Military Heavy

Chapter 490 Competing with the World Giants

Chapter 490 Competing with the World Giants

Everyone has been waiting for these cars to arrive, and many people's hearts have already flown to the technology research and development center.

"The car is here."

"Come on, let's get in the car."

The front of this temporarily rented office building became lively. Many people were waiting for their cars here. When they saw these buses approaching, they immediately swarmed into them.

"Everyone, slow down, don't squeeze."

The person in charge of organizing everyone to get on the bus reminded loudly that soon, every car was full of people, and there were still a few people who could not get on and had to wait for the next bus.

The first batch of 300 to [-] people started to go to the newly built technology research and development center. Everyone in the car was elated and eager to get there soon.

After almost an hour, they finally arrived at the destination, and the huge technology research and development center could already be seen through the car window. The few people who had been there before immediately shouted excitedly.

They pointed to the front and said loudly: "We are almost there, everyone, look, that is our technology research and development center."

The newly built technology research and development center is also the new headquarters of Huaqiang Technology Company.

In addition to the main function of technology research and development, a 32-story office building has also been built, which is enough to accommodate thousands of people to work there. In the next few years, the headquarters of Huaqiang Technology will be here.

Of course, in addition to being used for management personnel to work and have management functions, the main function here is the design and development of chips, as well as various experiments and so on.

This is its most important function, and it is also an absolute first-class technology research and development center in China.

"I saw it, saw it!"

Immediately someone shouted loudly.

"Where, where."

"Let me take a look too."

Every bus was full of excitement, many people stretched their necks, wanting to catch a glimpse of the company's new headquarters, the distance gradually approached.

Finally able to see clearly, every bus was boiling.

Everyone saw the magnificent company gate!

See stylishly designed, high-end office buildings!

I saw a garden-like, large-scale design and development center.

Wow! ! !
Many people were surprised!

The newly built technology research and development center is also the location of the company's new headquarters. It is so beautiful and imposing, which completely surprises people.

Several buses drove into the new headquarters of Huaqiang Technology Co., Ltd. and stopped in front of this brand new office building.

As soon as the car stopped and the gate opened, the people in each car rushed out of the car, just like Grandma Liu entered the Grand View Garden, taking a look here and there, and some people even ran into the building. The lobby on the first floor of the office building.

"Tsk tsk, what an eye-opener."

"It's hard to imagine, this is the new headquarters of our company, this is where we work."


The scene was very lively. Several managers wanted to remind them to move the things into the office first, but they couldn't help being dumbfounded when they saw everyone like this.

The bus left to bring the next batch of people over. After two to three 10 minutes, everyone began to happily move things and move their office supplies into their offices.

After a while, a few buses came over again, and the scene just now was staged again. Everyone got off the bus in Yiwofeng, and then their eyes lit up, marveling at how good the environment of the company's new headquarters is.

In one day, Huaqiang Company basically moved into the new headquarters.

In the evening, Lu Huaqiang and others also held a celebration banquet. There were dozens of tables, and all the company team leaders and above participated. It was very lively and festive.

After moving into the new headquarters, Huaqiang Company quickly entered the normal track and started chip design and development, testing, verification and other work.

The hardware conditions are better, the working conditions are better, and the progress is faster and smoother.

Time flows like water.

September passed quickly, and we entered October.

Even though he was very busy and had heavy design tasks, Yang Fan still gave his design team three days off. According to strict regulations, it is strictly forbidden to come to the company to work overtime from the 1st to the 3rd, at least after the 4th.

Everyone has worked so hard for so long, Yang Fan sees it in his heart, let everyone have a good rest for three days during this long vacation, and I do the same, take a little rest for a few days, use these few days to think carefully, what else is there in the design of 054A Needs improvement and refinement.

When people were immersed in the joy of the National Day, Lu Huaqiang and Li Xianghong took a few subordinates and boarded the plane to the United States in a low-key manner.

Huang Wenlong sits in the company and is responsible for the daily affairs of Huaqiang Technology Company, especially the design and development of chips.

An international flight took off from Donghai International Airport and flew directly to New York, USA, and then Lu Huaqiang and others transferred to a city in the eastern United States, where the headquarters of the famous mobile phone manufacturing giant XX Company is located.

This time, Lu Huaqiang and the others were fully prepared, with the goal of winning.

In two days, XX company will hold a tender for the whole world to seek satisfactory mobile phone chip suppliers and purchase mobile phone chips.

This is the big deal.

Especially for the big event in the mobile phone industry, several mobile phone chip providers in the world rushed to the city where XX company is located.

After checking into the hotel, Lu Huaqiang and Li Xianghong chatted together.

Lu Huaqiang said with emotion: "After two years, we came to the United States again."

Li Xianghong said: "Two years ago, we resigned from the United States and returned to China to start a business. When we were gratified, we finally achieved certain results."

While chatting, the phone in the room rang. Lu Huaqiang picked up the phone, and an old friend's voice came from inside.

"Lu, I've already checked for you. Including you, a total of five companies participated in this bidding. They are..."

The names of the other four companies were mentioned on the phone. After the talk, the other party also reminded: "Lu, your opponents are not simple. Their qualifications in the chip industry are older than yours, and their scale and strength are stronger than yours. This time , you have to prepare well, otherwise, there is little hope of success."

Lu Huaqiang said: "Alec, thank you, I understand."

After Lu Huaqiang hung up the phone, Li Xianghong asked, "Old Lu, do you have any news? We all know who our opponent is."

Know thyself, ever-victorious.

If you don't even know your opponent, and your eyes are dark, then how can you talk about the possibility of success? Lu Huaqiang has worked in the United States for more than ten years, and has a certain network of contacts. He asked a good friend to find out. situation of competitors.

Faced with the questioning, Lu Huaqiang said: "I understand clearly, none of them are easy. Including us, there are five companies in total. Except for us, who are newbies, the others are giants in the chip industry."

Li Xianghong said firmly: "Even if our opponent is an industry giant, we will not be afraid at all. I have confidence in our chips."


Lu Huaqiang also showed determination, and the two talked for a long time about the bidding, and the related work started immediately.

Two days later.

XX company's bidding was held at their company headquarters, Huaqiang company and those chip giants sat together to start an open competition.

Thousands of miles away.

Yang Fan was working overtime. After reading the two design drawings, he felt a little restless, so he stopped reviewing the design drawings and made a cup of coffee. While drinking, he thought, Lu Huaqiang and the others should have some results.

The bidding should have started yesterday, and one day has passed, and after such a long time, Yang Fan felt that the result should be coming soon.

Shall I make a phone call and ask?

In the end, Yang Fan gave up on this idea, guessing that maybe the bidding hadn't ended yet, and the final result hadn't come out yet. Once the result came out, Lu Huaqiang would definitely call as soon as possible.

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, the bidding has failed, and it is not good for Lu Huaqiang to tell Yang Fan the bad news. After returning to China, he will tell Yang Fan about it in person.

There has been no news.

After get off work, when he returned to his home, Yang Fan was still thinking about this matter, and roughly calculated the local time in the United States.

It was already past ten o'clock in the evening in Donghai City, Yang Fan did some calculations, it was morning in the US, maybe the result would come out soon.

At around 10:30 in the evening, Yang Fang's phone call came back.

That's all for today's update, thank you all.

(End of this chapter)

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