually died down.

A military leader said with a smile: "In this way, we will soon have a 054A guided missile frigate. I believe that after the 054A uses a three-coordinate radar, the performance and design will be more balanced, and the overall performance will not be affected." Not the slightest drop."

Yang Fan assured: "Leaders, please rest assured that the technical and tactical indicators of 054A will not decrease, and may even increase slightly. As for the cost, it will definitely decrease very significantly."

Cheap construction is definitely what the military wants to see most.

Almost everyone in the military who participated in the meeting laughed happily and seemed very happy. Some people estimated that they were looking forward to the future Type 054A guided missile frigate now.

"We will only build four 054 ships. In the future, all of them will be 054A ships. In this case, these four 054 ships equipped with phased array control radar will become out of print."

Out of print 054 ship.

There will be no such 054 ships in the future.

Many people laughed again.

It’s out of print, and the explanation is also a kind of commemoration. During the design process of the Type 054 guided missile frigate, because there was no suitable three-coordinate radar, we once chose the phased array control radar.

This meeting lasted almost a day.

A number of issues were successfully reached.For example, the future 054A ship adopts three-coordinate radar, such as suspending the construction of 054 ship, and immediately launching the design work of 054A frigate.

Yang Fan took everyone back to Donghai City.

The first thing to come back is of course a meeting, and it is a large-scale meeting. The director and deputy director of each design office, the director and deputy team leader of each design team, in addition, some senior design experts, some design backbones Wait, all in the meeting.

There are more than 100 people in total.

Yang Fan conveyed the spirit of the Beijing meeting to everyone, telling everyone that the import of Russian-made roof radar has been decided, and we will realize localization in the future.

I also tell everyone that four 054 ships will be built, and the Institute will immediately start the design work of the 4A guided missile frigate.

This is equivalent to a pre-design mobilization meeting. Almost everyone knows that the design of the Type 054A guided missile frigate will soon be launched.

As for how to design and what changes will be made, Yang Fan has not announced yet. This needs to be carefully considered, and it may take two or three days.

The meeting lasted for more than two hours from [-]:[-] am to [-]:[-] am. After the meeting adjourned, the East China Sea Institute was almost boiling, and almost everyone was talking about topics related to the meeting.

"It was so sudden, the design of the Type 054A guided missile frigate was launched at once."

"I know the Russian-made roof radar. I think this type of radar is more suitable for our 054A ship than the phased array control radar."

"Looking forward to the design of the 054A ship under the leadership of General Division Yang. I don't know what the 054A will look like in the future. On the basis of the 054 ship, the amount of changes will not be large."


Almost every design room is not quiet, and most of the designers are chatting happily, all looking eager to try.

After two years of hard work and the completion of the design of the 054 ship, the designers have been relatively relaxed for such a period of time. They began to miss the previous days when everyone worked day and night. At night, the design room was brightly lit and everyone drew the design together. Figure feeling.

After the meeting ended, Yang Fan went back to his office directly.

The overall design of 054A will be launched soon, and Yang Fan has a heavy burden and a strong sense of responsibility.

Since it is necessary to design, it must be done well.Sitting on the office chair, I was thinking quietly, especially with my memory, thinking about the historical Type 054A guided missile frigate.

Compared with the 054A ship in history, what are the differences between our current 054 ship, what are the differences, and what aspects of improvement and perfection are needed.

What are the deficiencies and defects of the 054A ship in history, and whether some improvements can be made in this design.
One person thought a lot, even opened his notebook, took out a pen, and wrote something while thinking, contemplating the design of the 054A ship, when there was a knock on the door of the office.

Who is this?

It may be the director of the design room below, or the backbone of the design. Maybe he wants to chat with himself about some future designs of the 054A ship.

After thinking about it just now, I already have a basic idea in my mind. If I take some time to think about it, I can draw up a design plan, plan out the design idea of ​​the 054A ship, and write out what improvements and upgrades to do.

Yang Fan put down the pen in his hand, closed the notebook, and said loudly: "Come in."

The door of the office was quickly pushed open, and it was not the director of any design office, nor the backbone of the design team below, but Sun Baoguo from Dongjiang Shipyard who came in.

Yang Fan also noticed that Sun Baoguo seemed to be in a hurry, and his face was not calm, so he thought to himself, could it be that something happened to Dongjiang Shipyard, or our first ship, or the third ship under construction? What happened to the ship?
There was a big question mark in Yang Fan's mind.


(End of this chapter)

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