Military Heavy

Chapter 486 Enlisted in the Navy

Chapter 486 Enlisted in the Navy
Many people looked out of the car.

Everyone saw that Pan Jinfu and Yang Fan were walking in front, talking and laughing, followed by several people, a group of people came out of the office building.

"My God, is Director Pan going to attend the delivery ceremony of the first ship of the 054 ship?"

"I think so. The delivery of the first ship of the 054 ship is a big event for us, and it is also a matter of great honor. It is normal for Director Pan to attend."

Everyone excitedly watched Pan Jinfu, Yang Fan and others come out of the office building, and under everyone's gaze, they got into the car one after another.

After a while, three small cars drove in front, and two buses followed behind. A convoy of five cars, two big, three small, and a total of five cars, left Donghaisuo. At this time, it was only a little after 07:30 in the morning.

The designers of Donghai Institute who had no chance to go to Dongjiang Shipyard to witness the delivery ceremony of the first ship watched the convoy leave with envy.

Dongjiang Shipyard.

Since yesterday, the whole factory has been completely immersed in joy. Since a few days ago, preparations have been deployed. Now, everything is basically ready.

The first ship of the Type 054 guided missile frigate, it docked quietly on the side of the pier.

Different from before, not only has it been dressed up, it has been dressed up beautifully, like a little girl who is about to get married, and it also has an official hull number.

Type 054 missile frigate, the hull number of its first ship is 525!

On the side of the bow, the three Arabic numerals "525" are very conspicuous.

Early in the morning, Feng Wangdong, the head of the Dongjiang Shipyard, and Sun Baoguo, the chief builder of the 054 ship, arrived at the pier. They not only saw the first ship again, but also checked the preparations again.

After eight o'clock in the morning, the number of people on the pier gradually increased, and it gradually became lively.

More than 054 people from the naval forces, the design and construction of the Type 1000 guided missile frigate, and related units gathered at the dock one after another.


Here they come!

There was a little commotion on the bustling pier, and a convoy of three cars and two buses was seen heading towards the pier.

"It should be the comrades from the East China Sea Institute!"

"Without the comrades from the East China Sea Institute, there would be no Type 054 guided missile frigate. They are the real heroes."

"Well, they really have contributed a lot, especially the chief designer Yang Fan."

Many people stretched their necks and looked at their toes, watching the convoy drive by.Feng Wangdong and Sun Baoguo looked at each other, nodded in unison, and led a large group of people to meet them.

As the leader, Feng Wangdong warmly shook hands with Pan Jinfu, Yang Fan and others, while Sun Baoguo took the comrades from the Donghai Institute to the arranged area.

More than a hundred people from the East China Sea Institute arrived, and gradually, people from related units arrived one after another, and there were even more people on the pier.

Another two or three 10 minutes passed, and less than 10 minutes before the delivery ceremony began, another convoy drove towards the pier.

The leaders are here!
The bustling pier boiled up.

1997 9 Month 12 Day.

The Dongjiang Shipyard on the coast of the East China Sea, the water and the sky are the same color, the sun is warm and the wind is clear, the first Type 054 guided missile frigate is lying quietly, and the colorful flags are hanging high. More than 1000 people from the navy, ship construction and design and other related units are in The piers lined up neatly.

The atmosphere is grand and warm!

At 10 o'clock in the morning, the handover and enlistment ceremony officially began, and the national anthem was sung loudly.

Like everyone else, Yang Fan stood up straight and sang the loud national anthem, feeling a sense of excitement in his heart. Our first ship will be officially enlisted in the navy today.

Amidst the national anthem, the five-star red flag was slowly rising.

The guard of honor guarded the military flag and the certificate of appointment, and walked to the front of the rostrum. The naval leaders who participated in the commissioning ceremony stood up, and the general flag and the certificate of appointment were awarded to the first captain of the Type 054 guided missile frigate.

The audience burst into thunderous applause.

Starting today, the first ship of the Type 054 guided missile frigate is officially listed in the Navy, with the hull number 525.

Then, the salute was fired!
The scene was completely boiling, and some people shed tears.

This scene is like a movie.

Yang Fan looked at the first ship in front of him, and his eyes were a little moist. After nearly five years, he finally handed in a satisfactory answer sheet, and a strong sense of pride rose in his heart.

After the handover and enlistment ceremony, the leaders spoke.

The naval leadership highly praised the Donghai Ship Design Institute as the design unit, and also praised the Dongjiang Shipyard as the construction unit.

And announced the hull number and name of the first Type 054 guided missile frigate!

At this moment, Sun Baoguo, a six-foot-tall man, was crying so hard that even Yang Fan was affected, and his eyes became moist again.

The handover ceremony is over!

The leader's speech is over!

Afterwards, the leaders took a group photo with the main personnel of the design and construction unit. The background was the first ship docked by the pier. As the chief designer, Yang Fan had the honor to take part in such a group photo and stood beside the naval leaders.

After taking a group photo, the naval leaders boarded the first ship, checked the relevant equipment on the ship, learned about the performance of the Type 054 guided missile frigate, and went to the wheelhouse.

When the leaders were about to leave, they once again affirmed the 054 ship, and once again commended the East China Sea Ship Design Institute and Dongjiang Shipyard.

Yang Fan's name was mentioned by the leaders again, many people cast envious eyes, even Sun Baoguo was very envious.

As the chief builder of the 054 ship, he was only mentioned once. The leaders mentioned Dongjiang Shipyard every time. As for Yang Fan, as long as the leaders mentioned Donghai Ship Design Institute, they would definitely mention Yang Fan name.

Mr. Yang is awesome!
It seems that these big leaders have remembered Yang Fan's name.

Near noon.

In the eager eyes of everyone, the 054 ship slowly left the dock of Dongjiang Shipyard. Starting today, it will have a formal home port and will officially start serving.

The first ship is gone!

But the people on the pier did not completely disperse. Many people were still stretching their necks, looking at the Type 054 guided missile frigate that had completely disappeared at sea level.

The leaders left early, boarded the car and left after visiting the first ship, and did not stay for dinner together. At the celebration banquet at noon, the highest rank should be Luo Jianguo.

He was flushed and happy.

If you are in a good mood, you can drink a lot. Faced with everyone coming to toast, basically everyone will come and take a sip.

he's drunk.

However, drunk very happy.

Yang Fan is also a little drunk, and his head is a little groggy, but he is in a good mood, happy, our first ship is officially enlisted in the navy today.

Donghai City, Huaqiang Technology Co., Ltd.

The general manager Lu Huaqiang came back from the newly built R&D center and was chatting happily with Li Xianghong and Huang Wenlong about the new R&D center.

"Well, good, really good, our new research and development center has finally been built."

Li Xianghong said: "It took more than a year, and now it is fully completed. We don't need to stay in this rented place anymore, we can move."

Huang Wenlong said: "I'm really sad to leave this place where we have worked for more than a year all of a sudden, how about you?"

Lu Huaqiang and Li Xianghong laughed loudly, with great joy in their laughter.

Today, Huaqiang Technology Co., Ltd. is not what it used to be. It has not only established a complete technical research and development team, but also established a strong management team.

What is even more gratifying is that a well-known mobile phone manufacturer in the world has sent an invitation letter inviting Huaqiang Technology to participate in the bidding for mobile phone chips next month.

Huaqiang Technology Co., Ltd. has successfully developed a mobile phone processor chip. Various test data show that this mobile phone processor chip model A001 is excellent and has excellent performance. If the bidding is successful and it is adopted by this mobile phone manufacturer, then the company Up and down will be extremely exciting.

In addition to mobile phone processor chips, mobile phone memory chips and flash memory chips have also been developed and are already in the stage of comprehensive verification.

No wonder the Big Three of Huaqiang Technology are so happy, so happy!
After laughing, Li Xianghong said jokingly: "Then let's move there first, and you bring some people to continue working here. After thinking about it, we will move into our newly built R&D center."

"No, no, forget it." Huang Wenlong said hastily.

The construction of the new technology R&D center alone cost several hundred million yuan and covers an area of ​​more than [-] mu. It is definitely the R&D center with the best conditions and environment in China.

In the mid-to-late 90s, there were few specialized R&D centers in China, and Huaqiang Technology Company undoubtedly took the lead in this regard.

Even if this technology research and development center is placed internationally, although it is not top-notch in terms of hardware facilities and environment, it is definitely quasi-first-class, that is to say, it is absolutely close to the first-class level.

After another three to five years of development, the technology research and development team will become stronger, and it will definitely be a world-class technology research and development center that can produce excellent products that are popular with mobile phone manufacturers.

In addition to technology research and development, there is another function, that is, office. A specially built office building with beautiful glass exterior walls, full of modern sense and very stylish design.

This office building with more than [-] floors was built according to the standard of Grade A office buildings. It has a first-class environment and is enough to accommodate thousands of office workers. It will be enough for the next ten years.

The management personnel work in the office building, and the technology research and development personnel have a technology research and development center, which can not only carry out daily office work, but also carry out various chip design, testing and verification, and has high-standard laboratories and testing equipment.

Such a good place, of course Huang Wenlong wanted to move there, saying that he missed this rented place, just talking casually.

After the three had a pleasant chat for a while, Lu Huaqiang picked up the phone and was about to call Yang Fan.

He knew that Yang Fan had been very busy in recent months, and he consciously seldom called to affect Yang Fan's work.

The technology research and development center has been fully completed, and Huaqiang Technology Co., Ltd. will move into the past. For such a big matter, the boss must be told.

(End of this chapter)

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