Military Heavy

Chapter 483 Not Simple

Chapter 483 Not Simple

Li Zhengjun walked in, put the things gently on Yang Fan's desk, and reported: "I just received the letter, and I need you to come here in person."


Yang Fan picked it up and looked at it. After reading it, he smiled and said, "The other party is too polite, and specially used the polite word 'visit'."

This is an official letter from XX Radar Research Institute, the wording is very polite, to the effect that their radar expert Deng Jun wants to come to visit Yang Fan.

Deng Jun?

Yang Fan has the impression that he has been in contact with it several times. The most recent contact was the last meeting in Beijing to discuss the replacement of the phase-array control radar of the 054 ship with a Russian-made roof three-coordinate radar. Deng Jun also participated in that meeting and made a speech.

Many of his views coincided with those of Yang Fan, and he was also the first person to support the replacement of the three-coordinate radar on the roof of the 054 ship. Yang Fan had a good impression of him.

Li Zhengjun asked for instructions: "Leader, how should we reply."

Although he didn't know the purpose of Deng Jun's trip all the way here, Yang Fan said without hesitation: "Reply immediately, warmly welcome Deng experts and his party to Donghai Institute for technical exchanges."

Technical exchanges are equal, Yang Fan's meaning is obvious, everyone communicates on an equal basis, and there is no need for a "visit" to be so grand and polite.

"Okay, I'll reply right away."

Li Zhengjun went out immediately, while Yang Fan sat on the office chair and meditated. Deng Jun was so polite, why did he come here specially?

Could it be related to the design of 054A?
After thinking about it for a long time, I didn't fully understand it. I just guessed that it might have something to do with 054A, because Deng Jun is a very powerful three-coordinate radar expert in China.

A few days later, a flight from a certain city in the north landed at Donghai International Airport, and Deng Jun and his party got off the plane.

According to Yang Fan's instructions, Li Zhengjun greeted him at the airport.

The two sides meet and shake hands politely.

Deng Jun said gratefully: "Director Li, thank you for your hard work. In fact, it is also possible for us to take a taxi directly to Donghai Institute."

Li Zhengjun said: "This is the meaning of General Master Yang. He said that you are guests, so you can't be negligent. He specially told me to be warm and polite."

Deng Jun said: "General Master Yang is polite."

After exchanging polite greetings, the two parties boarded the car one after another and headed for the Donghai Ship Design Institute. Along the way, Deng Jun did not say the purpose of their trip, probably after meeting Yang Fan.

At about ten o'clock in the morning, under the leadership of Li Zhengjun, Deng Jun and his party entered a reception room of the East China Sea Institute and sat down there.

Li Zhengjun said: "You guys drink tea first and take a rest, I'll invite General Master Yang to come over."

Deng Jun said: "Yes, you can go to work first."

After Li Zhengjun left, one of Deng Jun's subordinates was very puzzled, and said again: "Mr. Deng, you came to visit to discuss the Russian-made roof three-coordinate radar with Mr. Yang. You are a radar expert. Question, but can Master Yang do it?"

Yes, Yang Fan is not an expert in radar.

It is certain that he knows some things about radar, but everyone knows that Yang Fan is best at ship design.

Deng Jun didn't think so, and said slowly: "Don't underestimate Comrade Yang Fan, he is an amazing person. I think he must have deep knowledge in radar. In addition, we mainly communicate with each other. The application of the Russian roof radar on the 054A should not be a big problem."

His purpose is very obvious, that is, technical exchange, content and Russian roof radar and Type 054A guided missile frigate.

He is an expert in three-coordinate radar. He participated in the import of Russian-made roof radar, and he also participated in the negotiation with Russia on technology introduction and authorized production.

It has been decided above that this radar will be localized, and a leader has just talked to Deng Jun. If there is no accident, he will be the chief designer of the domestic roof radar.

It has not yet been officially announced to the public. The first thing Deng Jun did was to come to Donghai Institute to communicate with Yang Fan, talk about the Russian-made roof radar, and talk about the future localization of this radar.

Deng Jun held great hope in his heart.

After a while, there were footsteps outside the living room.

Yang Fan walked in front, followed by several people, including Li Zhengjun, the director of the Ship Electric System Design Office, and senior experts in this field where Donghai was located.

The two sides shook hands warmly.

Be polite.

Then they sat down on the sofa one by one and talked in a good atmosphere. First, they talked about the Type 054 guided missile frigate, and then they talked about the Russian roof radar very naturally.

Deng Jundao: "The first batch of imported Russian-style roof radars is coming soon, and they will arrive in three months at the latest. One of them will be used for our research and will be shipped to our research institute, and the other will be shipped to the Maritime Union. Adjust the experimental base."

This is really good news.

Yang Fan also became happy in his heart. At the meeting last month, he said that the goods would arrive within half a year, but now they are earlier than originally predicted.

The atmosphere is more relaxed.

Deng Jundao: "The burden on me is not light now. If there is no accident, I will serve as the chief designer of the domestic roof three-coordinate radar."

Hearing this, Yang Fan congratulated and said, "Mr. Deng, congratulations."

Deng Jundao: "As the chief designer of the three-coordinate radar on the roof, I am under a lot of pressure, which is one of the reasons why I came to visit this time."

Yang Fan said: "Let's communicate with each other."

Deng Jundao: "This is the first time we have come into contact with the Russian-made roof radar. Master Yang, how about you, how well do you know this radar?"

Of course Yang Fan understood.

Simply too understanding.

Before Yang Fan's rebirth, our Type 054A guided missile frigates all used this type of radar, but at that time, it was no longer Russian-made, but an imitation, that is, localized.

Yang Fan knows this radar very well.

What characteristics it has, what technical specialties it has, including the specific structure, etc., you know clearly.

It’s just that if you know it, you know, you can’t go too far now, it’s not good to be too shocking. The Russian-made roof radar is just in the import stage, the first batch has not yet arrived, and the localization has not yet started.

In other words, the technical absorption of this radar has not yet started. If Yang Fan patted his chest and said, I know too much about the Russian-made roof radar, it would be abnormal.

Everyone looked at Yang Fan, waiting for an answer.

As for Yang Fan, he didn't rush to answer immediately, but thought for three to five seconds, mainly thinking about how to say, what can be said and what can't be said.

After thinking for a while, Yang Fan said slowly: "I know a little about the Russian-made roof radar, and I'm fairly familiar with it."

Are you more familiar with it? ? ?
Two of Deng Jun's subordinates looked shocked. They believed that there is no Russian-made roof radar in China, and Yang Fan should be relatively unfamiliar with this radar.

Paying attention to their astonishment, Yang Fan smiled and explained: "My understanding of it is mainly from the information above. I have read a lot of introduction materials about it, and I have also checked the technical information about it."

That's it!

Deng Jun obviously had a look of joy on his face. He had a hunch that this trip to the East China Sea might gain a lot, and it should be completely right.

A senior expert from the East China Sea Institute said: "In our East China Sea Institute, Master Yang loves to read books and consult technical materials. This is well known. The bookshelves in his office are full of ship-related technologies. books."

Li Zhengjun confirmed: "Yes, Commander Yang insists on reading every day, basically reading one or two books on ship technology every week, and his memory is very good, although it is not to the extent that he has a photographic memory. , but basically remember everything in the book.”

Bull man!

Our Master Yang is not simple!
It's really not easy!

Not only Deng Jun expressed his admiration, but his two subordinates were also convinced, knowing that the person in front of him is a real genius, and there are really not many people who love reading so much and persist for a long time.

After reading so many technical books, many of them are related to the Russian-made roof radar. It is not surprising that Yang Fan is familiar with this radar.

Deng Jun's attitude was very modest, "Master Yang, what are the technical characteristics of the Russian-made roof radar you mentioned? If we want to make a domestic imitation, what should we pay attention to?"

That's all for today's update, thank you all.

(End of this chapter)

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