Military Heavy

Chapter 489 Huaqiang Technology Company Moves

Chapter 489 Huaqiang Technology Company Moves
Yang Fan's car was in the middle, and the three cars left in front of the newly built office building. The driver was not Yang Fan, but Lu Huaqiang's assistant.

Lu Huaqiang and Yang Fan sat on the back seat of the car, and he reported: "Boss, we have been in active contact with XX company and have made good progress. Their new mobile phone will be purchased from all over the world. The processor chip is scheduled for public bidding next month, we have received a formal invitation letter and will participate in this bidding..."

He was very happy to report the situation again.

After listening, Yang Fan was very happy: "You guys gave me such a big surprise, it's beyond my expectation!"

For this mobile phone manufacturer, Yang Fan certainly knew that they were one of the most famous and largest mobile phone manufacturers in the world from the middle and late 90s to the early 21st century.

In the next ten years, the mobile phones produced by them will always occupy a large share of the world's mobile phone market.

If Huaqiang Technology can successfully win the bid this time and become the company's mobile phone chip supplier, that would be amazing!

Yang Fan suppressed the excitement in his heart and asked, "How likely are we to become their mobile phone supplier?"

After thinking for a while, Lu Huashan said, "I have confidence in our chips. Whether it succeeds or not, we will go all out for the bidding next month."

Yang Fan agreed: "Well, no matter whether you can succeed or not, you must go all out."

In case it is successful!

In order not to put too much pressure on Lu Huaqiang and the others, Yang Fan encouraged: "As long as you do your best, even if you don't succeed, I won't blame you."

Lu Huaqiang said gratefully, "Thank you boss."

Yang Fan said: "I think it would be good to achieve profitability within three years. It has been less than two years since Huaqiang Technology was established. If it fails this time, the development and operation of the company will not be greatly affected. We You can come again next time."

Lu Huaqiang felt relieved, and the pressure on his body suddenly eased a lot.

He made up his mind that he must succeed this time!

He quit his lucrative job in the United States and returned to China to start a business in order to successfully develop excellent chips and become a world-class chip supplier.

Now, the opportunity to realize this ideal is infinitely close. As long as we can become the chip supplier of this world-class mobile phone manufacturer, it will be a solid step on the ideal road.

While chatting, before I knew it, the car arrived at the entrance of this restaurant, the distance was indeed not far, only a few kilometers, and came over in a while.

The meal at noon was very rich, and Lu Huaqiang and the others really put their heart into it.

While eating, we talked about many things at work.For example, the development of flash memory and memory chips; for example, the preparations for moving; for example, some future development plans of the company and so on.

No drink, everyone still has things to do in the afternoon.

In fact, Lu Huaqiang and the others wanted to drink some wine, and finally had the opportunity to have a meal with the boss, so drinking some wine can make the atmosphere.

Yang Fan said that after the meal, he had to go back to Donghai Institute, so he stopped drinking and drank drinks instead, so everyone's glasses were full of drinks.

After the meal, Yang Fan drove away in person, and Lu Huaqiang and others waved goodbye at the door of the restaurant.

Back at Donghai Institute, Yang Fan first read the design drawings on the desk, and then went to the ship power system design room to attend a meeting, and discussed with the designers some things about the design of the 054A ship power system .

Back in the office, I felt a sense of relief. I was basically done with the things I should be busy with today.

Take a break.

After brewing a cup of hot tea and sitting on the sofa, I couldn't help thinking about Huaqiang Technology Company again.

"Well, Lu Huaqiang and the others are good, and the first mobile phone processor chip is also very good. If such an excellent chip participates in the bidding, if there are no political factors, the success rate should not be small..."

Yang Fan was alone, thinking a lot quietly.

Of course, I hope that Huaqiang Technology will succeed in the bidding next month.

If it is really successful, it will undoubtedly be a very exciting thing, and it also means that Huaqiang Technology Company will make profits in advance, without the continuous capital investment of Hongtai Group.


Yang Fan finally went to see the Hongtai Building under construction. It is also one of the landmark buildings in Donghai City, echoing the JM Building not far away. In the future, these two buildings will definitely be the beautiful scenery of Donghai City.

The main body of Hongtai Building has been built to a height of 30 floors, which has already attracted the attention of many citizens.

Yang Fan was wearing a hard hat, and accompanied by Yang Fang and several senior executives of Hongtai Group, he looked at the Hongtai Building under construction.

After coming out of the construction site, he looked at the main body of the building under construction from a certain distance on the periphery.

Yang Fan said very satisfied: "Sister, the construction is really good, especially the progress of the construction is gratifying."

Yang Fang said: "Our capital guarantee is sufficient, and the construction progress is relatively fast, which may be completed earlier than the JM Building."

It will be so fast!

Yang Fan's face revealed a more obvious look of surprise, and then he looked at the JM Building, which is also under construction in the distance.

The construction of JM Building started more than a year earlier than that of Hongtai Building, and the height of the current main building is also a lot higher, with a height of [-] to [-] floors according to visual inspection.

It is of course surprising that the construction of Hongtai Building will come from behind.

Yang Fangdao: "We predicted that with sufficient funds, our Hongtai Building will be capped in the first half of next year."

The top of the building is an important node, which means that the construction volume is at least halfway through.

Yang Fan said happily: "There is no problem with the funds, Lin Jianwei and the others have made a fortune again."

Full of confidence!

money is not a problem!
Not bad money! ! !
Yang Fang and others showed happy smiles, and one executive even thought in his heart, when will the Hongtai Building be completely completed, when will it be delivered for use, and when will it be possible to move to this building for office...


Today is Monday, which is a big day for Huaqiang Technology.

All the staff of the company, whether they are managers or technology R&D personnel, will all move to the newly completed technology R&D center today.

This temporarily rented building is busy, almost everyone is busy tidying up and packing their own things, it is very lively.

There are also some people who work overtime on weekends and have almost packed their things. When waiting for the big truck to bring things, they will inevitably talk about the new place they will move to.

"All the things are packed, just wait for the car to come, I'm really excited!"

"I haven't been to our new office yet. I heard it's good there, and the conditions are much better than here."

"I've been there, there's no comparison between here and there, they're not on the same level."

Immediately someone said: "Really, Brother Li, you have been to our newly built technology research and development center, and tell us about the situation there."

Immediately, many ears pricked up, and some people who were tidying up their things stopped now.

With so many people in Huaqiang Technology Company, only a few people have been to the newly built technology research and development center, and most of them have never been there.

There are mainly two reasons.First, the distance is relatively long, and it takes nearly an hour to go there by car; second, it has just been built there, and most people have not had time to go there to see it.

The manager surnamed Li said: "I was lucky enough to visit it last week. Our newly built technology research and development center is huge and magnificent. The gate is tens of meters wide. When you enter, you will find a stylish office building... ..."

After talking about the situation he saw happily, almost everyone was so yearning immediately, and the speed of packing things also increased, full of energy.

At about nine o'clock in the morning, the first batch of five large trucks came and stopped at the door of the temporarily rented office building.

Many people cheered, our car is coming!

Under the command of several managers, everyone worked together to move things onto the truck in an orderly manner, busy but not chaotic.

In less than half an hour, several trucks were fully loaded and left here to transport things to the technology research and development center.

Not long after, several buses came over, and someone shouted loudly: "Those who have already loaded and transported away can get on the bus now!"


(End of this chapter)

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