Military Heavy

Chapter 487 Technology R&D Center

Chapter 487 Technology R&D Center

Donghai Ship Design Institute.

During this period of time, Yang Fan has been really busy. He has meetings every day, has drawings every day, and guides everyone to design the Type 054A guided missile frigate every day.

Almost five miles away, a technical exchange meeting was held to discuss some technical issues in the design of 054A with all the designers. Yang Fan almost put all his energy on the design of 054A.

Some time ago, the first ship of the Type 054 guided missile frigate entered the navy and began its official service. This greatly inspired and encouraged everyone. Every designer was full of passion and drive, and so was Yang Fan.

Although I am very busy every day, I feel that my life is very fulfilling and I don't feel tired.

Having just returned from a technical exchange meeting held by the Combat System Design Office, Yang Fan only had time to take a sip of tea, and then sat in front of this big table again, spreading out a design drawing, holding a pencil and an eraser, and there again Seriously look.

About three to four 10 minutes later, after reading several design drawings, Yang Fan put down the pencil and eraser in his hand, and was about to make a cup of coffee to refresh himself, when the mobile phone on the table rang.

Generally speaking, comrades from Donghai Research Institute, or Sun Baoguo from Dongjiang Shipyard and others would often call Yang Fan's office landline.

Seeing the phone ringing, Yang Fan thought in his heart, whose call is this? My sister is not calling, and he wants to ask me to take a look at the Hongtai Building under construction.

It has been more than a year and a half since the start of construction in February last year. Hongtai Building has completed the construction of the foundation and underground garage. The construction of the above-ground part has started two or three months ago, and the main body of the building has been constructed. It reached the height of the 2th or [-]th floor.

The last time Yang Fan went to Hongtai Building was more than two months ago, and because he was busy, he never went there again.

A few days ago, Yang Fang called and told Yang Fan on the phone that the construction of Hongtai Building was progressing very well, and the main body of the building had already exceeded 30 floors. She wanted to invite him to take a look.

However, Yang Fan declined, saying that he would not have time until this Sunday at the earliest, and he really didn't have time now.

Yang Fang agreed and understood, and introduced the current construction situation of Hongtai Building on the phone. Now that the phone rang, the first thing Yang Fan thought of was his sister.

Picking up the phone, it wasn't Yang Fang calling, but Lu Huaqiang from Huaqiang Technology Company.

As soon as the phone was connected, Lu Huaqiang's joyful voice came from inside, "Boss, did you disturb your work?"

Yang Fan said: "Fortunately, I just read a few design drawings and was about to make a cup of coffee to refresh myself when your call came."

After the two chatted on the phone for a few words, Lu Huaqiang said: "Boss, our technology research and development center has been fully completed and ready for use. We decided to move next Monday. That day is also a good day. I have already asked someone to look at it. gone."

Hearing this, Yang Fan became happy all of a sudden, "Well, this is a happy event. You see, I am too busy to know that our technology research and development center has been fully completed and ready for use."

"Boss, that's because you focused your energy on your work and had no other thoughts," Lu Huaqiang said.

After chatting for a few more words, Lu Huaqiang tentatively invited: "Boss, our technology research and development center has been fully completed. When do you have time, can you come and have a look?"

I felt a little uneasy.

And full of hope.

All of a sudden, Lu Huaqiang felt a little nervous, worried that Yang Fan would simply refuse, but in his heart he very much hoped that Yang Fan could come over and take a look for himself.

Soon, his heart lightened.

Unexpectedly, Yang Fan was very straightforward, almost without thinking, and agreed immediately: "Okay, I will come here now, but my time is limited, you have to prepare lunch at noon, and I will go back to Donghai as soon as possible in the afternoon Place."

It's already past ten o'clock in the morning, and it's almost noon when Yang Fan arrives there. He spends an hour or so looking around, eats lunch at one o'clock in the afternoon, and then probably returns to work.

Lu Huaqiang was overjoyed, "No problem. It's probably something everyone wishes for to have lunch with the boss. I'll prepare it."

Yang Fan said: "You don't need to deliberately prepare, how about this, I will drive directly to the gate of the technology research and development center, and you can just wait for me there."

"Okay, okay." Lu Huaqiang agreed.

Yang Fan has been there three or five times.The first time was more than a year ago, when the construction was just about to start, and the most recent one was a few months ago, which was not yet completed and was under comprehensive construction.

Having been there three or five times, Yang Fan is quite familiar with that place, so in order to save time, he didn't need Lu Huaqiang and the others to come and greet him, but just met there.

Put away the phone, made a cup of coffee and finished drinking, raised his hand to check the time, felt that it was almost time, Yang Fan got up and left.

Just as he was leaving the house, he happened to meet Li Zhengjun bringing over some blueprints. He was slightly surprised and asked, "Master Yang, it looks like you're going out."

Yang Fan said: "Yes, I have something to go out for a while, and I will come back in the afternoon. You can put these design drawings on my desk, and I will look at them when I come back."

"Okay, I know."

After watching Yang Fan go away, Li Zhengjun thought in his heart, Mr. Yang must be in a hurry at the moment, otherwise, he would not leave the unit easily, maybe he is going to Dongjiang Shipyard.

Soon he himself denied that it would not be going to the Dongjiang Shipyard. The first ship has successfully entered the navy, and the third 054 ship is still in the stage of segmental welding. Everything is going well and there is no major event. Where are you going?
Really can't figure it out, Li Zhengjun laughed at himself, and simply stopped thinking about it, gently opened the door, and neatly placed the design drawings on Yang Fan's big table.

As for Yang Fan, after leaving the office building, he drove himself to the newly built technology research and development center of Huaqiang Technology Company.

The distance is a bit far, even if there is no traffic jam along the way, it took almost an hour, and it was already around 11:[-] noon when we got there.

As you can see, the technology research and development center is in front of it.

Still a little distance away, Yang Fan saw the [-]-odd-floor office building with a grand and stylish design, and also vaguely saw the gate.

The closer the distance, the more clearly it can be seen. The gate design is very good. The automatic retractable gate has a width of at least 30 meters, and the outside of the gate is even more spacious.

A few cars were parked there, Lu Huaqiang and the others were already waiting there to welcome Yang Fan.

"Hello, Mr. Yang."

"Mr. Yang, you are here."

The Big Three are all there, Lu Huaqiang, Li Xianghong, Huang Wenlong, and some others, probably middle and high-level personnel of Huaqiang Technology Company.

Yang Fan is the real boss of Huaqiang Technology Company. Only Lu Huaqiang and the other three know about this matter. Others, even other high-level executives, don't know about it.

Everyone only knows that Hongtai Group owns 60.00% of the shares of Huaqiang Technology Co., Ltd., and Lu Huaqiang, Li Xianghong and Huang Wenlong hold a total of 30.00% of the shares.

Therefore, the three of them unanimously called Yang Fan "Mr. Yang" instead of calling him the boss.

Yang Fan stopped the car, but did not get out of the car, but said loudly to the outside of the car: "All follow, we will meet in front of the new office building."

Everyone got into the car one after another, followed, and arrived in front of the newly completed office building.

After getting off the car, Yang Fan shook hands with everyone warmly, and accompanied by Lu Huaqiang and others, he walked into the building like stars.

As soon as you enter, you will find a grand hall with an area of ​​at least several hundred square meters. The large gold-plated characters of Huaqiang Technology Co., Ltd. are very conspicuous, and the floor is so smooth that people can be seen.



Classy! ! !
As soon as he came in, Yang Fan had a bright feeling in front of his eyes, and he was extremely satisfied immediately. He gave a thumbs up and praised: "Not bad, really good, beyond my imagination."

Li Xianghong quickly introduced: "Our office building is built according to the standard of Grade A office buildings. The office environment is first-class, and the building area..."

He simply introduced the building, and after listening to the introduction, Yang Fan's interest obviously rose, and he really wanted to take a good look at it.

So he waved his hand and said, "Come on, let's go into the elevator and go up to have a look."


The first two chapters are still in the code, and friends who have monthly tickets or recommended tickets help me to smash a few, thank you in advance.

(End of this chapter)

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