Military Heavy

Chapter 479 Designing in advance 054A

Chapter 479 Designing in advance 054A
Sun Baoguo!
It was Sun Baoguo!

Yang Fan was surprised, and quickly stood up, saying enthusiastically: "Mr. Sun, why did you come here in person and didn't call me in advance?"

Sun Baoguo walked in, with an anxious expression on his face, and said loudly: "I can't sit still, I came here in a hurry when I heard the news."

"Don't worry, tell me slowly, what's going on."

Yang Fan said this while making tea, and called Sun Baoguo to sit down on the sofa, and they each had a cup of hot tea.

Sun Baoguo said straight to the point: "I heard that the higher authorities will suspend the construction of the 054 ship, and restart the construction plan after the design of the 054A is completed."

He didn't go to the capital to attend the meeting. It seems that he is not very clear about some specific situations. When he heard that the construction of the 054 ship was to be stopped, he couldn't sit still.

Because of the construction task of the 054 ship, the life of Dongjiang Shipyard is not bad.

Not only are the employees treated well, but the factory also has money, and the factory's treatment and status are relatively high. Because they are responsible for the construction of the 054 ship, some policies are also tilted towards them, and even the appropriation from above has increased a lot.

Once the construction of the 054 ship is stopped, these may slowly disappear and return to the way it was a few years ago. Sun Baoguo does not want this.

Seeing Sun Baoguo with an anxious expression on his face, Yang Fan laughed.

Sun Baoguo said a little angrily: "Mr. Yang, you are still in the mood to laugh. This matter did not fall on you. Otherwise, you are probably more anxious than me."

Yang Fan said patiently: "Mr. Sun, I think you are too worried. Things are not as you imagined."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted, and Sun Baoguo said loudly: "You don't need to comfort me, in fact, I have already prepared for the suspension of the construction of the 054 ship for two or three years, but I can't accept it all of a sudden, and I feel a little bit sad. not good."

It seems that there is a real misunderstanding.

Who said that the construction of the 054 ship will be suspended for two or three years.

Yang Fan almost laughed again, but he held back, and said with a straight face: "Where did you get the news, why did the construction of the 054 ship stop for two or three years?"

Sun Baoguo said: "You all hold a meeting and prepare to start the design of 054A. I heard that the construction of the 054 ship can only be started after the design of 054A is fully completed."

Yang Fan said: "It will not take two or three years. Let me tell you, we will complete the overall design of 8A in 10 months at the earliest, and 054 months at the slowest. That is to say, it will be suspended for 10 months at most. The construction of the Type 054A guided missile frigate will begin."

As long as 10 months at most!

It's not the two or three years as imagined!
Sun Baoguo had an unbelievable expression, seriously thinking that he had heard it wrong, and after a daze, he said: "No way, it only takes 10 months at most!"

Just suspend it for 10 months, then it must be no problem.

Dongjiang Shipyard will not even be affected in the slightest.

The current tasks are still sufficient. The fourth ship is still under construction, and it may take another 10 months. In addition, they are also responsible for the construction of the Type 053 guided missile frigate.

What I am worried about is the long-term suspension of the construction of the 054 ship. If it really stops for two or three years, it will have a huge impact on them.

It's okay now, it's just suspended for 10 months.

Yang Fan said affirmatively: "Yes, up to 10 months, in fact, I am sure that the design of 8A will be completed in about 054 months, and you will start the construction of the first 8A guided missile frigate in 054 months. "

The answer is so clear!
Sun Baoguo still had no signs of anxiety, he felt obviously relieved, and let out a long breath of relief.

"Scared me."

Sun Baoguo's mood obviously improved, and he raised his hand to check the time: "It's almost time for dinner, let's go, let's go out for a meal together."

Obviously, he believed in Yang Fan's words. Yang Fan said that the construction of 054 was only suspended for 10 months at most, and he thought it was 10 months at most.

Yang Fan said: "You are a guest, let me invite you."

"That won't work." Sun Baoguo quickly waved his hands and said, "Who makes me feel better, I must do this meal."

I've convinced you!

Yang Fan smiled, "Okay, then let's go out for dinner."

When they walked out of the office building of Donghai Institute, Sun Baoguo and Yang Fan chatted and laughed, and inquired further about the situation of the meeting in the capital a few days ago.

At this moment, his mood is very different from before, and he is even full of hope. What will the future 054A look like, and how different is it from the current 054 ship...


In the past two days, Yang Fan has focused his energy on thinking about the design of 054A, and gradually, he has a plan.

Appropriate improvements are made on the basis of the current 054 ship. The biggest change is undoubtedly the radar, and the imported Russian-made roof radar is used instead.

The combat system must be changed accordingly, and the weapons must also be adapted to the radar.

The weapon system and the ship's electrical system have been improved to a certain extent, and the power system has basically not changed. The current design scheme is still used, and the power is still provided by four diesel engines.

The platform of the 054 ship is basically unchanged, and the hull structure and shape design are also basically unchanged.

Yang Fan drew up the design plan himself, and after making the plan himself, he felt that there was no problem, so he called everyone for a meeting.

The last time was the 054A design mobilization meeting, and this time it is the 054A design initiation meeting.

The number of people is about half less than last time, mainly the directors and deputy directors of the design offices, the team leaders of the design teams, and a few senior design experts.

Yang Fan presided over the meeting and announced that the design of 054A was fully launched. As soon as the voice fell, there was warm applause.

Everyone has been waiting for this moment!
The design of 054A has finally started in an all-round way, and everyone is full of energy.

As soon as the applause subsided, the director of the combat system design office said loudly: "Master Yang, we have been waiting for this day."

Feeling everyone's enthusiasm, Yang Fan said: "After the design of 054A is fully launched, the workload of the combat system design room is relatively heavy. You will have to be busy for a while and work hard for a while."

Shi Wei said confidently: "We are not afraid, everything is led by Master Yang."

"General Master Yang will take the lead in everything."

"Master Yang is our backbone, and the design of 054A is the same."


Everyone said this one after another, and the conference room was full of excitement. The design of 054A was about to start. Not only were everyone not under pressure, but on the contrary, they wanted to show their strengths.

Yang Fan raised his hand and pressed down, and the lively conference room immediately fell silent.

Everything is already ready!
As expected!
Yang Fan showed his design plan through slides, and began to describe the design work of 054A in detail.

How to design, what is the task of each design office, etc., clearly and clearly.

All the people listened carefully and recorded carefully in their notebooks. After listening to Yang Fan's speech, everyone was very clear about the next design.

Yang Fan said: "How about it, do you understand everything?"

Everyone replied almost in unison: "Understood!"

Yang Fan nodded in satisfaction, "This is the end of today's meeting, and the overall design of the Type 054A guided missile frigate will start immediately. If you have any questions during the design process, you can ask me at any time."

At the end of the meeting, each design office held a meeting separately to make specific arrangements for the design work.

On August 1997, 8, the design work of the Type 21A guided missile frigate was fully launched in the East China Sea Institute.


The East China Sea Ship Design Institute is brightly lit again. In many large offices, designers are sitting in front of the computers, drawing design drawings seriously.

Some people thought in their hearts that such a scene happened when the 1993 ship was designed in 1994 and 054. It has been several years, and this scene has appeared again.

"It's been a long time since I worked overtime at night."

"Yeah, I am the same. It seems to be good to work overtime tonight."

"Master Yang set a time limit of 8 months for us, and asked to complete the overall design of 8A within 054 months. We have to hurry up."

"Director Yang is really amazing. How to carry out the design and what areas need to be improved and perfected, he has made plans one by one. In this way, we have enough confidence to complete the comprehensive design within 8 months."


Some designers are very quiet inside. Designers sit in front of the computer and concentrate on drawing design drawings, and some people are chatting like this to relax a little.

Since the comprehensive design of 054A started, Yang Fan found that he has become more enriched. Going to the design room below every day to guide everyone's design has become a necessary homework every day.

As for the ongoing financial turmoil in Southeast Asia, Yang Fan has paid very little attention to it, and has focused his energy on the design of 054A.

Today, Yang Fan went around the design rooms below again. Not long after he returned to the office and sat down, the phone in his pocket rang.

This is a long-distance call from Lin Jianwei from Hong Kong Island.

That's all for today's update, thank you for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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