Military Heavy

Chapter 484 Insufficiency of the Roof Radar

Chapter 484 Insufficiency of the Roof Radar

All eyes were on Yang Fan.

Feeling everyone's eyes, Yang Fan smiled confidently and thought for a while.

Yang Fan is too familiar with the Russian-made roof radar, the only thing to consider now is what to say and what scale to grasp.

After pondering for a while, under everyone's gaze, Yang Fan said, "Russian-made roof radar is a one-dimensional frequency-scanning three-coordinate radar, technically similar to the American sps-48 series. Scanning. By using intra-pulse frequency scanning, multiple beams can be obtained and the data rate can be increased..."


Very quiet! ! !
Everyone was stunned, including Deng Jun, who never expected that Yang Fan knew so much about this radar and said so much in one breath.

Everyone has not recovered for a long time!

After Yang Fan finished speaking, the reception room fell into complete silence, no one made a sound, let alone spoke.

Or in shock, or in contemplation.

Seeing everyone's reaction like this, Yang Fan thought in his heart, it's bad, maybe he should talk a little more, so as not to scare everyone.

Finally, Deng Jun opened his mouth to break the silence. He felt a little excited in his heart. He was right this time, and it was not in vain. Chief Master Yang was indeed not simple. He really knew the Russian-made roof radar very well.

Great, I want to have a good exchange with Mr. Yang, no, ask for advice, to lay the foundation for the next radar imitation.

With a little excitement in his tone, Deng Jun said: "Master Yang, you speak so well, I never thought that you know this radar so well."

Yang Fan said modestly: "Where, where, I just read a lot of relevant information about this radar, just talking on paper, please don't laugh at me."

Everyone smiled kindly.

The two subordinates of Deng Jun admired Yang Fan even more, and their smiles were also a little different.

Deng Jun also smiled, and then said: "Master Yang, you are too humble. The more humble you are, the more capable you are. I know that this trip to Donghai Institute will definitely be fruitful."

Yang Fan said: "Let's exchange technology with each other, we can discuss this radar."

Deng Jun was overjoyed, and this was also what he meant, so the two began to discuss this three-coordinate radar technically, and gradually, other people also participated.

The discussion was very lively.

It feels like time flies too fast, more than an hour passed in a blink of an eye.

After more than an hour of technical exchange, Deng Jun and others were full of surprises. They said in their hearts more than once, Mr. Yang is a master!
No wonder he was able to serve as the chief designer of the 054 ship at a young age, leading the design team to complete the design in two years, and the 054 ship is still so good!

Bull man!
Absolute genius!
It's not easy, it's amazing! ! !
Deng Jun's attitude became humble, and he was also very sincere. He asked: "Master Yang, what are the shortcomings of the Russian-made roof radar? In the future, we will carry out imitation. In what areas do we need to improve?"

Everyone pricked up their ears and kept quiet, waiting for Yang Fan to speak.

The first stage is to import Russian-made roof radar, the second stage is authorized production and manufacturing, and the third stage is imitation and improvement.

In the future, it will definitely be improved and improved, so that the blue is better than the blue, and strive to surpass the current level of this imported radar after localization.

Yang Fan pondered for a while, and then said: "The Russian-made roof radar is a very good three-coordinate radar. It has many advantages, and it also has many advantages in technology. Of course, it also has some shortcomings."

Everyone focused, as if they were afraid of revealing something, Deng Jun even opened his notebook, ready to record what Yang Fan said while listening.

Yang Fan continued: "Of course, it also has some shortcomings, such as exposed operating frequency, vulnerable to attacks; such as limited frequency agility; such as poor accuracy of height measurement and angle measurement..."

Some certainties and deficiencies of the Russian-made roof radar are described.

Yang Fan explained in detail.

Everyone listened carefully.

Deng Jun recorded quickly, recording some key points of Yang Fan's speech in his notebook, which filled two pages.

As expected of Mr. Yang!

Everyone admired it. It seems that Master Yang not only has an understanding of the Russian-made roof radar, but has in-depth research.

Yang Fan continued: "Since we know the defects and deficiencies of this radar, in the process of imitation in the future, we should try our best to improve and enhance these aspects."

Deng Jun fully agreed, and said happily: "Master Yang, I have written down everything you just said. In the future imitation process, we will definitely improve and perfect these aspects."

After speaking, he stood up voluntarily, walked up to Yang Fan, and stretched out his hand voluntarily.

Yang Fan also stood up, and the two shook hands tightly.

Deng Jun was grateful with joy, "Mr. Yang, thank you, thank you so much."

This trip to the East China Sea Institute, he felt that he had gained a lot. As he guessed, Yang Fan has a deep knowledge of radar, especially the Russian-made roof radar.

Deng Jun even had a little doubt that Chief Master Yang knew so much about the Russian-made roof radar, did he really consult and collect relevant technical information?

so amazing!

Deng Jun sighed again, admiring Yang Fan even more in his heart, and decided in his heart that in the future, he would come over to sit down more and chat with Master Yang about the things on the radar, that would only be beneficial.

Today, the harvest is great and inspired.

Yang Fan was very enthusiastic, looked at the time, and then invited: "It's time to eat, let's go eat together."

All of us walked out of the reception room and arrived at the Furong Building under the leadership of Yang Fan.

Yang Fan asked for a private room and ordered sumptuous meals for Deng Jun and the other three. Everyone had a very happy lunch.

After eating, everyone returned to Donghai Institute.Yang Fan invited Deng Jun to sit in the office, and he readily agreed.

Two of his subordinates, also led by Li Zhengjun, visited and learned about Donghai Ship Design Institute.

in the office.

Yang Fan made two cups of coffee himself, and the two of them sat down and continued to chat about the three-coordinate radar while drinking the coffee.

Deng Jun was shocked when he saw that the bookshelves in the office were full of professional technical books, and there was a thick stack of technical periodicals on the big desk.

Great man, after reading so many books, how did he do it? No wonder he is so familiar with the Russian-made roof radar.

In the afternoon, Deng Jun and others went back with a full harvest, and Yang Fan enthusiastically sent a car to take them to the airport.


Time to enter October.

Under the leadership of Yang Fan, the Type 054A guided missile frigate is entering into full-scale design, and almost every design room is busy.

Every night, the two design buildings of Donghai Institute are brightly lit, and the designers are also working overtime at night, sitting in front of the computer and drawing design drawings seriously.

Some design drawings have been released, and the designers in charge, or design team leaders, began to proofread and review the drawings.

Some important and key design drawings were sent to Yang Fan's office and placed on the big table for reading drawings.

Everyone is working overtime. Of course, Yang Fan will not be lazy, and share the joys and sorrows with everyone and work hard together.

Every night, Yang Fan basically stays in the office and works overtime, often leaving the office after eleven o'clock in the evening to go home from get off work.

Tonight, Yang Fan is also in the office, first go to the design rooms below to take a look.

See how everyone's design drawings are drawn. Sometimes, I also guide the designers. When someone asks design questions, I always answer them patiently. I don't have any airs in front of the designers.

After walking around the design rooms below, it was almost nine o'clock in the evening when I returned to the office.

Take out a design drawing and spread it out, sit on a chair, hold a pencil and eraser, and carefully review the drawing.

This is an important drawing. Drawings of this level will be sent to Yang Fan. Everyone has also discovered a rule. Generally, there is no problem with the drawings that Yang Fan has seen.

It took only ten minutes. After reading this blueprint, Yang Fan nodded in satisfaction. The quality is good and there is no problem.

After looking at a few more design drawings, Yang Fan put down his pen, checked the time, sorted out the things on the table, and walked out of the office.

It's just ten o'clock in the evening, about an hour earlier than usual.

There are very important things tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, Yang Fan needs to get up earlier.


(End of this chapter)

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