Military Heavy

Chapter 491 Double Happiness

Chapter 491 Double Happiness
Hearing the sound of his mobile phone, Yang Fan's first reaction was that Lu Huaqiang called from the United States, and there should be a result now!

Yang Fan was pleasantly surprised, and immediately took out his mobile phone.But the surprise on his face quickly subsided, the call was not from Lu Huaqiang, but his sister's phone number was displayed on the phone.

Yang Fan was puzzled, and thought to himself: "It's so late, why is my sister calling at this hour?"

Just a little bit taken aback, Yang Fan quickly guessed that his sister might also be waiting for news from Lu Huaqiang and the others, worrying about whether the chip of Huaqiang Technology Company could win the bid.

The guess is not wrong at all, Yang Fang has indeed been waiting for news, like Yang Fan, she picked up the phone several times to call, but she put it down every time.

Seeing that the time was past 10:30 in the evening, he called Yang Fan.

As soon as the phone was connected, Yang Fang's anxious voice came from inside, "Brother, did Lu Huaqiang and the others get any news?"

Yang Fan sighed slightly in his heart, and could only truthfully say: "There is no news yet, as soon as there is news, I will tell you right away."

Obviously, Yang Fang was very disappointed.

Yang Fan comforted: "Sister, don't worry too much. You have to have confidence in them and wait patiently. Maybe there will be no results tonight. Get a good sleep. I have a hunch that news will come tomorrow. .”

"Okay, that's the only way to go." Yang Fang hung up the phone a little disappointed.

Yang Fan also put away his mobile phone, raised his hand to check the time, and decided to sleep first.


America thousands of miles away.

It's the morning time, and the bidding has been completed, but XX company has not announced the final result. Lu Huaqiang, like other chip suppliers, is also waiting for the news.

At this moment, his mood is not calm, and before the final result comes out, the stone hanging in his heart cannot be let go.

To be honest, although his chip is good, Lu Huaqiang is not 100% sure.

In addition to the performance of the chip, there may be other factors involved.In this case, you can only wait for the message.

No one knows that XX company is also having a meeting to discuss at the moment, and there is a lot of controversy within them.

Some people advocate the use of mature chips, but more people are optimistic about this chip from Huaqiang Technology.

In their opinion, this chip is really excellent. In addition to its unique design, its functions are also very powerful.

In addition, this chip contains a lot of patents, which is the most of all chips. These patents are now firmly in the hands of Huaqiang Technology.

There are some design patents, even groundbreaking, and if other chip suppliers want to use such designs, they must pay Huaqiang Technology for patent fees.

This meeting went on for a long time, and it was not until close to noon that the dust settled.

Including Lu Huaqiang and the others, the five companies participating in the bidding have been notified that they will hold a meeting in Conference Room [-] of XX Company at [-]:[-] p.m. and announce the winning bid.

Lu Huaqiang's heart lightened slightly, and he breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that the answer would be revealed in a few hours.

Who will it go to?

Li Xianghong couldn't help asking: "Old Lu, how likely do you think we are to win the bid this time?"

Lu Huaqiang seemed to be in a very good mood, and replied with a smile: "This is the nth time you have asked me the same question. If you wait patiently for a few more hours, you will know the result."

Perhaps due to the influence of Lu Huaqiang's mentality, a relatively relaxed smile appeared on Li Xianghong's face.

You will know the result in a few hours, so why worry and worry so much.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, everyone sat in meeting room No. [-].

An executive of XX company officially announced the final result in front of everyone.

"Gentlemen and ladies, after our repeated measurement and comparison, Huaqiang Technology's A001 chip wins out. It is superior to other chips in terms of design features and performance..."

The result was officially announced, and immediately, several families were happy and others were sad.

The representatives of those companies that failed to win the bid all sighed with disappointment on their faces.

Lu Huaqiang and Li Xianghong were different. In an instant, their faces were full of excitement, and the faces of those subordinates were even more flushed with excitement.

So happy!

The dream came true, and the first chip developed successfully entered the world stage, and Huaqiang Technology Co., Ltd. became the chip supplier of the world-class mobile phone manufacturing giant.

After the results were announced, the executive from XX company took the lead in applauding and congratulated Lu Huaqiang and the others.

There was warm applause in the conference room, and the representatives of those companies that failed to win the bid looked at Lu Huaqiang and the others enviously.

Some people even thought that Huaqiang Technology, a newcomer in the mobile phone chip industry, might slowly rise to the world stage from now on.

After the meeting ended, Lu Huaqiang's subordinates finally couldn't help cheering, shouting and shouting happily.

Seeing this scene, Lu Huaqiang did not stop him, but smiled happily.

After walking out of the conference room, he raised his hand to look at the time, and made a little calculation. It is now around four o'clock in the afternoon local time, and it should not be dawn in Donghai City.

Seeing Lu Huaqiang checking the time, Li Xianghong asked, "Old Lu, are you going to call the boss and report the good news to him?"

Lu Huaqiang nodded and said, "Yes, I really want to tell the boss the good news as soon as possible, but it's not yet dawn in Donghai City, so I'll call again in about two hours."

Li Xiahong fully agrees: "At this time, the boss is probably sleeping soundly, so we won't bother him. It is most appropriate to call and report in two or three hours."

The two discussed it like this.

Lu Huaqiang waved his hand and said, "Let's go back to the hotel first. We will have a good celebration tonight. Everyone is happy."


Donghai City.

At about seven o'clock in the morning, Yang Fan got up on time. After washing, he was having breakfast with Jiang Yan.

The breakfast is very rich, milk, eggs, bread, ham, there are several in total.

Jiang Yan asked with concern: "Brother Fan, are you still thinking about Lu Huaqiang's bidding?"

Yang Fan said: "Yes, so far there is no news, I am very worried about them."

While talking like this, Yang Fan, the cell phone in his pocket rang.

Who is calling so early?

Yang Fan picked up his mobile phone and looked at it. When he saw Lu Huaqiang's phone number, his heartbeat accelerated invisibly, uncontrollably, and he was a little nervous.

Yang Fan didn't need to answer the call, he could think that there should be a result, but he didn't know how the result would be, whether it was good or bad.

Taking a deep breath and trying to calm down, Yang Fan connected the call.

Soon Lu Huaqiang's very excited voice came from inside, and he reported loudly: "Boss, I would like to report good news to you. We have successfully bid and officially become the mobile phone chip supplier of XX company. The first batch of chip orders will not be less. At 500 million pieces."

This is great news!

The stone hanging in Yang Fan's heart completely fell to the ground, replaced by incomparable joy and even a little excitement.

Even Jiang Yan next to her felt it, she stopped eating breakfast and looked at Yang Fan happily.

After answering the call, Yang Fan said with a happy face: "My wife, Lu Huaqiang and the others have succeeded, and they have officially become the mobile phone chip supplier of XX company. The first order of chips will not be less than 500 million pieces."

Jiang Yan was also happy, she was happy for Yang Fan, and she was deeply proud of having such an outstanding husband.

"My husband, congratulations."

Yang Fan couldn't help hugging his wife and kissed him hard, because he was so happy.

Even though they were old couples, it could be seen that Jiang Zuo was a little shy. After being kissed, he looked around quickly, worried about being seen by others.

Yang Fan smiled and said: "It's just the two of us, Haohao is at his grandmother's house, and he is probably going to go to school at this time."

Jiang Yan gave Yang Fan a coquettish look.

Yang Fan laughed happily again, then picked up the mobile phone and dialed his sister's number, and told Yang Fang the great news.

Soon, this great news spread throughout the entire senior management of Hongtai Group, and of course spread quickly among Huaqiang Technology Company.

Needless to say, the middle and high-level management team of Huaqiang Technology Co., Ltd., if given a shot in the arm, the whole team is full of energy.

Even the ordinary employees below are elated, especially those technicians involved in the development of this chip.

There was a strong sense of pride and accomplishment in their hearts, and they couldn't help thinking that the chip we participated in the research and development would be used in a mobile phone launched by XX Company.

This is a giant mobile phone manufacturing company!

Except for Yang Fan, no one knows that this future mobile phone will be very popular, and the sales volume will exceed 90 million units, becoming a classic model in the mid-to-late 20s.Even after more than ten or twenty years, many people give a thumbs up to this mobile phone in the mobile phone industry.

It's so classic!

This mobile phone is so classic, so popular, and can leave a deep memory and impression on people. A large part of the reason is that it has an excellent processor chip.

Soon, Lu Huaqiang signed a formal contract with XX Company on behalf of Huaqiang Technology Company, with an initial order of 500 million pieces.

500 million pieces is just the beginning. As long as this chip is supplied in time and performs as well as advertised in practice, there will be a second, third, or even Nth 500 million pieces in the future.

After the order was signed, Lu Huaqiang and the others non-stop, happily returned to Donghai City from the United States with the order.

The next thing they have to do is to find a foundry company immediately and mass-produce this type of chip.

(End of this chapter)

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