Military Heavy

Chapter 481 Sister Fang Asked Me to Be Deputy General Manager

Chapter 481 Sister Fang Asked Me to Be Deputy General Manager

With a big question mark in his heart, Jiang Yan walked to the door of the CEO's office. Seeing that there was no one around, he raised his hand and knocked on the door.

Jiang Yan pushed the door and walked into the CEO's office. After entering, he deliberately closed the door gently. Immediately, his face relaxed, and he said with a smile on his face: "Sister, you are looking for me."

Yang Fang had been waiting for a long time. After warmly calling Jiang Yan to sit down, the two chatted easily. First, they asked about Jiang Yan's work situation.

After chatting like this for a while, they immediately got to the point. Yang Fang said: "You all know that the finance department was originally composed of two general managers, one chief and one deputy. After Fu Manzhi resigned, the position of deputy general manager was temporarily vacated."

Jiang Yan said with a smile: "It's not that it's temporarily vacant, but that it's been vacant for more than a month. Now, many people are staring at this position."

Yang Fang said: "Well, you can think about it. There must be a lot of people who want to take that position. We plan to promote a deputy general manager from the finance department, and the personnel are still under discussion."

Jiang Yan said: "You didn't call me here to ask my opinion, you know, I usually don't participate in these things."

Yang Fang smiled, and said jokingly: "You are the same as Yang Fan, you don't care about the company's affairs, a typical shopkeeper who throws his hands away."

Jiang Yan smiled happily, "Sister Fang, those who can do more work, the company is thriving under your management, Brother Fan and I are very relieved."

After the two chatted and laughed like this for a while, Yang Fang straightened her face, "I didn't call you here to ask for your opinion, I just wanted to tell you that we are going to promote two deputy general managers. In the future, it will be a configuration of one positive and two pairs.”

In the long run, this is necessary.

Hongtai Group is growing bigger and bigger, so it is absolutely necessary to have one full set and two mates. In the future, there may be one full set and three mates, or even one full set and four mates.

The same is true for the senior management of the group headquarters. In the first two years, there was one principal and three deputy general managers, with Yang Fang as the general manager and three deputy general managers.

Now, Yang Fang is the president, and is also the legal person and chairman of Hongtai Group. There are already one director and five deputy managers under him, one general manager and five deputy general managers. under the leadership.

The finance department will implement the configuration of one director and two deputy managers. Compared with before, there will be one more deputy general manager.

Jiang Yan seemed to realize something and looked at Yang Fang.

As for Yang Fang, she nodded lightly and said truthfully, "Yes, I mean, you will be one of the deputy general managers."

That's true, I guessed right!
Jiang Yan was stunned for a while, then quickly waved his hands and said, "No, no, I can't. I think being the head of the finance department is enough."

Yang Fang seemed to be expecting everything, and she was not in a hurry, and said patiently: "I think you have no problem. In addition, after you have served as the deputy general manager of the finance department, you have a clearer understanding of the financial situation of the group. Usually, you Just chatting with my brother for a while, he will also know the financial situation of the group."

After all, Hongtai Group is Yang Fan's industry.

As a real boss, it is not okay to not know the family background of the group, so Yang Fang intends to let Jiang Yan be one of the deputy general managers.

Jiang Yan understood the meaning of this, but instead of agreeing immediately, he said very cautiously: "Then let me think about it and give you an answer tomorrow."

"No problem." Yang Fang said: "After you go back, you can talk to my brother and you two can discuss it. I think he will definitely agree."

After chatting for a few more minutes, Jiang Yan walked out of the president's office.

While in the corridor, Jiang Yan also met a manager of the finance department, and quickly greeted him warmly, "Manager Hu, hello."

Manager Hu was surprised for a while, looked in the direction of the president's office, and then at Jiang Yan, thinking in his heart, she must have come out of the president's office.

Oh my God!

In an instant, my heart was extremely shocked!
He has been working in Hongtai Group for several years, from a financial supervisor to a manager of the financial department, he can be regarded as a middle-level employee of the group, but in the past few years, the number of times he has entered the president's office seems to be zero.

Jiang Yan, she actually came out of the CEO's office!
What made him even more unbelievable was that instead of being nervous or frightened, Jiang Yan had a relaxed expression and a smile on his face.

The cadres of Hongtai Group, which one is not nervous and apprehensive when entering the president's office, will wipe the sweat from his forehead quietly after coming out, none of them can be so relaxed.

The shock in my heart couldn't be added.

They all forgot to say hello to Jiang Yan, stayed where they were, and didn't come back until Jiang Yan had gone far away, thinking in his heart, the company rumors that Jiang Yan has a strong relationship behind him, it seems that it may be true.

Jiang Yan didn't care about Manager Hu who was in a sluggish state. He returned to the office of the finance department and sat in his seat, thinking about what Yang Fang said just now.

I'll be the deputy general manager of the finance department, is that okay? Brother Fan, will you agree?
I thought a lot by myself, until I got off work in the afternoon, but I didn't come up with a reason, and I still couldn't make up my mind.

Donghai Ship Design Institute.

This afternoon, Yang Fan personally participated in the technical seminar held by the design room of the ship's electrical system. In the design of 054A, compared with other systems, the amount of changes in the ship's electrical system is relatively large.

The radar has been replaced by a Russian-style roof radar from a phased array control radar, and a series of corresponding changes have to be made to the ship's electrical system.

How to make changes, everyone sat together and discussed. The meeting lasted almost an afternoon. Yang Fan participated in this meeting, but mainly listened more and spoke less.

I mainly listen to everyone's opinions. Only when the direction is wrong, Yang Fan will make corrections, and he will not express some of his suggestions and design opinions until the end.

These suggestions and opinions, of course, are treasures for everyone, and they are quickly recorded in the notebook. These will become the guiding things for everyone to design the 054A ship power system.

After attending the meeting, I went back to my office and sat down, still thinking about the relevant data of 054A, especially about the ship's electrical system.

The 054A currently being designed is basically compared to the historical 054A guided missile frigate. The difference is not big, but there are some things we don’t have yet. Some alternatives have been considered. For example, the historical 054A used Haihongqi 16 air defense. The missile is now temporarily replaced by the Haihongqi 10, and will be replaced by the more advanced Haihongqi 16 in the future.

For the vertical launch system, 32 Haihongqi 10 air defense missiles are temporarily used, and they will be replaced when there are more advanced Haihongqi 16 air defense missiles.

But there are not many such cases, and there are only a handful of alternatives. In addition, knowing the shortcomings of the 054A in history, Yang Fan will try his best to improve and improve the design of the 054A in the future.

Especially knowing that the development of naval weapons is currently lagging behind, Yang Fan will leave enough space on the 054A platform to facilitate future upgrades of weapons and equipment.

In Yang Fan's design concept, 054A is a platform, which is designed to be platform-based and easy to upgrade and transform in the future.At present, not only the weapon system, but also the ship electrical system, combat command system, etc. will be upgraded in the future. With the modernized design of the platform, the difficulty of future upgrades will be minimal.

I thought about it quietly for a long time, and before I knew it, it was already past the off-duty time, and when I suddenly realized this, I let out a soft oops.

After a little tidying up the things on the desk, Yang Fan got off work, left the office meeting, left the office building, and drove back to his big villa.

While driving, I thought in my heart, at this time, my wife should have come back before me. Just now I was thinking about the design of 054A in the office, and I was too absorbed.

Back home, sure enough, Jiang Yan was back, sitting on the sofa in the living room, watching TV and eating grapes.

"Honey, you came back pretty early today."

Jiang Yan smiled sweetly, "The grapes my mother sent over are so sweet, you should try them too."

Yang Fan sat on the sofa and ate a few grapes. They were really sweet, very sweet, and the couple chatted while eating some grapes.

Jiang Yan talked about Yang Fang asking her to be the deputy general manager of the finance department. After talking about it, he asked Yang Fan for his opinion, "Brother Fan, what do you think, should I be the deputy general manager?"

Yang Fan didn't rush to answer, but thought for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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