Military Heavy

Chapter 482 The Glasses of Land 1

Chapter 482
Do you want to be the deputy general manager?

Yang Fan fell into deep thought, and clearly understood what his sister meant for Jiang Yan to take this position.

That is to know the background of Hongtai Group. After all, Yang Fan is the largest shareholder of this group and the real boss.

After thinking about it, Yang Fan said, "Wife, what's your opinion?"

Jiang Yan said: "I'll listen to you, and do whatever you say."

Yang Fan said: "In my opinion, as long as you don't feel too much pressure and don't feel tired from work, it's okay to be the deputy general manager. If you feel tired in the future and really don't want to work, you can just resign from this position."

Jiang Yan nodded: "Okay, I will listen to you, do it first and then talk."


Yang Fan nodded, thinking in his heart, since there are two deputy general managers, it shouldn't be very tiring. Besides, my sister will definitely say hello and let my wife do a little easier work.

My wife has worked as the deputy general manager of the finance department, and she has come into contact with different things. She will be very clear about the financial situation of Hongtai Group, which is also a good thing...

At least he always knows the family background of Hongtai Group.

Yang Fan thought a lot.

Obviously, Jiang Yan didn't think about it so much. After Yang Fan supported her as the deputy general manager of the finance department, she felt much more relaxed, no longer confused, and no longer undecided.

I immediately had the answer in my heart, and I immediately made mental preparations.

She said happily: "Brother Fan, we are going to have dinner now, otherwise, my mother will call."

As soon as the words were finished, the phone on the coffee table rang, and the two looked at each other and smiled.

Generally speaking, the couple seldom cook with their hands, and often eat at Jiang Dahai. The two elderly people are also very welcome and enjoy it.

Sure enough, it was Li Xiuzhen who called, saying that the food was already on the table, and she asked Jiang Yan and Yang Fan to go over for dinner.

Jiang Yan said: "Let's go, let's go, don't keep parents waiting."

When the two arrived at the big villa next to them, they could smell the aroma of food as soon as they entered the door. There were already several dishes on the dining table in the restaurant.

Seeing the two coming, Jiang Dahai waved loudly: "Yang Fan, sit here and have a drink with me."

Yang Fan walked over with a smile, sat down beside his father-in-law, and took the initiative to open the wine bottle and pour wine, each with a glass.

This made Jiang Dahai very happy, he smiled and was [-]% satisfied with this son-in-law.

As for Yang Fan, no matter how much money he has and how high his position is, he is very humble in front of the two elders, without any airs, just like their own son.

"Come here, let's eat." Li Xiuzhen greeted.

Jiang Dahai and his wife, Yang Fan and his wife, Jiang Dan and Yang Hao.

It was very lively, and the family enjoyed themselves happily. After drinking two sips of wine with Jiang Dahai, Yang Fan asked about his sister-in-law's work situation with concern.

Jiang Dan has graduated from university and is now working in a state-owned unit after being assigned work by the state. It belongs to the kind that guarantees income during drought and flood, and the work pressure is not great.

"Brother-in-law, my job is not bad, it's relatively easy, but the salary is not high. I fancy a mobile phone, and it costs eight or nine thousand."

Jiang Yan secretly smiled at the side, knowing that his younger sister wanted Brother Fan to help her buy a mobile phone.

Jiang Dahai said: "I have just started working for two years, what kind of mobile phone to buy, I think it is fine to use your pager."

Jiang Dan quit immediately, "No, I just want a mobile phone, Dad, you don't feel back pain when you stand and talk, and your brother-in-law even bought you a car, which cost 10,000+, and your current mobile phone My brother-in-law also bought it..."

Jiang Dahai surrendered directly, there was nothing wrong with these, Yang Fan bought them all for him.

A few years ago, I bought a Poussin for Jiang Dahai, which cost 10,000+. Two years ago, I bought a mobile phone worth more than 1 yuan.

With these things to support the appearance, the current Jiang Dahai is coquettish outside, and he is the kind who has a lot of face among the neighbors and has a high status.

Yang Fan glanced at the old father-in-law who didn't speak anymore, smiled and said to Jiang Dan: "It's okay, it's just a mobile phone worth a few thousand yuan. I'll buy it for you this weekend."

Jiang Dan was overjoyed, took the initiative to pick up the food and put it in Yang Fan's bowl, and said flatteringly: "My brother-in-law is the best for me."

Then, he said with a smile: "Brother-in-law, I really want a mobile phone right away. After dinner, we will go buy it, okay?"

Yang Fan said briskly: "No problem, we'll go after dinner."

Jiang Dan was immediately overjoyed.

Seeing this, Yang Hao, who was eating next to him, cautiously and tentatively said: "Dad, I also want a mobile phone."

Without waiting for Yang Fan to answer, Jiang Yan immediately said: "No, you are a primary school student, what kind of mobile phone do you want, we will wait until you go to university."

Immediately, Yang Hao was downcast. Seeing his appearance, everyone laughed happily.

The laughter seemed to spread outside, full of happiness.


Hongtai Group, Finance Department.

In spare time at work, there are always some people who are keen to chat about the candidates for the future deputy general manager, especially those "National Organization Ministers", who never get tired of it.

No, these "National Organization Ministers" are talking about these things again, and some people beside them simply put down their work and listen with great interest. Some people seem to be busy with some things at hand, but they probably don't Already pricked up his ears.

Now is the spare time of work, in the huge office, several "organization ministers" are talking loudly, and the voice is almost transmitted to everyone's ears.

"I found out that our finance department will promote two deputy general managers this time, and they will all be promoted from within."

The news is shocking enough!

Almost everyone always thought that it was just promoting a deputy general manager to fill the vacancy left by Fu Manzhi after he left.

Unexpectedly, two deputy general managers were to be promoted in one go, and many people were slightly agitated, especially those executives who also worked in this big office.

They will have some ideas at least. In this case, do I have a chance?
Of course, except for Jiang Yan, who sat in his seat, took a sip of tea, and then watched their discussion like a melon-eating crowd.

"My God, our department will have two deputy general managers, so our supervisors will all have a chance."

"This kind of thing, who can say for sure, sometimes even the door panels can't stop the official luck."


Gradually, the big office became lively, not only these "National Organization Ministers", but also some other people participated in the discussion.

But soon, the sound stopped abruptly.

The head of the finance department, the general manager of their department, walked in and walked towards the offices of the managers next to him.

Seeing the boss appear, these "National Organization Ministers" were all sweating from fright, and the others moved very quickly, and immediately sat upright in their seats, looking like they were working hard.

Soon, everyone breathed a sigh of relief quietly. Their boss didn't seem to have seen the scene just now. He walked into Manager Hu's office and came out after a while. He had an extra report in his hand, probably for this A special report came here.

The next day.

Finally the dust has settled!

The red-headed document of personnel appointment and removal was sent to the finance department, a copy was made, and it was posted on the bulletin board of the finance department. Soon, many people surrounded the bulletin board.

"No way, the two deputy general managers are Hu Zhiguo and Jiang Yan."

More people gathered around. Such an appointment really caught everyone's surprise. Even the "National Organization Ministers" didn't expect Jiang Yan to become the deputy general manager of the finance department.

It is normal for Hu Zhiguo to serve as the deputy general manager. He is a highly educated talent with a professional counterpart and rich work experience. Before he was promoted, he was already one of the three managers in the finance department.

What about Jiang Yan?
It was completely beyond everyone's expectations. Immediately, the glasses fell off the floor.

This is the god horse situation!

It was clearly written in black and white, and it was stamped with the big seal of the group company. This matter cannot be faked. Gradually, everyone finally accepted the fact.

Soon, Jiang Yan became the focus of the entire big office, no matter what the usual relationship was, they all took the initiative to congratulate Jiang Yan.

A comrade with a good relationship even said: "Mr. Jiang, congratulations on your promotion. You must treat such a big happy event."

Immediately, many people booed, "Yes, I want to treat you to celebrate."

Jiang Yan was very generous and said straightforwardly: "Today happens to be Friday. After get off work, everyone come with me. There is a nice new restaurant nearby. Let's go and have fun together."

Immediately, there was joy in the big office.

On Monday, Jiang Yan took office as the deputy general manager of the finance department of Hongtai Group. His office was also moved out of this big office and he had his own dedicated separate office.

Sitting in this large office, feeling the large and comfortable office chairs, looking at the layout of the office, I feel a burst of satisfaction in my heart.

Such an office environment is great!
It was much better than being in the big office. Gradually, Jiang Yan fell in love with this office, and also liked the position of deputy general manager of the finance department a little bit.

As Yang Fan guessed, perhaps Yang Fang had specially greeted him quietly. Although Jiang Yan is the deputy general manager of the finance department, his work is very easy and there is not much pressure.

Donghai Ship Design Institute.

Just after Yang Fan answered a phone call, Jiang Yan called and happily told Yang Fan that she had moved into the new office, it felt very good, and her work was very easy.

After answering the phone call, Yang Fan himself laughed, as long as Jiang Yan likes this position, he is also relieved. In addition, with his wife as the deputy general manager of the finance department, he will be more clear about Hongtai Group's financial situation in the future up.

In case Yang Fang would say that she left the shopkeeper and didn't care about the group's affairs, and sometimes she didn't even know how the group's family was.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

There was a knock on the door of the office, and Li Zhengjun, the director of the Model Office, pushed the door in, holding something in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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